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Everything posted by hoosiermommy

  1. I honestly don't understand the angst over the President's visit to the man who killed his wife. He didn't interfere with justice. The man was fairly tried and convicted and sentenced before the Preaident basically said "don't forget what you did." Ooooooooh. Snap! ?
  2. Well, this is because the presenters did a horrible job at defining a "food desert". While the socioeconomic of a region impact amperaon's ability to get to places outside their zipcode for food, they didn't explain that a good desert was the absence of healthy food options within the reasonable travel radius that would make access to healthy food a possibility. Sheesh. Their graphic was perfect for those words and they totally whiffed at the explanation.
  3. Because it isn't about B&T or even C&T. It is about Carley and allowing her to know her heritage and blood relations. My son is 5. He sees his birth mother yearly. He has told me before he misses her. I don't know what he misses, but yes, kids that age can know and miss people. Adoption is hard. Adoptive parents go in knowing that their children's reality is a whole other set of parents. And sometimes it really sucks to have to acknowledge and accept that. But if B&T cut off C&T because they are "crazy" or "immature" or whatever, when the day comes when they have to explain why, an adoptee could make the jump that, since they share blood, they have the same undesirable traits and of mom and dad didn't like it with birth parents, they don't like it with me. A lot of adoptees struggle with feelings of inadequacy...no need to make it more likely or worse.
  4. I think the twins expected they would come off as "precious" and didn't expect they would come off as obnoxious.
  5. From watching many episodes of Tiny House Nation, I think the real reason many people go tiny is virtue signaling. about 95% of those episodes have people who want to maintain their lifestyle of hobbies that requires large amounts of storage ("I have a garage of essential outdoor equipment I couldn't possibly pair down" or "I am a home brewer and winemaker and this huge and cumbersome equipment must come with me!"). Or, they don't want to rattle around in a 4,000 square foot house anymore...or have a $5,000 mortgage any more...totally missing that there is a whole world of homes between where they are now and a 300 square foot tiny home. In all the episodes I remember watching, there was only one that going tiny seemed to really made sense for. One was a flight attendant who was tired of living out of a suit case at a crash pad when she was at her some base. I have too many books (and too much claustrophobia) to make a tiny home practical for a main home, but I would totally rent one as a vacation get away (or buy one for a hunting/fishing cabin for my husband and son). I think the idea of selling to a vacation estate, like they did, makes so much sense, and I hope that it really pans out for both parties.
  6. My bet is on #3: the writers failed geography and believed that an audience that relies on GPS instead of maps wouldn't recognize the geographic problem.
  7. So is Jen real or just Amy Poehler in a new role?
  8. I felt sorry for Jerry. He looked so pathetic practically begging those women for their attention. He tried so hard just to find out that his money couldn't buy him the attention he desired. Here's a tip Jerry...look for women your own age. I didn't agree with Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger much, but she would often tell people that if you were a 5, you needed to look for another 5, not a 10.
  9. Malia, you just got promoted not due to your skill, or work ethic but because of intimacies you shared with your boss. You've been on the job for, what 2 days? And you are lecturing someone about why they, unlike you, are not promotable? Well, I'll say this...that takes guts to make yourself look that foolish on television.
  10. Thinking more about the Sansa/John Snow interaction at the meeting of the families, I am even more put out by Sansa than I was previously. She says she knows what Baelish wants. If that is true, openly challenging John in that venue in that manner plays right into his hands. Baelish can't be King unless he can eliminate John Snow. He can't do that when the Starks are united, but he can certainly do that if the two are divided. He plays one off the other. His look after John's final word confirms that Baelish is relishing this division between the two. It plays right into his hands.
  11. I don't see the Jon/Sansa thing as anything more than the acknowledgement from Jon that they need to appear united in front of their people. When you have kids, you most assuredly will not agree with their other parent about how to handle things at all times. When that happens, you have a discussion "off line", behind closed doors, or after the kids go to bed. In front of the kids, you absolutely show a united front or the kids will learn to play one parent against the other. That is how I interpreted Jon's resistance. He doesn't necessarily dislike the idea that Sansa has an opinion and it is different from his, but her disagreement with him, vocally and in the open, meant that even if he agreed with her, he wouldn't have been able to change his mind without looking weak.
  12. So, I've been trying to put my finger on why this is considered a cult. After all, lots of religions believe things I disagree with or even thing is nuts. I am sure that people think some of the things my religion believes are crazy. But the whole idea of chasing "escapees" down and dragging them back...that there makes this a cult. Also the "church's" responses to all the people ratting them out for their bad behavior all sounds so juvenile. "Everyone is lying! We are the only ones telling the truth!" I could believe one or two malcontents, but please...cut your losses and move the heck on Scientology. This just reflects poorly on you.
  13. I do have personal experience with open adoption, and as long as all parties remember: 1. To put the child first and 2. Their roles in he child's life Open adoption is wonderful. Honestly, this open adoption probably could have worked if not for Teen Mom. The celebrity of Cait and Tyler, and Tyler's ego being massaged by his posse on Facebook made this situation one that was never going to work out. Because Brandon and Theresa needed to abide by Rule 1 and Tyler (this is almost all on him) couldn't live by Rule 2, they had no choice. It does stink though that Theresa didn't have a conversation with Cait, but maybe she had before and this time, to make sure it was clear, she brought in the voice of authority. I hope that when this show runs its course, contact will be resumed. As it is, Carly is already always going to be "Cait and Tyler's" daughter before anything else to a small segment of the public. just as an aside, my four year old son was the ring bearer in his birth mom's wedding this summer. She (also adopted) had her birth sister and birth grandmother there. I was standing next to my son's birth great grandmother marveling that no one thought this combination of birth and adopted families was odd at all.
  14. Thank goodness the good-hearted Americans were able to "rescue" all those Indian orphans. Blech.
  15. If she really thought that, and his death was her plan, why stop him from going to the Sept in the first place?
  16. It isn't that I feel sorry for Suzanne. I just find it interesting that the writers chose to ground her jealousy in something many women today feel...jealousy or inadequacy. I don't feel like I am bragging to say I am a better mom than Suzanne is/was to her kids, and I can logically justify the use of daycare and preschool, but honestly, what mother hasn't had that moment when they drop the kids off for the first time (or fiftieth time or five hundredth time) when you get a feeling in your gut that someone else is raising your child? This is not a social commentary, just an observation. I do not feel guilt for my choices in childcare and child rearing, and I am a very (exceedingly) logical thinker, and even I felt it. It passes, but yes, that fear was very relatable despite her being a horrible person and mother. Yup, Suzanne brought it on herself, and I don't feel sorry for her, but I can totally understand the underlying hurt that she had that her children turned to someone else as a mother figure. A nice choice by the writers. Again and again they chose a unexpected direction that felt totally organic.
  17. I really like that the commentary on this is that everyone's hands were made dirty by slavery. Even the "good" people, the ones we root for (Elizabeth and John, Stein, Rosalee, Noah) turned violent. It isn't that they weren't justified, but because of slavery, John killed a man with his bare hands (well, slavery and rape). Stein protected her children by committing murder. Twice. Rosalee shot August (who should be dead being gutshot and all...sanitation, even in the medical field was nearly non-existent in those days and gut shot was usually a death sentence). I am kind of irritated that they had the repentant Tom scene, trying to redeem his character, but I think that maybe they understood that we the audience knew he wasn't repentant, he was looking for a roll in the hay. No repentance. And Mrs. Tom (can't think of her name), I can totally understand her motivation. Not jealous of her as a lover, but as a mother figure. Of all the things she could have been upset about, that is the one that hits home with me. I mean, I am not an awful mom, so I don't really have to worry about it, but when you first put your child in daycare or preschool and you wonder if some other woman is going to become their mother figure and it tears you up....so I totally get it. I also love that she acknowledge that Stein's preganancy meant more workers, but honestly, I would have liked it more if they had acknowledge that it wasn't just more workers but more wealth created by that union. So Tom was really looking out and providing for his family by making slave babies who would be worth money.
  18. I, too am glad that all the talk about love between Tom and Earnestine can be buried now. There can be no love (and no consent) in a relationship where saying "no" could mean death or permanent separation from family and where "yes" could essentially create wealth for someone else (slave babies=$). Sam's lynching was just viscerally sickening. But I am glad they did it. I am also glad that all of the supporters in the smoky back room were there speaking the talking points. To whit (paraphrasing).... Guy one: slaves are children. They need us to provide a guiding hand. Slavery provides structure for them (also known as the "benevolent good" attitude that was prevalent) Guy two: If we don't have slavery, the slaves will come back and kill us all (also a common belief, and not mutually exclusive from the "benevolent good"). And here I am thinking, "Well, if you think that without slavery they would come back and kill you, maybe that points to the fact that what you are doing is no kind of good at all. Maybe lynching people for your own power play to get right in the eyes of the voters and God makes slaves want to kill you, Tom.
  19. Yeah, but the mercury would explain his "mad" wife.
  20. Yes, they did only weight the bag. But he dumped out the cotton and handed back what was supposed to be an empty bag. I do not believe that Bill, who was suspicious from the prior day, and surprised by the output, wouldn't notice that the empty bag he was handing back still weighed 5 pouds or 10.
  21. So, can someone please help me.... When they were weighing the bags of cotton, James had 315. There is no way, absolutely none, that that child was hauling 315 pounds in that sack. And the volume wis all wrong (cotton isn't that dense it would weigh that much in the bag. So, were they saying 3 15s? As in 3 15 pound weights (45 pounds)? I am trying to remember what the other weights were to see if it makes sense. I think the first weigh in was 3 25 (75) when his bag was switched and Sam's number after switching his bag was 2 25 (50). I don't know, it is just really confusing. As is the idea that James could get away with putting a bag of dirt in his bag to minke it weigh more. They empty the cotton into the baskets. Then they hand back the empty bag. Are we supposed to believe that after the first time when Bill turns the bag inside out in disbelief that the second time he is is bewildered he hands back a bag that still has significant weight to it when it is supposed to be empty?
  22. Besides, if Tom's affair with a slave woman produces offspring, it increases their wealth. Besides the obvious issue of consent when you are owned, he really is like Midas, creating gold with just a touch. There can be no love in that kind of relationship.
  23. Boo and Moses are now on the train. Noah told Moses to jump and he would throw him Boo and then we cut back to Rosalee telling Noah that he'd done it. They are not out of danger yet, though. I was surprised when Tom Macon was describing his slaves for the slave bill he didn't mention that Moses only had one eye. It seems to me that if you have to provide testimony in front of a magistrate for the fugitive slave law, that would be a key to proving the man you had was the one you were "entitled" to take.
  24. So, in my line of business (employee benefits), employees with client contact (brokers, account executives, etc) usually sign contracts with non-compete clauses. Is this not part of a law firm's contract? Because as Kim was doing her thing, all I could think of was, "Does she not have a non-compete? Why does she not have a non-compete?!?!?!" Though I wish she had taken Jimmy's Mad Men style advice and just slipped the note under the door. Especially if she didn't have a non-compete.
  25. Morgan = the government<br /><br />"Fixing problems we created since 1776."
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