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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. Dumbest pettiest fight ever, and, as predicted, the entire episode was filler until the very end when the cops showed up. Mary is really letting her psychotic freak flag fly. No previews for next week? I wonder if they're actually going to show footage of Jen getting busted and cuffed?
  2. I'm with you - maybe we can share him? He apparently has a new book coming out - it's focused on the real-estate biz. As I mentioned earlier upthread, he REALLY needs to do one on Hollywood history/architecture - like a big coffee table book featuring lots of photos of architectural detail mixed with saucy gossip from days of yore. He can come to my place any time and steal snacks from the refrigerator. Call me Josh!
  3. Good episode! Flagg continues to delight me to no end. Him wandering into Tracy's house and randomly noshing on her food and playing with her OTHER dogs made me laugh. And yeah, Tracy isn't hurting for money, and could have forked over the extra herself. Mind you, for Josh, the commission amount is probably the equivalent of the loose change the rest of find under our couch cushions. I hope he gets the dog once and for all. This was my first time seeing his husband, who looks adorable. I agree that if Altman wants to buy something for his parents, he should just get them a really nice condo. Mid-century modern isn't my thing, but that was indeed a nice home.
  4. The comments on this thread are giving me LIFE, because this reunion extravaganza was a big disappointment in the Erika-dragging department. I was not satisfied in the least. No matter what she feigned in response to criticisms, Erika's declarations always boiled down to "What about meeeeeee!" I did enjoy the footage they dug up of Lisa from previous seasons - yes, Lisa you're SUCH a good friend. I too, am dying to know why her inflated lips appear to be surgically attached to Erika's ass. Is it just a blatant attempt to stay in front of the cameras or is it something else? Would love to hear everyone's theories. When Erika referred to Sutton as a bitchy see-u-next Tuesday? Holy projection Batman! That's all I have to say about that. Point scored for Sutton when she pointed out Erika's phoney reconciliation attempt. Sadly my streaming service decided to buffer at the episode's highpoint, when Garcelle was discussing the bullying label NOT being applied to Erica after all her snarling and threats. I missed that whole segment of the show, so I hope Garcelle ripped Erika a new one. Thank God this is over so that my boobs will no longer have sympathy pains from Kyle's awful dress. I think Patrick should get a diamond for next season.
  5. Lisa is just gross. The fact that she's clearly been pushing her kids to get into branding and flogging products at that age ("he's been creating brands since he was 3!" Suuuure, Jan) rather than letting them be kids is gross. Next to Jen Shah, she is the cast member I loathe the most, and it's no coincidence that she's been trying to cultivate a friendship with her - birds of a feather situation. And why am I not surprised that Jen Shah berated someone she had contracted to do designs for her? I'm only surprised stuff like this wasn't leaked sooner. It took me ages to clue in to the fact that the other person at the Meredith/Heather luncheon was Meredith's daughter. I hope we see Mary go down in flames along with Shah.
  6. Yep. I bet he was getting occasional cash injections from movies he was working on, with which he could use to shower pricey trinkets on Lala. But I suspect not a consistent income flow - I think his Irishman producing credit was a fluke. He just strikes me as someone who would front a luxurious lifestyle for image, but the reality is probably a lot different. I get the same grifter vibe off of him as I do with PK. He seems way too dopey to me to be financially savvy. I don't know his background, so maybe he also has family money.
  7. Generally I enjoy the mix of architectural styles featured on this show, but boy am I ever getting tired of looking at glass and stucco/concrete boxes. It doesn't matter how luxe the finishes are, or how gorgeous the view is, they are just so monotonous and cold looking. But I guess probably efficient from a builder's standpoint. I don't think I could live in one - to me it would be like inhabiting an airport lounge or shopping mall. I would never want to live on one of the bird streets - that looks like a perpetual and permanent construction zone. I didn't mind the two houses that the young musician couple looked at - they seemed OK - even the new build wasn't bad and felt like an actual home rather than just a show-place. Didn't care for the 90's house that Flagg was trying to sell, and could see why it was sitting on the market forever. I also liked the Spanish style house Tracy looked at - it was a bit of a palate cleanser after all the glass boxes. I'm super intrigued by the preview for next week (season finale?) it looked like a Spanish style house owned by John Barrymore. I love Hollywood history so I hope I don't miss that episode, my streaming cable provider is sometimes inconsistent with airing the episodes. Just for fun, I looked up Flagg's Instagram - it's every bit as weird and entertaining as he is on the show!
  8. It's the bank of Mom & Dad in a lot of cases. I live in an area where real-estate is insane, and a recent investigative article confirmed the most youngish people who manage to buy are at least partially funded by their families.
  9. I bet his lifestyle was for show and he was probably subsisting on credit and whatever money he got from filming the show. He probably couldn't afford the kids from his first marriage, never mind the new spawn with hellbeast Lala.
  10. Doubtful, since Bravo gave her a raise. I don't have a link handy, but she apparently got a big bonus. However heinous she might be, she's good TV and that's all Andy cares about. I agree - I suspect Erika may have some dirt on some of these ladies, and perhaps that's why they seem terrified of her. She's scary enough aside from that. I was appalled by the "oh, you poor baby" tongue bath in the first two reunion episodes, so I'm happy that so far, Garcelle, Sutton & Crystal seem to all be on the "ain't buying what you're selling" team.
  11. Oooh, good point! She's definitely behaving like she has the DT's!
  12. Yeah the hairdo looks like she magically time-travelled to the reunion set from a late-90's prom. Oh, Kyle.
  13. I SO wanted someone to reply with this! I was DYING for someone to return fire with that exact response - it was close, but no cigar. Her hostility is always aimed at people trying to get the story straight, not at her grifting embezzling ex-husband. I'm positive Kyle has unwittingly been wearing her dress backwards the whole time. My chest is still having sympathy pains.
  14. Ugh watching Kyle & Dorit frantically trying to backpedal and crawl up Erika's ass after the foursome dinner footage was shown again. Crystal, Garcelle & Sutton ain't having none of it. I wasn't particularly fond of Crystal this season, but I appreciated her pointed questions this episode. Looks like Erika's mask was starting to slip this episode and that she's going to be going full Tasmanian devil next episode. "You could have picked up the phone and asked me anything!" suuuure Erika, after you've already bared your teeth and snarled at people for bringing up questions. She's looking very cornered vis a vis the comments on her self-martyrdom act.
  15. It really is terribly distracting - it looks like a molded plastic breastplate. Does she actually think she looks good? I don't like Meredith's husband - he really seems like a weasel to me. The other husbands on the show seem okay so far. While it was nice of Heather to have 1-year celebration for her employee's tots, it was a weird function to invite the other ladies to. Normally I have no time for drunk-off-their ass folks, but I was kind of amused by Angie - was she already wasted when she showed up? I'm wondering how she managed to get so drunk so quickly. I really don't care about the rest of the crew. Lisa is an ass. Mary is a weirdo who is most likely fleecing her flock. The Jennie & Duy storyline looked manufactured from the get-go. I generally don't mind Whitney, but she doesn't really have any kind of storyline. I definitely prefer her to appearances by Brooks. Impatiently tapping my fingers waiting for Jen Shah to get taken down, wondering if she'll squeeze in one more epic melt-down before the authorities come for her.
  16. Wowsers! That is some actual tea! If true, it sounds like neither of them are great people.
  17. I'm hoping the story with Jennie is producer-driven - it's hard to believe anyone could actually be that clueless and selfish, but I suppose it's possible. I can't imagine putting a spouse through that again especially after so much repeated trauma - why not appreciate and enjoy the three healthy kids they already have? He had no answer when directly asked why he wanted more. And it's not like they have just ONE kid, they have THREE healthy thriving kids. Is he really just using this as cover to angle for a new wife? If this is indeed real, he's one of the asshattiest asshat husbands to ever appear on a Bravo show, and hope Jennie dumps his ass. The rest of the episode was a snoozefest. Mary hates her husband which is no surprise. Her kid is mortified by her and doesn't want to be anywhere near her. Ditto Jen Shah's kid. I don't know how much Coach Shah knew about Jen's criminal affairs, but if he's innocent, I wish he had made a break for it and filed for divorce. Who knows what the reality is, but he seems like a decent likeable man from what we've been shown so far. The slow-mo footage of Lisa in the restaurant was funny, but unsurprising. She always veers towards hysterics and pretending to be "so confused" whenever she's caught out. Whitney is good at confronting her, so there's entertainment value there.
  18. Man, when Rinna hopped over to the other couch and was trying wrap herself around Garcelle and be all saccharine sweet, I wanted to barf. I'm sure Garcelle was just playing along in order to make it STOP, but nonetheless, RUN AWAY GARCELLE!!! I loved Garcelle's sparkly shoes, they were to die for, but no one was wearing anything particularly attractive this reunion. Erika looked like gun-moll Barbie, and Rinna as expected, looked totally ridiculous. Oh, Kyle, you are an attractive woman, why do you pick such awful clothes? I too, noticed Erika making weird random interjections when the conversation had nothing to do with her. She might as well have had a sign above her head that read "narcissist" in flashing neon. She was also clearly coached to mention the victims. I really want someone ANYONE to come at her in the remaining episodes, but I'm doubtful that will happen. I hope the others have at least awakened from their tongue-bathing stupors. We still have 3 more of these to go? Something spicy better happen!
  19. Seriously! It's been featured prominently on every single Bravo show I've watched the past few weeks! I'm wondering what the angle is - it's like when everyone was constantly filmed ordering Casa Miga at bars and restaurants on all the Bravo shows. The "Coachella" party set up looked a bit sad with only about eight people partying. It's been said before by many others, but Katie always looks half asleep or like she just woke up. I have a soft spot for Raquel - I can't help it. She may not be an intellectual giant, but she seems like a genuinely kind person, and on-the-spot public speaking is a common severe fear for a lot of people. I thought her dress at the engagement looked gorgeous on her, and the fireworks were nice. It's just too bad she's hitching herself to DJ Muppet. So, Dollar Store Aquaman really IS a deadbeat Dad. Yikes. I don't know much about Scheana's background or family, but her Mom seems like kind of a nightmare, and the dynamic between her and the inattentive husband is already bad. I can't even with the naming situation for the kid. Yeah, that's going to end well.
  20. I firmly believe that when we are getting ready to pass, our loved ones who have passed before us come to greet us and accompany us to the other side. Those who work in hospice say that people about to pass often appear to be pointing, reaching or talking to people they recognize just before they go. To me, it's a very comforting thought.
  21. No Flagg this episode. Boooo. I hate the obviously contrived story lines, and having the bratty kids of a client involved in one makes it 100 times worse. Just awful acting from obnoxious tweens all the way around. If production people are scanning these boards, take note: the audience is interested in the houses and deal-making, not cutesy fabricated stuff. Tracy's sister's house would look really nice if were about 1/4 of it's current size and had completely different decor. Her sister has terrible taste - her interior design matches Tracey's fashion sense. Their Mom seems like a nice lady. Glad other people think Suzanne Somers' Palm Springs estate is a hot mess.
  22. Okay WTF is it with all of these Bravo shows and pickleball? I never even knew it was a racquet sport until last week when I saw it on RHo's of Beverly Hills. Is someone at Bravo investing in it and trying to make it happen or something? Charli is a total weirdo and I don't care about her food issues. So Scheana's Dollar General Aquaman is a deadbeat Dad? Too bad, he seemed sort of nice. I did LOVE that Lala didn't get the NYT bestseller status she so desperately wanted for the book she "wrote". I actually don't mind Lisa's appearances on the show, I prefer her to all of these chuckleheads.
  23. I think Father Paul also mentioned that he had much further back to to go (he started as an old person). Another thing they mentioned is that people go back to when they were their best selves - at their absolute peak of health, so I guess people don't continue de-aging indefinitely, they stop at some point. So maybe the kids in the show aren't going backward much at all. This episode was a chore - just way too much speechifying, sermonizing and monologuing. It's okay to have these things interspersed here and there, but it's been endless so far. For a draggy episode, it did end with quite a bang. I guess now it will be the Sherrif and Erin vs. the vampires. I'll watch to the end, but it's a bit of a disappointment after some initial intrigue. I do like the actors though. Fun fact - I'm from Vancouver, and just discovered that this series was actually filmed in a nearby suburb called Steveston, which is an ACTUAL historic fishing village. If they had used some of the storefronts and buildings (which are quaint turn-of-the-century structures) it would have read as more authentic and believable on camera. But what did they do? They built an entire fake village in a park adjoining the REAL one. Insert eye-roll here. It looked like Captain Highliner's version of an Ewok village. That's the one consistent quibble I've had with Flanagan's productions - the sets always take me out the story, because they are obviously built sets.
  24. Yeah, that was brutal. The whole time beforehand I was yelling at my screen "Don't go in for that hug Joe!!!". I will miss him as a character - despite being the town drunk, he had interesting commentary on the rest of the town. I figured the demon winged thing had been tucked away in the trunk, but now I understand what Riley saw, when he thought he saw the monsignor walking through the storm on the beach. I initially couldn't figure out if Father Paul had been possessed by the creature, but now I understand that they arrived on the island as two separate beings. This is a plot hole that is bothering me as well. Surely there must be some older citizens on the island who remembered what Father Pruitt looked like when he was younger. How come Bev still looks pretty much the same age? Clearly that is not her first time at the body disposal rodeo.
  25. I actually liked the woman who had the casino party too, and think she'd be a good addition to the show. She was very direct with Lisa but managed to remain calm while confronting her. Lisa is a lying liar who lies, and also sucks at fake crying. If true, (and from her behavior, it definitely seems to be) what a dumb petty move she pulled. No wonder she has an affinity for Jen, she pulls all the same moves when caught out. Birds of a feather. She's the type of person who makes me cringe when I see them in action - there is not one genuine bone in her body. I feel sorry for her husband and kids. I can't wait to see Jen Shah get busted. Everything else this season is going to be filler.
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