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Everything posted by hoosiermommy

  1. I’ve always assumed “ Christmas” in this sense wasn’t a day but a season.
  2. In a short charter season though, what is appropriate? Two weeks would have been, what....40% of the charter season? Maybe a two charter notice would be appropriate? I don’t know....it’s been over 14 years since I gave notice and it was an office setting.
  3. Yesterday I took off work to clean the house for Thanksgiving. My 6 year old was home from school. Getting him to pick up hisbtoys from the living room (a project that should have taken minutes ended up taking hours), I had a flash back to nearly every time Caroline is supposed to do something other than laundry. Distracted, not making efficient use of her time, literally trying to do three things in different locations all at the same time instead of completing one task and moving on to the other. For my son, it is a focus issue...well and he’s 6.
  4. It appeared to me that Caroline was radioing the crew about the broken glass. If so, I can’t fault her. It could also be editing monkies....
  5. I am constantly surprised at how much I like Ashton. He works hard, stays above the drama and seems like a good guy.
  6. Technically, a truly open adoption can never really be closed. Though most people equate “open adoption” with visits or contact, the true definition is that both parties share identifying information with each other. An adoption can be open without any contact if the birth parents know the full names (first and last) of the adopting parents and how to get in touch with them and vice versa. Open adoptions have been found to be more beneficial than semi-open (intermediaries like an agency know how to get in touch with the other party) or closed (no identifying information). However, the key to any adoption with contact are boundaries...which Cate blows right through. —Mom in a happy and healthy open adoption
  7. I am stunned...I never thought to see an Alonso Cushing (Medal of Honore winner) reference on Previously. Well done!
  8. The helicopter was as manufactured by the same people who brought us Glen’s dumpster. “Keeping dead people alive!”
  9. I just had an issue with an account executive who has been in the industry for 30+ years. She said, "I'm not good at math so I can't help make sense of the reports." At some point in the last 30 years, maybe you would think it important to....learn enough math to understand the reports you are supposed to use to help clients manage their account??? I don't necessarily think that not having the skills right away to perform every aspect of your job is a bad thing, but abdicating your responsibility to learn how to do your job better is lazy.
  10. OMG. Sandy....you use words that you don't understand. How can you tell Joao, "Just be honest" in one breath and then in the next tell him that he's authentic? You do realize that not being honest makes someone, by definition, inauthentic, right? Wow....the camera sure has added 10 pounds of stupid to that one.
  11. Shut up Sandy. "If you knew, why did you even engage?" Well, I don't know....maybe because I wasn't the one who committed to Brooke? Joao is at fault. Period. End of story. And Sandy trying to make Joao's infidelity anyone else's fault is gross.
  12. I think TVFanatic's point was that she said that before the season aired and she could see all of the BS that happened behind her back. I sincerely hope that is the case, because someone who is so big about women's rights and setting the bar for women should really not be enabling a "man" who treats women the way he does.
  13. “I’ve got a quote I wrote for you today”.... Does he even know how quotes are “made”? Also, can the Primary tell me the blessing that changes the molecules of my food to zero calories, please?
  14. I wonder what it finally was. Her deliberate blindness toward men in general (“I’ve been cheated on” a lot before) must mean she must have had a walk in on him moment. Seeing is believing after all. Regardless, she needs to drop her mopey woe-is-me victimhood. I am as over her and her feeling a as Hannah is with her job.
  15. Brooke, you no longer get to play the victim. Jwow has given you plenty of reasons not to trust him. Your certain heartbreak is your own damn fault for choosing to hear what you want to hear.
  16. Come on Brooke...have some self respect. Do you think all you deserve is leftover attention from a mysoginist? I have no idea what she thinks she sees in him. But then I sit there in stunned awe when the Sister Wives dawn all over Cody’s brown as if they don’t realize they are enough to deserve a man’s full attention. ?‍♀️
  17. The link between the bags and the message was non-existent. It makes a lot more sense when the product is related to the mission, not just the name. Buy this book and a portion of the proceeds will go to literacy programs. Buy this food product and a portion of sales will go to fees the hungry. Buy this bottled water and a portion of the proceeds will help communities establish clean water sources. Buy this bag and a portion of h proceeds will...provide backpacks for kids at school? No. Provide parents with the bags they need to parent theor infants? No. Benefit family travelers? No. It will go to bullying. I guess?
  18. So many thoughts... 1. Joao has anger issues that he's kept carefully leashed if he can loose it easily enough to break a glass by squeezing. That anyone on that boat, of any gender, continues to give him the time of day astounds me and shows me that some people are terrible judges of character. I am actually surprised that Bravo hasn't canned him yet in this day and age of #metoo with all of the liability of actually filming his aggressive ways. 2. So, Joao does have a line he won't cross. Brooke can't get drunk enough for him not to put the moves on her, but when he is the agent of her inability to consent, the picture is too much. It reeks of a savior complex and possessiveness. 3. Did all the guys wear t-shirts to go to this Michelin starred restaurant? I'd have been embarrassed to show up to such an event as that. 4. Sandy is right in that it is more effective to build people up than to tear them down, but she should probably heed her own advise when dealing with Hannah and Conrad. 5. More Colin. He seems like a normal, slightly geeky guy and I really like him.
  19. That request felt like it was from Top Chef. "You have to elevate a childhood classic." And had Areca been a cheftestant, she would have failed.
  20. She should have been shopping for some class instead of that visor, if so.
  21. As someone who has worked in service my whole life...customers are not always right. And these women are 50 shades of wrong. They are playing the role of wealthy people only as they think it should be played. Side note...one of the “ladies” was wearing a Culver Academies visor. https://www.culver.org/
  22. I thought that Serena was Everlasting’s first suitress. If so, how do they have enough male contestants to complete an all star lineup?
  23. Doug's first conversation with his team sounded forced and like an attempt at rehabilitating his image from the first go-round. This whole show felt less organic than the last time.
  24. Kirkman uses Andrew Johnson to illustrate that he doesn't need a VP. honestly, I'm gonna have a permanent mark on my forehead for the face palm I did on that one. Good heavens...no one in their right mind uses Andrew Johnson as anything more than a cautionary tale. He was drunk at Lincoln's 2nd inauguration then became President about a month later. He was a Democrat on the Republican ticket and he was, by nearly every presidential pole published in he last decade, worst or second worst President. Ever. Come on Kirkman. You won't win a debate like that.
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