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Everything posted by JoanArc

  1. Not outside the realm of possibility she has that much cash....but I bet it'd be blowing it all to buy a new house. JB might buy the old house at an inflated rate for a little laundering/tax dodging, too.
  2. Imagine - 75% of those kids just lost their virginity at bible camp - then they have to sit through a lecture by Jer!
  3. You DON’T look your Best standing on the worlds smallest dock in the middle of an algae bloom?
  4. She LOVES being a Duggar and won't move outside of their sphere of influence for may reason. Even the Rebers are too far out...
  5. They paid a lot of money for @amazed and @religion handles, I'd wager.
  6. Now that the show is over I think life will do that.
  7. Well, cheap in a different kind away. At this point it’ll be a nuclear reactor cooling pool.
  8. Performative punishment. The I pray you put this journal way podcast mentioned that Josh received tons of calls from higher ups in ATI after he confessed to the church, congratulating him. Like literally congratulating him for confessing his sin and puffing them up as being a proud Jesus warrior. I’m pretty sure that Undid everything that digging out a pond put it in him. I agree with this. Being a piece of shit is not a diagnosable condition. We will never have enough information outside of therapy to really be able to do anything. Assuming he does go to prison, which is likely, I really wonder what his therapy will reveal. Those poor therapists.
  9. I think he has a lot in common with Jim Bob an Michelle. It's why they get along so well. They're all in on the act.
  10. I like it! They knew it'd get them attention, too. Guess Jer wanted to sleep with a 'different' woman.
  11. Mario Luigi Duggar Malfeasance Forgiven Duggar Marlboro Contraband Duggar Multipartioned Drive Duggar Will the judge in the case have a M'name. If so...not hard to guess what it'll be.
  12. Until an idiot like Jessa equates CP to adult porn and its back on. The article failed to discuss the incoming poverty and how no one can support their overindulgent (at lest with breeding) lifestyles. Instagram and Youtube don't pay THAT well, and their controversial history precludes any real sponsorship deals. Its no so much distraction as it is '19 Gladiators in the arena' all competing against each other.
  13. Michelle Duggar - would be both Josh's Mother and Daughter. Creepy. Of course Anna'll do it.
  14. I was reading a thread on Reddit full of background information on the Wissmans. Pretty much all the wives sell plexus. I’m not kidding.
  15. Jill’s special mushroom pizza incoming…. it’s just English muffins, tomato sauce, and regular mushrooms.
  16. “Nurie wishes is bear would have the strength just to reach down and crush them.” ”So does Nathan”
  17. Putting a ceremonial Fern on the death shelf. Ben's Rapping. Family Camp at Joy's.
  18. They wouldn't go after a 'high profile' case without an airtight case.
  19. Josh gets testy Not sure why this article said he pleaded guilty to two counts?
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