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Everything posted by Cheyanne11

  1. In the most obnoxious ways. I'm surprised she didn't literally start growling and howlilng when John said he needed to speak with Jason. Unintentional comedy gold today was Sonny sneering at Dex and his boy gang as they went jogging by.
  2. They did. This story has suffered a lot from both the writers change AND the revolving door Mollys. First, Molly and TJ both acted like Kristina was an awful person for merely musing---not even to them--about suggesting she be the surrogate. Then, they course-corrected the Molly/Kristina idiocy and when surrogate #1 miscarried and Kristina re-offered they were both really happy about it. They celebrated when the positive test came back and everything seemed fine. Until suddenly--with the new writers?--TJ has become an asshole and Molly is trying to keep the peace and doesn't seem to have any issues with her sister. Essentially, it's a mess because the writing can't make up its mind.
  3. The Curse of Risotto lives on!
  4. I’ve never related more to anything than the stink face Ava made when Carly came barreling into Sonny’s penthouse. Same, girl, same.
  5. Never mind the fact that it's eyerolling that the people who live or eat at the Q mansion--many of whom are kids, apparently--would expect fine dining for their meals (especially lunch), but I'm laughing at the notion that Olivia was making anything in the realm of what Sasha did today. If anything, everyone should be thankful for a break from every type of pasta covered with cheese and marinara.
  6. So everyone owes Liz because she has allergies and goes to Applebees with her kid? Absolutely not.
  7. Eh, TJ was like sixteen when that happened, so that doesn't play into anything for me. Doesn't mean he isn't being an absolute unreasonable asshole to Kristina. Even Molly has had it with him, but god forbid something happens to Kristina and the baby within 500 yards of Sonny and he'll never stop the bitching. I'm enjoying Nina and Drew and can only hope that Carly finds out so her head can explode.
  8. I'm gonna go with manipulative. But I'd be shocked if that's where the writers are going because that would put the golden boy Michael in a bad light. Unless they frame it that Michael was just doing his best and didn't realize poor Willow's fragile state.
  9. Olivia practically begged Sasha to come be the Q cook and then acted like she was making Michael/Wiley/Leo eat something she found in the garbage behind The Floating Rib. Insufferable. Newsflash Willow and Drew: Nina didn't "send" Drew to prison. he did that all on his own.
  10. Why was Michael at the meeting with Drew and Willow as if Willow was a minor and needed a parent there? Ugh, he's so ridiculously controlling. Hey, Drew, if you're having a meeting and expect someone to knock before entering maybe actually close the door. Knocking on air doesn't really have an effect. Carly explaining that she accepted the MC back for Jason needed a laugh track. GMAFB.
  11. Alexix DID tell Molly that and Molly, to her credit, has been trying to defend Kristina while still *trying* to listen to her husband and reason with him.
  12. Strong episode to end the week. Very good: Laura laying it all out there for Sonny and NOT backing down to his usual go-to martydom excuses. "Your good deeds don't absolve your bad ones" and saying Cyrus's crimes don't negate his? *Chef's kiss* no notes! And I know--because this isn't my first rodeo--that all will be forgiven when it's revealed Sonny's meds were tampered with, but I'm liking the rose-colored glasses being removed by the townfolk right now. Tracy/Gregory and Finn/Alexis: Great support systems for both men and they both made excellent points. Nina telling Carly "so much for you earning the MC back on your own." Hahahahaha, boom. Also, both of them agreeing Ava and Sonny are a toxic combo. Lastly, Ava's blous. I want it. The not as good: Carly again acting like Nina ruined the MC and taunting her about it. God, she's insufferable. Olivia has too much to do? Sure, Jan. Also, very plot-point-y to get Sasha into the action more, but I don't hate it? (question mark intended)
  13. It feels like they’re setting up something happening to Kristina involving Sonny/Ava, her losing the baby, and TJ totally losing his shit and blaming her.
  14. And I guess we're supposed to forget Olivia is half owner? Any and all "problems" the MC had when Carly wasn't an owner are ALL Nina's fault. Got it, show. Also, Carly accepting congratulations for "getting your hotel back" needed a laugh track. yeah, she worked hard for that. I think so, too. The anvils have really been dropping. Great color, but the dress was hideous.
  15. Was Lois going to entertain a kid's party later? Because otherwise I don't understand the stegosaurus hairdo. And don't get me started on her and Olivia's ~dancing. Yikes. Joss: now and forever a brat. And, oh look, running to Jason tomorrow. Like mother, like daughter.
  16. Miss Resilient and Strong had to have Jason come and intimidate the gas guy and then bragged how she would've "sued him and won but this was faster." So she's both totally dependent on Jason AND a Karen. Great combo!
  17. Over a year of hearing her howl about how she wouldn't take it or the money for it from anyone and Jason blinks three times and she gets giggly and acts like he gave her his class ring. Pathetic. Joss crying to Anna, Anna being a snit to Molly, Lois dictating plus-ones: not a good day for the woman folk of PC.
  18. Oh, it seems like they're definitely going there, dammit. I'll say this: Adam Harrington was selling it today. Like, I was swooning. But why does it always have to be Carly? She's an utterly unpleasant, nasty character and I don't get why all the men flock to her. The PCPD obstacle course had me cracking up. It wasn't even Survivor challenge-worthy.
  19. Yeah, I bet Carly does "miss the way it was between the three of us," as both Sonny and Jason thought the sun shone out her ass, which is the way she likes things. She can miss me with all her tears about the end of marriage number I've-lost-count with Sonny.
  20. So much for "doing it on my own." I cannot tell you how refreshing the Jason/Carly scenes were today when they fell back into exactly the obnoxious, toxic dynamic they've had for decades. Bravo, writers, for making me feel secure in my "these two suck" position I've held since 1999. Loved the Tracy/BL scenes. I loved that Tracy's edges have been softened just enough (but not too much!) and she's letting people in. Great to see.
  21. I cannot with the massive amount of bullshit in the last few days about how AWFUL the MC has become and how it's all Nina's fault (somehow Olivia is now helpless and has no say despite owning 1/2 of it) and how much BETTER it was when the entitled cow owned it. Miss me with this, new writers. Honestly, if they were so hellbent on giving the place back to Carly, there were ways to do it without again making Nina the scapegoat and Carly stomping around shrieking about cold scrambled eggs. I don't really care about Chase and Brooklyn that much, but it so happens on this day last year I was returning from my amazing Italy vacation (where, why yes, I did eat gelato every single day), so all the Florence talk made me smile.
  22. The worst part about those Carly/John scenes is that that set-up? Would actually be a fun way to start a new couple...if it was anyone but Carly. Having to listen to her brag about nursing school, her abilities, how much better the hotel was when she owned it, was like nails on a chalkboard. With all the Kristina comments about not trusting her, it feels like Ava is going to figure out about the pills but rather than tell Sonny, use it to her advantage. Guess that'll give her something to do other than get him a drink...
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