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Everything posted by Thundercatmary

  1. They don’t seem to be showing Annie as having a eating disorder, I suspect she’s the other person in the car and will be hospitalized. Might then lead into the stuff with Ty from the books, like she’s hospitalized but for a different reason.
  2. I could be wrong but I though he was talking about the other chef stealing liquor, that he had seen him I think?
  3. I thought Ruby’s fainting was also foreshadowing possible future storylines for her, we will see tho.
  4. I believe it was caused by the cut on her hand, it was still in a bandage in this episode.
  5. Yeah I was not sure if I was being pranked but it seems legit. Well wishing them all they best, they both seem like nice people so it's nice to see. 🙂
  6. I agree about the 6 year jump. People have said over and over about how connections should change because the 6 years but I’m not liking that shift. I very recently started this show and marathoned up to about 5x2 and the characters and dynamics that interested me are gone or unrecognizable. Not sure how long I’ll continue with this show but I’m trying to wait it out and hope for a good payoff at seasons end.
  7. So I liked the episode ok but I' having a lot of trouble with all these new dynamics I'm supposed to buy into, it's just not working for me idk. I think part of the problem is that I watched seasons 1-4 within the last few weeks so it feels like such an abrupt change in season 5 with these new alliances/loyalties. I guess my main problem is Echo and the more I try to like her it has the opposite affect on me. Plus now with Skikru and Wonkru and Clarke very isolated except for Madi and it just is getting boring for me I guess? Like all the character interactions I used to love are missing, except for Bellamy and Clark. Hopefully I start to enjoy the episodes more. we will see. :)
  8. I'm fairly certain it was her first time at all. I really hate the cam stuff, so much, but also then I remember some of the crap I tried to pull when I was 15 and cringe at myself retroactively lol.
  9. It's strange, I feel like the show is telling me I should think the Veronica/Archie relationship is more hot and spicy, sexual chemistry and all that, with Betty/Jug being more emotional and less overtly sexual. But it's funny because for me it's coming across exactly the opposite, I don't know if it's because the show is pushing the Veronica/Archie sexytimes so much that it starts to feel forced imo or if it's just that I see so much more chemistry with Betty/Jug. Like others I wish we had seen the actual reunion convo between Betty and Jug but at least it's progress, they still have issues and that's ok. I am one who does not ever want to see a Betty/Veronica/Archie triangle, funny enough I only started watching cause it was on Netflix and my friend promised there was little to no triangle in the first season. It would be interesting though to see Betty and Jug try to navigate their relationship and how Archie fits into that as both their friend and Jug getting past or trying to get past his insecurities about Archie when it comes to his relationship with Betty. I'm confused why they even had the Toni/Jug kiss since she said she didn't want to be the rebound and how Jug wasn't over Betty, like no kidding it's only been hours did she really think he would be? I'm sure that will come up again and I just hope they don't go the Friends route. Also glad Betty turned the tables on her stalker/caller/BH but it would have been nice to get more of a reaction from her friends who were so recently trashing her, like I get Veronica and Jug's anger but Betty was trying to protect them however misguided her choices may have been, the last episode she was just emotionally devastated. Betty was reading Silence of the Lambs, don't know what Cheryl was reading. As to if they are fully back together or not I would say yes they are but there are going to be issues to work through as I expected.
  10. It's interesting when you think about how both Betty and FP lied to Jug in the belief they were protecting him. Will be interesting when Jug finds why Betty did what she did, if he makes that connection also.
  11. This may sound crazy but the only person I ever personally saw Archie had romantic chemistry with is Cheryl, not sure what it is but I would find that interesting for the show to explore. That being said, i'm fairly sure the show is going with a Archie/Veronica and Betty/Jug as end game pairings but still, I would like to see Archie with Cheryl.
  12. I really hope they don't keep Betty and Jug apart for to long, the split seems very artificial imo and i'm not looking forward to seeing them both in pain. They have really great scenes together and I totally but into the fact that they love each other even if they are young. My sister met her husband when she was a sophmore in high school and they've been married 12 years now. I really wanted to like Toni but honestly she annoyed me from the start and her swooping in on Jug the second (literally) she finds he's single was a step to far for me, not saying what she did was wrong necessarily just the last straw for me personally. Ofc this is nothing against the actress and is about the character alone. Also I realize all Betty's friends have their own stuff happening but it would be nice if any of them took notice of her apparent spiral, I mean she had to tell Archie, maybe we will see this in an upcoming episode. Loved the scene with the girls giving that beat down, I don't condone violence but I saw it more as self defense. Veronica started out in season 1 as one of my fave characters and I still like her, but I feel like a little of what Betty said to her rings true, even if Betty herself didn't mean it. Like in a strange way the writers acknowledging some missteps with her writing. For me it seems like a lot of Veronica is all told to us but not shown, I would just like less of Veronica telling us stories of her past and more showing us now who she is, if that makes any sense. Poor Jug is going through so much and I think he's doing his best. Found a lot of that Serpent stuff to be funny tbh, except that beat down at the end though I wasn't surprised as it's pretty common in gangs I believe. Also I've heard it said once a Serpent always a Serpent but that's not true because Alice got out. Lastly I was blown away my Lili and her acting this episode, I always thought she was talented but this episode was just another level. She was really good at showing Betty's spiral and devastation etc, I wasn't surprised to read that Lili likes to watch herself because she studies her expressions to make sure they come across how she intends them to or something along those lines.
  13. Question, what was revealed online that you are referring to? Did I miss something? :)
  14. I'm the same, and worse I'm a nervous laughter. My mom was injured once and she was so mad because I couldn't stop laughing! Now of course everyone in my family knows this about me and we can laugh about it but I seriously have no control over it, wish i did. :/
  15. OTA continues to be the strength of this show, why the show doesn't exploit that more is forever a mystery to me.
  16. Will/Does Sara remember anything that happened in this world? Im ok with it since I know it's not real and Felicity is fine, but I would feel bad for Sara if she has that memory of killing "Felicity." I haven't watched it yet but I will. :)
  17. The only way I'll accept this news is if she remains a villain, even the main season 6 villian would be fine, and eventually hopefully she'll be gone.
  18. I wish we could keep the live posting thread open for all time zones, I still have 2 more hours to wait. At least I can prepare for this ep!
  19. If he decides he's done being Green Arrow then I could see a few things that would make him change his mind, namely Felicity in trouble with Helix possibly.
  20. Hehe all those ~workouts in the bunker ;)
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