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Everything posted by timimouse

  1. As has been said before, I don't find it hard to believe she would forget Mer's face. Yes there are the arguments about them being famous and whatnot but all that aside, that was a huge case for her and major point in life that she will never forget. It's not so far-fetched to think she would always remember Meredith. It's even possible she went as far as to look them up and learn more about them after having to go through that with them. I too predicted that she would come back and after Meredith's speech to the interns, I suspected she would be Callie's new GF. I've been watching Grey's for too many years now not to be able to predict that episode set-up. Still well done though, IMO. Yes they are BFF's but they are also work colleagues who are competing and I think Jo has been feeling lately that Stephanie has been taking that competition too far. It was a low blow to tell Amelia that she was lying though. I didn't think of this initially but that's a very good point. Callie has been gushing about this girl for a few eps now so we get the impression that things are going well and there is some real connection and not just sex... wouldn't a life changing case like Derek's come up at some point in conversation? Especially after learning where Callie is going? And even if, let's say it's still in the early stages of the relationship and that conversation hasn't come up yet, wouldn't it once she finds out that they're going to Meredith Grey's house for a dinner party? Or did Callie not specify where they were going? "Oh let's go my friends' house for a dinner party and meet my ex-wife" and she asks no questions? More than a few holes there.... Gonna disagree here. Whilst I don't think it was a part of her backstory from before, I think the introduction was handled well. Stephanie wants to appear fearless and strong and she thinks talking about something like that would make her appear the victim, which she doesn't want. So I thought it was believable that THIS particularly case brought up those old feelings more than any other that she's ever had to deal with. However, I don't see Jo as the villain there. I'm not sure if that's what they wanted, but they have been building up to this disagreement of theirs for a few episodes now. Jo has a bit of resent towards Steph for all the little stunts she'd been pulling and her pulling ahead of the rest of them and this was just the last straw that broke the camels back. I may not agree with her telling Amelia that Steph was lying, but it's understandable. I've never been too keen on either of their characters but now Steph just pulled ahead of Jo for me, not just because of the sob-story but also because the actress is getting much better in my eyes. Which brings me to my agreement with your first point - Mer does look a whole lot happier than she has in a long time. And i think Ellen is really doing well with the character. I'm hoping they don't bring a love interest for her. Her speech hit the nail on the head - she's had that great love and now it's gone but shes in a good place. She has her friends and kids and work and she's ok with that.
  2. So I just finished "Wedding Bell Blues" and "Say Something" and I have come to realised those are among my most and least favourite episodes at the same time. There are some things that I love ("You and me... we're DONE!) and yet I hate some of it too. No matter how many times I re-watch and Logan grows on me a little more each time, I DESPISE his first set of episodes. I really can't stand the guy at that wedding. And then he becomes Mr. Nice Guy letting Rory use his car the next day to go to Star Hollow and whatnot... just seems out of character for somebody who's keeping it casual. You do that for the woman you wanna keep not the woman you wanna f**k. Sorry, I could be biased tho. I REALLY don't like him is those earlier episodes. Plus side of that episode however is seeing Lorelai at her weakest. We've all had that break up that breaks us and I loved how she seemed normal for once. It was relateable and reminded me that I used to like her character. That dress that Emily put her in was pretty bad though. I will agree wit the binge-watch observation! I on my last re-watch I wasn't enjoying the show as much so I took a break and this time around I'm taking a break every few episodes and i find myself enjoying it more this time around.
  3. I'm curious. How do people feel about Rory? I liked her initially. Then that started to diminish. Then I became quite apathetic towards her generally. But now I'm re-watching the season 4 / 5 affair with Dean and it's really pissing me off the way she behave with Lorelai who was pointing out the obvious "He's married". And then she's talking to Lane about it and says she going to be mature and adult but she did NOT handle that situation like a mature adult at all and it's bugging me even more now. I swear, every time i re-watch this series i dislike her more and more. But i still LOVE the show! :)
  4. I actually don't think Travis understood Bay's POV. I read it as a love-sick puppy "OMG, I'm so sorry I did something wrong! PLEASE forgive me! I'm so in love with you! Why don't you love me back?!?!?!" I actually got annoyed with him in that scene. Actually, I find myself annoyed with him in most of their scenes together. The only scene that felt real with them was him telling her about his sexual abuse incident. I really don't want them to get together. Keep it platonic. Please. THANK YOU! I was wondering if I missed an episode. How do we go from "I can't afford to get my car fixed and have to sell my businesses" to being silent partners and investors? I have tried to come up with many explanations for that one and drawing completely blank. :-/ I agree with you about Garrett. In his first scene I did think he was quite attractive but they've made his character so wooden and vapid that he's becoming less attractive. And unfortunately, the actors themselves have no chemistry which makes their scenes even less interesting. I'm missing Emmett. I don't mind that him and Bay broke up because they were growing apart but at least I found him interesting and the sparks between them were believable. Even Ty and Bay had great on-screen chemistry. This guy is just dull dull dull. Also agree with you about Mingo. A little too perfect there. I'm not sold.
  5. My apologies, but this is a little pet peeve of mine... It should be "COULDN'T care less". If you say you could care less, it means you do care and have the ability to care even less than you do now. But I do agree that those heretics were completely uninteresting. Waste of time and hopefully don't get much more air time. I'm usually a really loyal fan no matter how bad a show gets, but I foresee this one being added to list after Supernatural. I don't think I can stick this one out. Which makes me a little sad because I LOVED the first few seasons. But this episode bored the life out of me. I found the last season hard tog et through and hoped the new season would start with a bang but instead I got a **meh**
  6. With all due respect, I don't think that's totally right. "According to Medscape, general surgeons practicing in health care organizations earned the most by practice setting in 2011, an average of $339,000 per year. Those practicing in single-specialty group practices averaged $332,000, and those practicing in multispecialty group practices averaged $324,000." General surgery is a pretty big deal BECAUSE they have to know about everything. As opposed to specialists who focus on only one. Statistically, there are less general surgeons than there are specialists and so they are in higher demand.
  7. That mother is definitely gonna pop up as a result of Regina's actions. I would be really surprised (and somewhat disappointed) if that weren't the case.
  8. My little 2 cents.. and clearly unpopular opinion... I'm REALLY liking the music this season. Grey's has always been well known for the soundtracks and i like that they're keeping it interesting. And like it or not, you're talking about it. Which is what they want. April April April... SMH. There was a point last season I was starting to like you.... and then you came back. :\ I must say though, when she was ranting about fighting for the two of them and refusing to walk away, I could help but think "OF COURSE YOU WOULD!!! WHO WOULD WALK AWAY FROM THAT FINE A$$ MAN!!!!" Yes Jesse Williams just gets better looking with every passing moment. *YUM* *LICKS LIPS* I'm in no way mad at Richard for giving Bailey his stethoscope. They do have a father/daughter relationship which Maggie SAID she had no interest in. And they've had that LONG before Maggie ever came onto the scene. Hell, he is more of father to Meredith than he is to Maggie. That's just the reality. Blood doesn't make you family. Honestly, i do think Grey's is not as entertaining as it was a couple years ago... It's more light entertainment... background noise as you do some work. But I'm a loyal fan and will ride it out to the end. I've just learnt not to take it all so seriously.
  9. I just realised I seem to hold a very unpopular opinion.... I don't think Paris was entertaining at all! I'm really quite apathetic towards her.She added nothing to my Gilmore Girls experience nor did she take away from it.
  10. I am disappointed that the story fell a bit flat there as i thought they were building it up to something with the fact that he was basically taking Bay's story and her art and rubbing her nose in it. But I guess they can't keep harping on about the rape story. I really think the whole T-Shirt thing was a waste of bloody time. They seem to be running out of storylines here.... With all due respect, Toby would probably get more work as a DJ in London than he would in Kansas, and if it's done correctly, wouldn't have problems with residency. I'm not the biggest fan of this girlfriend (I can't remember her name now) but I do think Toby has a lot of growing up to do and she could probably be the one to help him with that. And no, I also don't think she's interested in that other guy. She simply admitted to something that millions of people who are in relationships have been guilty of... being attracted to someone else they have been spending time with. The real show of that person's character is the ability to NOT give into the temptation.
  11. I'm going to politely disagree here. I don't think Jess LIKED being mean. I think Jess was in a bad place and was lashing out at the world as his reaction to what he was dealing with. And that's why they went with the "Good Girl Changes The Bad Boy" arc. Because Jess did get a little bit better once him and Rory became a couple, I guess because she distracted him from all his other problems. But he had more issues than Rory could fix (a distraction is not a solution to a problem but only a temporary fix) and I think that's why they also didn't last. I also didn't get the impression that Lorelai blamed the boyfriends for the things that Rory did. I think she lashed out at them in anger but I also think that she was disappointed in her daughter for LETTING these guys have such strong influences on her. She did say to Rory on more than one occasion "don't be that girl".
  12. I would say anything Lorelai wore in season 1. I think they were still trying to figure out that part of her character.
  13. AmenSisterFriend, I agree with everything you said there. But I still love season 5 for some strange reason! I don't know if this is a nitpick or an UO, but I'm confused by Lane and her decision to keep Henry quiet. He was the guy her parents would love. And she liked him. Wouldn't their relationship actually have stood a chance? By keeping it quiet, she ruined it herself!
  14. I wasn't sure if this was an UO or not but i surely agree with that. There were too many inconsistencies with that story.... how could they have been so close to Luke but didn't know about his "dark day"? and their interactions alwasy felt so... unnatural.
  15. This may be a very unpopular opinion, but Logan reminded me a lot of Jess. Or rather, they shared similar qualities that she was attracted to... Bad boy, well read, witty, sense of adventure.... I also think Rory is somewhat shallow and I think if she had to choose between the two, Logan would win as he would be able to provide more.
  16. Speaking of which, how does everyone else feel about Luke's behaviour towards Dean, during his post-divorce relationship with Rory? I found him to be hugely hypocritical with all that "he's not good enough" talk, mirroring exactly what Richard and Emily thought of him. Yet again, putting Rory on a pedestal and making Dean the villain. She DID after all sleep with a man she knew was married. And rationalised it with "he was mine first" -_- In no way was she innocent there....
  17. I still hold the UO that the rift between Lorelai and Rory was a brilliant storyline and it almost made season 6 my favourite season. What killed it for me however was introduction of April Nardini. I am not opposed to her presence. I actually think that it was an interesting twist also. What REALLY upset me was how Luke made such a HUGE issue about them being 100% honest with each other and it was "the only way things would work" between them, yet in that SAME episode he found out this life changing news and didn't tell his fiancé? Seriously? It was SO out of character! I will never understand why TPTB think it's impossible to have a functional happy couple on TV!
  18. So I've recently started my 6-millionth re-watch and I just need to know how unpopular this opinion is.... I find Michel to be EXTREMELY annoying! I think at one point, it was funny to me, but now his antics just annoy me. Why on earth would they even want him at the Dragonfly? After the Independence Inn fire, I would've been so glad to be rid of him! I know we've talked about the rudeness of customer service providers on this show but I really do think he's the absolute worst!
  19. That's what came to mind as well for me when I read that post. Irked me to no end as to how she could not step up at that point and say "Hey actually, i'm sorry but that was me."
  20. Not sure if this is a nitpick or if I simply missed something, but I remember Luke buying a house for him and Lorelai to live in after they got married and he ended up giving it up because she didn't want to leave her place. Same thing she did to Max previously and Christopher later on. So they chose to fix up her house instead. Yet, when she found out that Emily & Richard were buying them a house, WHY DIDN'T SHE OBJECT TO THAT?!?!?! All of a sudden it was such a sweet thing for them to do and "boo hoo, we aren't getting married"? It just doesn't make sense to me. At no point in their Friday night dinners did it come up that Luke was renovating their house? I also remember when Emily was telling her about the new house they were buying, she mentioned being able to grease Taylor's hand so she can get a Stars Hollow address, which implies that Emily knew Lorelai wanted to stay in Stars Hollow. Where was the objection to that move?!?!?
  21. I actually disagree with that. Emily may have been a bit clueless at times but rap has been around for years... got very popular in the 80's. Quite possibly lorelai used to be pounding down their walls with rap music just to piss her parents off. So while i don't think she may have been very knowledgeable on the ins and outs of rap music, it's not fair to say she wouldn't know what it was or anything related to it.
  22. I actually find myself defending Emily here, although she really wasn't one of my favourite characters. I do think their relationship grew over the series. To start with, the whole reason Emily insisted on Friday night dinners was to develop a relationship with her daughter and granddaughter. And whenever either of them missed one, she was vary upset. I think we need to remember that Emily is very old school. Appearances matter to her more than anything. Her relationship with Lorelai was also a very tumultuous one. There was a lot of history there and a lot hurt, anger and resentment that they were both struggling with. Old habits are hard to break, so yes, she did fall back into her old ways ever so often. But in the last episode, they may not have hugged but Emily was trying to loan money to Lorelai yet again to maintain the Friday night dinner arrangement because she thought that's what she needed to do to keep her daughter in her life. And Lorelai, knowing that, told her "lets talk about it at dinner on friday night". I see that as growth. At least the idea was planted that they continued to work on their relationship.
  23. I would watch the movie but with serious hesitation. Because i think sometimes when they do that after so long, they forget the innate nature of the characters. For example, (and i know this is probably a very unpopular opinion) but i HATED the sex and the city movie. The first one. Because they changed everything about the nature of the characters and the fantastic way the show ended. Steve we knew was a good guy - he would never have cheated on Miranda. Charlotte grew a lot to become the person she did that accepted her inability to procreate; only to be blessed with a "miracle"? -_- And Samantha also grew to the point where she was in a loving committed relationship - and they took her back to her "old" season 1 self. I'm dreading the Entourage movie for these same reasons. But I'm a loyal fan so I will watch. As I would do if they ever decided to do a GG movie. (and Friends too! )
  24. I do remember when everything came out after she got drunk at the party and called her mother that she was apologetic. I don't think Lane was TRYING to hurt her mother, but rather trying to be happy with how she lived her life whilst not wanting to disappoint Mrs. Kim.
  25. I'm curious as to how unpopular this opinion is... For me, Lane and Zach was a disappointment. I didn't buy it at all. And the story just kept getting worse with the getting married and "bad honeymoon sex" and then the twins.... *YAWN*
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