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Everything posted by Scribbles

  1. I noticed he seemed quiet, but he always does to some extent. I felt he was hinting that he and Donna broke things off in the hiatus and he is coming back in a mess of sorts. His story could be a great one, especially if it is him working to uncover the corruption in the SCPD. What stood out to me is that he wasn't asked if he would be joining team Arrow in some bigger way. He has field experience and could help given the loss of Thea and Dig. A story I would love to see is him feeling responsible for Roy and somehow finding a way for Roy to come back to "life" in the public eye.
  2. 1. Something I noticed in the trailer....Curtis looked pretty battered in the face when he stated he never wanted to feel helpless again while in vigilante wannabe bootcamp. This being the year of his origin story, anyone else think he helplessly watched some tragedy to Paul? 2. Why do you think there was no discussion about a new lair? (Maybe they hadn't sent Malcolm their lair warming/change of address notice?) 3. Gonna go out on a limb, but I have a sneaky feeling Moira will play into this season somehow. Maybe not a return in full to the show, but something from or about her.
  3. I really wonder how many people would say it is best for the long term of any or all four of the shows to have Flashpoint. This is twice now that after Barry takes a jog the known realities become relative possibilities. It may create wow for a moment but as people begin to feel what they are watching may not endure or be relied on, they grow weary. How much cred did Lost lose by making it all not real? It is hard to invest yourself in shaky ground.
  4. My 2 cents....1. I deflated upon hearing Felicity and boyfriend. No one wants to see it. Those who are neg on Felicity will not enjoy seeing her dating life and those who want to see Oliver and Felicity as a romantic pairing will not enjoy watching the sausage made. 2. I always looked at things like Flashpoint in the comics as a lazy way to present an alternate story and if the consequences don't go anywhere the experience = hamster wheel to nothing and nowhere. But it is the only way to make alternate canon in the comic world, just sad. 3. I do not believe BC is returning. Why take all the pain of taking the wounds and grief, just to open it all up again. 4. The same interview that EBR spilled the boyfriend beans, the reactions of the rest of the cast and WM spoke volumes about the longer term plan. SA especially via his joke made clear what the show canon about Oliver and Felicity is. 5. Who is gonna figure out the incident in Season one that created the grudge against the Arrow? 6. Another season of Oliver the incompetent is not something to look forward to and I am hoping they don't handle his struggles with being mayor as one more time this skilled and bright guy is painted a fool.
  5. The curious thing about Flashpoint to me is that I am still not sure how they resolved Barry messing with the timeline in the season 4 crossover. A bit weary about this to be honest.
  6. I take the repeated emphasis on Oliver's relationship priority being Star City in the same way I take all the back to basics jargon. It is an invitation to all those who feel the show went astray. Nukes (the end of the world), baby mamas dramas, endless debates of comic canon versus alternatives in romance and so much more all would leave a hunger to step back and remember the focus. A great show has taken a beating from all sorts and sides, and has been in a can't win position for a while. I appreciated SA recognizing at Nerd HQ the impact launching so many other characters and shows has had and the need for Arrow to be Arrow.
  7. Sadly, you may be right. I am concerned that four nights of superhero tv on one network is oversaturating the market, but I could see tptb tempted to juice the apple more and more. When you think about all the comic based shows on all the networks and outlets, this could really become too much.
  8. They show three recruits, I am guessing one of them will either become a victim of the violence or decide to move on to other doings.
  9. Wowzers we watched a different show. What I saw season 1 was Oliver admit while he might have thought he could go it alone, he couldn't and he needed help. It was a theme and one that was repeated over and over and over in dialogue.
  10. I want to take a moment to nod a huge yes to the costume change for season five. The longer sleeves are a plus, but they also toned down the shoulder pads and the lines/details overall are more fluid. Last year's version just looked silly. I was also drawn into the bit of discussion between Oliver and Thea in the preview. He killed Darhk and seems to be willing to admit he may well have to kill again. That tension of finding when killing is the answer could make for a very good season.
  11. Was hoping this might give us a bit more Roy Harper. On another note, KC coming in across shows sounds like something to allow options with the big four day crossover between all shows and cover any incidentals needed as they wrap up remnants of death early in the season. Those who ae eager to see her return should watch to see if she is scheduled during key sweeps periods. The statement that she will not return on Arrow as Laurel is interesting, as it might have been more powerful to stir the pot with just saying she had the multishow deal.
  12. Isn't Prometheus a villain we should be associating with Arsenal??? I am looking forward to seeing the entirety of the Arrow panel discussion, because the bits floating out don't make a great deal of sense out of context.
  13. Evacuations result in clusters of closely confined people, the exact conditions that in the early stages of the disaster create exponentially increasing transmission. Millions become thousands very quickly. The ZA, like any person to person infectious disease, in the earlier stages is a time for people to refrain from large groups. "Strength in numbers" is not so true earlier on when numbers exasperate the issue. Those who evacuated en masse probably didn't fare well, as indicated by images of highways, military bases, hospitals, schools, arenas and so forth indicated in show. In such horrific conditions it is sad but true that ​who survives may matter ultimately more than how many. Who equals particular skill sets, the loss of which may render even the most advanced tech and equipment useless. Front line workers in the situations often have much needed skills but are placed at the greatest risk. Some skill sets are very rare. The show tries to demonstrate this to some extent with the emphasis on medical professionals, Reg being an architect and so forth. Arguably the most dangerous time was the earliest stages of the disaster and odds of survival increased over time with the dispersal of people over larger areas. However, with enough time the tide turns and strength does come in numbers. The show has done a fair job of showing this.
  14. Are you the type of person who treats the quarter of a tank mark as empty and tops off as a habit or who waits till the dial/digits read E? Do you buy enough food for a couple of days meals, mix it up with some staples from a wholesale club in volume but other bits "fresh" or keep on hand a couple of weeks (or more) of foods just in case? Having endured more than my fair share of a variety of natural disasters, I have seen how quickly things go downhill and how reliant far too many people are on services and conveniences, and what happens when disruptions occur. If people have any warning the stores clear out of bread, milk, batteries and so forth days before the event. Close up observing an evacuation will open your eyes to people and panic. I have seen the abandoned lines of cars at gas stations, been far too close to looters and the fires that mayhem brings, and other phenomena that seems to inevitably follow disruptions. As bad as whatever the disaster may be, the real problem always seems to come from how people respond. I have seen people be great, others be awful, and some mean well but lack skill/knowledge and be dangerous. One premise of TWD that I struggle to buy into is the whole idea that once they saw Noah's neighborhood they continued toward DC on the assumption it might be better there. I get the idea of going to take Noah home, but nothing about counting on DC to be safer, more prepared or so forth makes any common sense. They evacuate the "important" sorts to Nebraska or other places because DC is a metro area with all the predictable problems. I am very familiar with the areas between Georgia and DC, and would not migrate north in this scenario. I have been in both a urban and rural environment in a disaster, and without doubt I prefer rural, it isn't even a close call. They were told the military bases had fallen in Georgia and they saw Atlanta. Nope, no way sane folks should figure DC would be better. One other note: given when they film we wont see it but ZA plus snow/ice could make for some sights. Zombies on ice slicks...slogging through snow...
  15. I am thinking Gregory went gossipy. Negan marked Gregory for death, he likely dished all he knew about the ASZ to save his own skin. Maggie got the better of Gregory, and he didn't come off as someone who would like the idea of a woman standing toe to toe with him. If he did spill the pintos (might as well invoke an Abeism eh?) then he probably included information about Maggie being pregnant.
  16. There has to be a mole in ASZ right? We were given a population figure for ASZ when Jesus had the chat at the dining table. He said it is 53, which Maggie corrected to be 54.
  17. I hope they choose to film it by showing flashes of the reactions of each character with the sound as background as opposed to showing the beating.
  18. Hopefully this link works for everyone Hollywood Reporter article about Katie Cassidy and her take on LL/BC death http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/arrow-laurel-dies-katie-cassidy if not maybe someone else can try to post it better
  19. As someone who only very recently binged TWD to catch up to the 14th episode of S6, it all feels fresh. Frankly, the idea of a zombie apocalypse just felt too trendy/pop culture to me when the show began and while I love dystopian/apocalyptic stories, zombies and vampires just are not my thing. Stumbling onto a season six episode on AMC on a night when nothing else was showing I had any desire to watch, I was lured in by the actors and the story. As a prolific reader of many genres and loads of canonical classics, most of what I watch is spoiled. The book is almost always better than (or different from) the movie, and that gives me little sympathy for the comic canon arguments because all adaptions of all genres betray the source. All that said, I hope it allows me to bring something to the table about the finale. Cliffhangers in an age of one button instant gratification are risky. TWD didn't need on to lure viewers back to season 7 and you have to wonder how much money they are willing to spend to keep the secret for so long. Just seeing how this story plays out is like a whole other show of its own. I am asking who Negan kills to make an impression that inspires fear and dread to make him a compelling villain with staying power. He needs to be a coy, strategic villain who can be a menacing because calculation rules him more than delusion or emotion. The governor gave us the damaged man gone meglamaniac, Negan needs to be rational and purposeful in his brutality. I think they already messed that up with him a bit in the finale. If you want to kill someone to inspire fear and break the will of your opponent you don't start with the head bash. Negan has two audiences, his own followers and Rick's group. Maybe one head bash to stun but from there the beating needs to whole body and wear down the will of those it is really intended to impact. Negan doesn't do it to just to get pay back for his lost men, he is making an impression he wants to stick with the survivors for their compliance. These folks have been living in horror and with threat for a long while, if Negan wants to be the biggest threat to them he has got to make the beating count. He also needs to make the group produce to support his mini-empire with goods and service so part of his who decision has to weigh how much influence his choice will have and what he gives up by tossing away the potential. Overlay that with his code (which they have yet to show) and this is his opportunity to show his captive audience the rules of the new order. He wants to bend their will, not break it to the point they are useless producers. So who serves Negan's purposes: A male he doesn't need to manipulate cooperation later. Negan appears to have intel on the group, so he likely knows who will be a valuable addition to his "resources" and would impact the group. Abraham is at risk because he is a defiant soldier. Negan has soldiers, he doesn't need defiance that might inspire his new recruits. Glenn showed his hand to Negan who can now control him or break his will via Maggie. Two bits about Maggie may qualify her for the exception to his woman code 1. she is right next to the group leader in line and thus proximity to power, symbolically his right hand 2. It gives him a chance to express his woman code, I don't normally blah blah. Also, in show her declaration of faith in Rick in the episode felt like a victim tag to pain Rick all the more (get ready for the onslaught of female damsel trope anger if so). Glenn can meet his comic destiny at the hands of (or bat of) Negan at a less predictable moment and be all the more impactful. Glenn seems to be at the beginning of a couple of stories, Enid and whatever other thing Maggie asked the Governor for could involve him. He just committed his first murder and that impact hasn't been shown. Showing it gives a way to bring Heath more into the fold as well. Daryl feels safe to me because he has the most story potential to highlight Dwight. No one in the group has more reason to doubt Dwight's sincerity more than Daryl and thus build story should Dwight go the route of the comic. He also gives Negan a chance to show his "code" in the whole not targeting the weak thing. Also Tara is still in the dark regarding Denise and Daryl is the one best suited to show her finding out with impact. All of that said, the real determinate may be outside the show in terms of contracts and actor availabilities.
  20. We are talking Sam and Dean here....it is all in a day's work.
  21. If Geoff Johns and DC didn't have a binding voice in the fate of BC on the TV show Arrow, they need new lawyers. I say that because I doubt the show killed BC without the comics powers that be signing off and complaints that just put it on the show or the network are missing that bit. Comics BC has several representations. This is one more BC storyline.
  22. I waited to comment on this episdoe because who couldn't anticipate the boiling over of this four season brew online right? I was disappointed I got told Quentin punched Pike in the face and didn't see it. That would be easy peasy to film and fun to see Quentin get a lick in on the guy who keeps shutting him down. Diggle's words to Oliver about self pity were wrong and them catching Thea's reaction was great. I hope someday when someone dis's Oliver for not telling all about Lian Yu he responds "If I told all before now would anyone believe it?" Seriously, if he had come back and spilled the beans people would be certain he was nuts (magic, government conspiracies, Mirakuru .....). Love that there is plenty of blame to toss around for LL being killed, DD's hand did the deed but he had lots of support (Murmur, Malcolm, Andy and more). Sadly Diggle is gonna be weighed down with guilt, but he can blame Oliver for convincing him to give Andy another try right (please hear the snark). Oliver was smart, he sensed trouble in how things were playing out but it wasn't enough. Good play. I have to ask: how does a superheroes death become an issue of helplessness when the only way one is gonna die is if they are overpowered?
  23. When has Laurel ever let Oliver do anything without "talk"? She could still be insecure after waking up to him gone without a goodbye. Anyway, they have some loose end or story bit they feel the need to include so hopefully it will all get resolved in 3-19. The real injustice to Laurel's character dying would be if it leaves the show stuck in the past.
  24. A few random thoughts 1. S-1 radioactive encounter with views from street level and then next we see Oliver woken from sleepover. The kiss previewed and the pic exchange could have happened between the the two in the same day/night. The aftertalk... 2. I am thinking Andy is neither dead or alive in that he gave his life force to DD to upcharge the idol magic (fits with the whole DNA thing that baffled Ray Palmer (a stand in for "science" and the whole ghost tag) 3. The promise could be not to blame himself for everything or take care of dad, either or both combined would be reasonable to ask without knowing you are dying. 4. The "you can't come back from crossing the line" bit in the promo preview is the threat for Diggle and how he responds to try to right a wrong. As the show stands right now, Team Arrow faces a villian with the demonstrated power to kill any of them at any moment and they have nothing to fight back against it yet. The threat is real. Murmur on the streets again, DD, other escapees, and Malcolm all as threats. Malcolm is being portrayed as the one who got just how serious the threat from DD could be all along. Good stuff to finish the season.
  25. In the darkest hours my dog reminds me the planet should be saved (then proceeds to eat my snack if I turn my back on him). edited to say then instead of the and to nod to Aye Chihuahua
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