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Everything posted by PamelaMaeSnap

  1. I had been hoping that Amanda and Evan would end up together and could have a natural Brady Bunch-esque spinoff. Hoping Wells does not end up with anyone because he deserves better than anything this show has to offer (though his going on to start with makes me wonder ... but the hopeful optimistic "clap three times if you believe in fairies!" part hopes it's to keep him in the spotlight just enough to make him the next Bachelor).
  2. Is it even remotely possible that TPTB could actually choose someone who was NOT on this season as the next Bachelor? Because this is just a busted and boring crew. I'm with the contingent of Wells being my favorite and probably the only one I'd watch as TB except I wouldn't because I couldn't imagine him in a million years actually doing it (pretending to be falling for all these different girls ... he just seems to sincere and smart for that). The rest are just ugh. Once upon a time didn't we live in a world where they brought in NEW people to be TB or TB'ette? Couldn't they find a nice low-rent off-season hot athlete or musician or actor or something?
  3. So basically JoJo is Oakland. Works for me.
  4. This whole exchange really made me wonder whether in fact James thinks Jordan is Aaron ... I mean, not that he IS Aaron, but that maybe James isn't really a football fan (nothing wrong with that) and doesn't realize that Jordan is not even remotely a celebrity (other than getting way too much pre-show ink in the tabloids). Or else Jordan is really exaggerating his own greatness (off-camera) and this would not surprise me at all either.
  5. With all due respect (and a pair of generously-poured happy hour glasses of wine in me), isn't this sort of a reverse-sexist comment? So, because I am a woman I have to support another woman if I think she is there for "all the wrong reasons" and find her pretty much noxious JUST because she is another woman? I don't think of it as "tearing down one of my own" ... she signed up for the Bachelorette and frankly she's NOT "one of my own" ... she's the Bachelorette and has put herself out there as a famewhore.
  6. ABSOLUTELY. I totally thought of the same old joke when I was watching this last night. In fact, I'm thinking she may have actually said those words LOL!
  7. While I realize this has probably been discussed at length, for some reason this particular episode really and truly (and I can't help but think intentionally on the part of the editors) brought home that this entire season is not about "JoJo! Finding! Love!" It's about JoJo being hellbent on making every single guy LOVE HER. They HAVE to tell her they love her ... they HAVE to express their LOVE for her, and if they can't do it well enough to suit her, she will basically feed them the script or else tell them they're not really sharing enough and she's not feeling it. This is not about her falling in love with someone, it's about her ego being stoked ... And it is not an attractive look for her ... and I can't imagine it won't be obvious to all the guys once they watch the episode and see how she's blatantly manipulating each one of them with the same lines.
  8. YES ... "he said 'like" too much" ... here is the official theme song for this season of Bachelorette, courtesy of Weezer!
  9. Okay, so, I don't THINK anyone has mentioned this so maybe it's my poor addled brain misremembering but please help a poor-brain-addled-misremember out ... Chris Harrison comes in at the beginning, announces to the crowd that there will be a 1-on-1 date, a group date and, for The! First! Time! Ever!, a SECOND 2-on-1 date. He then finishes his shpiel by saying something to the effect of "Good luck, gentlemen, and I hope to see all of you again at the Rose Ceremony." (Paraphrasing but the key point is the "see ALL of you again") By definition, doesn't a 2-on-1 date require that someone is being sent home? So, there's no way they'll all be back for the Rose Ceremony, right? Doesn't Chris Harrison know the rules of his own show? On other pressing issues of state ... Wells for Bachelor! I know it won't happen but he's just so adorkable and really the only remaining (well, no longer remaining technically) guy I'd actually give a hoot about from the motley crew remaining. This is absolutely the WORST HAIR CROWD ever. Between Jordan (ugh to the maximum degree), Robby (WTF is that thing on your head and face?) and Luke (make it stop), it's like they have a secret inner competition to see who could have the worst gravity-defying hair ever and maybe they're getting side $$$ from some hair gel company. I'm not a JoJo fan so I admit I hope she winds up with Jordan because he's just horrible and it will be a s*$t show. But that would also mean he "won" and I don't like that result either. PLEASE don't let him be the next Bachelor. UGH UGH UGH. He takes smarmy to new levels of smarm. Finally, I kept thinking that JoJo had mispronounced Buenos Aires so many times that they were on like the 86th take and she had to read it out syllabically every time she raved about being in BOO-AY-NO-OS AH-EE-AY-REZ.
  10. Thanks, I did not know that! In that case, I think Joy has this thang wrapped up.
  11. I was definitely surprised by the boot ... the only thing I can think is that the judges had already determined among themselves that Yaku was not going to be a finalist, I assume because he's just really laid back (though I love listening to him speak!) because IMHO, lobster-tailgate notwithstanding (raw or not?), he's been BY FAR the most consistently strong chef (at least from what we've seen and the judges' reaction) ... so maybe they figured they had to take advantage of even the slightest (arguable) slip-up to get rid of him on a week when no one else really screwed up royally. IMHO I thought for sure Ana would be next eliminated. She just irks me and I can't in a million years imagine watching any show she hosted, even if it was, like, the Grilled Cheese Show or something catered to my tastes. I also think that maybe Joy is pushing the "I HAVE FAHVE KIDS" thing because the more obvious POV, Southern Cooking, is already taken by Damaris ... Joy is, in my opinion, probably the best suited to host a show of the remaining hamsters but needs a POV that isn't already being made by someone else. Hoping that Yaku revs up the energy and personality during Star Salvation because I think his cooking looks yum.
  12. TOTALLY AGREE on Marcellus Wiley! And am not the least bit surprised that when I type in "Marcellus Wiley" the first thing that comes up is "Marcellus Wiley wife" ... but WAS more than a little surprised that this is apparently not his first reality TV go-round ... he was on Millionaire Matchmaker with Patti Stanger looking for a wife (and there is one site that says his new wife's name is Annemarie Willey ... I hope that's a typo and that her name isn't now Annemarie Willey Wiley because that would be too good/bad). (Sorry if this should be in the media thread ... please forgive!)
  13. The thing about Chad is that it's possible that "in real life" he would be a pisser (using the term in the positive way) ... As people have said, he's made some very legitimate points about how on earth could guys already be "in lurve" with JoJo when they haven't gotten to know her, etc. etc. But he has SO many other strikes against him (he's ON THE SHOW, he's on THE SHOW, he's on the SHOW, he's obviously a famewhore) that it's just grating. We get it. You're this season's designated douchebag, there to rile up the other guys. And he is very good-looking (too buff for me, but can't argue that face). Obviously, as mentioned, fodder for BIP. And I can't help but wonder about the kind of guy who would be fine with that. I'm still not convinced that Olivia "got" how she was being edited, whereas Chad is clearly planted to be what he is. Pre-show PR had me totally convinced that Jordan was TCO (and I've resisted spoilers and Reality Steve, so all I can glean to any degree are coming attractions and they all mostly look alike to me) and I'm still not convinced he's NOT, but there's just something really off about him, like someone took all these nice parts of a car and took it apart and screwed up when they tried to put it back together. But I have a feeling he might be "the one" anyway. I don't give enough of a hoot about JoJo to care if she finds "love like Ben and Lauren" but I'll keep watching because I have no life. I'm still not convinced they won't pull off some sort of surprise mid-season and bring someone else in. I find Luke actively UNattractive, personally. The hair is a complete dealbreaker. And his little beady angry eyes. He's a little skeery. No disrespect intended to a veteran. Wells is probably the cutest, IMHO, but somehow I can't help but think he's just a little too mellow to keep firecracker JoJo interested for the long haul ... do think he'll go far, though. And he could be the next Bachelor, but does he have enough personality and uniqueness to carry a show? Not sure yet. Not sure ANY of them do. I could totally see Grant sticking around long enough to finally give the franchise a really viable BOC (Bachelor of Color). He's attractive, seems really sweet and romantic, and he's a FIREMAN y'all.
  14. Especially since, if I have the timeline even REMOTELY close to being right, they started filming this series like a nanosecond after the F2 episode of Borin' Blauren? So, "the type of love Ben and Lauren have" would be ... what, exactly? Two people who hooked up and got engaged days after the guy had slept with JoJo and the words "I love you" to JoJo have not even evaporated fully into air yet? THAT type of love?
  15. That is an unbelievably sweet and moving piece. I may have to not detest Ca-a-a-a-rmen quite as much now.
  16. I'm among the small minority that will be glad to be rid of Callie or at least won't miss her ... Never really a fan and she just pissed me off these last few weeks. But that said ... I wondered if there might have been some indication that she wasn't going to NY after all (didn't she dump Penny last episode?) in which case the switching custody back and forth during school years wouldn't be that big of a deal if they're both still living in Seattle and the shared custody would be easier. Though the plane ticket part becomes unnecessary in that case ... but still, if you think about it ... even if she IS still going to NY with Penny for that year, they'd ostensibly be coming back NEXT year in which case Callie could step in and Sophia/fia could live with her and still go to the same school. The scene with the mother and son really reduced me to tears and Avery was wonderful in that sequence. Trying to figure out where I've seen the mom before though ... off to IMDB.
  17. While I (happily) don't have first-hand experience, I would think that there are surreptitious legal ways for someone who was abused and looking to start a new life to do so without any legal records out there that could give them away and allow them to live a new life unfound if they choose to do so. Re: one person's comment earlier on this page, by the way, it wasn't ALEX who beat up Peckwell, it was JO which was the twist (I think Alex took the heat for it though to protect Jo). "Does this mean the teacher Jo mentioned in season 9 is either made up or helped her escape?" OR ... (though I don't remember the teacher mentioned in S9 so maybe someone can jog my memory) ... could said teacher be the person in question here? I watched the drunken confession a few times trying to figure out what she was saying (I am a technical dork and don't know how to activate the subtitles) and thought she said something along the lines of "everybody loved him" but didn't necessarily get the idea that he was rich and powerful, more that he was someone in a position of "power" that held sway over people (a teacher, a chief surgeon, etc.) Finally, my husband never watches Grey's but he did ask me this morning "who died this time?" And I said "no one" then thought ... though we don't see the fallout from Alex beating up DeLuca. Hope he's not a casualty. So anyone know the date of the new season premiere yet?
  18. My guess on what Jason's journal reveals is that he was the one who was actively doing the black-market drug dealing (the cancer drugs for Steve, maybe others based on what appears to be a well-stocked infirmary without a legit doctor doling them out). If he was committed to the cult, he would have probably known (or been told) not to actually say THEY were doing it, but that he was doing it himself. Then once they had the drugs and the money was shown to have been in/out of his account, they got rid of him so he couldn't tell tales later. Too simplistic?
  19. Has anyone here ever seen the 1975 movie "Smile" about a teen beauty pageant? Michael Ritchie, Bruce Dern, Barbara Feldon and also the first (or close to it) film appearances by teenagers Melanie Griffith and Annette O'Toole? It's one of my all-time favorite movies ... anyway, Martita reminded me in her first season and even moreso now of one of the characters, Maria (Miss Teenage Salinas), who goes absolutely over-the-top with her fiery! Latina! style! who is SO PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN NOW but brings judges vats of her homemade guacamole, but completely losing her accent when she's not onstage. One of the best characters in the movie and totally MarTEEEETah.
  20. My bad ... I totally missed the comment about "the Christian thing to do" ... at least I'm not alone, though ... Hubby also thought they were Russian Jews. I guess we got distracted by the shiny Brighton Beach reference. Thanks for the correction!
  21. Not that this is a huge issue, but I think it's more than likely that that the "ostentatiously Christian" couple was Jewish. Brighton Beach is known as "little Odessa" for it's long-standing Russian/Ukraine population, the majority of which are Russian Jews (I think I read they made up about 80% of the population there).
  22. So maybe she married someone REALLY RICH to put her through med school and he's the guy who won't give her the divorce so she's in hiding from him ...
  23. ETA: Apologies because not only did someone suggest this but apparently EVERYONE suggested it ... my bad for working backwards and writing from the heart ... but yeah, my theory on Jo was immediately that I think she's already legally married to someone somewhere. Maybe it was a toxic relationship gone bad that she's on the run from. Also, I spent the entire episode worried that Webber was going to die (again). I will not be happy if they kill him off (again). Wasn't there some spoiler somewhere that said someone dies in the last episode? And I don't think anyone would be expecting him because they already sort of did that ... and since he's the only guy who's arguably HAPPY now, he'd be the likely victim. And by the way, he looks GREAT ... has he lost weight?
  24. I still think Nikki Dinki should pair up with Linkie for a show.
  25. THIS. Absolutely. I am not a country fan but I thought that was one of the best auditions I've seen, period. And I was actually rooting for her (among a few others). But I think now that maybe that was just her one song that she had perfected for auditions and she really didn't have much else in her bag of tricks.
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