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Everything posted by Cheyanne11

  1. They'll probably expect her to pump her breast milk and deliver it to them on daily basis...but not allow her to actually hold the kid. Honestly, the way TJ and Molly looked like they smelt spoiled milk when Kristina blurted out 'yes' about knowing the sex. Also, totally out of character for a Type A like Molly to not want to know. Jeff Kober continues to be a ray of light on this show (as does Maura West, even if I hate the thought of her and Sonny together again), which is nice for me considering I'm nursing a strained back from diving out of the way of the Jason anvils. "Stone the Ghost who can't be found cause he's a dead man." Gosh, who COULD it be?
  2. CM was really working the bug-eyed insane and his crazy version of jazz hands. Even Carly's weirded out, and usually everyone who adores her can do no wrong. Operation Make Drew An Asshole is just about complete, right on schedule for the Winning Twin to return.
  3. TImes are tough when the Co-Chief of Staff at GH has to take a side gig with the circus.
  4. Also the fact Sutton was 100% right about Kyle's marriage. So now, in Kyle's mind, Sutton was "gunning" for her the entire season. Always the victim. Another LOL moment last night was when Kyle and her four mini-mes were 'making a dramatic entrance' into the party and the only one who seemed to notice was Sutton.
  5. Kyle mocking LVP was rude and uncalled for. But then the whole spectacle if the White Party was tacky as hell.
  6. LOL, was the entire magazine the Deception ad? It looked like a high school 'magazine.' I did love how angry Drew immediately got after Nina, who kept her cool, left. Though, again, Carly calling anyone else a monster...how does lightning not immediately take her out?
  7. Just saw the trailer for the reunion. How utterly not shocking that Kyle gaslights Sutton and says Sutton "came into this season gunning for ME!"
  8. Diane's got a lot of fucking nerve telling the woman whose mother put her in a 20-yr coma and whose children were then taken from said comatose body, that her money will fix everything. Added richness because Diane is a mouthpiece for Sonny and formerly Jason, who paid her insane sums of money to make their crimes go away. But, lol, I'll take Nina basically proving her point that 99% of Diane's life is being an attorney for awful people. Congrats, you asshole.
  9. I think I'm one of the few not seeing it between Joey and Maria. He looks like he's amused by her, but I get the impression she's amusing in a 'right now' sense, not a long-term sense.
  10. Not to mention, she knows exactly why. I generally like Alexis but I cannot stand when she acts superior in a disingenous way. As to the "respectability" of The Invader, lets not forget her basically doing Michael and Willow a favor and publishing that hit piece on Nina when they were in that court battle. Her soapbox is wobbly, at best.
  11. So is Joss just going to walk the Earth like Cain from Kung Fu until she finds Dex?
  12. I can't help but laugh at how anti-mob Joss is now, considering how she almost cut Cam out of her life for daring to call Jason a criminal. Jeff Kober continues to be a bright spot in every episode he's in.
  13. OMG, the bug eyes are working double time lately. He's totally unhinged. And the show actually wants us to acknowledge that, as they're having random characters comment on it. Also, I know where the kids are involved we're supposed to hand-wave the parenting away, however for all his bitching about "all the time that was taken from me being with Scout," when was the last time he saw her? He's too busy running around town trying to make Nina ~pay.
  14. Any moment now Laura will decide to retire and, as Mayor, just decide no election is needed and give Carly the position.
  15. Table for three on the Maria dislike. I find her super abrasive and, yes, that was total entitlement with interrupting Joey last night "to talk" when she already had a rose.
  16. Now the writers want us to believe a magazine edition gets put together from soup to nuts in a matter of a couple weeks. Go home, writers, you're drunk. And hilarious how, as mentioned above, NOW Carly is "above petty revenge." When did she have this epiphany? After she smug-mugged her way into Crimson's office looking like she was cos-playing a Charlie's Angel and took over a magazine simply because of "petty revenge?" Here's hoping Drew's bloodlust for vengeance leads him to be so consumed he's not paying attention and falls down an elevator shaft.
  17. Honestly, I hope she means it. Be the equivalent of the "I'll give you something to cry about" 1970's parent.
  18. Of course Kyle already playing the victim for the reunion.
  19. Well that was a thoroughly unpleasant episode. I guess writers that think Drew and Carly are a great pair thinking Brick should have a romance makes sense, in the grossest possible way. SAS is an awful actor, and that whole weird shimmy thing he was doing with his shoulders during his 'sales pitch' to Jordan skeeved me out. Honestly, if Dex is getting thrown under the bus, there seems to be a bigger one waiting to take Drew out. The writing of him as this total asshole has to be deliberate. When even asshole Carly and asshole Michael think you're going too far? You've lost the plot, dude. And other than her literal life, what does Drew think he can take from Nina? Is he going to sue her for her fortune by claiming pain and suffering because he willingly took a deal for a crime he did commit?
  20. Today came very close to be the final straw in my long-threatened hiatus from this shit show. As if Carly doesn't have enough cheerleaders willing to lie and do whatever she needs to get whatever she wants, now Brook Lynn is right there, too. Fuck off, show. I'll never believe Carly is any sort of business mogul.
  21. No. It was because Jagger saw Leo and recognized that he was on the spectrum and was talking to him. Olivia came in and saw them and wanted to know why he was talking to her son and Jagger told her about Stone Jr.
  22. *Checks watch* Oh, look, here comes the Jason bus for Dex to get thrown under. Could this show BE any more predictable?
  23. My hot take is Sydney can't go soon enough...but neither can Maria. She's bugged me since Day One.
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