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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. No one needs to pressure ME into eating a burrito! I eat four of those glorious bastards every week, baked in my glorious Kitchen Aid toaster oven that can be used to cook a twelve inch pizza in (I earned that bad boy from working twenty years at my work place! I still cherish that mofo!)! J.K. Simmons, as Holt's hero, FOR THE WIN, BAY-BEHH! And, to be honest, looking at Scully in this episode covered in red glitter, had me thinking, if you just sprayed off his head, down to his upper clothing, he'd be wearing the primary jumper of the Melbourne Demons of the Australian Football League.
  2. Well, to be perfectly honest, anything Fallon does is GAAAAAH!!!
  3. Whenever I think about Doug Judy, I can't help but think the writers wanted to name him Don. As in Don Judy, a reference from Lost In Space. The relationship between him and Jake is always hysterical because they're supposed to be natural enemies due to their backgrounds, yet they behave like besties. Kinda like a negative print of Batman and the Joker. I admit, when Charles started talking about octopus balls and eel balls and clam balls, I had assumed he was talking about testicles. Because his palate is soooo out there. The funniest moment from B99, IMHO, was when Charles lamely backtracked when Rosa exposed his plans of serving animal genitalia at hers and Adrian's planned wedding reception (hint: it's funnier when you watch it stoned!). Great to see Holt back as precinct captain. Although that chewed gum on the business card is kinda gross.
  4. The New Rules sermon about cruise ships, and the previous one about Democrats needing to accept big donation money, were two I actually agree with Bill about.
  5. So it would seem Jake was the only adult in this entire episode.
  6. Bill has had a history of attacking women who have been harassed by other women. So it's good to see someone tell him off for a change. More women should do the same.
  7. I'm sure it was just a coincidence. I seriously doubt Stephen would listen to and take the advice of a smug miserable asshole like Bill.
  8. Took me a bit, at the beginning, to realize that that sheriff in that "ad" was Rob ("COME ON!") Corddry.
  9. Chris Matthews' accuser Laura Bassett has some choice words to say to Bill. Fucking brilliant!
  10. Just catching up on some past episodes. I can't believe Giles was still in prison. I'd have thought he'd be out by now. But it's good seeing he called for William and Julia's help, and that he's been more likeable. Hopefully William and Julia's good word for him to the warden will go through, seeing as he's a huge fanboy of both. And I can't believe that pond scum Clegg escaped the noose. He seems more elusive than James Gillies. Here's hoping justice does finally come to him in the harshest way possible. And I too enjoyed the episode where the ladies got together to solve a murder. And I also quite enjoyed Effie and Louise's appearances here, as they didn't make me cringe. We have the penultimate episode of this season coming up, and the season finale next week. And from the looks of the things, the shit's about to really hit the fan hard.
  11. No Bill, you fucking bunghole. The election was lost because there are far too many racists in America who don't know any fucking good. But keep on booing your audience, you triggered snowflake. Your day of reckoning WILL come. I would think Bill would be more appreciative of sex robots, given how his sexist misogynistic outlook makes him far less attractive to the vast majority of women out there,
  12. Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!
  13. That's what my point is. If someone like Steve Bannon is saying this, then it's a giant red flag that needs to be seriously heeded.
  14. Telling the truth about certain groups of people being racist is NOT name calling or being weak. That's what trolls try to do when they have no defence for their words and deeds. As despicable as Steve Bannon is, there is something about him saying that Republicans would love to have Bernie Sanders as the Democrats' nominee for president. But Bill, being the clueless bunghole that he is, fails to grasp the situation that could happen, as the end of his New Rules sermon shows.
  15. I just watched Matthew A. Cherry's animated short Hair Love. It's such a sweet and adorable film that will leave you with the feels at the end. I do hope Cherry wins the Oscar for his short. Here's the short, in case you haven't seen it. Also, big, big, BIIIG shoutout to Chris Hadfield. The first Canadian to walk in space, the first Canadian to command a space station, and a Hometown Hero™ of ours from Sarnia, Ontario, who took pictures of our city from up in space (they named our local airport after him BEFORE he became a space station commander) 8D.
  16. The authorities do not like him, the military doesn't like him (especially after the way he pardoned Eddie Gallager after his own unit turned on him after what he died) The SC can't be impressed with his behavior, and the GOP, while they support him in public, most of them can't stand his guts in private. And if they do lose the Senate in November, there's not going to be a groundswell of support for his staying in office. And if paranoid maniacs like Bill thinks the Democrats will go "Awww, pretty please with cream and sugar" and do nothing are in for a big surprise. This president WILL be forcibly removed from office, and there will not be an uprising and there will not be a civil war breaking out when that time comes. The majority of Americans will not allow that to happen. So Bill and all the people who support this tinfoil conspiracy need to give their goddamn fucking heads a shake and snap the fuck out right now!
  17. "Waaaah! The media is soooo stupid 'cuz they fired me for saying stupid stuff!" Actually Megyn Kelly, it was NBC that was stupid for hiring a Fox News hack like yourself thinking you changed. And of course, Bill came to her defense with his usual "WE GET TO SAY WHATEVER WE WANT AND YOU ALL HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!!!" attitude (unless you're Hillary Clinton, then Bill says "LOCK HER UP!!!") Does Bill really believe that the authorities, the military, even the Supreme Court and the GOP will allow this president to remain in the White House, if and when he loses in November? If he's not out of there by noon time January 2021, then he will be forcibly removed from the building. Bill needs to crawl back inside his cave if he thinks otherwise. PeTA is to animal rights what NAMbLA is to child welfare. Another shit show all around.
  18. Yeah, Mr Freedom of Speech. We're so stupid for not laughing at your "joke" about throwing people in prison for speaking their minds. Fucking asshole!
  19. Bill's narcissistic enough to claim credit for it. Even if it was all in "good fun".
  20. Yes, because who better to take advice from than a miserable narcissistic misanthrope like Bill. Nancy Pelosi was the only good thing about the year's first show. She has shown intelligence and toughness when dealing with the current problems in D.C. The rest of the show, I couldn't give a shit about. Especially Bill, who was in peak smug, know it all, douchebag mode. Why he thinks anyone should heed his bullshit, out of touch advice is a mystery. Joe Walsh looks like a 2.0 version of Frankenstein's monster.
  21. Nice little milestone episode. It got a little goofy at times, but I did enjoy seeing all the past non fictional characters in one setting. And the return of Sally Pendrick seemed quite perfect for this episode, and I too am glad she got what was deserved of her. Funny thing about Edison and Ford. They became very close friends, with Edison being a childhood idol of Ford's. If the MM writers had understood this, they would have had them hang around together during the symposium.
  22. First show of the new year, and Samantha manages to dump a big, smelly turd with that opening segment of hers.
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