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Everything posted by DearEvette

  1. You know, I can get behind some young girl fantasizing about a big fluffy white wedding. But a boudoir photoshoot with her fiance? not so much. I was like, huh, whut? when Kwame said "I know you've wanted this all your life." It just looked all kinds of awkward. Also, does Chelsea travel with chocolate dipped strawberries on a black plate? Kwame, one of y'all has to move. Either you do or she does. By your logic the need to live in the same city as your spouse = sacrifice. Honestly since he works 100% remote and she doesn't it would make more sense for you to be the one to move. Because if she has to then she would have to give up the same things and he does PLUS her job. So we meet Tiff's mom but didn't get a scene of Brett meeting Tiff's mom. That sucks. Also I cracked up at Brett's very nice engagement pictures of Tiffany after that extra photo shoot of Chelsea and Kwame. Micah was almost ok this episode. If I hadn't seen her in the first four episodes, I might have thought she was fine, like Kelly from season 1 fine. Not the mean girl awful. Man, I could totally read Zach's body language and him retreating behind a wall of nervous fact during that convo with Bliss' dad who, frankly, was a bit of a dick. Such a contrast between his demeanour with her mom. He looked like he looked when he first met Irina face to face. He obviously gets really mannered and tense and still when he is not comfortable or he is sensing rejection. Fuck you Jackie. She was hugging up on Marshall, saying I love you just a day ago. And is all now 'I don't care how Marshall feels' and kissing up on Josh. Like Marshall's friend said 'That's trash.' On the one hand I respect if she doesn't feel it, she just doesn't feel it, but the way she went about it was gross. Also I loved this:
  2. Awww... Cam posted a nice pic of him and Brett: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqvdj7Psln4/
  3. Wait... are you kidding me right now? Jackie? GTFOH! Also, was there not another time of the day she could have met up with Josh? It had to be during the wedding dress fitting? Either that is producer shenanigans or it is a cool "fuck you" to the process and to Marshall. Brett's friends are cool. Brett is cool. And I love that Tiffany asking if Marshall was at the fitting becaue Jackie wasn't there to pick out bridesmaid stuff prompted him to talk to Marshall. Good looking out bro! I feel bad for Marshall. He's all excited and she's not even there. Chelsea is coming off a bit clingy and desperate. I really liked her but she is dropping in my estimation. I can see how Kwame is feeling smothered, she doesn't seem to hear him sometimes. Also, it was giving her cringe with her reciting his resume to her family. Felt like she had to prove his respectability. I speculated in previous ep thread that Bliss might have scared Zack off because of her comment that her family wouldn't like him and he basically validated that speculation. And it is because he was rejected for his humble beginnings. Interesting that Brett said the same thing, about being a child of 'generational poverty' and how he's battled his way out of it but women he's dated has judged his family because of it and Tiffany was accepting. Makes me wonder how Irina's family and background was so that Zach felt she'd be more a fit. I counted, Micah said "like" 21 times in her conversation with Paul.
  4. This episode was definitely falls on the more serious side. But I liked seeing yet another aspect of their teaching life. That award was so extra. And Gregory's reaction was very much on point, imo, for Gregory's character. June Diane Raphael, who played the lady giving the award, was perfect for that part. I loved her on Grace and Frankie. Melissa got the best LOL lines this episode hands down. I loved her speech for Gregory. Also, "You are not the best teacher in Philadalphia, or this school, or this grade or even this classroom." Ha! But Barbara got the best line of all: "People have thrown dirt on my name and others have given flowers. But it’s all a garden to me." I am gonna use that. I have had a fuck ton of contentious conversations with parents and my students have been college age and these confrontations come in all forms. I recognized this one as well. There are some interactions where you know early on where you simply can not have a productive conversation with the parent. They are deaf to everything you are gonna say to the point where they won't even let you say it. That mother was was out of pocket all around and went on the offensive way too fast. At first she tells Janine that someone picked up the rest of her shift. Which would imply she was free for the day and had enough time to sit with Janine. But... and I agree with how Janine started out giving background and context about why she is only calling the mom in now, rather than earlier, because the disruptive behavior was small and she did handle it, and it was only now because it was escalating. --- the minute Janine used the term 'Disruptive' the mother suddenly had no time because she looked pointedly at her watch. And then she would never let Janine finish a sentence. She says 'So what do you want from me?' Janine goes to open her file and says 'Well, I thought -" and before she could finish the mother barked 'Thought what exactly?" That is when it went pear shaped because the mother was on the offensive from that moment on. - "Nobody is stopping you from doing that" - "He's seven you can't control a 7 year old." - "We are not a team." She completely derailed any productive conversation because she went on the attack from the moment Janine used the word 'disruptive.' And anytime Janine tried to speak the mother spoke over her. And then she went into insult mode. And When her phone buzzed, she never even looked at the phone but said it was her boss calling. It felt like the mom was fine with sitting with Janine until Janine was telling her something less than complimentary about her child. This does not mean there is any problem at home or anything, but the mom's attitude makes me think of someone who simply views teachers as day care workers who should be taking care of your child while you are at work. She wasn't seeing Janine as the person who is alerting her to something that could affect her child's education but rather as the babysitter who can't control her charges.
  5. Oh my goodness, yes. Whoever is in charge of her hair is doing a terrible job. I hate the flat stringy look. And since Juno is looking extra sharp in the face (It really looks like she's lost some weight) that flat, stringy hair really doesn't make her look like Lady Executive but rather like an office worker. Shandy's look is better, for goodness sake.
  6. Dani's joke about his oldest friend cracked me up. A little too much, tbh. Shandy can go away any time now. Rupert is pretty awful all around. Bex is snarky. Ha! I knew glitter sneakers was gonna be Jack. I loved Beard and Roy inviting Ted to yell at them for their colossal mistep. I miss the pub crew. We are only getting little drips of them, I need some substantial time with them. NGL, Zava's slo-mo walk to 'Rebirth of Slick' was pretty cool like that. Enjoying the commentators at the game. So many sly, funny lines.
  7. I dunno. I am gonna reserve judgment on the Zack thing. I'll be very curious about what comes out at the Reunion episode. Admittedly, I kinda binged all the eps in two days so didn't really absorb details, but when they were still in the pods and it looked like he was Bliss' guy they seemed very supportive of her, helping her with the cake and awwing over her making it. Irina didn;t find him attractive and was the first to call him creepy. Micah was Irina's pal so I feel like she would agree with anything Irina said. Jackie was rather catty and two faced in her own way and she has a type. So that left Chelsea and Tiffany. Tiffany said nothing. CheIsea never used the 'creepy' term that seemed to float around so much but said she disliked him. But Chelsea was Bliss' friend in the pod and was the one to comfort her when Zack threw her over for Irina and disliked Irina and Micah for laughing at her. So Chelsea's dislike could be in solidarity over him throwing over Bliss. Much of what was said about him was said pre-Bliss reunion during the very tense Mexico period. Also, I just remember how all the women couldn't stand Cole just because of stuff Zanab said but nothing they ever saw themselves, so yeah, I am reserving judgement until we can hear some more of the BTS stuff.
  8. I wonder if Bliss' comment about her family not liking him factored really big in his decision? it could be that as a child -- the child of a stripper no less -- that he was probably rejected by other kids, other kids' families. That is something that sticks with you. When she said it, he kinda paused and got quiet. And she realized it and tried to reassure and back-track but it was there. Family reactions can definitely have some impact on the relationships. In the most recent Love is Blind Brazil, there was one mother who was ... a piece of work. And we know SK claimed that Raven's family not being there was a red flag for him and a reason he said no. I even though I don't think Shayna was into Kyle at all, i got the impression her family didn't like him and was the excuse she needed to bail early.
  9. Yeah. I liked Archer too but I hold it to a bit of a different standard. It was a comedy and animated. And a lot of what they did was hyper realistic and rather cartoony in nature to take advantage of it's mediium. So there is a remove. Yes. Not only can you tell when a writer blatantly falls in love with a character but some of this is predictable because a villain character with plot armor can be pre-loaded depending on who they cast as the villain. If it is a popular actor or one who has a cult following or a reputation of playing 'cool' or 'badass' characters, you can almost write the hand-waves yourself that are going to appear for them in the storyline. I hate this. My narrative needs are simple. A person who is a bad person and does bad things should be punished appropriately. To make a story satisfying there should be justice meted out. That is why people disappear into stories because they work out in way RL does not always.
  10. That traffic sketch was hysterical. Just flat out funny. Kudos to Quinta and Mikey. They killed it.
  11. I was so curious about Faith's mother and was glad we got to see her. Too bad she was a corrupt cop because she is obviously a good detective and her years of experience adds to her perceptions. With her, I think the show is once again doing a good job with portraying the nuances of police corruption. While she may not have been the worst of the lot and wantonly killing folks, she does represent the same casual corruption they displayed with Ormewood earlier. Also she was part of a system that felt it was completely ok with ignoring rights and correct procedure if it mean flexing your authority or supposedly getting your man. That she still feels that is ok is very telling, even in the current environment and especially as a black woman. It sounds like she thought she was in the clear for getting real bad cops out but never saw the level of what she participated in as bad or corrupt. That was rather an excessive way to get custody. Damn. I wonder if that chainsaw must've been electric rather than gas? What store keeps gas in a chainsaw in a store? Also that store was a mom and pop store not the size of a Lowe's or Home Depot. To get a gas chainsaw going is like getting a gas lawn mower going, you have to pull on the choke, get it it burp and get it to start. That would have been noisy and time consuming and gave away his position. And they are louder than electric chainsaws. Whereas with an electric one, you just need to find an outlet,plug it in, and click on a switch. It also has a lower hum. Will is perfect in his protector mode. What a very nice character beat and Ramón Rodríguez has that aspect of the character on lock! Not feeling Angie's storyline, tbh. But then again, I am not a fan shows that showcase damaged characters who lean into their damage.
  12. I wonder if he is on the spectrum and had trouble with eye contact in the past and in his profession had been told he needed to work on that? Or maybe he's just socially awkward. He seems most natural and relaxed when he is talking to Paul, who is also a bit of pedant and nerd. Also, tbh, of the two I found Irina the more physically repulsive.
  13. Same. I did a double take because I thought she was too young. But checked their ages. Also there is a picture of them in character and ... going just by the outfit alone, it might explain a lot about her. LOL.
  14. There is an upcoming episode entitled 'Mom' and we are gonna meet Janine's Mom. And she has been cast
  15. They were all Nike yes? (if not then Yikes!) He said in the pods he is head of a division at Nike. So I am guessing he 1) makes bank! and 2) he gets the sneakers free or at a very deep discount.
  16. I am really conflicted on the whole Bliss and Zack thing. On the one hand I actually like them together. But.. I can understand why she feels second best and is questioning his judgement. But.. we never saw what he saw of Irina in the pods. The show clearly only showed their interactions that drummed up drama for the triangle. And.. we saw the parts of Bliss shit talking Irina to him which is never a good look. But..if Bliss was over it she could have clearly declined all contact. But...it is literally only about , what, 6 weeks from the time the pods open to the day of the weddings. So if you really did fall in love with someone in the pods it is understandable that it is hard to turn that off after just two weeks of not seeing them. And you might want to still pursue it to see where it goes. And.. I wonder in this case, it is less a case of Bliss being second best vs. Zach realizing he made a mistake and chose the wrong person. It isn't like Irina rejected his proposal and, bummed he went to settle for Bliss. This is why I find Kwame more problematic in that sense that Zach. The way Kwame was acting with Micah at the pool (and who did reject him in the pods and he was really broken by it) doesn't pass the smell test for me. Also.. we saw how manipulative and calculated Irina (and Micah) went about the process so I cut him some slack. Finally.. I just think he is getting a bad rap. Irina is an unreliable narrator. She seems to just want to foment chaos and doesn't care who she damages in the process. so..this is all to say.. I am rooting for them but don't think they should get married in however many days were left at this point.
  17. You know what? I am happy for Bliss and Zack. But I don't want them to get married on the show's timeline. I want them to date and really see if they work because they have some residual stuff to work through. Interesting though that they are the first couple to kinda slide in mid-stream like this. She basically replaced Irina in the mix. Oooh, Marshall. I am on your side but that 'I saw you as a project' comment was massively out of pocket. But Jackie is too much. Her family seems to have her head all messed up. Yeah, no wonder Micah gravitated toward Irina. She'd slide so easily within her friends. They are all utter knuckle draggers. My husband said the blonde one looks like Marlon Wayans' in drag character from White Girls. Ha! I'd like to hang out with Chelsea. She seems like such a straight shooter. Tiffany and Brett seem like they are just delighted with each other. I am so happy for them. They better get married!! Was Jason drunk? Also it sounds like he was the Irina of the men's side. Kwame? What is you doing? Really? Why are you still asking putting doubts out there when you are talking to Micah? Man, there is just no rooting for him.
  18. High stress work week. NO desire to cook. So had a big bowl of peanut butter Cap'n crunch cereal for dinner.
  19. My husband said Paul's mother looks like a character on White Lotus. And then he said 'He's marrying his mother'. LOL Zack and Bliss are cute. I think he was making steak using a sous vide but either had the wrong bags or didn't close them properly. A properly prepared sous vide steak is wonderful. Honestly, I couldn't even pay attention to what Jackie was saying because Marshall's niece was so cute eating that pizza. But she is starting to raise some red flags for me. She seems like she's a lot. He is soo supportive. The most I've liked Micah was her during the tour of Paul's apartment. She seemed legit charming there. I liked Tiffany and Brett's convo about money. And her calling him Bougie Brett is fun. Predictions: Brett and Tiffany = still thinking they'll get married Irina and Zach = hell no, not married DUNZO! Micah and Paul = Still thinking they are a no, even though they feel stronger than before. Jackie and Marshall = I am moving my not sure to a no. She seems waffle-y Kwame and Chelsea = tentatively saying no. * Bliss and Zach. stay tuned....
  20. Low key episode. Tiffany's friends are nice. Marshall's breakfast looked really good. Micah uses the word 'like' approximately 4 times each sentence. And ends her sentences with the an 'uh' a the end of the final word: "that so cute-uh!' or 'I love computers-uh!' Credit where it is due, though, she acknowledged how wrong she was to pile on Zack the way she did. Zack seemed immediately more relaxed and natural with Bliss.
  21. I noticed that Chelsea has great earrings. Yeah, her earring game in on point. I am glad she called Kwame out. I liked him a little more this episode. I hope he stays the course for her sake, Yeah, loved the conversation between Kwame, Brett and Marshall. That was great and Marshal''s point was so true about you don't get to see that. Cracking up at Paul and Zach looking back with regret. That break up conversation between Zach and Irina is the most I've liked Irina this entire show. You could tell that once they decided to end it, they both felt immediately 100% better and they were able to laugh at and insult each other and actually enjoy each other for the first time in person. For all that people know that Irina is toxic, I can't understand why they internalized her opinion of Zack? The other women had very little interaction with him from what I can tell, so why is he getting the 'weirdo' narrative? Odd. It makes me think less of Chelsea, tbh. ...Wait...Bliss? Hmm... plot twist.
  22. See, I knew Kwame was a POS. He ignore his fiance and spends time with Irina holding her hand. You don't go from sobbing your eyes out with your shoulders heaving over one woman and two days later you are all in love with another woman. And Micah is a piece of work. Talking about how she was all in, doesn't she remember she broke up with him. Chelsea deserves better. He mad disrespected her. That was Jarette and Mallory turned up to level 10. Irina and Zach are a trainwreck. She does not want him in any form or shape. I think he doesn't quite want her either but I felt like since he threw over Bliss he felt he had to make this work. Also I hate to say, but she did not look at all attractive in that black outfit. Her tits were hanging below the bra cups and not in a good way. It was ill fitted and incredibly unattractive. She also has such a mean resting face. She just looks like she is scheming and mean every moment. Jackie you are crying in a closet, how are you gonna judge someone as a weirdo? Also you are boring and two-faced. Next. Tiffany and Brett as just heart-eyes. I love them! I hope they make it! I am gonna make predictions: Brett and Tiffany = Hell yes, married Irina and Zach = hell no, not married Micah and Paul = I am going with not married. He seemed to be having second thoughts. Jackie and Marshall =not sure... she seems volatile. I am gonna go with.... not married? Kwame and Chelsea = not married. He is gonna screw it up somehow.
  23. LOL at everybody trying to figure out who Marshall looks like. I was trying to figure it out... I went with a cross between Will Smith and Jesse Williams. But I like the cross between Bow Wow and Will Smith better. But that is most get from Marshall. He and Jackie are like filler for me. They are like a more melanated version of Kenny and Kelly. They are giving me nothing, tbh. I wish I liked Kwame better. He seems like he could be fun... but I am still getting some uneasy vibes. I mean the man was sobbing over Micah! I still feel like Chelsea is his second choice. He's happy because she is really pretty. And I like her a lot. She's probably my second fave after Tiffany. I am happy for her because she seemed thrilled. So Zack chose Irina over Bliss... hmmm. I can't stand Irina so I think he made a bad choice and Bliss was not wrong. But yeah I agree she should have kept that to herself. Actually I think this group talked about the 'other' person way too much in general.
  24. I don;t think I've disliked anyone as quickly and thoroughly as I dislike Micah and most especially Irina. They are assholes. Who laughs at people who are upset? Micah was coming out of her skin waiting for Paul to dump Amber and yet, decides to laugh because she's upset and seem surprised she was actually hurt. They are all kinds of awful. S1 Amber and Jessica are damned holy saints in comparison. I admit I was not a major fan of Kwame, but I felt very bad for him. But yeah, I hope he later realizes he dodged a bullet. And I'd feel bad for Chelsea if they got together because it would be a Jarette, Iyanna, Mallory situation all over again, imo. I wonder... did Paul not realize Kwame was the jilted one in their scenario? He seemed oblivious. But then... he proposed to Micah so.. yeah I guess he is rather. Poor fool. I wonder if she gets nicer at all? 'Fuck you, Paul" LOL at Amber saying that. Good for her. Very happy Brett and Tiffany made it through. They look good together!
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