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Everything posted by PamelaMaeSnap

  1. Is it just me or is Nick the most annoying person ever? If I were a spirit haunting one of these houses and he came in with that aggressive attitude I'd stay quiet just to spite him. I was intrigued by the premise of this show but frankly I can't see it lasting ... they're never going to get anything really exceptional on tape, and the so-called "talent" is nowhere near compelling or interesting enough to make it worth slogging through an hour of "Are you here? Come out! Come show yourself!" and then acting like they heard something weird.
  2. Okay, I actually went and looked at the photos and was like, "Oh, HER? No wonder ... I find her so annoying that I have literally blocked her out of my memory and never knew her name anyway." Bleah.
  3. I guess she had originally wanted to be on America's Next Top Model and somehow "Chef" replaced "Model" because I swear, I've watched the first three episodes and have no idea who she is. I think the only "new" woman I recall offhand is Sylvia and only because she's NOT Sylva (Silva?) who I really do like. But I remain firmly Team Sheldon, exactly where I was in Season 10.
  4. I admit I'm glad that Shawne made it through ... I may be a little biased though because Anguilla is my happy place (and at the rate things are going hopefully maybe my future home as well LOL!!!)
  5. I am responding to this without having read the rest of the comments in the past hour so apologies in advance if this is rehashing other responses ... I had thought that at first BUT ... I hate to sound morbid or gruesome or whatever, but I can't help but think that whatever they might have come up with as a "follow-up" to the first seven seasons could not have turned out as amazing as it did (and for all my quibbling, I absolutely loved it and hope for more) had they done it much earlier because Edward Herrmann (sp?) did not die until 2014 and Emily's arc (along with L and R's in response to Richard's death) was, to me, the most inspiring and emotional ... How AWFUL it sounds to say that the show would not have been as moving had Richard been alive ... but, well, it would not have been. Again, strictly IMHO. Now, if the OC is saying that the show should have "taken place" two years later even though written/filmed 10 years later, I can see that but on the other hand I don't think all of the characters could have pulled that off. (Though some didn't look like they'd aged at all). And I still would like to know what is up with Michel's nose.
  6. I TOTALLY thought she did not know and she handled it with aplomb. My daughter and husband disagree and thought she already knew.
  7. And one of my favorite moments was when Sophie (Carole King, for the one or two readers here who didn't know that/smile) got up to play the song she wrote and everyone shot it down (personal note: the organist at my mother's funeral actually played ALL of "Tapestry," my mom's favorite album of all time, and you haven't been to a great funeral until you hear "I Feel The Earth Move" played at funereal pace on an organ.
  8. Also, not for nothing, but ASP being as big a ballet fan as she is, I'm guessing the name Odette is not accidental ... isn't she she White Swan?
  9. Oh, don't get me wrong ... I am SO there on that island with you. LOVED IT.
  10. In fact -- and this has probably been mentioned in this thread more than once, so apologies if I'm beating a dead horse -- I don't think Rory ever considered herself to BE "the other woman." CERTAINLY not with Dean and Lindsay and probably not even with Logan and Odette. She's RORY dammit. SHE is the main woman. That wife? That fiancee? They are the other women, the interlopers. Also ... though it never occurred to me, the more and more I think about it now, whoever suggested higher up in this thread that in fact the original "last four words" may well have been more along the lines of "Rory? Yeah? I'm pregnant" may have hit it on the head. THAT would make so much more sense to end the series ... Luke and Lorelai are married, Rory is about to make her way in the world and maybe worried about leaving her mom untethered, but now there's a baby on the way to keep her company (or be "the other woman" in Lorelai's life). ASP said she used the same words (basically) but never necessarily said that it was the same outcome, did she?
  11. No, I don't think we did and that drove me NUTS ... would love to know about that ... I'm guessing there is no follow-up planned for this follow-up? The letter, Emily's life in Nantucket, oh, and Rory's baby.
  12. I'm with you, Cantbeflapped. I absolutely did NOT pick up on it until I read this thread. I feel so much less clueless now that I know I'm not only not the only one but am joined by one of the most knowledgeable and insightful GG fanatics here! I figured they just needed a way to get Christopher into the script in a cameo. ETA: The two times my daughter groaned audibly was when we saw the title of the book was "The Gilmore Girls" and when the final four words were uttered. Oh, and we both find anything Life and Death Brigade related to be a large shark to be jumped, so we just sort of winced and cringed through that part. Otherwise, we pretty much are this show's bitches so we loved it. ETA2: One last question and MY GOD I hate to ask this because it sounds awful but ... as long as comments are being made about the apparent work that Lauren Graham has had done ... was Michel's nose always sort of weirdly lopsided? Did Yanic Truesdale have any kind of medical issues or work done? I LOVE him but we both noticed it immediately so wondering if anyone else did.
  13. I think it's called "twins." Keiko looks absolutely amazing and I need to get a photo of her so I can bring it with me for my next haircut appointment. But seriously, I thought she seemed perfectly happy and content. She seems to have found peace with her mom (and dad! Was that her dad leading the yoga class on the green, by the way?), has adorable sons, is happily married and the band is still together plus she and Zach can play weekend jazz gigs covering Rock Lobster and stuff. She's got a pretty nice full life. And next time I go see my hubby at one of his jazz gigs I am definitely requesting Rock Lobster.
  14. I am still in the process of registering all of this and with a discombobulated memory I may actually do a rewatch in a week or two and take notes ... watched the whole thing (with a potty break or three) with my daughter, my husband and my daughter's boyfriend (the latter of whom had never watched GG but played along gamely). One convo we got into was that Rory had absolutely devolved into an entitled brat (and we time that "blossoming" to her becoming involved with Logan and the Life and Death Brigade) and by the end of the series was just eminently unlikeable which we don't necessarily think was the original intention of the 'dinos but who knows? It certainly was cemented in this package. Like, hey, Rory, way to put a great big buzzkill on your mom's wedding night. You couldn't wait until after the honeymoon or even the next day? Here is something I wonder though (if it's being discussed in one of the other threads PLEASE let me know ... I intend to read every single thing in this series of threads but may not be able to keep up with everything!) ... I wonder how this would have all been written/played out/come down had, indeed, these #LastFourWords been spoken in the last episode of Gilmore as originally envisioned by ASP rather than in a 10 years later world? Would she have been happily settled in with one of her boyfriends? Or indeed being the plucky single mom? We think Rory as we see her would be a TERRIBLE mother right now (Luke and Lorelai may just adopt the child to raise and let Rory continue her self-seeking or run off to Europe with Logan or something) ... in fact, we were joking that in fact they were faking us out ... we get the four words "Mom. Yeah? I'm pregnant." They cut to credits. And at the end of the credits we get the REAL last scene and last four words: "I'm having an abortion." LOVED LOVED LOVED the Emily arc though ... and Rose Abdoo in the Gilmore-semi-traditional dual role. Oh, and one of our favorite moments? Also involving Rose Abdoo in the town meeting when Taylor is looking for "gays" for the march and her comment about "no one?" which kind of had a double meaning, to us, of it being about Taylor but also self-referencing (though I was surprised they didn't follow that storyline with maybe Michel being upset that he wasn't asked to be grand marshall.) And finally ... my daughter and I both squeeeeed in delight and sang along when Troubador played "Valley Winter Song." HUGE Fountains of Wayne fan here and saw Chris Collingwood (one of the "Fountains" and the guy who wrote the song) do a solo show recently and he played it there as well. Beautiful song, obscure gem.
  15. Travis was all about "you aren't INTO me enough." It was kind of whiny and pathetic and needy. What surprises/mystifies me is why she was even on this show to start with (Avery, that is). Cannot imagine she'd have any trouble finding a guy, and it didn't seem like she was auditioning for being a famewhore like the others (or would need to). ETA: Okay, so it's the "aspiring model and actress" part of the resume. Maybe things were a little slow. I think she's slightly atypical and among the hot skinny blondes of LA maybe needed to punch things up a little bit.
  16. Wow, I just watched the finale (okay, FF'd through a lot of it) and can I just say that I think that fake-out at the end was downright CRUEL. I mean, he basically came out and said he chose Veronica ... enough so that Maya gave her the reluctant gracious congratulatory cheek-kiss ... and then said "but ..." and went with Maya. I'm not sure I've ever seen that on one of these shows and frankly it made whatever respect I had for him go right out the door. And while I know Veronica was broken-hearted, did love her double-flip of the bird and "F you" ... wish we could see Travis' face when he wakes up next to Maya without her make-up, acrylic nails, hairs did, etc. She sounded to me like she was a total fake and basically giving him the answers he wanted without one shred of genuine honesty (and half the time it sounded really convoluted). My two picks from day one had been Avery and Veronica. I still think had Avery really had any interest in him, she would have had this in the bag. But she can do a lot better and probably will.
  17. It might be that now I'm comparing her to this season's beeyotcharoonie moms and she looks good in comparison!!!
  18. THIS ... was definitely one of my biggest nitpicks with the show if not THE biggest (I just spaced out when it came to sharing it here) ... A) There is NO WAY IN THE WORLD Rory would have screwed up her move-in date. She was way too organized and anal retentive. She would have had the date circled in red (or Yale Blue) in three different date books, a wall calendar where she was crossing off days, and at least three other places. PLUS, yes, I am sure they would have sent out roommate information (I have never heard of a school that did NOT do that, and I know as far back as 1977 when I started college I got my roomie info the summer before). Understood both were plot points, but to me both so glaringly wrong that they took me out of the "moments." And thanks to all for the sweet notes re: my planned trip with my mom. Sorry to have prattled on about it but the whole Rory-Lorelei trip made me nostalgic. While our relationship was not really like R-L, that's more because our personalities were very different than R and L's (or at least my mom's was ... she was very mellow and lowkey) but, that said, I definitely considered her one of my best friends. I could trust her with pretty much anything. And she would have been an amazing travel partner.
  19. But if Special Snowflake Selyse hasn't registered yet then she doesn't have a big number attached to her tutu (or possibly a number assigned, period) ... My memory not being what it once was, have we yet seen her come on stage for the IFF? If not, I predict a moment of DRAAAAAMA when in fact unregistered Selyse does not even get onto the stage because mom effed it up so bad and didn't register her and boy will that s&%t fly then! Woo hoo! BTW, I was watching an old episode last night which actually featured (imagine this) THREE quite facially gifted and likable kids (four if you count one of their younger sisters who was competing but not "featured) AND three sets of equally likable parents!!!!! Taralynn (the super-pretty ginger), Brooklyn (cute blonde), and then-newcomer Zanna Brewer (whose younger sister Zoey is incredibly adorable as well) ... and I did not like the show any the less for the lack of staged ugly drama among parents or anything. But I did mentally make a note that indeed, once upon a time, T&T would feature kids who were just, you know, cute and pleasant and funny and their parents were real human beings (and attractive ones at that). I think the "big drama" there was that Taralynn and Brooklyn had actually become FRIENDS in real life through their pageant interaction but were each other's biggest competition. Didn't seem to bother either one of them.
  20. In a way, I did too ... the first time ... but that mom bursts into tears at the drop of a hat and while I appreciate that they have both vested a lot into Kaydentz, a) they are doing that child NO favors at all by having chosen this particular line of competition for her and b) she is one massive spoiled brat which makes me a wee tad less charitable than I might otherwise be about that. (Though she is at least a step above Selyse on that level.) ALSO ... (And I haven't figured out how to pull a quote from another post into this without double-posting so apologies for infringement of board format!) ... Yeah, there are a LOT of familiar faces they're showing on the sidelines or in the background or in next week's "COMING NEXT WEEK" highlights, including Abby who just one the El Taco Mundo last week ... I do wonder how they decide who to feature when they've already featured some of the kids (clear as mud, sorry ... I mean, I understand there are some girls there who will never be featured, either because they don't win/don't bring the drama/have parents sane enough to not sign up for this crap, but why do they choose to revisit certain ones at certain times and not others, such as with this IFF finale extravaganza? Do they know in advance who is going to win or are they just going for the draaaaaaaama potential and crossing their fingers? Or do they maybe actually shoot a lot more of them in detail and then decide at the end who to highlight? WISH there was a pageant mom/insider who would post here but I can understand why they wouldn't ... she said, remembering when a certain pageant mom appeared on TWoP).
  21. Oh, ShaNaeNae, how could I have forgotten Kaydentz when recalling the "facially ungifted"? Thank you for reminding me of Little Chucky. I know as moms we all think our offspring are bee-yoo-tee-ful but ... eeek.
  22. How about "facially ungifted"? For me, Callen (is that how you spell it? Emily's rival cousin who looks like someone made her nose out of PlayDoh?) and Selyse are two of the most "facially ungifted" girls we've seen on this show IMHO. I think Piper was probably "facially gifted" when she was younger (her pictures are definitely gorgeous) but maybe they rewarded her with too many sugar cubes. It's not so much that she's "facially ungifted" IMHO, she just has, shall we say, too MUCH face. (Waiting for that lightning to strike me down ... nope, still here.)
  23. Okay, so one question (and a thank you to the recapper for, I think, answering what I also would have asked, i.e., in the final haunting scene, the tears on Stripe's face, what did you guys think it implied? I also suspected that even though he re-upped (and was apparently "re-set" and "rewarded," a part of him recognized the difference between MASS reality and reality but would be interested to hear other people's take on it) ... Question is this: Why do the MASS "pods" do what they're doing with their hands/fingers? I'm not sure that's ever explained. My inference when I first saw it was that they were, in some way, inputting into a remote control of sorts, but I'm still unsure and it wasn't addressed in the recap (unless I missed it). Watched it with my husband and he didn't know either. So ... theories on that? It must be SOMETHING because it's definitely emphasized several times ... at the beginning and, especially, when he wakes up and the MASSpods are all "sleeping" (or resetting or whatever) totally still and identically posed except for the moving fingers/hands.
  24. Okay, so not sure if someone can confirm/deny/clarify this ... I admit that after I watched the show I just deleted it so I have no way to go back and transcribe what Megan/GhostMegan said to Owen ... But for some weird reason the way I processed it at the time was thinking that what she was saying/implying was that Owen actually operated ON HER after her accident/injury and she died on the table. I have no idea why that was the impression I got and I admit I'm not "into" that storyline enough to have gone "WHOA" and rewound it. Does anyone have the transcription from the scene where she first "appears" to Owen and what she says to him so I can figure out what I misunderstood/misinterpreted so that when she reappears alive I understand? Thanks!
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