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  1. LadyChatts

    S17: Gabon

    Thanks! I knew there had to be a reason they weren't there (Gabon seems way longer ago than it was, so I forgot about that). Anyway, got through a few more episodes: Ep 2: not too much happened here that was interesting. Randy decided to make himself the self appointed leader of Fang, since GC abdicated his role after less than 24 hours. Fang finally won something this episode, though I don't know how hard Kota was really trying in the RC. RC was "Kicking and Screaming", where one tribe member is wrapped around a pole and two members of the opposing tribe try to yank them off and drag them over the finish line first. Ace didn't seem like he was trying too hard, and like he was setting Paloma up (when he was the one who suggested she wrap her itty bitty little body around the pole). Saying she was getting tossed around like a rag doll was an understatement. Sugar found the idol, and it was nice to see it being a challenge back then. Having to dig, swim, search through the jungle, only to keep finding clues, is better than saying "I want an idol" and production handing one over. Paloma was really the right choice to go. As arrogant as Ace was (and being totally unobservant as to where his place was in his tribe), it was better to keep a target like him around vs keeping someone that was weak. In all, wasn't an exciting episode. I loved the water slide IC, but that was the only highlight. Ep 3: Tribe swap! I enjoy when the tribe swaps aren't just a random buff draw. In this case, the tribes ranked their respective members, then stood on a bunch of pillars in the order they were ranked. The members of each tribe ranked #1 became team captains and chose their new tribes. It was interesting that some members ranked higher were picked last, and Ken (captain for New Fang) picked Kelly, ranked last by her tribe. I can't really remember much about Kelly, but I'm surprised I don't. She sure had quite the attitude over getting blindsided at the previous vote (Paloma and her were allies), and being on the outside of her tribe. It was more a sense of entitlement I thought. She struck me as the kind of player that would probably have just gotten dragged along in the game like a goat anyway. However, it was a strategic move to pick her ahead of people who ranked higher, since Ken figured that meant she was on the bottom of her tribe (literally), and might be a useful ally. New Fang was Ace, Kelly, Jacquie, Crystal, Ken, GC, Matty. New Kota was Corinne, Charlie, Marcus, Bob, Randy, Susie, Dan. Being the last one standing, Sugar got sent to EI and would join whatever tribe lost immunity (and from this episode forward, the shack on EI became known as the Sugar Shack). Kelly wasted no time throwing her old tribe mates under the bus. Like pretty much every tribe swap, one person gets royally screwed, and it was unfortunately Jacquie. I didn't remember much about her, but she was someone I would have rather seen stick around over Kelly or GC. She seemed like a stronger player physically, mentally, strategically, and it was sad seeing her trying not to cry as she pleaded with her new tribe not to vote her off. I'd argue Matty and Ken got screwed by the tribe swap, but for different reasons. New Kota was more annoying than old Kota, with the exception of Marcus. They definitely got the tribe swap lottery. Despite being in a minority, Ace didn't seem overly concerned. I know he had Sugar and her idol, but he seemed like he felt safer than he should have. Since Jacquie was originally part of the Onion alliance, and in a minority on New Fang, I had wondered if her old alliance members on New Kota would potentially throw the challenge to save her, and hope she could get more of an in. IC was water lacrosse-contestants in boats, trying to score points. Who knew Randy would be the hero and score all of New Kota's points. He definitely seemed like he fit in way better than there. Ep 4: Or the episode where GC quit by asking to be voted off. New Fang found Sugar's idol, and debated whether to blindside her with it. That would have been a smarter move, GC's wish to get voted out be damned. It reminded me of Amazon, when Shawna wanted to get voted off, but her tribe kept her around because they needed her vote. Keeping GC over Sugar wasn't going to matter, strength wise, so all he would have had to do was suck it up for 3 more days. Or he could have just outright quit after the vote. But they could have gotten the idol out of play, and since they were going to be on a losing streak regardless, one of them could have potentially found it on EI. I liked Fang's camp site better, because they had such amazing shots of wildlife. Once again, credit to this season and the fantastic scenery it provided. Except the bugs. I can always do without close ups of those. So right before the IC, GC disappears, and there's some remarks that they would have to leave without him. I'm assuming that's not allowed, and if all tribe members won't go to the challenge, it's an automatic forfeit. RC was throwing fruit to your tribe member, while the opposing tribe had members trying to block it. Whoever had the most fruit (weight wise) won. New Fang looked like they had it, but New Kota made the smarter choice in throwing heavier and bigger fruits vs the smaller pieces New Fang threw. It did look like New Fang had more, just weight wise it wasn't enough. I feel like Fang's camp really must have been cursed, because it seemed like they had smart players on their tribe, they just never made good decisions. Challenge wise, picking a new tribe (or even the old tribe)...it seemed like their decisions were always for the worst. Ep 5: Foreshadowing to Ace's blindside! Just like anytime a contestant says they can't wait for TC (and then gets blindsided), anytime someone says they don't want to be blindsided, that's usually what happens. Matty and Ace swore on their loved ones to work together. A standard Survivor fight over rations and food at New Kota, who has a grocery store supply of goodies vs Fang. Dan was the culprit in taking more of his share, which made New Kota come up with ration laws. I had been thinking that Randy hadn't been such a jerk yet, but that came out after the RC (which Fang should have just forfeited and saved their pride-that was embarrassing to watch). It was carrying a snake around in a circle, until the other tribe caught you. The snake was weighted down, and it didn't take long for New Fang to start dropping out, leaving just Matty and Ace in the challenge. Crystal also foreshadowed to the merge and saying New/Old Fang wouldn't get along. The reward was eclairs and pastries, but how long would those keep? In terms of the new ration laws at New Kota, Dan really wanted more of his eclair, and Randy tried to egg him on to eat more, saying it was a reward. IC was pairs running through an obstacle course, where they had to collect flag pole pieces to assemble. The first pair was Kelly/Sugar, but I questioned Fang's stategy (if they had one), in challenge. Again. Why pair the two weakest members that go first in the challenge? Why not pair each of them with a stronger member? That might have made a world of difference. Then Ace tried to take control at the end, after Fang made up so much time that they had lost in the beginning. They probably would have won had it not been for that, and for Sugar/Kelly not being paired and going first. Kelly got the boot, and all I can say is good riddance. Crystal wanted Ace gone, making a valid point that Ace wasn't winning them challenges. But again, Kelly or Ace, it probably wasn't going to matter. Sugar tells Ken she gave Ace the idol, after Ace purposely went out of his way to avoid telling Matty she had given it to him. Those two didn't try to hide their relationship well at all. Kelly tried throwing old tribe members under the bus right up until the last minute at TC. I did enjoy the arguing between her and Crystal, and her and Ace. Ep 6: Double boot! Foreshadowing to Susie flipping on New Kota (with a nice touch from Probst at TC asking Corinne if they were making the right choice with the vote that night). Of course, there was an II challenge, which Marcus won. Rather than have someone from New Fang also outright win II, Marcus got to appoint immunity to someone on New Fang. He picked Sugar, in the hopes that would mean Crystal, Ace, or Matty would be the target.I would have rather them not had immunity, because it's not like it mattered in the end. The two intended targets went. It was the log rolling challenge were you had to knock your opponent off first. Ace, Sugar, and Marcus were in the final group, and of course the two people that needed it most didn't win. That challenge seemed made for Sugar, and it was impressive how well she did. Dan's boot wasn't surprising. Ace, it was shocking but it wasn't. He was a big enough character that he could have gone far, but equally, a big enough character that it led to his blindside. Crystal accidentally spilled some of her tribe's rice, but wouldn't it still have been edible had they boiled it? It was on the ground, and god knows what kind of bacteria is there. But boiled in water, it should have been fine. I guess the continual losses just made them more sensitive. Dan felt like the odd man out (rightfully) and told Corinne/Marcus that he wanted to belong. It just further ostracized him. He told his new tribe mates he kept to himself on Old Fang because he didn't like those people, but I thought he did better with his old tribe. Ken did a great job convincing Sugar to turn on Ace. Had she stuck with him, Crystal would have been voted out. We would have missed some pretty amazing gems from her had she gone. The RC was keepaway, where tribes had to protect their "ball" from getting smashed by a member of the opposing tribe. Like most point based challenges. it was only played to 3. I wish they'd have to play to more points in these cases. I don't condone violence, but damn I wish someone had thrown a ball and broke it on Randy's face. Sugar sent back to the Sugar Shack again, with Matty saying she was worthless because she was a pin up model. But she kind of proved herself in the IC, even if it wasn't for the tribe that time. I think New Fang dug their own grave by voting Jacquie out when they did. Whose to say it would have helped, but she was stronger than Sugar, Kelly, and GC. So the reward was a picnic with letters from home (20 days in and the tears are flowing over that), but Randy's expression of not giving a damn is probably how I would feel. I guess I'd have to be in that situation, but I couldn't imagine being that homesick that many days away. Except for my cat, but as for my other family members, we don't talk or see each other on a regular basis. Bob looked so skinny for a guy that had been on the tribe continually winning rewards. The more exciting part of the episode was Fang's TC. Again, some great arguing and facial expressions. And a time in Survivor history when the word "blindside" wasn't overused. I will say I liked Ace, and he's someone I would enjoy seeing play again. So lessons future Survivors should have learned? Don't be a leader, don't be a food hog, don't be bossy, if you're going to stay allied with someone make sure you compare notes before talking with other tribe mates, and don't be an outcast unless you want to get voted off. And lessons from Old and New Fang-think smart in your decisions with tribe picks, who you vote off, and who does what in challenges. That might have made a world of difference for Fang in the early part of the game. In all, it's been enjoyable so far, but I credit that to that location. I enjoy landlocked locations every now and then. I'm going to be really disappointed if we're stuck in Fiji from now until the show's end.
  2. I'm curious what exactly it's going to be-will an immunity necklace be hidden on the island, or will it just be some kind of other advantage (like a legacy advantage with a different name). Also, what are some other Survivor blunders? JT giving his idol to Russell, tanking the Heroes game (well, at least being the major factor-if they had listened to Sandra and voted off Russell, Parvati's double idol play wouldn't have mattered). Tyson changing his vote to Parvati, and getting himself voted out. Then there was this past season with two JT blunders-telling his old tribe who they were voting for, and inadvertently securing his ally Malcolm's vote. Then not bringing his idol to TC because he felt safe, and getting voted off (of course that applies to way more than just him). Jason gives his idol to Scot, and Scot gets voted off with it. Stephen blowing his vote steal by splitting it between two people because of his ego. So basically, are we just looking at an island overloaded with idols and immunity advantages? Yeah, sounds about right for this show. Why am I thinking Ghost Island is going to be a twist that lasts the first part of the game, then becomes a non factor once the merge happens. I'm also surprised the entire cast except for one has been revealed.
  3. When I re-watched this season, I forgot just how intelligent Cao Boi was at the strategy part of the game. All I remembered of him was being out there with some of his beliefs and personality, but I wish he had gotten a better edit than just a kook. He's someone I would have enjoyed seeing play the game again. I'll always laugh at Brad being both terrified and in awe that Cao Boi managed to get rid of his headache with one of his remedies.
  4. I think I'm more curious who they weren't sure on for Cook Islands that they might need to replace them. I forget about her until I see her name brought up as a joke whenever there's talk of a returning player season/twist.
  5. Here's another update on Ghost Island: http://insidesurvivor.com/survivor-season-36-title-revealed-28030 Because the 100 idols they give in this game aren't enough, and now the final 4 being decided by whoever holds immunity/tie breaker, why not give them more advantages? I'm hoping there's more to it than a castaway being able to just find these advantages, like an idol on EI, and it's something else game related. But knowing this show, if they don't directly get an immunity necklace or two idols, then it'll probably be some other safety net. We may finally have a TC where everyone is safe!
  6. Corinne seemed way more mellow this season than her first. But since I'm re-watching both at the same time, it brings me back to why I couldn't stand her the first time. And I haven't really even gotten to the ugliness of Gabon yet. But I did already get through the gem of "I like making people cry." So I can't look at Corinne any differently than her mean, ugly self in Gabon. The rest of the tribe had the right idea. Just stand there silently and let Brandon rant. Letting Corinne and especially Phillip talk and ask them what they thought about Brandon's points was the worst thing they could have done. But hey, they gotta make TV, and it's not like Brandon was going to be any real threat to Phillip at that point. I do remember Corinne saying at point that she thought her and Brandon were close, so maybe that's where he defensiveness came in. The fans reaction still cracks me up. It's not like it did them any good in the long run, but at least they had something to smile about.
  7. I'm sticking with Brad Culpepper lost, and Probst thinks that Tai would have won in a fire tie breaker over Sarah, sending him to the final 3 with Brad/Troy, giving Brad a victory. However, given Brad's behavior, and the jury's attitude towards Tai, I think there's a chance Brad still would have lost. If they think this is going to eliminate goats getting to the final 3 and keeping strong, strategic players in, it's likely going to backfire. That'll just take players like that out earlier, and people more likely to be goats. I do wonder if this is a CBS idea or a Probst one. In re-watching some of the earlier seasons I feel like CBS has given up on this show. They're probably waiting until the 40th season anniversary in 3 years, and then will probably either axe it, or stream it online only.
  8. I'm wondering if Ryan really is a bell hop and lives somewhere else, or was a bell hop at one point and isn't anymore. I heard Michele Fitzgerald say on her RHAP that the career they listed for her (bartender?) wasn't what she was doing at that point. And it wouldn't be the first time they've listed a contestant's home city as being different from where they really live at that point. I'll be glad when there's a tribe swap and they can put this stupid theme to rest. I'm happy to have two seasons of newbies, and hope we don't get another returning player season for awhile. But I'm not sure what to make of this cast. From pictures, it looks like a lot of male types that Probst will love and try to be the leader/calling the shots, and some of the women look like they might just fall into a male led alliance and get dragged along. I still don't believe the final 4 twist is going to change bringing goats to the end. So I'm iffy on the cast, but we'll see when the videos and interviews get released. I do have high hopes for Patrick, Desi, Ashley, and Simone. I'm on the fence with John Paul, Cole, Devon, and Alan. I love the athletes on Dancing with the Stars, but haven't cared for them on other reality shows. So we'll see. It's interesting to have both casts spoiled so close together, almost completely (still waiting on one for S36). It starts Sept. 27th, a week later than normal.
  9. LadyChatts

    Fix The Show

    I've been re-watching Gabon, and am past the point where Sugar found the idol. I'm not necessarily a fan of EI itself, though it did provide it's moments when it was in use (I'll always remember Candice breaking down when she repeatedly got sent to EI, or Adam coming some close to those nice cushy rewards, and instead finding himself in the pouring rain on the island). But what I do miss is EI made it more of a challenge to actually find the idol. Sugar had to go through several clues to find it. Not just reach in a tree trunk, and there it was. If they want to make this show so idol heavy, at least make it a challenge finding it. I also liked the concept in Gabon where they could pick a clue or comfort. Of course everyone was going to pick the clue first, but I liked that there was another option. And since Sugar found it on her first visit there, she could live it up in the Sugar shack. Although nowadays, another option opposed to picking an idol clue would probably be a second legacy advantage, or guaranteed safety until the final 4.
  10. Ok thanks! I thought that had been the case another time, but I couldn't remember when.
  11. Oh, one quick question. During the RC that Danielle/Colby/Amanda went on, where Danielle found the idol clue and Amanda tried to take it from her-would Amanda have been allowed to keep it? I know if an idol is found by a person, no one can steal it, but is the same rule applied for the clue? I actually loved that reward, because while those two are wrestling with the clue, Colby's just laying on the bed and probably wondering why it was he got stuck with those two. He knew his days were numbered, and he laid there like he knew it and he was just going to enjoy the moment. And it was hysterical that Probst makes this big deal about them having a big comfy bed to sleep in, and they had to share that on dinky bed.
  12. For some reason I thought Brandon's meltdown was later in the season, but maybe because it happened out of nowhere, and so quick, that I forgot it was this early. First, to touch on the boring Sherma medevac/Laura boot episode-I realize Reynold and Eddie were on the way outs with the 5 alliance, but on what planet do you keep Laura? I mean, Jeff was Jeff when he said that Reynold and Eddie were the driving forces in that IC, and Reynold nearly made a huge comeback. But for once I agree. If you get rid of one, then the other, then what? A tribe swap where you could be outnumbered, or someone in your 5 decides to flip anyways? Anyway, I was not sorry to see Laura go. They may not have been winning with Reynold and Eddie, but it wasn't like Laura was going to help them get a win, either. And while I always feel sorry for anyone medevaced off the show, I was not sorry to see Shemar go. Again, was he worth the aggravation of being kept around? I don't blame Reynold and Eddie for not believing him about his eye injury at first (which did look very nasty). But Shemar doesn't want to get out of the shelter, then demands people bring rice to him? Anyway, that was that episode. I loved that Reynold re-found the idol after playing it. Onto the Brandon meltdown-yikes. I again blame TPTB for dropping the ball. There was no need to take it to the challenge. Jeff should have shown up on the beach and talked to Brandon then and there, after he went crazy dumping food and threatening to burn the shelter down. He had to know what was going on, but I guess for the sake of TV, they wanted to see just how far Brandon could be pushed. I think if he could have, or got pushed a little too far, Brandon might have very well gotten physical. I can see where Phillip is the type of person that can provoke others, and he likely knew how to push Brandon's buttons. Brandon really seems like a nice young man, and it pains me that they seemed to take advantage of him just because his last name was Hantz. I remember watching this episode when it first aired, and seeing how close it was getting to the end with no IC played yet. I thought Brandon was just going to quit at camp, and the fans would get a notice at their camp. Brandon thought he was selfish for leaving his kids, but I say TPTB were selfish for bringing him back in the first place. Oh, and it also wouldn't be an episode without Jeff saying to the oldest woman left in the game "Sherri is worthless in this challenge." I thought it was cute for the fans to ask Probst to do the "fans win immunity", but probably not the right time, since he was trying to contain Brandon.
  13. I'll admit that Sierra did play a better game the second time, even if her alliance was in control for most of the game. And she got her butt saved by Tai, with an assist from JT. Since I don't like Brad, I did enjoy the jury saying Sierra was running their alliance, not him. But to go from Natalie Anderson to Sierra, with all the other women passed over that were on the list...yeah, I don't get it.
  14. Three episodes in and no, this season isn't any better on re-watch so far (if there was any doubt). Though I preferred the pre-merge half to the merge half, when usually it's the exact opposite. This season is a great idea why you don't do a hugely popular theme again, especially with a much more inferior set of favorites. Even the fans weren't as happy dysfunctional of a bunch as the first group. I'm glad that Cochran is likely never to play this game again, and hopefully if they want a Survivor showing up on some EI paradise in future seasons to talk to a castaway, they pick someone else. I felt for Franchesca being the first boot again. Hey, she'll be remembered, but I hated Phillip getting his own way. Couldn't stand Laura and the know-it-all tone in her voice and attitude. She doesn't seem to think she would eventually be seen a strategic threat, for observing the idol in Reynold's pocket, then outing him? And she seemed to be in the thick of making decisions. She would have been smarter to keep that tidbit about the idol to herself. Shamar-was he really worth keeping around just to try and pick off the foursome? Or was it strategy to keep someone unlikable around as a shield once the foursome got voted off? Well, I know what's coming for them next. Poor Hope, barely any screen time even in her boot episode. Totally forgot there was a Julia on this season. Showmances were stupid to get involved in day 1, but that group of Reynold/Eddie/Hope/Allie were going to be an alliance regardless. All the signs of a Brandon melt down were there. TPTB really dropped the ball on that one.
  15. LadyChatts

    S17: Gabon

    Still going through Survivor withdrawals, so I decided to continue my re-watch and just randomly picked two seasons to watch, no matter what they were. Unfortunately, my CBS app has a sense of humor and decided to pick Gabon and Caramoan as the two seasons to re-watch. I don't drink, but I may start once I'm done. I'm holding out hope maybe neither will be as terrible on re-watch (yeah, I know). Was Michelle originally a Big Brother applicant? Seems like the right type for that show, right down to the attitude. I questioned if she was trying to get herself voted off first. I don't think I've seen a tribe argue so much at the first TC as Fang did. I was glad Gillian was the second to go. She was Wanda Shirk level annoying. I can't stand Randy, but I loved the looks he was giving her during the first IC when she was cheering her team on digging out the puzzle pieces (when the other team had their puzzle almost done). And Michelle didn't get any final words? I only wish Charlie could have wound up on Fang. Lord I forgot how annoying he was. No, he probably wouldn't have been in any danger of leaving, but I would have liked him to be miserable. I also got annoyed at Kota saying how awesome they were. I don't remember anything about Jackie, and she was part of the Onion alliance. One of my favorite moments was during the first TC, when Jeff appointed GC as the leader: Jeff: GC, you're the leader. GC: I didn't say that Jeff! Jeff: All in favor of GC being the leader? Poor GC looked like his puppy was being thrown to a lion when they voted him as leader. But like all leaders, it didn't take him long to annoy his tribe. I loved the location. I wish they could squeeze Africa in every so often. The opening shots were amazing. A lot of international seasons don't seem to have trouble moving around. Not sure if it's a CBS decision, but I'm tired of the same, boring scenery of the Pacific islands. I also liked the music they used to play throughout the show back then. Seems like they cut back on that nowadays, too. ETA: I remembered being surprised Kota chose Dan to go to EI. Why send a strong guy that could possibly find the idol?
  16. Aww, I wish they would have shown more moments like that (I wish they'd go back to doing that in general). It's funny, because I watched Outback and HvsV back to back, and it was weird seeing Colby and Jerri in their first season, and looking/acting totally different in another. It was like watching their offspring during Outback. And then seeing how different their relationship was, when I had just watched them dissing each other one week earlier lol
  17. I don't know if Rupert would have voted Jerri. He seemed disgusted with Parvati's association with Russell, but he did seem to respect her game at the same time. Jerri would equally be guilty of working with Russell, but I guess it would depend if they respected better game play or someone who wasn't as guilty by association. If Sandra was in the jury and wanted Parvati, I think she might have persuaded Rupert. In a way, as a Jerri fan, I kind of wish she could have won that one. Especially being so damn close to at least making the final 3! During her first season, I considered her a different kind of villain than Richard Hatch the season before, more a true villain of Survivor. She didn't seem to expect or take the criticism well, and especially after getting booed off the stage at AS, I was surprised she came back again. She definitely seemed to enjoy herself a lot more. I think she knew it was likely her last time playing, so why not take advantage and just sit back and relax? I loved the hug she gave Colby when he was voted off.
  18. When watching the HvsV reunion last night, Russell was saying the game was flawed because America doesn't get to vote on the winner. Probst argued with him and said that's not how Survivor is or every has been, that it's a social experiment and how people work with and adapt to each other. But isn't that basically what production is doing now? First the new jury format (which I believe is more a result of MvsGX than KR), and now this. I don't know if their motive is to eliminate weak players getting taken to the end that are there as goats, or what. But it's not going to work. If anything, it's going to screw someone's game if they feel obligated to take someone to the final 3 because of a deal they might have made, rather than force a tie and hope they don't win the tie breaker. And it's not going to stop people taking weak players to the end, because there's been plenty of players since Survivor's start that were more than happy to just follow an alliance and be satisfied finishing 2nd or 3rd. Nowadays I think people would rather be a character and try to get invited back again and again. If this has to do with last season-well, obviously Brad would have picked Troyzan to go to the final 3, but are they really upset about him losing again? There's still a chance Sarah would have won a tie breaker. And from the jury speaks videos, it seems like Tai had a good chance of winning, even with the new jury format.
  19. I think I'm more curious in a Parvati/Jerri/Russell final 3 who JT would vote for. I'm guessing Jerri since she had her hands the cleanest in his idol blunder. So yeah, between him and Coach, she'd probably be locked in for 2 votes, and maybe could pull it off. She probably would have gotten Amanda's votes, and Candice's based off her little speech about Parvati being trapped in an abusive relationship with Russell. So those two, along with Coach and possibly JT, would have given her 4. It seemed being tied to Russell was partly Parvati's downfall but the argument could be made that Jerri was also tied to Russell, and didn't make many moves of her own (if any). Of course the Heroes egos were hurt over getting played, and if Sandra was on the jury, who knows if she would have steered them in a certain direction. If Jerri won that last immunity, she wanted Parvati gone. Russell wanted to keep Sandra. But who knows. Russell said so many things during that finale that made no sense. No matter what the set up, he still wasn't winning. Rupert, Sandra, and Courtney might have been the votes that decided the game, as they probably would have voted as a block. So Jerri could get Coach, JT, Amanda, and Candice, and Parvati would definitely have Danielle. So it would come down to Colby, Sandra, Rupert, and Courtney. In a Jerri/Sandra/Russell final 3, I'd also be curious if JT would still vote for Sandra. Sandra seemed destined to get the Heroes vote just because she tried to warn them, align with them, and wanted Russell gone. JT's a tough one to figure out, though.
  20. Just watched the finale. There was sure a lot of "I'm not destined to win this game" this season. For some reason I thought the final 4 ended in a fire tie breaker, but maybe I was confused since there were people on this season that had been part of those. I'm kind of sentimental, since many of my favorite players were on this season, and it's highly unlikely they will return again. Sort of an end of an era, since this also felt more like an old school season. It was nice, too, that this was only the 2nd fully casted returning player season, and the 3rd overall that featured returning players (or 4th, if you count Guatemala). It was nice back then that these seasons didn't become oversaturated like they are now. That last IC was nuts. It was heartbreaking to see Jerri so freaking close (I've been a Jerri fan back to villain days in Outback). If Jerri won, Parvati would go home. Would Jerri have gotten any votes in a Sandra/Russell/Jerri final 3? I'm thinking Sandra might have gotten a clean sweep, unless someone purposely voted for Jerri just so Russell couldn't share in 2nd place. Parvati at least had accomplishments she could cite, whereas Jerri really was just a Russell pawn. They need Sandra back just for soundbites and footage (same with Courtney). I don't know in what universe Russell thought he was going to get all but Courtney's votes on the jury. I guess he missed that serial killer look Rupert had on his face. I've always thought Rupert was a sore loser to begin with that somehow feels entitled to win this game just because he's Rupert. The Heroes had not one to blame but themselves for their downfall. Even with JT's massive idol blunder, they could have stayed together had they just listened to Sandra and stuck together. I'm glad they didn't, as I didn't really like them as a tribe from episode one, and a Rupert/Colby/Candice/Amanda finale would have been nauseating. I loved how Parvati took shots at Russell during the final 4 IC, saying first she saved him, then saying they saved each other despite Russell's protests. Then at the final TC, saying Russell was her pet dragon. I would have given the win to Parvati, as I think she did play a better game overall and had more of an uphill battle. Sandra did get lucky just by not being associated with Russell. I'm happy she won, because I like her, but I would have liked to have seen Parvati win. Overall, I appreciate Russell's strategic play, but he does not know how to play a social game, and he doesn't necessarily now how to handle some of his own moves. With the new jury format, I think I'm going to miss bitter betty speeches.
  21. The old school idols were played after the votes were read. After Cook Islands, the ruled changed where it had to be played before they are read, which can make it a bigger risk of when to play it and who to give it to (not sure if you've watched Survivor Fiji yet, but there's a great example of that in there). I honestly like it that way, because I think it does add more strategy, and people don't purposely target someone out of fear that they will obviously play their idol when they see they or their ally are getting voted off. As to how it would play out nowadays-my guess is in the era of "big moves", they would totally take the risk and flush it. I don't think there'd be any fear of keeping someone around because they'd play the idol for themselves or someone else. It'd probably be worth the risk losing an ally but getting an idol out of play.
  22. I've mentioned before, but I love this season (especially the location). I don't know if it's a cost value for CBS or they'd rather just make it easy and strand everyone on an island, rather than somewhere rough. But I'm envious of some of the international versions that continue to spread out and film at various locales. I liked when the country was incorporated into the season (like this one). I'll be curious what you think when it's all over! I'm disappointed we have never had a returning player from this season (I don't count Stephenie since she's originally Palau).
  23. I agree on Brandon. I know some people didn't like him over the Mikayla situation (I don't even remember her), but I know it was something about her making him uncomfortable and he wanted her gone as a result. But I need to go back and watch, because I have no recollection. But I felt sorry for the guy when he had his meltdown. I can't even say I hated him for it. He's got issues, and if I hate or blame anyone, it's the show for exploiting him because his last name was Hantz. After seeing Shirin on SC, and listening to her afterwards, I don't 100% side with Will, but I think she totally milked the victim complex when she saw how everyone rallied to her side, and totally trashed Dan, Will, and Rodney that season. She's another one that I believe has issues and. while not all Survivor seasons are like the WA environment, I don't know if mentally going on a show like that was right for her at any point. Actually, I don't even consider WA such an ugly season anymore, just a really boring one in hindsight. Had the boot order been somewhat swapped, it might have made for a more interesting season. With or without the ugliness, I think a lot of the contestants who faded into the background that season still would have. Rich getting naked was stupid on many levels. I think he intentionally did rub against Sue, although I don't believe he might anything about it other than to be an outrageous jerk. They had history, and part of his Survivor infamy was walking around the island naked. I think he was just playing that up, and likely didn't anticipate Sue reacting the way she did. Not saying he was right in any sense, just that I don't think there was any real ill will in doing it. Sue seemed kind of checked out before that incident even happened.
  24. I think I like them better than the S35 cast already. Although really young.
  25. Paschal's case was worse, only because they hadn't thought a rock draw all the way through, and realized it wasn't going to work at the final 4. But by then it was too late. He ended up collapsing after he got voted off, so it was kind of a blessing in disguise. He couldn't even make it to the next TC, so he might have ended up being medevaced anyway had he lasted until the final 3.
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