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Everything posted by Scribbles

  1. For fun: April 6 = election day on Arrow, who will be Starling's next mayor. Is there a way to do a poll on here that we can predict whether the show will make Oliver or Ruve or "other" mayor?
  2. He was in a toga at an orgy no doubt. I caught that ep in bits and parts while working and like you I don't know what to think of the show. Is there some genre that is like magical soft porn or something?
  3. And then there are the others.... I am a female who is far more likely to select something in the action/adventure category than character/romance for entertainment. I suspect it breaks down more along Meyer's Briggs scales than gender, with maybe age and culture as vectors too (rather than gender lines). It really is never too late for another major ya know, we live in amazing times.
  4. TY for the article post. Although not mentioned in the article, Arrow is appearing a lot in the many comments. My two cents is that what was marginalized previously is a lot less so today. I think the writer pointed out the problem and not a solution, which I can understand would be hard to do. It all reflects on a changing world and the push and pull in adjusting to it. Lots to mull.
  5. It is fair enough for people to be held accountable for what they spew (type/say) on the internet. Karma can be powerful even digitally. Two wrongs don't make a right in moral math, so let the chips for all involved fall where they may and hope sanity prevails in the end.
  6. Ahh ty for the sl clarifier. I am goofy in that I love his gladfly role in the universe. Whatever is brewing ya always have to wonder what mischief Malcolm is meddling in to make Oliver and the team's doings all the more complicated. MM is scariest when you don't know where he is or see what he is up to cause ya know he is always up to something. Arrow is a show based on comics and Malcolm helps it stay true to that.
  7. Gossipy Gus Gadfly Malcolm getting the inside scoop on the use and care of totemic magic is just too good. Magical Merlyn.
  8. He really should write the book as a long letter to his daughter. It allows him to discuss the types of things he says and ties in everyday heroes values and behaviors he wants to achieve and pass along to his child. edit to add: I don't use facebook so if someone wants to pass it along go ahead and put in a plug for our happy little forum
  9. Without Malcolm some of my favorite Arrow moments would be gone. 1. The you are all bad actors line to the team from season 3. 2. To Oliver: you are good look'n but not very bright 3. The absolutely wonderful fight scene between Malcolm and LL/BC before Nyssa swooped in and ended his ballet of the folly 4. His line to LL about her costume 5. His pride in Thea shooting him 6. The words you are looking for are thank and you 7. The image of him roasting over the proverbial coals in Nanda Parbat 8. Him always popping in as Gossip Gus Malcolm brings to the show the type of personal foil to Oliver it needs. Oliver has never been shown to "trust"him since the reveal in Season 1 of him as the Dark Archer/Undertaking chief. If you watch carefully, Oliver always conditions his claims about Malcolm with a note that the guy is not to be trusted. Oliver paints him as the necessary evil to use over and over. Someday when it fits to have Donna and Malcolm in a scene it is gonna be a riot.
  10. I didn't take from that scene that Malcolm was washing his hands of Darhk, just that he was informing Darhk HIVE is doing so. Which btw, Ruve is one heckuva wife eh? Malcolm increasingly is showing he is more interested in learning Darhk's secrets than helping HIVE with Genesis. Thea asked Malcolm to help her with Darhk and the bloodlust and Malcolm always wants to know the secrets (it is what makes him the best gossip on the show).
  11. In trying to anticipate Quentin's responses to LL/BC death it struck me how having Donna in show really worked for more story. He has someone he can express the feels to is one thing. Also, Donna dealing with him and the death of his vigilante daughter opens all sorts of stuff for Donna when she discovers her daughter is a vigilante. Also, the Calculator has been far too quite. If Bree Larson can launch a full on bee assault on 30 min per week computer time, Daddy Keystroke (yeah couldn't resist images of Keystroke v Deathstroke in villains volume 1) surely can top that.
  12. I honestly did not get your point and am glad that you elaborated. Thank you. Agree or not, I want to understand what the perspective is. I would agree that this show presents some very difficult family relationships and challenges assumptions. It is always hard to know just how far blood ties should carry weight when pitted against other needs/concerns beyond family in real life and this show presents some real whoppers. Looking at just the show, there are things I believe I have been shown I don't see your comments reflecting and would like to share those for discussion. Thea: I have seen a lot of criticisms of the early seasons Thea that I see a bit differently. I thought Willa Holland did a great job of presenting a teenager when we first encountered Thea. I am around that age a lot and it is tough. They tend to want honesty from others but privacy for themselves, simultaneously push away from parents and demand parental love/attention, be very self-centered in their thinking and world view, and so many other bits that are challenging. I note this because Willa has done a great job showing a teen growing into a young woman over the four years of the show (ages @18-22). It is a feature of the show I give actors and writers credit for and appreciate. Her relationship with Oliver has changed over those years not just because of their mutual experiences, individual challenges and progressions but also as a function of her growing up and they have shown it on screen. I saw the transition in Oliver and Thea's relationship in season 3 coincide with the growth of both of them as individuals. He respected her life choices more and she matured in making many of them. The Malcolm factor is a whole other can of worms for both of them. How much loyalty children owe their mass murdering parents is fortunately not a personal experience for me, but watching these two fictional kids deal with the sins of their parents (Malcolm, Moira, Robert) is the story they have chosen to show and tell. I found it a sad commentary when it was pointed out that several real world bads gained redemption in the real world during discussions of Moira's candidacy. Arrow can push buttons that remind us they may be tv characters and problems but the real world sure gives them fodder to work with too. Diggle: I have seen the show really lay out the stressors between Diggle and Andy. Andy the bad boy always falling short of big brother's expectations has been told and shown as conflict. I didn't react to Andy's reappearance as you did because it seemed to me in character for John to be utterly confounded by his brother being with HIVE. John Diggle is judgmental and it impacts his relations with Andy and Lyla. It was also in character as shown for Oliver to always give family more chances than he would anyone else and thus prompt John to do so. I could go on but it is getting long so please ask if you are interested about a blood relation I haven't addressed. I can't agree with you more how messed up the whole idea of two sisters continuing to "love" a guy who so clearly has them act against each other in lies and so forth. That was written for impact, it had to be right? Who is the good guy/gal in a mess like that? That is why I really question if the BC/GA was ever intended to be end game. The GA/BC comic book relationship is pretty messed up too with him a cheat, divorce and so forth. I appreciate in show they point out how messed up the Sara, Laurel and Oliver gig is. Two times Slade seemed the same one 1. when he called Oliver out for thinking he could make things right with Laurel and 2. When he noted how messed up Malcolm's fatherly act are. Thank goodness these writers see how nuts this stuff is. I agree with you that superheroes should be able to have happy/healthy families and relationships. This show started day one letting us know not to expect them in it. That is the struggle for Oliver and Felicity, no baggage but for it to work Oliver has to become a healthier happier human. They chose to make Felicity Oliver's chance to redeem himself as a person capable of having a happy/healthy relationship and it isn't coming easy for him to do so. If you think he should be with Laurel/BC it means doing so with all the past between them as shown and told. I like Oliver despite all his flaws and am investing in seeing him shed many of them in this hero origin tale. I am rooting for him to become worthy of the hero title but it is sometimes like watching sausage get made. Again ty for responding, I am interested in mulling all perspectives.
  13. Good thing for Sara....she is beyond comic canon and free to break the ties that bind others.
  14. So if it is something like running off alone on a tip to save her father's job or some such it is ok as long as she is not made a wilting damsel killed by a guy sort of thing? I agree I would prefer none of the sexist stuff thrown in to the mix. It would be in character for her to fight back so she should. I can see that idea of wanting it to be something that will not add fuel to off screen issues. That is why I am hoping it is tied to a heartfelt desire to help Quentin driving her headlong to her peril. I really want the graveside line by Oliver that it is not his fault (or any other team member's) to pan plainly out.
  15. How bout if the "offer" she is gets is something that deals with getting her dad's job back if she comes alone...blah blah...off she goes...whomp! To be honest, the last thing I remember her doing other than constantly asking Oliver to chat with her so she can remind him they once dated is toting her sister's corpse to Nanda Parbat for dip. She did that on the sly, forced it, poof to Lazarus Pit, then brought her back to rage kill folks while not otherwise chained in the basement with the family pics. Remind me the reveal of her as not impetuous and such please.
  16. Help me out. When all of you say heroic death, what do you mean? BC performing a heroic act at the moment of death???? Martyrdom? Moira took a sword to the gut for the family and that was a heroic way to go, but then she wasn't all that heroic day to day. Tommy died to save Laurel from her own stubborn choices, he was a hero but it was hard to mourn him for anger at Laurel (maybe just me) and I hated how she got to be a victim following it all. When I say she should die as she lived, i mean it. She lives recklessly/impetuously, and usually acting despite sound advice from others. I could see her dying after some anonymous tip comes in that she can get X or save X and she rolls out alone and gets clocked charging in unprepared. That would fit her story. Help me here.
  17. Surely they will have post episode interviews and so forth to explain their thinking/story direction.?.? I am really interested in how post death events and impacts unfold in the show. There is so much potential for everyone in show to have story following it. The other thing that I am hanging in there with great curiosity about is how she dies. Public or private death, accident or otherwise, ......so many questions.
  18. The Tilde key makes a great push to talk key. :)
  19. I want to understand your point in this paragraph. Since Season 2 there has been a great deal about Thea's relationship with her brother and her bio-dad, Laurel's relationship with her sister and her father, Diggle's relationship with his wife (beautiful wedding) and on and on. Actually until Donna came on the scene, Felicity was the only character on the show weekly with no family present. The only friend they showed her have was Walter (outside the team). Help me understand you point better please.
  20. The reason I suggested MG respond by supporting a charity is because it is bullying and it is wrong. It is not just childish and stupid, it is wrong. MG is a public persona, he will get shade. The thing is, stuff like this is done far too often to people with no public gravitas and you only have to see it done to someone you know once to know it is not enough to call it childish and stupid. Years off telling the victims of bullies to ignore the bullies have hurt. I am suggesting making lemonade out of lemons, but I do not see the behaviors in question as a joke. I just hope you never face similar happening to someone you care about because it can be ugly.
  21. How much would you donate to a charity to support the victims of bullying to see MG appear on Arrow in drag similar to this and be Donna's sister from Phoenix or something?
  22. Oh to see MG have someone put a black domino mask and black jacket on that photo. Please MG....become the black canary for the fun of right back at ya.
  23. Watched the vid re the rebirth and heard them at least twice say a character will die. They also said that the dying character would wear black and blue, but not be Nightwing. BC was the one character in black and blue from the new artwork promos. Maybe it is time for someone new to pick up the BC mantle. If there is a new Oracle (as they indicate), use this is a chance to make BC a great 2016 and beyond female force.
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