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Everything posted by PamelaMaeSnap

  1. LMAO ... My dad (RIP) was a superstud pitcher in high school (in the 1940s) -- to the point where he was named his area's MVP his senior year and his runner-up was Whitey Ford -- and he used to tell me about his super-secret weird unusual pitch. Finally, once I was working as a full-time baseball writer and understood grips better, I asked him to show me the pitch and ... ta da ... it was a circle change.
  2. I may have the winner here, and I say this with all due respect to my mom, who HONESTLY didn't think there was anything wrong with this (we're talking the mid-1970s), only knew I was a 15-year-old who was absolutely miserable about her weight ... She (who smoked about 3 packs of Parliaments a day) suggested that "if I put a cigarette in my mouth instead of food" I'd probably be able to lose weight. Which I did. And I did. And I lost about 50 pounds and smoked three packs a day until I quit cold turkey on my 30th birthday, and only then because it's what hubby and I chose as our date to start cleaning ourselves out prior to our attempts to get pregnant. But I WAS chubby and desperately unhappy, and she only saw that I was unhappy and wanted to help (and she was naturally extremely thin and had trouble GAINING weight, which later turned out to be because of a terminal illness -- that had nothing to do with the Parliament habit -- but that's a whole 'nother story).
  3. "With regards to Randall's father, has it only been said that he's "sick" so far? With no named disease?" I thought it was maybe colon cancer? Or something along those lines ... I think he says what it is in Episode 1, and shirtless Sterling on the treadmill is apparently reading up on it on his iPad ... So, here is something I'd been wondering and I don't think anyone has "posited" yet (if they have, apologies) ... when Beth is mentioning the temporary blindness etc. that Randall had been going through and telling William about it, I thought she was heading in a direction that she wanted to ask William about HIS health history ... since Randall is the lone "Big Three" member about whom they don't know his genetic history, I wonder if he is actually ill or having health issues they don't want to talk about, but this is why he chose to try to track down his birth parents ... to find out if there are any genetic predispositions to certain diseases and in fact his "temporary blindness" etc. was not brought on by stress or kindness but by actual more serious health problems and they haven't wanted to share it with the siblings yet. That could be a potential twist ... especially if he needs some sort of transplant or match ... trying not to overthink, but it occurred to me while watching, so reading this thread made me start to put some of the pieces together.
  4. I did laugh out loud because I literally watched this episode right after watching the last 5 episodes of GG S2 (am binge-rewatching so I can segue right into the reunion series) ... and I still don't think I would have recognized Milo/Jess had I not known who he was. Also ... I am feeling ridiculously stupid, partly I guess because I did not read the entire thread from Episode 1 and my memory/logic is a little slow, but it absolutely took me until the end of this episode to figure out that the babies in Episode 1 are also the grownups rather than it just being a funny coincidence that the guy in the delivery room ALSO found a black baby left in a firehouse. Also-also, since I didn't recognize Mandy Moore when they said "it's grandma and grandpa," until I read THIS thread, I actually thought that Miguel was BETH'S dad and grandma was just some other woman and it was another coincidence that Jack's best friend was the dad of Randall's wife. I'll just stumble back to Idiotville now.
  5. I confess I was sooooooo confused by this ... whether that was actually supposed to "be" Justin Bieber or another rapper who went by the name of Justin Bieber or ... well, what. And I'd forgotten the early episode with the dog Darius kept seeing (so that at least then made sense I think in that the dog was sort of his psychic nemesis). So, hopefully someone can clear this up for me ... in that very early episode where the guy gets shot in the parking lot confrontation ... he didn't die, did he? Or did he? Is it the sort of thing where it becomes one of those epic stories that is constantly exaggerated in the retelling (you're the guy that blew the guy's head off, or whatever they said to Paper Boi this episode)? If he'd killed him, would they have gotten out of jail that quickly with no trial? We saw the gun go off but from far enough away that my guess later was that he was shot but maybe it only grazed him. Finally, LOVED the Jaleel White cameo.
  6. Is it at all possible that the leaving Princeton is connected to why he won't/can't apply for "real" jobs ... as in something serious that would pretty much make him ineligible for jobs like security guard and he hasn't told anyone? And is trying to cover it up? Anything from a criminal record to diagnosed mental illness of some sort? To be addressed in a future episode (with better subtitling/close captioning than DTV can provide for me?)
  7. Watched a rerun of the episode last night with Brock (and had totally forgotten that she also had a little toddler girl who was a contestant, though she wasn't half as pretty as Brock). There's a mom who should probably rank among the Top 5 in terms of "you go, mom." I hope that she has maintained that same great "this is Brock, this is who he is, anyone who doesn't like it can put it where the sun don't shine" attitude that she showed in that episode.
  8. So, much to my surprise/delight, stumbled upon a rerun of Four Weddings and TLC is apparently running a marathon ... is it possible that there is a Season 10 about to air? Or did they just run out of reruns to show? (My VCR or whatever you call it will be working overtime!)
  9. Yesterday was her 26th birthday ... we live on the east coast and she lives in LA and we haven't seen her since March and will not see her until Thanksgiving, so 8 months will be the longest we've EVER gone without seeing her ... and we definitely have a little of the Rory/Lorelei thing going (though without the single mom part) so cannot wait to see her ... watching GG was a HUGE thing with us ... I think we got turned onto it around Season 5 and were simultaneously bingewatching the first four season (with my husband/her dad) while also watching Season 5 ... it may have been a summer thing, my memory is not what it used to be ... but she was definitely still in high school and she graduated in '08. Just rewatched the episode with the reference to Junie and Momo and wishing now I'd also used a GG reference for my screen name! Instead, it comes from the comic strip Brewster Rockit.
  10. Maybe the nittiest of picks ever nitpicked in 28 pages of this thread but I watched this last night and even though I TOLD myself I was being ridiculous about it, I had to come here to let it out ... So, watched the entire show back a few years ago (LOVE IT) and vowed to re-binge all seven seasons in time for my prodigal daughter's return home for Thanksgiving, when we plan to make cocoa and kick the boys out to do their Black Friday shopping and watch the whole reunion together. JUST finished Season 1 last night ... so, the scene in "Emily in Wonderland," where Lorelei is "helping" Luke unpack boxes in the storeroom to try to "help" Rachel and him get back together (I know, I know, but just setting the scene in question). I think it's the first time we've seen the storeroom ... rows of large multi-tiered shelves for product. In between two tiers, both of which already have many items on the shelves, grouped together, L&L are opening (with the funny boxer cutter thingies) and unloading items onto the shelves. Luke is unloading a box of large jars of dill pickles and putting them together on a shelf ... but VERY clearly in view are a whole OTHER bunch of jars of the identical dill pickles ... on an opposite tier on a lower shelf. Ditto a bunch of bottles of Torani flavored syrup (which I'd be surprised to see there anyway since Luke's coffee seems decidedly one-unflavored-size-fits-all) in one place in one tier, and several more bottles on another shelf in another tier. It would seem that a reasonably organized type of guy like Luke, single-handedly running his diner, would put like items together, especially when they're clearly visible (with room available next to them) when unloading. Why this bothered me, I don't know but I was yelling at the TV "put the freaking pickles with the other pickles, dammit." Also, why is Chat Club pronounced Cat Club? That is all. Thank you.
  11. MASSIVE MASSIVE kudos to Linda Cohen, the Music Supervisor ... when a pilot episode features not just one but TWO songs by Slim Gaillard (Dunkin' Bagels Splash in the Coffee and Flat Foot Floogie) AND Belle Brigade I'm all in.
  12. Hoping someone can help me out on this ... Cadence reminds me SO much of someone and I can't think of who. A kid actor, I think, and the tiny edges of my sad remnant of a memory hints that it's a boy and not an attractive one either ... it's not young Billy Mumy but it's someone like that. Anyone? Also, wish they'd bring back reruns of Showbiz Moms and Dads and Little Miss Perfect. This is the best snark ever.
  13. I was so afraid I'd be disappointed because I was so excited about the show and it exceeded expectations ... I didn't expect to laugh as much as I did ... For anyone who has not seen Keith Stanfield before this (Darius), I'm thrilled that others will finally be turned on to him! He played Marcus in the film Short Term 12 (criminally overlooked for the 2013 Oscars) and was a revelation in that ... a really tragic character and without question the scene-stealer in a film packed with great actors (Rami Malek and Brie Larson among them) ... so seeing his ease with offbeat comedy is a treat! Ditto Brian Tyree Henry (Paperboi) who had a small but crucial role in S4 of Boardwalk Empire as Winston, Oscar Bonneau's slow nephew.
  14. I was actually going to suggest a "Where Are They Now" topic here but had no idea how to create or suggest a new topic plus thought perhaps it would be too cruel for us to dig around for info on these poor unfortunates ... but ... maybe ...
  15. I also was wondering about all the last name redacting ... and also noticed everyone but Eden (she never calls her Eden ... she always calls her EDEN WOOD and if I knew how to make a trademark sign on this keyboard I'd do it). I do wonder about that ... possibly all these years later they had to track down the original families where names were mentioned and ask permission to still use them? I also wonder if Cavan and Cameron had the same daddy. That Cameron was a cutie-pie and good sport and seemed to really love his squishy little brother. He even seemed to like being in the pageant! I hope he is having an awesome happy teenagehood wherever he may be.
  16. AH, so true ... how could I forget Honey Boo Boo? Yeah, there have been a few real winners. But Selyse is just plain plain plain. Even all glammed up she was plain.
  17. I was thinking the exact same thing ... but not associating her with this ... maybe she's just a reality TV ho? That wouldn't surprise me. She may have gone to number one with a bullet (to the kneecap) as single most reprehensible mom ever on T&T and that is saying a lot (and may I add that Selyse may be the most singularly unattractive kids ever on this show, which is kind of ironic -- sorry, I know something is going to strike me down for saying that but still ...)
  18. I had a massive crush on Frank Langella when I was a young'un and saw "Twelve Chairs" for the first time ... I also recall he had a long-term relationship with Whoopi Goldberg.
  19. Nick checks the one box that none of the other rumored Bs did ... he is NOT boring! So bring it on.
  20. I actually had to look up TBBT! Modern Family does nothing for me ... I don't actively dislike it, but don't go out of my way to watch it (and think it's sort of overrated), I've NEVER watched TBBT (now that I know what it is!) and I watched one season of AHS (the sideshow freak season) and found it ... interesting ... but I'm too easily creeped out to have any desire to continue along with it ... I would have said, hey, we should have a thread for "shows I hate that other people love" but then I remembered where I was and thought, oh, right.
  21. I am embarrassingly and irredeemably excited about the return of T&T ... I HAD NO IDEA it was coming back until I was searching for something else on DTV "Smart Search" and saw it ... and currently have an entire 24-episode marathon taping for my personal amusement and possible schadenfreude. The TWOP thread for this show was my happy place (second only, perhaps, to the late lamented Show Biz Moms and Dads though we did have some Debbie/Emily Tye crossover there) and I am happy to have found this place where I can share ... We're actually in the process of getting a new TV today (the old one crapped out right at the end of the Olympics ... I think the Russian group rhythmic gymnastics routine killed it) and I had to sort of side-mouth confirm that the recording I was doing would still work even without, you know, a TV attached (yes it will, it goes right to the DTV receiver and the orange light is on) ... but then I had to tell hubby WHY ... the eye roll was epic. Can't wait for Mackinzie-rhymes-with-Lindsey, Eden, the twins with the awful mom and, of course, that hard-working lady ni-ni. Gonna stock up on wine and low-cal treats and once that new 43-inch baby is locked and loaded I'll see those cheap-ass crowns larger than life from the comfort of my La-Z-Boy! Life is good.
  22. If I requested it would you post in it? Lots of haters on Twitter but as far as DC shows go, I love it!
  23. (Does this call for a Bizaardvark forum as well??? Too soon?)
  24. Funny how after all these years when a Wire character pops up I still shout "BODIE!" or whatever (though I saw MKW's name in the credits for this episode as "Freddy," I did NOT see him in the show yet ... did I miss the first sighting?) If I had to pick a suspect right now I'd go with the neighbor across the street who saw him break in. But am also thinking we may not have seen the killer yet (and maybe never will ... maybe she had a late-night appointment with a client who's into the S&M scene with her).
  25. I have been getting the feeling with Jennard (Jernard? Jernald?) that TPTB have been pushing him hard to be that edgy slightly blue guy who had nine kids and never lets anyone forget it ... I don't think he's just naturally a jerk but I think they're nudging him into that "role" and reminding him that he won't "make it" through if he doesn't show that personality. My guess is they went from the "nine kids" angle and took it from there. Also, re: Yaku (who I thought went WAAAAAY too soon), someone mentioned that they'd be surprised to see two black men winning back-to-back and I not only agree with that (sadly) but also recall that didn't "also MY husband Eddie" originally have the POV of the Caribbean and Jamaican flavors and they made him change it to BBQ because it wasn't accessible enough or whatever? And isn't Yaku's POV pretty much the same as Eddie's was before they made him change it? So I'm thinking either they like Yaku enough to come up with another POV for him, or they've decided that maybe they DO need that kind of show, or, most likely, they'll fall back on thinking it's not a viable POV to boot him (if he makes it back from Salvation Station or whatever it's called) and will have an excuse that has nothing to do with his actual, you know, talent.
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