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Everything posted by theatremouse

  1. Pretty sure it was "Benj"? I was so moved by this episode. I've been underwhelmedish by most of this season, but this made up for it. The other thing that's interesting is, while Benj is not wrong that making a bunch of hand puppets from scratch is time consuming, shadow puppetry has an extremely high degree of difficulty in doing it right. So this sort of confirms Louise as a puppeteer-savant. It's not just marionettes she's got a knack for.
  2. Indirectly though. The Tobin sold the land to the meat company. The meat company was behind it getting buried. I thought this detail was interesting in that it implies said Tobin used to own a TON of land.
  3. I kept feeling like "I recognize the name but I don't think I've ever seen this person before, did I miss a season?" and then they'd show a clip or a still from the contestant's last appearance and I'd recognize everyone else in the image and think, ok, didn't miss a season... And then it happened again. And again. Oops.
  4. I like that they haven't overdone the Alanis bit, but still use from time to time. Makes it more effective.
  5. It's pretty easy to edit out the part where they announce the twist, the part with bakers freaking out about incorporating whatever it was, and not show any of the judging that mentioned the thing. Or if it were a separate thing and not an ingredient-add, just don't show the cookie/biscuit/truffle whatever the hell second item they were tasked with. They edit so-so-so-so much out to begin with, if a particular twist didn't result in anything interesting, it could be a smart editing decision to lift it. Doesn't necessarily mean it's chicanery, just the show choosing to air footage they thought was more compelling.
  6. I reallllllly dislike cousin Danica. She's too alarming for me for the rest of the tone of the show.
  7. Carrie is off topic as she was not involved in this episode. Please move on. Also if you'd like to discuss food memes, please do so in Small Talk. This topic is for episode 7.
  8. They could've gone that direction, but I think they were trying for a pun on "face off", but stuff you had to eat with your hands, so hands off.
  9. Move on from the stripping or not discussion. It's derailing.
  10. I could've sworn in at least a couple episodes it looked to me like they had an xbox. Not that their having that makes any sense, but I really thought I saw it.
  11. Oh I thought it was one of the most on-theme. Orange and yellow shag carpet was A Thing. When I think of shag carpet my mental image defaults to the color scheme on that cake, so it made a lot of sense to me. Plus Jesse's shag vest was orange. Josh pretty much took his color scheme from the prompt - Jesse's outfit and the set decoration when they announced the theme. In the 60s there was a trend of grotto pools. To me, his cake looked exactly like those. The water wasn't that color, but the lining of the pool is, so it looked right to me. (not saying grotto pools don't exist now, but they tend to be a lot bluer) A burnt taste usually looses over a dry cake. Plus if I'm remembering right, his was dry and they took issue with the gradation of his ombre. Hers was not dry, but was not even close to ombre, had burnt taste from the nuts, and the decoration didn't look right. I liked Jai a lot, but there was more wrong with hers in this particular episode.
  12. Unrelated to the outcome, Loosey's outfit for the finale was about 12x more interesting than anything she did during the season.
  13. Please stop any speculation about any of the contestants' hypothetical diagnoses. Please also be mindful of our inclusion policy.
  14. Folks, please stick to Spring Breaking Championship in here. Other Baking Championship shows have their own topics. What foods are readily available where is also off-topic, unless it came up on the show.
  15. Yeah they film all possible outcomes, including ties, and have for years. I'm bummed to say I saw this ending coming a mile away...or really, the second one of them said something like "there hasn't been a final three since season 8".
  16. Most likely reason is a music rights issue, which may not apply in all countries.
  17. I think everyone was fine in the Rusical, but of them, Mistress was the worst. I mean, they lipsynched the whole thing so none of the vocal performance was her. So anything that worked there was not her. She was not quite in sync in her solo and her choreo was by far the easiest and most boring. She wasn't terrible, but based on the main challenge alone, I have no idea why she got praise. Loosey and Salina were both better in the Rusical but were in the bottom because of their runway, and because no one was terrible in the Rusical. They both made boring choices during the lipsync, and if a double-sashay were not in the cards, then Loosey probably stayed because she was marginally better in the Rusical than Salina - admittedly, because she had more to do anyway.
  18. Did Beef say he'd never been on a date? Was there not an episode in which he accidentally had three dates at the same time? Him being bad at going on a date, I get, but him not having been on one, when we've seen it? Distracted me the whole episode.
  19. Most considerate people have wipes (or at least grab the toilet paper from the stall) and would not leave physical stuff behind. The UV is just taking care of the germs that'd be left behind. But true, if someone left a mess on the table, that'd still be on it, but it'd be sanitized-ish, since UV can only kills the germs it has a clear path to.
  20. I kept wanting to scream at the TV "where are the JOKES?" They all had a bunch of set ups that sounded like setups, but with no punchlines. And then the worst of the bunch didn't even have setups, they were just...talking. You go on this show you know two things for sure: you're gonna play Snatch Game and you're gonna be asked to do standup. Sure, maybe you don't always know the context for the standup. It might have context you can't plan in advance. But seriously, come prepared with JOKES.
  21. He never moves when he performs. Besides his voice, that was part of the giveaway. I was mildly amused they called it DC Superheros night and then had 3/4 judges dressed as characters mostly known for being villains (recent origin-story retcons aside).
  22. When he first led her out, as she was sitting he said "and there's a pillow for you", so I'm pretty sure it was just for her.
  23. I had been assuming he was 24 or something, even though that'd be a way bigger gap between him and Ham than I think makes sense for what we know of their parents' relationship. So I guess 21 is a more logical timeline, even though that seems too young too. Ugh I don't know.
  24. I was stuck on the whole Beef plot with "yes we agreed to marry at 40 if neither married by then" NOT "if neither of us is married at that time". Beef was married by 40. And divorced. Pact is void. I thought it the second she walked in the door. I know then there's no episode if they were clever enough to insist that be the end of it, but it was so obvious it annoyed me.
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