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Everything posted by timimouse

  1. I suspect this may also be an unpopular opinion, but I really liked Rory in her suit in "Wedding Bell Blues"! I thought because she's tall, it elongated her well and her hair pinned back was really pretty.
  2. @lulu1960 Is this the outfit that you were referring to?
  3. While I think the wardrobes of all the characters were really poor in the first season, I think Emily suffered the most in that season. Her style appeared to be 20 years behind everyone else's. And not in a "classic" kind of way but more in a frumpy old woman kind of way.
  4. LOL. I totally get why that would bug you, but to be fair, I weigh 100lb and if I put on even 5 lbs, I have clothes that will not fit. And my friends are in awe because they can't even notice the weight gain.
  5. I agree with this and that is why, as I believe I stated earlier in this thread, I didn't buy the whole "Sherry has run off to Paris and abandoned us" arc. It didn't fit with the character that we were introduced to. They just used her to try to make us feel sorry for Chris. Which I didn't buy...
  6. Ok I just found this thread, so I'm not sure if this has been discussed previously. But I keep trying to put a timeline on Lorelai and Christopher's relationship and I'm struggling. Every time I watch those episodes I keep wondering "Who's marriage lasted longer? Christopher and Lorelai or Kim Kardashian and Kris Humpheries?" Because it just feels like they rushed through that dating-marriage-divorce all in less than 72 days... Could you guys help me out here? For approximately how long did that marriage last? I often think I would've believed it more if they didn't rush through it so quickly. But Christopher knew he was the rebound guy and said he was ok with that and then woke up a week later and decided he wasn't? Um.... no.
  7. So to add to my post above, I just realised why I'm not keen on the revival. I'm actually quite a fan of the series finale. Which I believe is an unpopular opinion. I really really liked Richard in the last couple episodes. His refusal to indulge Emily with her whole "why didn't Rory say yes to Logan's proposal" and all her fussing at the graduation... he short of told her to shut up. And it was nice to see him, for one last time, be proud of not only his granddaughter, but also his daughter. I know some people may not have thought much of Richard throughout the series as he came off as unaffectionate, but I think he showed it the only way knew how to and I respected that. I also like that Rory said no to Logan and wandered into the unknown with a brave face. While I don't think she would've made a very good journalist, I like that we were left with the thought that may she did, maybe she didn't. Speaking of unknown, I also took the Luke and Lorelai ending as an unknown. Yeah they kissed. But that doesn't mean that they got married and had children. Or that they even got back together. And finally, as tumultuous as Lorelai and Emily's relationship was throughout the series, I really like that they gave us some sort of hope with that "Let's talk about it at friday night dinner". I really do think it ended well.
  8. Yeah, I was exaggerating a bit but the point is that he attended a lot of town meetings prior to that relationship.... He even took Nicole to one and I don't remember if Rachel went to any but I do remember her waiting for him at the diner (before she left town) to come back from a town meeting. They even re-scheduled the "Jess" meeting so Luke wouldn't be there to hear them talk about him. That means - to me at least - that from season one we're being given the impression that he's a regular at these things. Then BAM! Luke hates town meetings but is going only because Lorelai is? As @takalotti said, it was just lazy writing on their part. I agree that I also had a problem with the "Rory doesn't know what happens at the dance marathon" thing. Are we really meant to believe that in 18 years of marathons (yeah. right.) the BFF-mother-and-daughter-who-do-and-share-everything-together duo didn't attend it together at some point or that Lorelai shared every detail of the experience? I didn't think anything of Dean propping Rory up because while I don't think it would be allowed in a regular dance marathon, I just put it down as one of those "Star Hollow" things...
  9. I'm not sure if this is a nitpick or not or if I even brought this up before (because that's very possible) but it seriously bothers me when Loerlai and Luke are dating and she makes a big deal about him coming to town meetings with her "just because he likes doing things with her" when Luke was at EVERY town meeting before they started dating! Were we just supposed to forget all his previous rants at the town meetings just for the sole purpose of that episode's storyline?
  10. I too am not keen on the revival. When I heard about it, my first thought was "Leave well enough alone!". Don't get me wrong, I'll still watch it. But I don't think it was a good idea. I've put those characters to rest. I re-watch the series over and over again and I love reliving those moments with them. But that's just it. I don't think they need to expand any further. I like hating on Christopher in season 7 being married to Lorelai but knowing it doesn't last. I like going from liking Rory to despising her to tolerating her again as things progress. I like watching the series once and thinking one thing and then reading the commentary on this forum and re-watching and having a completely different opinion. Now I feel like that's going to be taken from me because they're adding more to the story. But hey, money talks. I also don't think it will feel the same. The actors themselves have changed. I can't see Paris going back to Heartford after being on How To Get Away With Murder. Or Melissa McCarthy going back to being the best friend after having been the star. Maybe I'm wrong. We will see...
  11. I agree with you that I have opinions that change as I re-watch and as I get different perspectives from this forum. But my dislike of Max has never changed. I never thought he was a good match for Lorelai and I found him VERY boring. But after seeing their breakup a few times, I felt sorry for him. She really treated him horribly. I'm not sure she even called him to tell him that the wedding was off! All we saw was her pulling Rory out of bed and calling Sookie.... I used to assume that she did call him, but given the person we got to know over the series, I'm not so sure any more.... So to answer your question, I don't think in a Luke-free world, they would've survived, because I don't think she was that into him. She didn't make a genuine effort to include him in her life. He never even met her parents. No Friday-night dinners. It was just too awkward all round I thought.
  12. You may like the "One is the Loneliest Number: Unpopular GG Opinions" thread
  13. I do understand what you're saying but my experience has led me to believe that it depends on the person. Some people fight hell hard not to let their past pull them down while others get lost in it. No judgement, just acceptance that it's what the person believes. So I was glad to see them bring Jess back and show us that he rose above it.
  14. I had absolutely no recollection of this and had to check IMDB before asking you when did this happen. I'm not sure I agree that 2 episodes count. And although Paris claimed to be Jewish, she didn't appear to be practising. Also, on a slightly more shallow note, Rory didn't consider Paris to be her best friend, that was the other way around and not reciprocated. I will say that I agree with what was stated by an earlier poster, is it really realistic to not have much racial diversity? I don't think it detracted anything from the show itself.
  15. What I've noticed is that the people who seem to understand Amelia better are those who watched Private Practice, but that's not a show I watched so I'm not familiar with her past. So I don't think it's right that they try to bring her character in as if we've known her for years. As they did with all the other newbies on the show, we need to learn about her to care about her and I don't think that's been done.
  16. So I think I may have an unpopular opinion here because it seems like a lot of people liked the Jason/Lorelai pairing. I, however, did NOT. I could not STAND the guy. It started with him and Richard going into business because he simply wanted to stick it to his father... and then the "I'd have called you back sooner if I knew you looked like this now" -__- .... and it only got worse with him kicking Lorelai out of bed after their first sexual encounter. That screams selfish to me. If he has issues like that, he should probably go see a shrink about it before he gets into a relationship. I don't care how nice a guest room it is. We are not having sex and then you kick me out of your bed. And then to top it all off, the unnecessary tailgating of Luke during his first trip to Stars Hollow. What was that about? Why? Just why? I cannot find ONE SINGLE redeeming quality about Jason. I was really glad when they wrote him off. I don't even think he would've grown on me like Logan did.
  17. I'm also a little late to this party as I just binged on Netflix. I must say, this is a very strange one for me as I did NOT like the characters at all. I especially hated Jo and they way she kept kissing that child. I thought it was plain weird. And that little boy needed two good slaps with that behaviour. And her daughter really was no better. I really didn't like a single character but I couldn't stop watching! Every time an episode ended, I found myself hitting "NEXT". WTF?!?!?! I think I kept watching to try to figure out what is so wrong with it. But 13 episodes later and I still don't know. Funnily enough, Phoebe's character grew on me. Didn't like her. Just didn't dislike her. Will probably watch season 2 when it's on netflix. I think this show makes for great background noise when cleaning
  18. I'm gonna step in here to defend Meredith, not because I agree with her necessarily, but because I understand her. We've watched these characters for 10+ years now. We know their stories. Their past before we met them and the things we've seen them face over the last 10 years. Meredith being a big part of all that, being a member of the original cast. So we KNOW that Meredith Grey is SCREWED UP! I'm not going to get into why (yes I believe Ellis to be a huge part of that but let me not digress) but I think it's safe to say that we can agree that Meredith has issues. Real problems. And maybe that adds to her being a great surgeon however, why do we insist on judging her by "normal people's" standards when she is NOT NORMAL?!?!? She has had problems with family over the years and we saw how difficult it was to even accept Lexxie as a sister who was actually biologically related, and then along comes Maggie and Amelia (sidenote, Maggie isn't even trying as hard as Amelia is) and she is expected to just take them in with open arms? Is that the Meredith we've known over the years? She's loyal to Christina and she believes that loyalty to Hunt is how to keep that promise. WE the rational thinking people may not see that as fair or reasonable were we in her shoes, but please, let us not take Meredith out of context. She's a bloody nutter and she's gonna do things that don't make sense. But can we take a step back for a minute and try to understand why she does what she does?
  19. I thought this too while watching the episode. But I may be biased because I could take an entire hour of just that beautiful face. Naaaah... that's not it. He's really grown as an actor because when he started, he wasn't that good. (1) I'm SO sick of Owen at this point. When he hit Riggs I instantly thought "Ugh, typical Hunt". Seen it too many times now. Whatever happened to character growth? *sigh* (2) I cheered internally at that scene. We've been thinking it for so long, time for someone to point it out to her. Always about her and when you get married, you are supposed to consider the other person at lease SOME of the time! (3) I swear this comes out in my posts on every episode but OMG he is so delicious! I'm surprised that I'm actually liking them too. Really didn't expect to but I am pleasantly surprised. I know I'm always late to this party as I watch the episodes online a few days after but I actually thought transgendered at first as well. I blame this on the media now. Almost every tv series now seems to be trying to introduce a transgender story so I half expect it all the time. But after reading these post I think the Brother-in-law story makes more sense and hopefully that's the way it goes. Unpopular opinion time... Still LOVING Meredith this season, more than I have in a long time and I agree with her... Christina IS her sister and Amelia is Derek's sister and she needs to get to hell out of her house! I also know a lot of people here love Alex and while I do hold a special place in my heart for him, I can never really take him seriously as I still see him as Massimo from The Wedding Planner... So as he's proposing to Jo, all I could think was "Alex wants Jo to be his buddy-buddy". LMAO
  20. Make that a table for four. He does absolutely nothing for me. I could see Dean (Jared) filling that heartthrob role. Tall. Floppy Hair. Cute Smile. I may have found him attractive if he weren't so dull! Because on Supernatural when he grew up and got buff I was like "HELLOOOOOO Sam Winchester!" Jess (Milo) also didn't do it for me which is VERY strange because I tend to be attracted to guys with weird mouths (eg. Christian Bale *yum*) but every time Milo spoke it just bugged the hell out of me because his mouth was twisted and his words came out funny. He got better at controlling it in heroes though.
  21. THIS. The more I watch (and re-watch and re-watch), I think that if somebody softer had played the character, he would've been more likeable. I definitely also agree that in the earlier seasons, he wasn't as angry. My first sign was when he got arrested for beating the crap out of Nicole's lovers' vehicle. Yes he was hurt and angry but personally, I think people who can control their anger wouldn't go vandalising other people's property.
  22. The good thing here is that she knew EXACTLY how bad this outfit was. Bad thing is that she even tried it on.
  23. I never really thought of it this way but that's a good take on it. I didn't really feel sorry for Chris as they intended but that was because I felt that Sherry was being used as a convenience to make Chris look good. When we first met Sherry she was giving the impression that their relationship was serious and they were thinking long-term marriage and children because that's what she wanted and was ready for. So I found it pretty unbelievable that she would just get up and leave GiGi behind. Not that she wasn't career driven, but the Sherry we met would've taken her daughter WITH her. So I felt that she was just being used as a prop to paint Chris in a better light which I did not buy. He really was a loser dad. HAHA! I forgot about that one. Thanks. Yet another example of somebody thinking that somebody else isn't good enough for said person and drama ensues. *sigh* I wonder is ASP was running out of ideas at that point?
  24. The hypocrisy of these characters REALLY gets to me sometimes. So Emily finds out that Trix didn't think she was good enough for Richard and Emily is livid. Luke doesn't think that Dean is good enough for Rory (because apparently 'Princess Rory' deserves a prince) and because of how he treats Dean, Rory is livid. Emily and Richard don't think Luke is good enough for Lorelai... Wedding Bell Blues... Lorelai is livid. HOW is it that Emily can't see she did the same thing to Lorelai that Trix did to her and Luke did the same thing to Dean that Emily did to him?!?!?!?!
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