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Everything posted by JoanArc

  1. I love you. The poor guy may have been traumatized, dating after a death/bad breakup, etc.
  2. Kind of like going out with someone you really like, having a great time, and then they announce that they love you at the end of the first date.
  3. Charisma’s a hell of a drug. Where he pulls it from I don’t know. He and his brothers are all a bunch of scumbags of various types. Some people just have the ability to pull in others. and really, it’s a very seductive system that makes loser men kings, and women capable of multiple childbirth queens. A fairly low effort heaven on earth, as Long as you give him a decent amount of money and are able to scrape by in poverty. that, and I think people with weird sexual habits can sense it and other people.
  4. Ironically, it is very inoffensive Even by today’s standards. Not as anti-LGBTQ as you would think for something so dated. And yes, Ben would’ve worn a dress and pretended to be a woman to get close to Jessa for dating purposes!
  5. I don’t think Jill recognizes the reciprocal nature of friendship. She also doesn’t realize that someone you spoke to you a few times is not your best friend. I’m sure she also puts all kinds of weird pressure on acquaintances.
  6. Hildegard! Whoa, you gave me major bosom buddies flashbacks! i’d like to tape Jessa’s Eyes open clockwork Orange style and force her watch every episode. Derrick, too.
  7. Exactly. Imagine how intimidated he would be of an educated spawn. Derreck is no great catch, but I am really glad he got that law degree. I guess having an accountant degree didn’t really earn him a lot of favors at Casa Duggar.
  8. That’ll be very on brand for Michelle. In other words, he worked at the balls to date Jim Bob. I agree, but she still naïve. You could date someone for years and still have a good marriage. Remember, she doesn’t even have a middle schooler’s dating experience. The honeymoon always ends, reality always in truth, and he will always have an ungodly fart in front of her, someday. It’ll be interesting to see how she deals with that. Remember how Jill turned out.
  9. Redhead Pixie. Lord save us from dreads.
  10. Cut a foot off Jessa’s while she sleeps! Say the shelf decapitated it!
  11. She also became a sister mom at age 7. By my count that is 24 years of being a housewife I think they only real concern is that every man over 30 and these families have some kind of deep, dark secret, criminal past, or weird sexual hangups. I hope they vet him super hard, but who knows.
  12. I mean, you tried to be a country music star? With no talent, based entirely on networking in your last name?
  13. Everyone should be free to where they want. I think objections to the shirt would be more along the lines of Jesus said not to Express your religion by wearing it on your sleeve. Or this case, your chest. Instead you should just live the values and let your behavior speaks for itself.
  14. I can see JB and M announcing a new grandchild. Passive aggressive announcement.
  15. Lol. “ The frozen yogurt is fat free, trust me! Oh, and go flying with my brothers afterwards. Let me help you down the stairs, Erin!” But really, I wonder if she’s angry at Jim Bob for letting that one get away.
  16. I’m just over here trying to picturing a meek, sweet, Jessa...
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