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Stella Rose

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Everything posted by Stella Rose

  1. I love the title "Quit Anti Smoking". I can get behind that. Quit those anti smoking PSAs and commercials!
  2. The Choppers! One of the best - non-intentionally hilarious movies ever. Well played!
  3. But it slices, it dices, it juliennes.... 😉 I kid, it does heat your whole cottage though, so there is that.
  4. Ohwell... only the most amazing stove/oven on the planet. Prepare for a second mortgage or to sell a kidney but... I give you... https://www.aga-ranges.com/products/collections/aga-total-control
  5. I think she kissed more than that, sadly. He is a dick of Luke proportions. Good enough to fuck, but she's not good enough to keep.
  6. A few observations: Amber will never, ever attract or keep a decent guy until she fixes herself. In my 20s I was Amber. Abandonment issues, clingy, over-pleaser, the whole 9. I attracted (chose) men who were such losers that of course they could never leave me (no jobs, no family, no money, no prospects.). If Amber had said yes, Matt probably would have stayed (and strayed). I refuse to waste one more keystroke on that asshat. Yuck. He pretty much personifies 'douchebag'. Keith was in a no win situation. If he "took" I-I-Iris' virginity then left, he would be the heel of the century. If he says no, then all he cares about is sex and he's a jerk. I think he chose the best option for his future. I wish him well, he seems like a decent guy. A bit immature in his own way, but decent enough. Jamie and Red - oi. In some odd way I actually hope they make it. Or at least they manage to not kill each other. Maybe once the cameras are gone they can settle down. Yeah, right. ha ha. Deonna and Greg - Happy for these two. I actually think they have a really good chance and have built a pretty solid foundation. They may be success couple #6 (or is it 7?)
  7. A few observations: Amber will never, ever attract or keep a decent guy until she fixes herself. In my 20s I was Amber. Abandonment issues, clingy, over-pleaser, the whole 9. I attracted (chose) men who were such losers that of course they could never leave me (no jobs, no family, no money, no prospects.). If Amber had said yes, Matt probably would have stayed (and strayed). I refuse to waste one more keystroke on that asshat. Yuck. He pretty much personifies 'douchebag'. Keith was in a no win situation. If he "took" I-I-Iris' virginity then left, he would be the heel of the century. If he says no, then all he cares about is sex and he's a jerk. I think he chose the best option for his future. I wish him well, he seems like a decent guy. A bit immature in his own way, but decent enough. Jamie and Red - oi. In some odd way I actually hope they make it. Or at least they manage to not kill each other. Maybe once the cameras are gone they can settle down. Yeah, right. ha ha. Deonna and Greg - Happy for these two. I actually think they have a really good chance and have built a pretty solid foundation. They may be success couple #6 (or is it 7?)
  8. I just want to say I love you for that reference. Liz and Dick were the original dysfunctional couple, yes?
  9. I may have just terrified Muka the cat by screaming "YES! YES !" when Amber dumped the lying liar who lie's ass.
  10. I can agree with you to a point. I doubt anyone can keep Big Red Mouth on script. She seems... unpredictable at best.
  11. I can't even think of spooning without picturing Neal (Neil) on his wedding night to Sam - wearing that big red onesie!
  12. If I recall correctly, even the friend kind of called him out on it. He said something about Matt not texting her or something. Sorry, I tend to slip into a catatonic state when Matt is on the screen.
  13. For the next 43 minutes (or maybe 33 if you ask Big Red....)
  14. I meant "successful Intentional Basketball player, 6' whatever, etc." I remember in episode one his 'credentials' made him sound like a civilized human being. From the MAFS website (Pretend you have never seen him in action, heard him speak, and have only seen a photo and read this: "Matthew, 31, is an international basketball player who has been single for more than a year and is looking for someone who can adapt to his schedule. He has a strained relationship with his recently divorced parents, and wants a relationship where his partner is as devoted to athleticism as she is to him." This is what I meant by on paper he sounds ok. I stand by my assertion that the "experts" looked no farther than his photo and paper application.
  15. Yep. More 14-15 year old boy posturing. Dipshit. No way he can sustain any kind of long term relationship until he grows up. I would not even recommend he get a pet to help him mature. Well, maybe a pet rock.
  16. I am completely convinced the "experts" chose the participants from paper only. No way anyone (except maybe an intern) interviewed Matt. Think about it - he sounds like a decent catch - on paper. But then he opens his mouth. He sounds and acts like a 15 year old boy. I have a real issue with grown men who constantly walk around in basketball shorts (I imagine finding pants to fit him is not easy, but still). His voice, mannerisms, and cadence grate on my nerves to the point I need to mute him sometimes. Add to it his extremely emotionally immature behaviour "I need me time" sex being his only way of communicating intimacy, his stalling, mumbling, hemming and hawing and (possible) outright lies when anyone questions him... UGH. I cannot even entertain the idea that he was smart enough to pull the wool over the 'experts'. eyes. Nope. No way. This guy was picked on paper only. Amber needs to cut and run and call Kate to go get drinks (and beg her advice on hair styling and her stylist's number). Bless, Kate had such pretty, pretty hair.
  17. To me it is the difference of generalities v. personal comments. i,.e. "Damn, Amber's hair looks lank. She really needs to get some professional help for that 'do." "Oi! Liz dresses like a hooker on Unfiltered." "Iris looks gangly, she is all leg, like a colt" These are perfect examples of direct comments about a participant, and I see nothing at all even remotely wrong with that.. Conversely, "I don't do bony" seems like a generalized, and very rude remark about a particular body tyoe in general (and one that it seems is just fine to make fun of). I am most certainly not crying into my anything, thanks, (I don't eat cheetos), but my hand to god, if I someone "Dang, so and so woman is really fat. I don't DO fat." People would lose their minds. I hope that makes sense, but alas, we may just agree to disagree, which is what these forums are all about. Peace.
  18. Thank you Red, you are too kind. (we will need a lot of popcorn!). It's pretty common. At this point I just ignore it and realize they must have bigger self esteem issues than I do.
  19. Ouch. I think she is quite stunning to look at and has a beautiful figure. Some people are just thin. Maybe I just take that a little too personally - being naturally thin, I cannot count how many women have told me I need to 'eat a sandwich' or have said 'Only dogs like bones, REAL women have curves'. It's just mean. There is a lid for every sized pot. Now if we were discussing her personality (or lack thereof...)
  20. Though I sure would like to borrow one once a year for all my glassware. To have that perfectly clean, shiny, no smudgy glassware.... hell yeah. "Ello' Mobile Dishwasher...."
  21. My parents sent me to my first day of kindergarten in "Hee Haw' cartoony printed denim overalls. I do not want to argue about scarred for life.
  22. Any toilet tissue adverts. "Enjoy the Go" and "Down there Care" have my complete and utter hatred. The Down there Care ones are remarkably annoying/gross/and almost offensive - even for toilet tissue ads. Commercials for diapers... yuck, I just don't like them. 'Bouncy House" and the Pull Ups/rap song ones are particularly evil, sending me diving for the mute button.
  23. I don't either - with only two of us, the amount of water it wastes to me seems disgusting. I would, however, like to borrow one every 6 months or so to get my vases and glassware as super sparkly clean as only dishwashers do. Oddly enough, no one has a mobile dishwasher service yet, haha.
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