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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Thank you Giselle. I come here to have fun, not to be challenged for having thoughts on the shows...just like we all do! Usually the Beverly Hills threads are chill compared to NJ and NYC, but since RHBH is my favorite, I don't want to hear it!!!
  2. I love your post MM, and edited to just show the comments that I wanted to highlight where I strongly agree.When I make a point, based on "MY OPINION!!!" (In Tamra Barneys voice shouting at Vicky...) I refuse to be confronted by any poster that believes each poster has to defend a housewife in order to have said opinion. I have a take on what we are shown after editing and the words that come directly from the participants in an interview, to formulate an opinion, but it's not my job to support my opinions with evidence that holds up under the scrutiny of a cross examination from Alan Dershowitz. I don't look for proof from other posters when they have an opinion different than mine. Seriously.
  3. Agree with all of this post. The Puerto Rico days are when it all changed with Ken, and it was clear he insists on hanging around in case any perceived gang ups surface. Wanker? His use was to say she was a foolish woman. I can't argue with that...although his words were rude and inappropriate to me. I also think he doesn't edit himself for the cameras. I can't imagine every person on Earth hasn't said something inappropriate at times in their lives. WoYo completely lost her marbles towards Ken season 4, all the other ladies could see it and these situations were on film. Not sure why WoYo was inserting herself earlier at that Beverly Hills anniversary party. She looked like she was following Ken around that night. What husband wouldn't be mad when another housewife compares him to King David (while David is hiding from cameras) and says to Ken, in so many words, that David is a more important man and wouldn't waste his time with trivial foolish RHBH nonsense. She has the nerve to claim he assaulted her? How about we save words like that for the actual crime of assault. Now she's using the divorce as her latest shield from answering any questions yet she's the lemon queen of confrontation for the rest.
  4. This is why BHs is tough...it's all about being Hollywood friends for the publicity, contacts, networking and staying relevant. Duh, I'm looking at you WoYo...you are the master of social media savvy. Pot, kettle, etc. The early days style of a glimpse behind the gates, which is how it used to be...has morphed away. Drama beats the peek behind the curtains style in the Bravo ratings game. This is why Mauricio was angry in the earlier seasons and Kyle wants to skate like LVP. He wants the positive publicity not negativity and drama. This is why HarryHamlin and Foster stay in the background. They want the relevancy but not the negative drama attached to it. From NYC post, and I think Umbelina and Otter Girls make good points. This is why the Beverly Hills reunions are nightmares to the ladies. There's no where to hide, Andy never asks the right questions and is not consistent in his approach, so he can blame himself for this issue, not just point fingers at the image crafters! Referring to NY ladies, then BH ladies. Warning: the M word comes up! UMBELINA, ON 15 APR 2016 - 01:42 AM, SAID: "It's weird, I kind of like them all. I'm so done with the fake BH stuff, that these guys, being upfront, and speaking their minds, and mixing it up so soon are just like having a wonderful dessert after a really bad meal." Otter Girl, 10:44am "One funny thing I noticed - I happened across some old S5 episodes the other day, Aviva's swan song, and when that whole "asthma" storyline was going on, Carole said, repeatedly, "What she really has is Munchausen's!" And she recited the definition on camera, talked about it openly, including to Aviva's face... My point here, to build on what you said, and going to this week as well: the NY women don't do fake drama. They state what they think, right up front, no fears, they "own it", and then they disagree/fight about it...As opposed to RHBH where they're so terrified of their images and so controlling, the fights end up being about who said what offstage to control what happened ONSTAGE, and it literally makes no sense at all. Andy said in his book, I think, that this is a real problem with the RHOBH cast, because of their background in show biz, they are much more image conscious than any other series. THIS SEASON, I THINK THAT FEAR TOOK OVER THIS SHOW. (point of emphasis mine) Contrast that to RHONY, where they are much more fearless...But compared to RHOBH, well, there is no comparison, at least so far. Take note women: this is how you do Housewives drama. Fear less, talk more."
  5. Huh? Who is this chick? Wings707, I agree, Kyle looks beautiful in that shot, the perfect gown for her.
  6. This. Hit the nail on the head. This is why I believe LVP is better at this game. YoWo wants to be seen as intelligent, she keeps trying to tell us how smart she thinks she is but I think LVP outshines most of these ladies in this category. Of course, that's not much of an accomplishment with this crew. LVP and WoYo share many of the same characteristics, absolutely. I just don't think Lisa cares as much about the depth of her relationships with the other housewives. She has her BFF in Ken. Lisa has the long term, stable and loving marriage that has not yet materialized for WoFo. (and Brandi) I don't think Lisa cares all that much about having a posse of female besties. How about these ladies just being comfortable in their own skin? Have they ever heard the expression To each his own?!
  7. That whole dinner conversation, and LVP using the word "fine" could certainly be viewed several ways! Damn you Bravo!!
  8. I agree with many of your points... I only highlighted this one because I think interpretation of this quote, can be read two ways. When I heard that comment on WWHL, I thought she had already said that she didn't think that LVP disliked her, but that she (Yo) couldn't be close to her (LVP) because HER (LVP) allegiance was with Mohamed. That was my take. Are you saying Yo meant that she (Yo) couldn't be close to her (LVP) because HER (meaning herself, Yolanda's) allegiance was with Mohamed?? Very, very interesting Zoeysmom!
  9. Sarcasm disclaimer Woe there...wait...you mean poor, victimized, medical miracle WoYo actually would try to disrupt filming because she didn't like the direction a conversation was going?! Shocking. We all know that ONLY Vanderpump would try that and manipulates all these ladies! According to WoYo, Brandi, Eileen, etc I think Rinna was honest when she said WoYo was as manipulative as LVP but fell over herself to do some major damage control because she needed to switch teams. (As manipulated by Eileen and failed) Rinna is also right that there is a war between them but I truly believe that WoYo is the one who got it started. Is it because she felt if she dethroned the Queen than she would also get her own show and feature the King without "these bitchy women?" As Andy said on WWHL, he told WoYo that LVP thought they were fine now but WoYo commented that while she knows LVP doesn't dislike her, she's just a Hollywood friend. Then Erika clarifies that she "knows" what LisaV is all about. Of course LVP is stealthy, clever and cunning. That's why she at first took what Tom G said about her as a compliment. I think she's directional as well. She won't admit her flaws on national television? What a crime. It just galls the other HWs that LVP always manages to come out standing tall and won't grovel. She's just better at the game, simply put! That doesn't mean being called Bobby Fischer, sniping at Ken, changing teams without notice and always trying to take her down doesn't hurt. I actually think she's sensitive about many things but employs her stiff upper lip for protection. I get her, I don't think many people get her humor. I liked WoYo's image or her representation of herself in the beginning until she revealed her actual true self in season 4. All of these women have some inner b@tch and that is why no LVP fan is going to think that she is the worst of them all. I was just amazed at the way Yo turned her body to Joyce at that reunion and tried to make her feel small. Just because she always claims to be authentic and caring, is she really the best example of that from what we have seen? Talk is cheap. I think this reunion looks to be explosive, for real.
  10. The coffee pot! So far, that's the only thing I've liked about Jules! I love kitchen items that my mother or grandmother used to have, so retro, but those are the best kitchen gadgets.Apparently, Jules and her husband went to the same school of parenting that Alex and Simon recommended, geez. You know, The Raising Fussy, Coddled Brats Country Day school. I'm not ever getting over the sticking her dirty hands in the ice bucket scene, good Gawwwd. It's bad enough knowing that you don't know, nor can control, what is going on in the kitchen behind the scenes, but this rivals double dipping. The other ladies: So far, they are all irritating, but at the same time, the New York cast always makes me laugh and gasp throughout the entire episodes. (Well, never Kristen or Heather) It's just one big love/hate kind of thing!
  11. Holy snarkies! This show is like a 99 on a 1-10 tension scale!! It's awesome!
  12. Bahahahaha! I agree Snappy, she has been improving recently, so this was yet another miss. She needs to understand her body type. The length was all wrong for her. Have to give her credit though for the haircut! She's getting there...baby steps.
  13. I agree that they thought this and think they stayed friendly with Kyle & LVP despite any animosity over the years for that very reason...but...with that being said...since so many of these people are superficial, I think that Yo's status has recently changed due to the fact that her kids careers are skyrocketing recently. Again, because of the access to people granted thru connections... I just don't know why WoYo is always gunning for LVP and why someone feels like they need to be a mean girl to any housewife that dares not fall in line with the plan and supports LVP...this year, Erika beats on Katherine at the reunion and in blogs, recently Brandi and WoYo went after Joyce. Same old same old since season 1, but it escalated in season 4 and this year.
  14. Sorry, im terrible with links!Don't read if you don't want to hear further about reunion details! There are a bunch of preview clips released a few days ago...not those ones...but yesterday when I went to check for blogs from Erika or WoYo...(that weren't there) Bravo added 2 more reunion clips. Spoiler warning: 1) short clip, Erika dancing moves, discusses son 2) long clip, Eileen mimics LVP, Katherine's crying and Erika calls her desperate, they comfort WoYo about divorce and Yo appears to yell "this is my life we are talking about" towards LVP 3) also in that longer clip, they show brief Brandi video clip, Gawdddddd...why?!...LVP asks Andy why he's giving her a platform since she's not on the show! (Atta girl!!)
  15. Zoeysmom, Did you see the the preview clip where Erika was discussing her son and demonstrates a dance move? Andy asked her to get up and show them her dance and immediately Lisa Rinna was hot to get up and dance with her and WoYo says to Rinna, "no, give her HER moment!" Bahahahaha! Networking, IMO, is invaluable, and why that is, is because simple proximity connects you to several contacts beyond the obvious. That's all I'm saying. My husband has been very successful because his integrity shines through and people just like him. He meets so many others in his business meetings and travels that has allowed me...a housewife, with grown kids, that occasional volunteers with charities, to meet some very powerful people. Those connections get you other jobs, lots of other contacts, that you don't realize. Recent example: I was just sitting at a table for a dinner at a sporting event last weekend. We all sat at random tables to meet new people. It's was a small closed event. Turns out, one of the featured speakers of the evening was one of the most powerful executive producers at CBS. We had absolutely no idea. Made small talk about where we were from, our families, I mentioned my youngest daughter was interested in broadcasting and internships. Then he gets up minutes later to talk about his broadcasting career! The reason we were invited to the sporting event and broadcasting is not at all related to what my husband does for a living. However, we are connected to people that are close to him. That could lead to some future help with our daughter, if that man connected and liked us. Leveraging connections is how you survive, IMO. The connections we made last weekend alone were huge. Past connections is what gets you invited in the first place and opens those doors. Of course, now that I watched that clip, I think that ship may have sailed for Rinna and Yo! The second latest clip just released is pretty dramatic. We are "treated" to a clip of Brandi, yuck, as well.
  16. Just to clarify my post...what I meant by it was: as far as the contacts they may bring because they hang with YoWo, not that they, the 40-50 year old housewives, would want to hang with the kids. Right now, Hadids and Fosters are tickets to networking in entertainment circles. Rinna also has a clothing line. They have power in Hollywood and NYC. Just like in business, you want to be in good with the power brokers because it truly opens doors. Just one chance meeting when you have a lunch with YoWo and an introduction to another powerful patron could lead to another job for Harry.It's also more exciting to their children, upper teens and twenty somethings...
  17. I edited your post to highlight your comments and a portion of Mohamed's to what I believe is what really matters as far as LVP's participation in the matter.Clearly, his take on LVPs comments shows he knew, as far as what was aired on television, that she was only responding to a question, not bringing up the subject of his children on her own. From his quote, he understands LVP misconstrued his fine comment to her. If they are truly not speaking, I imagine it's because he has been filled in from someone else that she was more involved in the dirt than what was shown on that episode. Or, it could be that WoYo is exaggerating, as usual. Or, like other theories, he is putting her at arms length for now. I'm curious if LVP still chit chats with Shiva. It's not hard to believe there was a falling out because his children are involved in this matter but unfortunate if this truly caused a riff because they appeared to have a close and genuine friendship. My thoughts on Mohamed are mixed. He reminds me of Trump in many ways. Shady business practices but not always...certainly very successful in that occupation and it is the same in his personal life. Messy with wives, yet considered a great father with decent kids.
  18. Rinna and Eileen are the Megan of the OC. Trying to cement their place on WoYos team by "proving" that LVP is shady. Because, you know, justice. Yo mentioning LVPs pattern? Erikas out of the gate loyalty to the Lemon Queen? Oh yeah, even though LVP wasn't going to get messy towards WoYo on camera, that didn't stop the minions from setting a trap. Well, trying to, yet in another season of this show. You can't hold someone accountable when you are all just as guilty and behave the same way yourselves. If you are not at fault in any way, it's still not your job to administer justice. Notice how the men, don't care about justice when it comes to gossip? Save and serve justice for real crime in a court of law (Guidicis, Brooks...) and for the ultimate arbiter, God. (For those who believe, wasn't trying to offend)
  19. I agree, (sorry don't remember who posted about this) that another factor is that Eileen's sons dated Gigi or a non Gigi. Rinna also mentioned her daughter's crush on the male non Gigi. I'm betting the house of Hadid, their friendships with the Kardashians (I really don't get that whole, ridiculous freak show family attraction) have a great pull in their circles. The Hadid kids are hot commodities with huge, legit connections. LVP and Kyle have star power, but compared to the Hadids, LVP & Kyle are the B players in town. Erika, Eileen and Rinna are all such hustlers, they probably want to ride the Hadid, Foster train. I'm not judging, but it might explain the changing loyalties. We all know Kyle, for some reason, is the forgotten sister in the Hilton/Richards relations and LVP sticks to her restaurants and dogs. After all, when Gigi dates a Jonas brother, I can see that making WoFo the cool crowd...with the wannabe Hollywood hustlers.
  20. Thank you jaync.All of these ladies are bitches to a certain level, including Vanderpump. Also, assuming fans of LVP don't want to admit her flaws, is assuming incorrectly about their thoughts on the subject. Let me compare this a bit to Theresa G on RHNJ and Alexis on RHOC. Lots of non fans were angry that she was getting away with things without apologizing in an authentic manner. (I would say at this point I'm "indifferent" and agree she needed to be punished to a certain degree for her real life fraud crimes...) however, when it came to the fake drama & storylines for the show, I was tired of the sh@t show of everyone going after TheresaG and constantly badgering her to admit her "crimes" of not worshipping at the altar of Caroline, Jax, Kathy & Melissa. If Theresa would not own her sharp tongue, than the rest of you need to get over it. Ganging up on someone to get them to apologize for being a mean girl is not going to ever work, nor does that make you any better or absolve you of your horrendous behavior. (I'm looking at you Jax). Same with Alexis on RHOC. Yes, Tamra & Heather, Alexis was a dingbat mean girl, but going after her to get her to admit her faults is the classic case of exhibiting the very same behavior you claim to dislike in Alexis, your target. It's not a good look on anyone! This, IMO, applies to LVP at a higher level, because LVP, IMO, is the smartest, and they all hate that! They are determined to catch her on tape with her hand in the cookie jar. They hate it when she makes a quick exit because they can't get her to "own it" and admitting fault by groveling at their feet and falling over herself to apologize. She just doesn't care enough and I don't blame her. Kim is the same way to a certain extent. She runs over highway barriers to avoid facing the "truth" which is defined differently by each housewife. I agree that it seemed that Erika came on this show to replace Brandi as WoFo's guard dog, and early on it was clear that Eileen was heading towards their camp. It just took a while to recruit Rinna because she liked LVP. Interesting how Rinna suddenly was trying to get back into WoFo's graces when she realized she had no choice but to change her tune. Coming to the reunion gunning for a gotcha moment with the phone company paperwork. Erika is now ripping on Katherine because she wasn't following orders for the reunion confrontations. Then accuses Katherine of caving to peer pressure. She's just annoyed that she didn't chose to join their team.
  21. I haven't been posting recently, so my apologies if I'm repeating something that was already addressed and discussed. My points of what stuck out to me: Did anyone notice, what I saw was a look of glee in Eileen's eyes & spunk from Rinna when ED brought forward the news of Yo & David's divorce? I was surprised that she was not hiding her, IMO, look of glee written on her face... The hairdresser, Faye, that Rinna refers to that started the M word conversation...is she a stylist of another housewife or close friend of the other housewives? Why was Rinna so worried her engaging in that convo would be revealed and think she would be the fall guy for the M talk...? Did she really believe if the word got out that she was "engaging" but not culpable and that no one would believe her if she defended herself by insisting she didn't start the convo? Does Rinna think people wouldnt believe her denial the way Melissa/Kathy/Jax/Caroline would never believe Theresa Guidici on RHNJ? Me thinks it was purely a storyline concocted to bring it, to keep attention on her...It just doesn't make sense to me though because her reputation for speaking the "truth" was not like someone like Theresa G or Tamra Barney from RHOC who clearly make things up & admits, in real life, it's her job to bring the drama on the show...until now! I feel that is exactly what they all do, to a certain extent...they all talk in circles, plant seeds, playing the housewives game, but for the audience to believe that on RHBH that LVP is the only shady one, the only chess player, the only manipulator is ridiculous. Some are more skilled at this game of throwing shade...LVP, just happens to be the most shrewd and intelligent. WoFo, is a champion as well, so Rinna was correct about her initial honest comment to ED, but I can't think of one HW on this series that hasn't stepped on another. Remember season 1 Camille? She is a master. Not one of them can completely blame manipulation and editing for all the shade on these shows.
  22. OMG That was awesome! Thanks for the great laugh! Or maybe a villain in Austin Powers is more at WoYo's acting ability?!
  23. Completely agree with your post. It's like letting the air out of the balloon when you don't take the bait. What we have seen, is because WoFo is always right, because she's the smartest one in the room (cough, cough) and had Brandi and now Erika Jayne at her side, she is not having that...no matter how much you apologize, try to change the narrative, explain your case, WoYo refuses to listen. If you go deep and actually bring up the inconsistencies and support your comments with examples caught on camera, watch out, WoYo will come for you! Remember Puerto Rico? That was propelled by WoFo. Brandi could not have succeeding in trapping LVP if it wasn't for WoFo getting it going multiple times. The accusations of abuse on Ken. Her scoffing and treating Joyce like she didn't deserve to even breathe the same air as Yolanda. Now we see her smirking, laughing and screaming at anyone who dares ask pointed questions. LVP is the expert of not letting the chatter create a campaign against her. She just doesn't bite. But, Brandi & Yo wouldn't allow her to get away with her "strategizing" and coming out unscathed, so they were relentless in their attacks until they made it happen. That is exactly what WoFo was doing to Rinna. She accepted no apologies, put it out there about being bipolar, tried to recruit Eileen & Kyle as well. While I sometimes question the ethics of Mohamed Hadid and personality of David, the King, Foster, I now truly empathize with them for putting up with the sour lemon ice queen. Wow! I used to really like Yolanda, until the varnish came off when she started with the "Dream Team" shtick.
  24. What Kim, Brandi and now WoFo are doing is holding the RHOBH wives hostage to their issues. Just like Vicki G on RHOC. They either sucked the wind out of everyone's sails or are hammering the others and therefore the audience. Can you imagine if we, the audience, sometimes feel stressed watching WoFo's manipulations, how it must feel to be in the middle of all that physically? I can't stand people who are miserable and in turn feel the world owes them because somehow they are at fault...in WoFos case for not being ill like her. They are not loyal because they dare ask questions. So, let's get even by ensuring that those who betray the great WoFo are attacked and miserable too. WoFo is exhausted? Well thanks Yo for exhausting everyone around you. I can't believe I am saying this, but I was so glad Taylor mentioned the inconsistencies way back at LVP's party. I don't care for Taylor, but I was glad that finally someone mentioned the obvious on camera way back then. It is so clear that WoFo has been gunning for LVP since the fall out of Lisa and Brandi. Too bad for WoFo and Brandi that trying to recruit Kyle to their camp didn't work out for too long. Kudos to Kyle and especially LVP for speaking up at Erikas BBQ table. We do know that because LVP used facts, that WoFo is now going to go full on scorched Earth. Just like on the OC, no one wants to watch these shows to have them hijacked by liars and hypochondriacs. I say, bring the superficial on! I want to see the closets, the shopping, the trips. For me, it's an escape show. I think it's Bravo that insists these shows highlight hidden misery not the glamour because that's best for ratings. It's Bravo that seemingly prefers to paint a narrative that behind the gates are only nasty hypocrites. After all, just like WoFo, we must make sure that no fun is had if it's not shared by everyone, 24/7. But hey, that's just my opinion. I don't care about that, I originally tuned in for the "Lifestyles of the rich and famous," and you get attached...if you continue to watch, you have to endure the Jerry Springer fights along with limited glimpses of the glamour. Example: just looking inside the life of Erika Girardi would be fun...even her alter ego (though I don't care for Erika Jayne & her paid sidekicks) and Tom, but, it turns out we are also treated to Erika the loyal turncoat who is just a WoFo prop in the end. Her screaming about, "who said it Rinna!!!??" When we all know she didn't want to fess up herself. The only reason WoFo won that poll is because most of her current support is from the GiGi and non Gigi fans. No, it's not common to go back to your first ex husbands name after divorcing your second. Most people in that situation keep their latest last name or go back to their maiden name. She's doing it for the association. Her kids are not babies anymore. Lots of people want to keep the same name as the children's names, but going back & forth? No.
  25. Completely agree with your comments. And...I too have a medical condition that is not common, and it took several doctors and a few years to figure out. However, I knew what the first couple of doctors thought, was completely off the mark, but try telling them that's the case! You do have to follow your intuition, as your gut is never wrong. WoFo is an extreme case of this...and Rinna hit too close to home for WoFo, which is why Yo came for her...Whether Rinna conducted herself appropriately is another matter. Her problem is that her gut is misfiring from all the quackery, diet and colonics.
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