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Everything posted by lilmarysunshine

  1. When I read about that, I thought "Well, she's really working overtime trying to keep Tyler." What a mess. I think neither one of them are any further in their lives than when they had Carly. (Except it seems they are not living at home. But they are not in a good position to be parents, for sure!)
  2. We stayed here in La Jolla a few years ago. It is off a busy road but we did not find it too noisy to sleep, for sure. Close walk to the beach. Convenient to stores, etc. I think we paid about $150/nt. http://www.tripadvisor.com/VacationRentalReview-g32578-d1581816-Spanish_Casita_in_the_Village_of_La_Jolla-La_Jolla_San_Diego_California.html
  3. She could pass for 40 in that picture.
  4. Her wish to supposedly reconnect with a Gorga is the whole reason they are on this show. He is not too principled to cash in the Gorgas.
  5. I think because it is confused with Aleeah. I have never called Ali Goggles but I do think it is done with affection so I do not consider it mean. Especially when she was younger, she was so cute in those goggles and that is what comes to mind when I hear it. I doubt someone would say that to her face the same way I doubt someone would tell Aubree she was a brat but we see both here.
  6. It might be good for her to get less dependent on her dad, I agree. But I don't think she has to move to do that. (And, lets face it, Randy's help is a paypal login or phone call away no matter where she lives.) LA would be super expensive for her compared to South Dakota plus she would be away from her support system (mixed bag, I know). And, finally, I couldn't tell you if she was good at this job or not and has what it takes to make it in the big city. If she was by herself, I'd think she could go for it but not when she has someone else depending on her, at least.
  7. I predict Brandi will make cracks about ED being "old." I have watched some of RHOBH but stopped last season. I might just start back up again. Wasn't there some drama with ED and getting together with Vince Van Patten? Was she married or was he married at the time?
  8. I looked it up. Texting while driving just became a crime in SD July 1st. But it seems like you can still talk.
  9. You would think Randy would be more UNavailable than most people since, I would assume, a huge part of his day has him with his hands in someone's mouth. I call my husband and he's at his desk sitting in front of a computer. She calls Randy, you would think he's got a patient with a drill in his hand? I typically like Chelsea more than the other girls. But you guys are right that she really needs to be weaned off Randy's teat. I might make the same calls (to bitch, mostly, about something I got in the mail, etc) but I call my husband. Chelsea doesn't have a SO but it is more than to bitch. She wants Randy to FIX IT. It's why we don't see her calling Mary all of the time and you would think she'd sometimes do that if her goal was only to have someone listen to her. Randy fixes things for her. They can pretend like she's all grown up and independent now because she bought a house "on her own," but she really is way too dependent on her daddy to fix things in her life.
  10. I was trying to figure out that vent thing, too. I've never seen anything like that!
  11. The point was that the kid wished for no tension - of course she didn't want one party with everyone fighting. lol She hoped that everyone just got along and she didn't feel like she had to divide her loyalties or her time all of the time. I've known of divorced parents who have accomplished this so it certainly can be done! I think Isaac could benefit from his parents sharing in his milestones together and peacefully and happily. That's it.
  12. Aubree seems like a good kid to me, too. I don't think she's bratty at all. She has her moments but most kids do. I actually think, considering the circumstances (very young, asshole babydaddy), Chelsea's done a pretty good job with her.
  13. About Jo and Vee and the party - I was working in a fifth grade classroom once and it was a lesson on writing. The teacher used a former student's work as an example. That student wrote about growing up the child of divorced parents who don't really get along. She said that she would rather have one party with her entire family present and getting along than 2 parties with more presents. She wrote that not celebrating holidays with her whole family was the worst part of divorce for her. I dunno. Broke my heart to read that. Her teacher said she wished she could show it to every set of parents who are divorcing. Anyway....having said all that and thinking that sucking it up and doing it for your kid even when you don't want to is the right thing to do....I think Isaac is perhaps too young to be that upset by Jo and Vee not being there. In fact, that's what he knows and is used to. So I don't think that's the reason he was acting that way. But it seems like the editors are working on showing Jo as the bad guy here. He refused to go with Jo in last week's episode - said he wanted to stay with Kail. He didn't want to talk to him on the phone. And now when Jo doesn't go to his party, the intimation is that Isaac is upset about Jo letting him down. Frankly, I wonder if Isaac is having a reaction to the move. Going to see daddy means a couple of boring, long ass rides in the car, maybe? And Lincoln is getting attention while he's away? He has gone through a lot of changes over the past few months and I'm not sure the adults in his life appreciate that! As for Kail whining about Javi being gone a month.....oh gurl. Why did you marry a guy in the military? That is what they do! What is she going to do when he is deployed for a year?
  14. To me Isaac acted like he was not feeling well at his party. My kids stopped napping around 3 but I know some kids go longer. But I have never known a four year old sleeping through his birthday party. I think that is why I assumed maybe he was sick. Plus that would explain his crankiness. At the start when they showed Nathan and Jenelle, my 9year old was walking through the room and said "How come all of the people on this show go to jail?" Agree that Leah's hair was just awful. Possibly the worst I have ever seen on TV. Chelsea totally got money for that job. You can tell - she and everyone else just protest too much. Seems like that state board is wanting to make an example out of her.
  15. Actually, none of the RHONJ kids seem all that smart to me. Maybe I'm not objective because I know the people from which they all sprung and Juicy Joe/Tre DNA doesn't seem that impressive to me. Gia does seem to be smarter than her parents, however. I'll give her that! I think what is often credited as "intuition" for her is probably a result of her going online and reading whatever she needs to read to know the truth about her family situation. If she starts referring to it as "going away to college," I'll have to take away the qualified props I gave her.
  16. Yep. And we already see how entitled Melissa's kids are.
  17. That is exactly what it looks like. Is Franklin Lakes more prestigious than Montville?
  18. Another fake tree fan and mother to three! I have actually ONLY had fake trees, even as a kid. My husband has had both and prefers the fake one - says he worries about fires and the mess with a real one. I was surprised by what a crappy lot the Gorgas picked for their new, not disgusting and small house. It seemed to be on a very short cul-de-sac right off a very busy road and it does not look like they would have much space, either, and would be right on top of neighbors. Finally, WTF with Joe and Teresa not being able to say the word prison or jail? I cannot wrap my mind around people who have the mindset to end up there because of their crimes but they're too sensitive to say the words? Are these morons seriously going to refer to Joe's time in the pokey as "college" or a "vacation?"
  19. I think there is some truth to Javi acting like that to stick it to Kail and not just because he did not want to watch the baby. In fact, didn't he basically tell her that? That it always has to be her way? Again, I do not think this time she was being unreasonable. I would have been hella pissed at my husband if, at the end of a long day, he suggested I bring my infant son to Walmart (like it is ever easy to go there) with me because it was easier on him than leaving him at home - as if it is impossible to watch them both together. But, in the bigger picture, I guess I can understand why he'd rebel because I do think Kail is extremely controlling. This stuff does not bode well for their marriage. I think their issues are much deeper than typical new parent ones with working out the kinks with a new baby.
  20. Isaac is 4, not really a toddler. Preschoolers go to school. They get in line and wait their turns. You can reason with them to a degree. Much harder with an infant who can cry for an hour and you don't know what's wrong. At least that's how it was with my 3 kids. Kail mentioned Javi doesn't know how to handle Lincoln. That he thinks every time he cries he's hungry (and since she's nursing I guess that means passing him off to her) and thinks all he has to do is sit around holding him as she mentioned he never thinks to get up and walk around with him. Infants aren't typically that easy. Sometimes they are very difficult to deal with and fussy.
  21. Add my voice to the "Javi is an Ass" chorus. I am not a fan of Kail. Far from it. He was being totally unreasonable when he suggested Kail take the baby to Walmart. Are you effin' kidding me, dude? My kids are older but I *clearly* remember, as a stay-at-home-mom stuck at home all day with kids, how liberating a solo trip ANYWHERE was. It is 3 times as hard to drag a baby around as to just go alone. Plus, she has been complaining about being stuck with kids in the house. Again, can't stand Kail but that is a very common complaint amongst stay-at-home parents of very young children! What would it hurt him to bathe Isaac while caring for Lincoln (who is as cute as he can be) so she could just run to the store then? Stick the baby in a bouncy seat in the bathroom. I think he was just being lazy and it was not about bonding with Isaac. He says that because the older kid is way easier to take care of than the baby. Do not blame Kail for ragging on him for that stuff. Not one tiny bit! And I hate to be on Team Kail.
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