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Everything posted by timimouse

  1. On the episode itself, I didn't hate it. I can understand why people thought it was boring because nothing really happened, but after the last two episodes, which were so DRAMA filled, it was a nice break. By the way, what happened to Kathryn's musical? And Daphne's Chemistry class and tutor fiasco? And Toby's... anything? LoL. I'm glad they recognise the need to get rid of useless story-lines but I'm kind of wondering where the story is going to go now. Feels a bit flat. And for some inexplicable reason, I don't care much about Regina's boyfriend's arc. Oh well, I guess we will see.
  2. I thought the same things and I'm really glad for the enlightenment on this. It's one thing I really liked about the episode and the show in general... the little bit of education we get about ASL and the deaf community. It did cross my mind as to why he would even show it to Kathryn if he didn't write it? Even if she asked to see it, wouldn't he just say that he handed it in already or something? I dunno. I just thought it a bit weird...
  3. 1) Trailers are designed to have viewers think one thing but it's always the opposite. So I'm not taking that bait. 2) WHO is Meredith going to cheat with? Let's be real here, there will never be anyone else willing or able to put up with her crazy ass other than Derek. I see this story being something absolutely rubbish...
  4. Completely agree with you (and others) in that Daphne started out quite sweet and Bay was the bratty one. That's why Liam (I think that was his name... hot guy who was Bay's boyfriend in the pilot) broke up with Bay and went after Daphne in the beginning. But now there's just something about her that gets on my last nerve. It may be that I don't completely buy this whole "grieving" Angelo 24-7 thing. She didn't even like the guy. She spent all of one night with him cooking in his failed restaurant and seemed to then be most affected by his death? Oh please. I'm not convinced. ANYWAY.... Back to the episode at hand... Which I will start by saying has got to be the most BORING episode of Switched At Birth ever.I'm sorry but I was so upset! After all this build up of the last 2 episodes, THIS is what they come back with?!?!?!?! I feel cheated. I want those 40 mins of my life back! That entire C-story with Katherine's mother should've been left on the cutting room floor. Along with half of that Daphne / Regina / Nacho / ... OMG I can't even finish typing all their names because it will be increasing my time wasted on this episode. :-/ (In case you hadn't noticed, I despise filler episodes, which is exactly what this was.) If you're gonna break up Bay and Emmett, the most liked couple on the show from what I can tell, why do it off screen? Why not let us see the actual conversation? Why not try to get us to see both of their perspectives and feel for them in some way? Right now, I can't care because I don't know what even happened. It was very poorly handled in my opinion. Which I think was an even bigger let down after the last 2 episodes that I thought were so well done.
  5. The way I see it, that's her way of trying to prepare him for a night with them. It's not that she meant it literally, but with her personality, I don't see her sitting him down and having a serious conversation about how to deal with Emily and Richard. She'd just make light of it, even though the message behind it is serious. Hence the "hey, you need to be hammered to make it through tonight" kind of jokes. But I do see it as a joke because she would know that having Luke drunk at a FND with her parents would be disastrous. Also, I wouldn't give the double Martini too much weight. This is coming from a personal standpoint so I may be wrong. But I drink socially. I'm not an alcoholic in that I don't get drunk... there's no stumbling or any memory loss or embarrassing acts of any kind. But I do go out a lot and there is a fair bit of alcohol consumption. Which means my tolerance is quite high, even for a 110lb woman. And in the past couple years, my drinks have become doubles. What that means is sometimes I would hold on to a drink longer and pace myself accordingly. I say this to say maybe that would be her only drink for the night....? I try to keep my opinions unbiased, so I hope this doesn't come across as biased based on my experiences. I'm trying to look at the whole picture. It's safe to say that the Gilmores are all social drinkers as 1) When they come over for friday night dinners, the first thing Richard does is offer them drinks. 2) they all have wine with dinner 3) there have been talks of after dinner drinks 4) we've seen them drinking at parties and other social events. Taking all of this into account, this is why I don't see them as having alcohol problems.
  6. Funny enough, in my re-watching, that REALLY bugs me now. It's overly unrealistic. They emphasize the fact that Lorelai doesn't cook. At all. So how did she feed Rory growing up? Let's say, for argument's sake, that whilst she lived in the shed at the inn and worked there that they got all their meals from the kitchen at the inn. But they moved to Stars Hollow when Rory was about 9(?) or there about.. What happened then? There's NO WAY they could afford to buy every meal if they were as poor as they claimed to be... I forgot about Logan! I do think he overdid it at times, however I think he was representative of the average college boy to be honest. Not that I excuse them, but again, I wouldn't go as far as calling him an alcoholic either. I do see your point with him though :) I'm sorry, but I still don't see it. I think the telling Luke to "ride the pink elephant" was more for humour than anything else and honestly, one drink an hour isn't really that much alcohol for someone who drinks socially and has a higher tolerance than someone who doesn't. That's just my opinion.
  7. You've answered your own question. That's exactly why they hooked up... it was nothing deep. Just about the physical... meaningless sex. I think Ty was a sweetheart.... really good guy who understood Bay. As much as I like Bay and Emmett together, at times I wonder how well they communicate. The reality is, she just started learning ASL 2 years ago... I'm not sure how fluent she is yet. And he's not like Daphne, he doesn't speak at all. Sometimes the relationship seems a bit forced to me. But hey, maybe that's why it works. Daphne has become such an awful character now that I can't even decide who's a good match for her... When she was with Wilke she was a nice person but now i think he'd be too good for her.
  8. Alcohol has various effects on different people. And it depends on your mood at the time. I don't think somebody drinking when they're down makes them an alcoholic. Sometimes, you just wanna let go and forget and alcohol helps people do that. If they do that ALL the time, then i think it's time to worry. I cannot say I noticed any alcohol abuse on GG.
  9. I have mixed feelings about this Stefan/Caroline relationship. I don't hate them together. I am however, disappointed that it went there. Here's why... I didn't like human Caroline. She is the ONE character I think has actually benefited from becoming a vampire. She has become strong, assertive, confident yet still caring and loving. I have grown to like her more and more as the seasons progressed. And I LOVE Stefan Salvatore. Not just because he's good-looking but his character has developed very well also. Good guy but still flawed. And what I loved most was the development of their FRIENDSHIP. I'll be honest, when they kissed, my first thought was "can nobody on TV maintain a platonic relationship"?!?!?!?! I am tired of everybody hooking up with everybody. (Sidenote: I recently re-watched all seasons of Gossip Girl and got upset all over again for this very reason... they ALL slept with each other!) However, my second thought was... they're sweet together. And that kiss was nice. Very appropriate. Unfortunately, it's is doomed as is all TV relationships.... (RIP Meredith & Derek)
  10. In response to this and all the other enquiries about why they didn't terminate / perform a c-section. A lot of people tend to forget that a C-section is considered major surgery, which has it's own complications and risks associated with it. When dealing with births, you have to consider the safest options for both baby AND mother. That's why even still births are done via vaginal births and not c-sections. As stated previously, c-sections are opted for when the baby's chances of survival are very high. In this case, they knew that he wasn't going to live and so a vaginal birth, being the most natural option is safest. Not much more else to add as most of it has been said... However, will take a moment to agree that Debbie Allen was SUPERB in this episode! That first scene with Jackson and April and telling them how to cope.... amazing.
  11. I believe that the whole point of this story was simply to ignite these discussions. I don't think they ever set out for any single character to take responsibility or to come to any definitive conclusion. Which I can respect because this is a VERY important topic and discussions are necessary. However, the problem that arises from that is we're left with episodes like this that feel very... unnatural. There are WAY more than 50 shades of grey here and trying to introduce every POV into a 40-min slot fell a bit flat in my opinion. However, I understand them not wanting to drag it out for too long. So I say kudos to the writers for a job well done. Whether you want to look at it as a bad PSA or not, there is a social responsibility that they have lived up to in at least sparking these debates. We need to raise awareness on the issues surrounding consent and victims not coming forward. Nothing can change if everyone stays quiet.
  12. I didn't mind season 6 as much as everyone else seemed to.... I do agree that April was a bit of a curve ball but I like the test to their relationship as it made them a bit more "human" in my eyes. However, I don't think Luke dealt with it very well and I DESPISED the Christopher arc. They should NOT have brought him back. As to season seven, it certainly was missing *something*, although I am not sure exactly what that something is. I have watched it many times and it really just felt very rushed. They knew it was coming to an end and they just threw everything in there to tie it all up.
  13. I politely disagree. A lot of these cases aren't so clear cut and boil down to a "he said / she said" situation as no-one else is behind those closed doors besides those two people. This is the grey area to which I am referring. If it were a simple case of knowing all the facts and making a decision that's easy enough but never really the case. The debate really comes down to who's story you believe.
  14. The fact that this has sparked such a debate amongst viewers shows that it has been very well executed. It's such a grey area, especially because we know the characters' history. We know that Tank still has feelings for Bay... she herself knows that. Friend or not, sometimes you need to be aware of these things and act accordingly. Which would mean you don't get wasted with that friend in case those unresolved issues come up at inappropriate times. Case in point. On the other hand, Tank also knew everything that she was dealing with and I don't think he was particularly sensitive to that. No, it's not his responsibility to take care of her, but we would like to think our friends care enough to do so. I don't think it's fair to put "all" the blame on him. But for some reason I think do hold him slightly more responsible. I admit, that may be a biased opinion because I am not a big fan of Tank... I never bought that "nice guy" fade. Definitely looking forward to seeing where it goes.
  15. Any episode that feature Joey as the character with the lead story. He annoys me to no end.
  16. I'm not the biggest Tank fan but I try to be fair. However, something he said stood out to me... When he was talking to Bay at the party about Emmett there was a comment along the lines of "I guess you guys were really meant to be" which came off sounding somewhat bitter to me. I don't know if he's as "good" as everyone thinks. Guess we have to wait until tomorrow's episode to see.
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