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Stella Rose

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Everything posted by Stella Rose

  1. If I were a -cough- few years younger, I would be on the first flight to NOLA. Henry is just my kind of guy. Decent, kind, low-key, easy to please... I wonder how he feels about older women? I kid, I kid. Um... Yo, Henry! Christina is a pill. A mean and nasty pill at that. Her snark on his insecurities was just nasty. It may have been edited, but as aired it made her look like a horrible beast.
  2. Henry is my type of guy. Yes he is quiet and comes off a bit shy and awkward. To me that is perfect. Pair me with a loud, boisterous (Bret type) and I would go bugshit. I would love a Henry who wants nothing more than someone to be nice to him, do low-key things with, maybe lay in bed and read together or make a nice dinner. They just paired him with the wrong match. Christina comes of as stuck up, loud, obnoxious, and perfectly happy to be the jet-setting party girl who lives way beyond her means. For all those who don't like Henry, he is perfect for the slightly introverted nerdy, bookish gal. That said I also admit if I were years younger, I just may be staking Bennet and disappearing Amelia in her compost bin. I kid, I kid. I wish these two nothing but the best. A year from now, I can see Henry happy and settled (a'la Onsie-Big-Spoon-Neil) from a few seasons ago with a nice, kind, polite, civilized LADY. If I could have crawled through the TV, I would have done so when Henry opened up about his insecurities and it seemed (never know with editing, but I think she) completely and hatefully shot him down. One well placed hug or even a hand on his leg or shoulder and a "I think you are gorgeous just the way you are" or "I am so sorry you went through that, it is tough being a kid" or any other genuine kind comment would have opened him up like a good book. She is just a nasty piece of work. Send her back up to 'fly the friendly skies' with her very friendly married coworkers. You don't deserve flowers you nasty, mean, CRUEL Twat.
  3. Late to the LBZ party, and I am still working my way through this thread - but - I had to chime in before I was ready just to compliment you on this post. This is incredibly thoughtful, well put together and informative. I don't think any of us can really understand what life without at least grocery store within driving distance would be like. I It may seem brutal to see all the hunting, but it's not like these folks are taking down a creature just to hang it's head on their wall. I am always impressed with how they use dang near everything. Thank you for this post INTOTHEMYSTIC. Very helpful and informative!
  4. I am in love with and need Karen's off the shoulder sweater. She looked so lovely in it, it flattered her beautifully, and her natural, gorgeous hair made it all the more perfect. I really think that Amelia and Bennett have had more intimacy than we have seen, will see, or they will admit to. They both seem like they choose to keep certain aspects of their very public relationship private. I could not adore them more! Every time I see Bennett, I am more impressed with him. He is so very gracious and tactful in interviews, with the guys, on the couples couch, etc. I have never heard him say a negative thing. He deftly and gracefully dances right around even the most pointy of JOtis' questions. He is a delight. I think with a PROPER match, Henry would have been a catch. Christina came out of the gate as a big pill - even at the wedding. I think he was immediately turned off and at the same time a little afraid of her. I can see her being very vicious. My butt has splinters over Bret/Olivia. The fence flipping is getting mighty uncomfortable. I vacillate between liking them both and disliking them both - sometimes at the same time! Strange. I give these two about a 20% chance - then again, I had just about no hope for Jamie/Elizabeth and AJ/Steph, so stranger things have happened. Any idea how long before we see COVID rear it's ugly mug? Could you imagine being quarantined with ChristinA? Oi.
  5. As a pasty white girl with beyond baby fine hair - I must admit my huge jealousy of the "don't have to think about mucking with your hair for a week" braids. Dang, I only wish. If I make a pony tail it's more of a rat-tail. As far as Bennet and Amelia sitting on one foot, I have to admit, I am nearly 50 and do the same thing. Habit. I do hope for the best for these two. They really seem quite adorable. Pukey mustard night dress aside. (I think that would have made my girly bits retreat), but he really is a handsome guy.
  6. Did you have the giant champagne glass hot tub??? I saw that in a catalogue when I was about 5 and have coveted it ever since. Even with the red shag and mirrored ceilings! So wait... did someone say that Henry had never been out of the country? I must have missed that.
  7. Oh boy, I have to echo the love for Amelia and Bennett - but - they both seem like the type that the quirks ore so adorable at first, gosh you could just eat them up - then they grate. Like granny's old knuckle-buster box grater - until there is blood. I hope that their quirks fit and they do well though. Henry and... CHristina (?) Yawn. I think I dozed off every time these two were on screen. As to last weeks' couples - they all seem ok, but I think Brett is ging to be a major, major problem. He may even unseat Puke, Sean, and Matt for worst MAFS husband in history.
  8. Please excuse me if I am clutching my graduated cultured pearls, but god bless, woman. Shave those damn pits for the wedding. I may be completely out of touch, out of sync, or out of my mind.... but merciful Zeus. I guess her pits and his socks can hang out and create some sort of new life form on the honeymoon. (sorry if I offend any non-shavers).
  9. You are so correct. Hits a bit too close to home, but 'deny till you die" is the best way I have ever heard this put. Even when faced with incontrovertable proof, they silll keep doubling down on the lies. It is pathological. Live with it or leave it indeed.
  10. I hope Derek and Katie's dads become best pals after this. They both seem like great, sensible, cool guys. Katie just makes me see red all the time now. Every look, every word, every grimace, every turtle puss face she pulls. Ugh. She is repulsive and a prime example of how jealousy can eat you alive.
  11. Cooking is an art form. I adore cooking. I have over 150 spices in my spice cupboard. How can anyone put down cooking??? As to Katie. I was exactly like her. When I was ** 15 ** and had my first BF. She needs to grow up.
  12. I sure hope so. If not I will start the crowdfunding to pay her 'fine' for dumping that DBag
  13. I think it was respectable of Mindy sticking it out, regardless of how disinterested Zach was. She took her commitment to the 'process' and the marriage seriously. She herself said something to the effect that if she had given up sooner, she would not have felt she gave it her all. She is one heck of a lady, and I wish her nothing but the best. For the person who said the divorce party was tacky, I disagree. She didn't play pin the tail on the Zack Ass - er, Donkey... or paste his face on the pinata like I would have done - and then some. I would have invited Lindsey and let everyone take a poke at her. She is the true villain of this story - what a ___________. Zach was a stranger (this does not get him a pass) but Lindsay was supposed to be a long-time friend. That to me is way more vile than your husband of 20-odd days emotionally cheating.
  14. Katie is shameless and just plain nasty. Who makes fun of someone when they open up and show you their childhood memorabilia? She is just a brat. She seems like a spoiled child and Derek does not deserve such a rotten mate. He seems like a decent guy with a kind, fun loving heart. I am sure he will bounce back from this and find someone who deserves him and supports his dreams - no one should have a mate who squashes their dreams. Mindy - you are probably the classiest, most dignified person I have ever seen on 'reality' TV. I know a lot of people saw her as mealy, but I think she was truly trying to make this work, while remaining a complete class act. That she never got nasty, yelled, or called either Zach or Lindsey the names she should have... She is truly a lady. Just like with Derek, I am sure she will find someone who is deserving of her dignity and grace. Austin and Jess are just too cute - thank goodness for them. They are the highlight of this season. I really have high hopes for them. The rest of these characters are all different flavors of screwed up. Taylor and Brandon are just volatile. Meka is a bitter pill (understandable to a large extent, but still...) and Michael... well I would have to look outside to confirm if he said it was raining. Overall, this season has been a real bust. I am beginning to wonder if the "rigorous selection process' involves names pulled from a hat.
  15. The Car Gurus commercial is making me nuts. They smoosh the words all together and it sounds like Cargaroos. Like Underoos or Kangaroos . Then there is a snippet of a commercial I think I saw... though I had a fever, but I swear it had a lady with um... singing lady bits who was doing yoga. I am frankly terrified to google that.
  16. Having a powerhouse like Bellamy Young and -not- giving her a much more juicy role than 'mom' would be a crime in itself. She is, in a word, brilliant.
  17. I just watched some of the old Mayhem commercials from the link you all provided. I forgot the raccoon in the attic one. Bless. (shallow end of the pool) Dean Winters sure has aged nicely. He looks way better now (though what a cute commercial). The new cat one may be the best yet. He needs to go back to SVU because a) I need to see him back on TV weekly, and b) Liv needs to get ----.
  18. I feel like the time jump did a huge disservice to Otis (and Yuri (sp ?) as an actor). We barely had time to process his death and mourn him before - whoop! - time jump and everyone is all pretty much over it. Cruz is still sort of sad, but, hey - look - underwear model hijinks! A stupid statue (with a removable and bronze helmet that will be stolen and pawned within 4 hours in Chicago) and a few sad words does not make for an appropriate swan song for an original cast member. Boden killed it, but the rest seemed to be phoning it in. I am as leaky as an old faucet when it comes to beloved character's deaths on TV, but I barely even sniffled here. And I truly adored Otis. (I not-so secretly wish Mouch would have bitten it. A big bronze couch in front of 51 would be way harder to steal). Something just felt off, emotional-beat Wise. I can't care if Bret comes back. Austin (block of wood) Peck was, sadly, the high point of the episode (though again, the levity of his character seemed very misplaced in an episode which was supposed to be oh-so-sad).
  19. Or toss his ass into the fire. Roasted gecko anyone? I believe that is a delicacy in at least 17 countries.
  20. I have to (love) and quote you just for your use of the word 'dubious'. One of my top ten most loved yet strangely underutilized words.
  21. Damn near everything can be donated to someone/organization. Too many people just throw things away. I live near a student apartment complex that has a high turnaround. I 'rescue' loads of clothes, blankets, coats, manual can openers, pots and pans, etc. from the TRASH BINS that I clean/launder and keep in my car trunk to hand out to homeless people. These spoilt kids who just trash things and get new ones rather than pack them to move just burns my ass. Sorry if off topic.
  22. I would much rather have you for an office mate Funky Rat than someone doused in perfume or febreeze. Natural scents are wonderful. Chemical scents KILL me. (I have not been able to go to a movie theater in over 20 years). Instant migraine, throat closed up, and worse. I would much rather have you for an office mate Funky Rat than someone doused in perfume or febreeze. Natural scents are wonderful. Chemical scents KILL me. (I have not been able to go to a movie theater in over 20 years). Instant migraine, throat closed up, and worse.
  23. I felt that way too. Great cast - but dang, Tom Payne was chewing the scenery. I am hoping it tones down, being this was the pilot. I found myself so bored, every time he did something stupid or annoying I yelled "JESUS!". I may or may not have annoyed the heck out of hubby. Kept expecting Sheen to mince about, grab a glass of wine, and generally act like Aziraphale (he owned that role - if you have not watched Good Omens... check it out, it is just a delightful, fun, treat). I simply adore Bellamy Young beyond words, but even she fell flat to me. She can be such a badass, she was just... meh. Dipping into the shallow end of the pool: Damn, LDP is looking good. He is aging very, very nicely. I will tune in for another few episodes - and may even re-watch this one another time. Sometimes mood makes a big difference. Sniffle. Deception.
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