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  1. Selling VCRs at a Walmart....
  2. "Michelle, your MOTY award for 2022 is the adjoining cell" - if only!
  3. Nothing, but change opens her up to failure/criticism/ridicule. She simply CAN'T have that - AT ALL.
  4. Covid 19-16 Duggar.
  5. "Mask wearing found to be superior to local woman's prayers" But seriously, actions have consequences. Maybe she can ask John Mc for his help getting her sense back? No sympathy from me.
  6. “ Live by faith“ = grift hamburgers on Instagram.
  7. Soon as they need click income.
  8. Was not frightened of actually doing it to the people he was closest to.
  9. This is the same channel that aired show about a gay guy that was in a sexual relationship with his car.
  10. He wasn’t that recognizable. All he had to do was go to the right bar, or use the right website. Disgusting sex with a stranger you’re not really attracted to and will never see again seems right up his alley. I’m sure he would’ve found a street hoe without any issue.
  11. Yes. Looks to be a starting at $1300 MacBook Pro 13 inch. ‘Jase’ also had a iPad Pro with case which costs similar. Nice gear for uneducated boys that don’t really work. I suppose it is OK to spend that kind of money, considering they will likely not ever receive an upgrade now that the money supply is likely drying up.
  12. He didn’t eat the breadsticks. Therefore not Josh.
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