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Everything posted by JoanArc

  1. “Get THE HELL out of this thread!” -Jessa “Get THE HELL out of this thread!” -Jessa
  2. It’s a well-known side effect of reading the hope we hold
  3. Sedated, paralyzed, and put on a vent. Like pretty much everyone else with severe Covid
  4. Thanks. Sounds just like the kind of place I would want to take my RV to and camp out on vacation! Totally appropriate for someone like Jim Bob to own land there. For Amy‘s son’s sake I am glad she is at least trying to get out.
  5. Is there any particular reason? Because it’s infested with Duggers? Polluted of town? Run down? It just interests me because for all the wealth and fame of the reality show they still wind up living in shitty parts of town they could’ve gotten without all the extra steps of acting on television.
  6. Guillotine Shelf Seewald Salmon Tunaonrye Arkansas WIC Check Instawald Hashtag Hope Weehold Innocence Michelle All she’s got is time to think of a ridiculous name to recapture the public imagination. Don’t let us down Jessa!
  7. Invisalign is A pretty main stream form of braces. I think what he is really selling is the dental center based on that screen cap. Must be getting them for free.
  8. The Duggars are the ultimate cancel culture. “ we are faithful, deeply committed Christians “ is used to cancel everything else from child abuse, to child molestation, to child pornography. That’s not even touching the ecological, political, educational, etc. damage they do to the world. I think Josh, and Jim Bob both to some extent think Josh will be completely went off the hook and his crimes canceled by being able to make such a sentiment in a courtroom. To be fair, the Duggars are far from the only people who pull this kind of bullshit, but they are prominent in the media so we focus on them. I think we all know the Duggar types in our personal lives. They’re a kind of people I try to avoid, and dare I say cancel?
  9. Ignoring Josh, they treated 18 other children like chattel slaves. Still do, as a matter fact. They lie so much they don’t even know what the truth is. They are abusive. They are out to take over the government and install basically a cristofascist state. They are likely financial swindlers, and tax invaders. They have supported sex criminals other than Josh. No one works or contribute anything to society. You think the last girls are receiving an education at the monstrosity house? Duggars, how do I despise there, let me count the ways… He doesn’t have a social media account. Remember? So jingle did it on her phone.
  10. 400k in Arkansas is like 1 mil In other parts of the country. To live across the street from the trailer park. Honestly, the best buyers would be Jim Bob and Michelle, not that you get top dollar... but it’s a pretty good way to launder a hush money payment to Amy.
  11. Jill is still so adamantly anti physical TV too. Jim Bob and Michelle did a pretty good job of hammering in those ridiculous beliefs. They treat the TV technicality the same way other people treat oral and anal sex ‘not counting’.
  12. Lets hope Jingle doesn’t pull a Shelly!
  13. She was probably James escort. To do exactly that. Can’t have another boy escaping Jim Bob’s clutches. Seems like Joy and Jessa always visit together for much the same reason.
  14. Get with it, grandma. All the hip 20-year-olds drive fire trucks now!
  15. Oh, he and Michelle will be relaxed and sleeping soundly. They'll cut off however many kids/grandkids it takes to keep them propped up in that monstrosity of house for the rest of their lives. After all, you MUST put your marriage first.
  16. Jingerbread shaped…. Remember the Fonuts? Lol.
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