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Everything posted by lilmarysunshine

  1. And she would not participate in phone sex if she is nun material, it seems. I think that is a lie to make her storyline more dramatic.
  2. I used to really like Kenny and Armando but I think the 90D notoriety and money have gone to their heads and they are just participating in the grift now with fake storylines. I am tired of seeing them. To me they have squandered all their charm. I have no words for Brandan and Mary. I guess they really don’t have authority figures in their lives to put a stop to that 24/7 FaceTime. My 18 and 21 year old kids are adults and live with me and there is NO WAY I would allow that in my house. If you insist on having that weird toxicity in your life that prevents normal, face-to-face human interactions, do it on your own dime.
  3. Far be it for me to take up for Summer but … Kyle really is a shit person. He is still married and acts like a damn alley cat. This thing between Audra and Kyle is not “sexy.” It is just cheap and she can do better. Just really, really bad writing. These characters have no nuance. Yeah … we get it. He is mad at Summer. But you would think they would write him with a little bit of guilt because I think most people who cheat, even assholes, feel a little guilt. Who is taking care of that weird kid at home while he is out sexing up Audra? I would love for Summer to find out how normal people do - check the credit card statement and put two-and-two together. And I would love that nepo baby to be left with nothing.
  4. So I guess she admitted to a 5th kidnon some podcast? I also saw the term “podcast empire.” OMG …. literally anyone can host a podcast. I really want to see this bitch fail.
  5. Amen! I had the same complaint a few months ago. I know I am really showing my age but I think of old soaps like Ryan’s Hope that managed to tell stories beyond corporate intrigue. Where are nurses, teachers, CPAs, financial advisors, construction workers, pastry chefs, hairdressers? They are nowhere around because it takes more skill and nuance to write more realistic stories than to spit out “merger, acquisitions, P&L, Asian subsidiaries, AI, cloud, podcasts” in your scripts. I have not watched GH in decades but I was one who totally lost interest when every damn storyline was a mob one. YR is similar with the corporate bullshit. Hacks.
  6. So I caught as much of her amazon live with Morgan as I could stand. For a fairly new friend, she seems very cozy with her but she also is not very good at that live thing so also seemed really awkward. But she said they are the same size and so when Morgan is on the road, she will ask Kyle to buy something for her and then send it to Kyle. Why would someone on the road send crap to a friend? She can ship it wherever she wants?! I think if I was gonna send it to anyone, it would be a manager or someone I employed who could then get it to me. But she also said Morgan stayed at her La Quinta house while playing Coachella and Morgan complained about the season 1 looks Kyle stores there - things she would never wear. It seemed kind of flirtatious - Kyle talking about “teasing” all of the time. I was skeptical of all of this until I watched that. lol
  7. Though not an OG, Heather (Melissa isn’t, either, though) from OC is still longtime married. When you start to stack up who stayed married and who didn’t, pretty obvious a reality show is not the way to go if you want to stay married! Either that or the people drawn to them are attention whores who are materialistic and/or narcissistic and any marriage in those circumstances is more difficult. Probably most likely a combination of the show and those traits. jinx though you said it first lol
  8. He is so much better than Stephen Nichols. Was that the guy who played him last? I know he has his fans from Days (never watched it) but he was just so wooden. This version is way more charismatic.
  9. Nathaly comes across like Kelly Kapoor and I am NOT saying that because she is South Asian. She just seems reeaally immature to me when she need not. Any guy on the first date who says he keeps his spiritual life quiet because it interferes with getting laid is just just a douchebag. Come on! No need to feel conflicted over this guy. Jettison him - not gentlemanly at all. She is so cute - the only thing keeping her romantic life down is her own personal baggage and a guy who picks crappy dates for her. Harold + Michaela = breath of fresh air for this seasoned romance reality show watcher - They just seem so earnest and genuine.
  10. I am not sure she has the social skills for that. lol To me the actress is just really awkward.
  11. Hmmmm…. I think I would be down for Sally to exit stage left. I think a genuine relationship between Nick and Adam is more interesting than this next level pissing contest between the two of them. I know it is a soap and the pickins are slim but stop sharing women and team up against the rest of them in a real way. Sally 100% gets in the way of that. I thought that, too, about the plastic surgery! Whoa. I had no idea who she was.
  12. I think she comes across as a brunette Barbie trying to act all mogul-y.
  13. Nope. No rising from the ashes, as far as I am concerned. Let someone else emerge for Nate’s comeuppance. I think a great story would be the financial ruin of any Newman so let it be Victoria but all of them would be effin awesome. Not this BS with Nick that had him “quit” with his settlement billions so it meant he could start that housing project or whatever and still live a life of luxury. I would LOVE to see any of them work a 9 to 5 and struggle to make a car note or buy food. What would Victoria do for a living if she could not be a “mogul?”
  14. If you are history/engineering nerds and smitten it is! lol
  15. Maybe it is because I am from the South but I don’t think Chad is inarticulate at all. He just has a slow, southern drawl. I find Harold and Michaela probably the most endearing couple on ANY of these shows. I would rather watch these genuine people find love (hopefully!) than the “influencers,” reality wannabes (Miona, Yara, Julia, Rayzan) any day. I am sure now TLC will eff it up!
  16. Nick would NEVER get a vasectomy even though he should based on how little time he spends with Christian. This writing just underscores how little respect that awful family has for Adam. I like Adam and guess I chalk up the Ashley gaslighting to just awful writing. Like they wrote Adam terribly into a corner with that and the Rafe storyline. Neither one of those things seem to be consistent with how he has largely been portrayed. OTOH, since his birth, he has been shit on by ALL the Newmans. So if you are going to make me pick sides, I am gonna go with Adam, including this latest storyline where everyone was so wrapped up in Nick’s ex and spawn that nobody had time for Adam’s child, who was in peril. Hell, Nikki is probably happy and if she is not, then MTS and the writers need to rethink how they portray her. She is just a bitch.
  17. IRRC the scene ended with Sally waking up and crying about her baby being gone and Adam look tortured. Now maybe they will spring it on us that the baby lived but they definitely wanted to make us think she died.
  18. Yep. This writing is so horrible. (Elena has the absolute worst bedside manner, too. Hope she gets sued for malpractice.) They could have had a normal tragic pregnancy outcome with Sally having to deliver too early and the baby does not make it. But that is not good enough. Make the baby’s father, who is no relation to Sally, decide the course of action with her pregnancy so he alone can be blamed for the death of another child? Because they have not gone to the Delia well for a decade + for people to look down and castigate Adam?
  19. One Sally scenario (early in pregnancy) is an abortion and the other is just early delivery because the mother’s life is imminently in danger. Wisconsin law (as they all do, I believe) allows for therapeutic abortions in order to save the life of the mother but you don’t have to do that at 27/28 weeks. MANY (most) babies survive that. As mentioned earlier by the ob-gyn daughter, the goal is to save BOTH of them so why did they not just deliver her baby? I would understand if she was 18 weeks along but she wasn’t. Just a sad plot contrivance. I am pretty sure Noah was born at an earlier gestational age than Sally’s baby.
  20. They would just deliver the baby. A “summer” baby would have made her, at the earliest, about 12-13 weeks out and babies that are at 27-28 weeks are delivered, not aborted.
  21. Sally lost consciousness and Elena told Adam he need to choose RIGHT NOW - “Hope” or Sally. (Sally and Adam had been discussing a “summer baby” so that means she had to be at least 6 mos pregnant. When he left the room earlier, she told him she really liked the name Hope.) Cut to Sally in her bed (no monitoring - not in recovery or anything) and she realized the baby had died. Cameron put a knife to Sharon’s throat and strapped Faith up with explosives and he told Nick he would either blow Faith up or slit Sharon’s throat - his choice. Sharon then grabbed the thigh knife and stabbed him in the chest and he died with his hand about 6 inches away from the detonator. But Faith is still strapped up with the explosives.
  22. OMG in the middle of this episode and this pregnancy storyline is HORRIBLE. I had pre-eclampsia and I had a complete placental abruption with a subsequent pregnancy and no doctor EVER told me we had to pick between me and my baby! If the mother dies, so will the baby if still inside. You just deliver early and try to save both!! Are they too effin cheap to pay some resident $200 to look over the script? And Sharon running through the tunnel in her fancy dress. Wouldn’t you quickly change into something more practical?! eta: And it gets worse - both brothers have to choose between saving their daughter’s life or her mother’s? And Adam is authorized to make medical decisions for Sally based on what? Did they discuss advanced directives and I missed that? My son (my abruption baby) claims that the detonator is a guitar peddle. lol He always walks by and remarks how terrible the show is and says, of Victor, “I feel like I have seen that guy my whole life.” Because he has. lol
  23. Maybe Sally’s pregnancy would be less stressful if she was actually living in a home instead of a hotel room. Why doesn’t Nick or Adam suggest she live somewhere that …. hmmmm …. I don’t know …. HAS A KITCHEN so she can cook healthy meals, prepare snacks?
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