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Everything posted by timimouse

  1. So I'm not sure how most people feel about Lorelai. Personally I think she's too self-centered and for the most part my tolerance for her antics is very slim. But my favourite Lorelai moment came in season 4 episode 6 - An Affair to Remember - when Sookie and Rory were being whiny brats and she said to them exactly what I was thinking... "Stop behaving like a 2-year old and make a new plan! People have being carrying babies around without a fancy new truck for years, he will be fine!". I feel like Rory finally got a rude awakening at college that she wasn't the centre of the universe and that while she may have been a big fish in a small pond in Stars Hollow (and to some extent at Chilton) it all changed at Yale where she was now a small fish in that big pond. I think all of that attributed to her leaving Yale. She didn't know how to deal with being average and she fell apart. I'm REALLY glad they didn't make her valedictorian at her graduation from Yale as that would have been EVEN more unbelievable than her earning it at Chilton.
  2. While I don't think we should "hate" anyone, especially just because we're told too, I also understood it as Meredith giving Hunt a show of support in hopes that if he feels she's on his side, he'll eventually feel comfortable enough to talk to her about it. She understands the confusion that is Owen Hunt because she too has issues of her own and that's her way of being his friend. I also don't know why people feel that EVERYONE has to be friends?!?!?! Just because you work together? No. There's a hospital full of doctors. go be friends with one of them. They don't need to be friends right now. Right now, her loyalty is to Hunt. And I think that's OK. No, I'm in no way supporting any sort of bullying. But it's a big hospital. We can work together as professionals but it stays there. With all due respect, and this isn't targeted at you directly, but until you experience it, I cannot support the "get over it" attitude of white people. As I said in my earlier post, I don't believe in making EVERYTHING about race and I've even had disagreements with other persons of colour when I think they're making an issue out of a non-issue. But the reality is it is very present and very real and telling us to just get over it is not the answer
  3. So I'm going to start my post on a slightly shallow note... I'm not the biggest fan of Maggie but I am SO LOVING her wardrobe! That dress she was wearing in the car park scene with Amelia was soooo cute! And I remember her little green romper a few episodes back too. I don't usually notice the wardrobe choices (for example, everyone was going on about Meredith's ponytail last episode and I had no clue what they were talking about) but I do notice Maggie's outfits, which says something! On that note, I will start with Maggie. This is the first episode I actually liked her. No vagina monologues, no long boring rants and no forced or awkward interaction. We got to see her as the talented child prodigy she is and it was refreshing. And she brought across a very important message in a very real way. I may not be a black american, but I'm a black woman. That has lived on many different continents of this world. And while I don't like to be too quick to cry racism, I also am not one to deny it. And with everything happening in the world today, I appreciate them acknowledging and addressing it as it is a very important conversation to be had. Meredith. LOVE MRS. McDREAMY! I never thought I would say this because in the early seasons, I wasn't her biggest fan (yep, I'm a Christina lover) but I cannot deny the growth that we have seen with her over the years and now I am hands down in her corner, every step of the way. I love how we still see that she's torn on the Penny issue. Because the reality is that she does hold her responsible for the death of her husband but is trying to rise above it. So yes, I think it's understandable that she wouldn't be treating her completely fairly. It may even be somewhat subconscious. That's human and normal. I think Callie is unprofessional and annoying because while she may not be entirely wrong, she went about it the wrong way for what I interpret as selfish reasons. If Penny wanted to deal with it, she could've talked to Meredith herself or go to Webber or Bailey. That's how people do things in the professional world. So kudos to her for setting Callie straight as it IS embarrassing to have your girlfriend fight your battles for you at work. Also, I've noticed a lot of people giving Meredith flack for her friendships but I actually think she's a pretty decent friend. They say she's selfish but look back at her friendship with Christina. Although they referred to each other as their "person", Christina was never a big talker / sharer and so it appeared to be more about Meredith. As is appears that way with Alex now. But she's there for them when they really need her to be. Comments are being made at how she treats Jo, but was she friends with Burke? I'm pretty sure if Burke was her junior instead of her senior, she may have treated him the same way... which is pretty much how she treats EVERY intern / resident. I don't think her taking the procedure from Jo and giving it to Penny was a stab at Jo, but more of an opportunity to rise above the Penny drama and do her job. The timing just sucked for Jo. Again, I've never been big on Owen. That started from the moment he choked my beloved Christina but I've learned to tolerate him. Thought we were past the PTSD thing so it was a little sad to see that triggered again. Hope that story doesn't take too long to come out. And once again, Meredith is there for her friend. Jackson Jackson Jackson... *yum*. I really love looking at that man. I really do. Anyway, I digress. I get that sometimes people backslide. Every relationship. So while I understand it, I'm still disappointed in him for leading on April, because he's still adamant that he wants a divorce, whereas she feels like it's a sign that he's forgiving her. I do think they can work on their relationship but they need to take the time to do so and neither of them are really thinking about that. April wants to jump right back in and it's chasing him further and further away. I really like Stephanie and I do think she's a better surgeon than Jo. I agreed with her that Jo should step up and give her some competition and I'm glad that she did in this episode. I even felt that Stephanie was kinda proud of her at the end. That look on her face as Jo was having a go at Penny kinda made me feel like she understood. But they're still "in a fight" so she wouldn't just go running after her. This story must be going somewhere. It must be a build up to something. I didn't realise that there was so much to say! I'm really enjoying this season, which I didn't expect to, without Derek. I still think there are too many characters to focus on however and they need to do some cleaning up. I vaguely remember Bailey, Ben, Amelia, Arizona, Alex and Webber being in this episode but just as fillers. Is that what they've come to? *meh* Maybe Jo will go nuts and bring and a gun into the hospital to get rid of some of these folks. I know that may sound bad but I don't mean it like it sounds! I swear! I just remember that's what they did when they had merged Seattle Grace with Mercy West and there were SO many characters that we couldn't keep straight. Turns out they were just waiting to get rid of them with a gunman.
  4. I noticed this wasn't on anyone else's list but I really like season 3 episode 13 - Dear Emily & Richard. Loved the flashbacks of Lorelai's pregnancy.
  5. Boy did I get schooled here. Comment rescinded. I did notice the inconsistency with Trix apparently being resurrected from the dead but I think it's understandable when a series is just beginning and they're still trying to figure out the backstories of their characters. @AmenSisterFriend: I just watched 'Lost & Found' and NOW I get your name! Haha!
  6. That's so true! I'm not sure why this bugs me so much but every time I see it, it gets under my skin. I actually would've preferred the "Juicy" sweat pants.
  7. Her mother being there should not have been a factor. She made such a big deal about her daughter being accepted to Chilton. Even if she didn't know she would've been meeting the headmaster, she knew she would've been taking her to school. Nobody should ever leave their house dressed like that. Especially when taking your child to school. I'm sure her mother embarrassed her many times that she wouldn't want to do that to Rory. And before you guys tell me she didn't expect to leave the vehicle, I'm sorry, I still don't buy that THAT is all she could find to put on.
  8. I actually noticed this as well! I couldn't help but think "Why is that slice so teeny tiny?!?!" The things we notice....
  9. This. Why?!?!?!?! It annoys me so much. There is no explanation why she would even be dressed like that, laundry day or not. It was just too much.
  10. @AmenSisterFriend Sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis but happy she's recovering well and hope she continues on that path. :) Unfortunately, I'm still not on that Marty train. It seems to be a popular opinion but I never liked him and wasn't surprised that he became that person in season 7. *meh* Completely agree with your take on season 1! Obviously it is what made me fall in love with the show to begin with but as I re-watch, it falls lower and lower down on the list as it seems a bit over-the-top at times as they try too hard with certain character traits. I think ASP found her footing in seasons 2 and 3. This may be the wrong forum here so I apologise in advance, but inconsistencies really bug me and I recently watched the pilot where Rory tells dean about being named after her mother because Lorelai thought since men name their sons after themselves all the time, why couldn't women. It also came up in the next episode before Lorelai meets the headmaster. If that were the case however, why would she have been named after her grandmother? Rory is technically "Lorelai the third" not Lorelai Jr. so that explanation doesn't make much sense to me.
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for that. Hilarious and so true. THIS. As much as I did like this episode, it was too obvious. I missed the subtlety that was Grey's, that made you feel all warm and fuzzy at the end of the episode. Also crossed my mind that they're going to use this child as their saving grace. Which is utterly ridiculous and the kid suffers in the end. Not so keen on Maggie though. With or without her vagina monologues (yes, that was deliberate :)) LMAO! thank you again! I'm happy to learn I am not alone with the lack of interest in that character or actress.
  12. I don't think "homemade" translates to poorly fitted. Usually custom made clothing fits and looks better than store-bought as it is designed and tailored specifically for the wearer.
  13. I forgot about those awful dresses! they're both pretty bad! And you're right... it's not just style of them but they're VERY ill-fitting
  14. @Taryn74... how do you post pics in this forum? I keep trying but with no such luck :(
  15. Totally agree. TVD is still my background show. While I clean / do work or something else.Simply because its boring. It never used to be. Caroline was into him the first time she saw him, but I think its absolutely ridiculous that she was jealous... that happened hundred of years ago. There's NO WAY you can be the first choice of a hundred year old vampire. let it go honey. It's you he wants now. Also, I don't think Caroline's fiancé is a vampire as I have a feeling that spell will never be lifted. Or at least not at that time. Or maybe I'm just hoping. Because I'm really quite against the Caroline + Stephan pairing.
  16. THAT'S THE ONE! In theory it shouldn't be that bad but it looked so wrong.
  17. All medical students have to complete an internship and residency, teaching hospital or not. Most people tend to go for teaching hospitals but it's really a personal choice and not mandatory. I agree with this! Jo also needs to step up and be more damn sociable and stop sulking all the time "why don't they like me?" **rolls eyes** While I can understand that Amelia still resents Mer for not calling her that night, I don't entirely blame Meredith. We need to remember that Amelia wasn't alwasy around. Her presence is still very recent. I think if Mark were still alive, Mer would've called him because THAT is who she saw as Derek's family. And yes while Amelia has a right to be hurt and upset too, she expressed it in the wrong way. So i too was on Mer's side. She properly told her off and rightfully so! I'm also on Steph's side in her blowout at Jo. I don't think she was being overly sensitive. She's kicking Jo's ass and Jo is now using her past as an excuse for it. And that pissed me off. No bitch, I'm not better than you because I was sick as a child, I'm better because I work my ass off and I'm good. And if you want to compete with me, step up and stop sitting around looking for excuses. I don't think they're going down the road of Alex and Mer hooking up. I feel like it's truly a solid friendship. (Please writers, don't make me eat those words) Finally, I share the sentiment that the episode was good and the acting was excellent. I just found Maggie really annoying. She never bothered me before but her rants are bugging me this season and I felt her story was out of place in this episode. I also see Jackson faltering a bit on his stance with April which I hope he bucks up on because she doesn't deserve his forgiveness... yet. I do think that they are good together but she needs to understand why he's angry and I don't think she totally gets it yet.
  18. I took a screenshot of this dress Lorelai wore to work after her big fight with Chris, but I can't seem to paste it. I can't pinpoint exactly what is wrong with it but it's ill-fitting and unflattering. Black dress, elbow length sleeves, v-neck with floral trim around the neck and down to the hem.
  19. I must've really read that scene wrong because I didn't he the impression Meredith was saying that she'd never be with a man again. I took it as "right now, I'm content with what I do have. That was my great love and I lost it and I'm ok for now".
  20. I completely agree with you here for the most part. Bay's expression in that last scene threw me for a loop. What was THAT about?!?!? And yes, they were all pretty bad and I would totally push them in the river as they don't seem to know that they should jump. I may have a pretty unpopular opinion here but that was THE WORST EPISODE OF THE SEASON! OMG! I was so annoyed! Who the hell behaves like that at a baby shower? What is with the whole "Daphne is everybody's cheerleader"? Whilst I understand why Bay would be upset, couldn't she stop for a second and try to understand why these things were being kept from her? The world is bigger than you honey. And lastly, WHY WAS THE ACTING SO BAD IN THIS EPISODE?!!??!?! Eric, Regina and Hope completely overdid it with the dramatics ("Where's my son?! She wants YOU to meet her!" "I'll DO it! We're in this together! I LOVE you!"..... **rolls eyes**). I will give Katherine kudos though. Her standing up for Lilly and baby was handled well. Except that in the real world, people wouldn't say those things aloud at a baby shower, even if they were thinking them. Especially people who are supposedly "classy". Money really doesn't buy class if that's the case. :-/ Also, clearly Sharee and Daphne haven't spoken for at least a year as she knew nothing about her life. Why would one little motivational speech from you deaf ex-friend who didn't care enough to try to keep in touch just lift you up all of a sudden and push you back to enrol in college? really? no, seriously? that's all it takes? I really hope next week's episode comes with a bang because this was a total let down for me.
  21. I'm just REALLY glad Emily didn't buy Rory that guitar purse that Lorelai suggested on their shopping trip. I can't imagine ANY one making that thing look cool.
  22. I'm also torn on this mini-series business. I would watch it if it does come out but I think they should leave well enough alone.
  23. I'm currently working my way through a binge-watch of Once Upon a Time on Netflix and really appreciated the reference. :) I'm surprised to see so many people are of the opinion (which I agree with) that the Heretics and their mama are a boring bunch of villains. I usually get called strange by my friends because I'm known to love a villain, which on the Vampire Dairies, I have done so far. Even if I wasn't fond of them in particular, their stories and portrayal were still good enough to keep me watching. But these Heretics have me doing other things while the show is on as background noise. What I may have as an unpopular opinion however, is the little excitement I felt when we found out that Stephan was not Caroline's fiancé. I really like both of those characters, just not together. I keep pushing to see more platonic relationships on TV as I think Stephen and Caroline are better as BFFs like Bonnie and Damon. Not every relationship has to be romantic. May actually keep watching to see that story play out. Well done with that one writers.
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