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janie jones

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Everything posted by janie jones

  1. I don't know if this is what they did in this episode (although I assumed they did when I was watching it), but I'm pretty sure that in the past, bakers have mentioned that they coordinated outfits. Her saying "look at my face for the last time" cracked me up. She said she didn't have confidence pronouncing some of the elements in her recipe. Her interpreter is translating simultaneously, so I was surprised they didn't just put a microphone on him. It's not like they try to downplay his presence.
  2. Is that the one where the dogs are going after a rabbit? I always wonder what the rabbit is doing there on the pier.
  3. That's so funny because in the first courtroom scene in the first episode, I thought Mark Hamill was Sam Neill.
  4. They do have lavender scented Old Spice, though. They have a ton of scents now, not just the old man one my dad has been using since I was a baby.
  5. It’s not a spin to say Friends was about the six friends and not a family sitcom, it’s the entire premise of the show. We didn’t see every moment of these characters lives, Ross didn’t have primary custody of Ben and there was plenty of mention of Ross having to pick up Ben or leaving to get Ben or scenes of him with Ben. Rachel did have primary custody of Emma but the baby was rarely seen. Are we supposed to think she was a bad mother? I think she spent time with Emma but the show was focused on friendship not parenthood. I don't think we know that Ross preferred to hang out with the other five. My assumption is that we're seeing Ross during Ben's mom's designated time with him, not that Ross is avoiding him when he's supposed to be seeing him. We also barely see Ross going to work, but that doesn't mean he doesn't go every day.
  6. From another thread: I agree, and I would think that fewer animals would be euthanized if more people provided financial support to kill-shelters, because they'd have the resources to take care of more animals. My dog would be dead right now if my husband (then boyfriend) had decided he didn't want to patronize a kill-shelter. The day he adopted him was the day before the dog was scheduled to be put down because he hadn't been adopted in the required time frame. It was literally his last chance. I have no idea why no one wanted him.
  7. I don't normally comment when I am two years late to the party, but I would be remiss not to say that this sounds exactly like something Stefon would say on SNL.
  8. Was Keith the one with the ugly tomato? I felt bad for him when Prue held up the other guy's tomato. I would have put them back in the fridge, but I wonder if the bakers didn't have time, or they didn't think it was necessary. Abbi could just have her own show. She forages, she does aerial hoops in a barn, she's an adult with a bow in her hair. I'm sure she's actually a perfectly normal person, but from what they've shown of her, she seems like a "quirky" TV character.
  9. I'm sure there are people out there who want to show off what good people there are, but I think the "free gifts" are more for people who won't donate unless they get something in return. Or for people who wouldn't just donate money but would be happy to buy a product. I kind of feel like this is the reaction they want, though. Maybe they think that if they showed success stories, then people would feel like enough is being done and they don't need to contribute. (They could do what the children's hospitals do, though, and show sickly kids and show them getting better. They could even get a spokesdog named Alec.)
  10. I'm pretty sure Jason Bateman and Sean Hayes have a podcast or something together, and that's why they're in the commercial together.
  11. I was talking about why they were showing the Country Crock vs whether people actually use it that way, not whether what was pictured was actually Country Crock.
  12. What does the Xtra Toppings stand for? (We learned My Very Excellent Mother...)
  13. To each one's own re considering others' hotness but before one gets too enthralled, take a look at his bio which revealed that he saw his only child a single time in infancy before he split from his first wife and he wasn't the easiest performer to work with. At least he was generous to charities and had it set up that his fortune would go to them after his widow's death. When I was in high school and Sugar Ray was popular, this girl was talking about how hot Mark McGrath was. Someone else started talking about how she read he was a bad boyfriend. Then a third girl goes, "That doesn't mean he can't be hot." This reminds me of that. 😄
  14. My mom butters pancakes right off the griddle. It bothers me because I'd rather apply my own butter. It makes me wonder if they pre-blobbed the corn and biscuits to show off the product or if this is something someone other than my mom does. (Pancakes are the only thing she does it on.)
  15. It's not like urine-ous is much better.
  16. I was thinking during the showstopper judging, that she probably has a better idea of what's going on during that than most people do. I imagine that a lot of people, especially if they're toward the back of the tent, have to strain to hear what they're saying up there, and her interpreter is standing right next to the judges, hearing everything. Especially since it's his own recipe. Can't their non-technical recipes be as detailed as they want them to be? If the buttercream is something that's difficult for him but he still wanted to do it, he could write himself notes. It's weird to me that he identified that the butter was too cold and then had the same problem with his second batch.
  17. I agree. They treated him like he was the interloper. Susan treated him like an uppity sperm donor, rather than the person whose wife she had been having an affair with.
  18. That's exactly what annoys me about it. Limu and Doug have plenty of time to stop the kid from driving over the flowers, and they just stand there.
  19. Also from the Deadline article: I don't think anyone was saying they intended to be offensive. I think that what is ridiculous is the implication that you have to set out to offend someone in order to be offensive.
  20. This is all I think of when I hear about "Matthew Foley."
  21. My sister and I were watching Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret with my niece and one of her friends. The movie included the Shocking Blue version of Venus. My niece said, "I like the original version of this song better." "This is the original version," we said. (Also, my niece is wrong about what is a better version!)
  22. I saw the longer version and didn't understand it. "The only way to stop it is to switch."
  23. Well I mean, the Dollar Tree can be expensive, relatively speaking. The $1 package of gummy bears will be something like one ounce, but the $3 package you get at a regular store will be like 8 oz, so the Dollar Tree actually costs over twice as much per ounce, so people have to be careful if they're looking for actual deals. I'm not saying that Haribo pays for its commercials primarily off dollar store profits, I just mean that just because people only pay a dollar doesn't mean the company isn't still making plenty of money. (Also, I made those numbers up now as an example, so don't quote me!) Isn't a "big" snack just a meal? I guess you call it a "big snack" when you don't want to admit you made a meal out of whatever it was you were "snacking" on.
  24. Yeah it looks like a made for TV movie from the '80s or something. Okay, so I just noticed something watching the full version of the ad. Has anyone else noticed that the shortened version (posted above, and the only one I had previously seen) has a continuity error? Shortened: Full: In the shortened version, they show a girl with a bandanna on her head is shown getting mesmerized by the the phone. My interpretation was this was supposed to be one of the rumored incidents the girl with the hoop earrings is talking about. But the girl wit the bandanna is actually sitting at the table and gets mesmerized after they all run away.
  25. Is it a parody of something? The first time I saw it, I swear I'd seen something just like it before, but I've never been able to think of what. The fact that the picture quality seems off somehow and the acting is terrible (the panicking at the end is ridiculous -- one guy clutches his head!) doesn't help.
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