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Everything posted by mehtotheworld

  1. Seriously, that V/M lift modification is so much better. I don’t really care about family friendly (bring on the heat!), but the old version always looked awkward as hell. Is it that unusual to see skaters texting while in the skaters’ lounge at nationals? I feel like I’ve seen a bunch of them do that.
  2. I don't mind the US uniform (not even the gloves as much!) after seeing the majority of the other countries' outfits. Yikes. I mean, did Russia have to do that drab gray color scheme for their opening ceremony uniform? I understand not being able to use Russian symbols, etc., but Jesus that was depressing! Iran's coats were pretty cool. The women who led the countries into the stadium really stole the show though!
  3. I truly don't understand the issue with tracking the medal count! Athletes are representing a country, they talk about pride in representing that country, etc. What's the big deal with it?
  4. I was waiting for someone to mention his awful tattoos! My god, they were just way too on the nose. Bit of an interesting concept but dumb execution kind of deal, though I’ll probably keep watching. I like Matt Czuchry, if not his character.
  5. I thought I missed something last season because April's outburst seemed so out of left field. When Jackson was treating Maggie's mother, I never even saw an inkling of a romantic connection, and truly thought I had missed some longing glances or poignant looks or really anything that would point to a more than friendly connection. It really was completely out of the blue, no warning, nothing to indicate they would be circling each other like they are now? Did I pay attention better than I thought? Jo's storyline was done so much better than I thought it could be done. She didn't say a word for more than a minute at the beginning but her face made me just want to hug her and punch Dr. Shue in the fucking face. He really does the menacing sociopath well! And I loved how Alex was so supportive, while not taking the storyline over, which allowed her female friends/colleagues a chance to show up for her in front of her abuser. That tweet mentioned earlier in the thread was really lovely to see. Dr. Parker's storyline was an example of a good introduction for an intern. Not overwhelming, just giving the audience a little time to get to know them. The opening of the blood bank door was really funny, and Bailey and he played well off of each other. Was he also in the army, or am I misremembering the intern interviews? Perhaps that might lead to some more interaction with Owen/April? To pile even more on the Jaggie storyline, the blood talk about it going everywhere wasn't nearly as cute or funny as the writers probably thought it was. Just more eyerolls from me. I really don't know what kind of character I would like her with, but together they just scream insecure teen hoping for the popular boy to notice her. Not gonna lie, I do truly love that trope (Nathan and Haley from OTH were one of my earlier OTPs), but these people are in their 30s. She's supposed to be a kickass cardiologist, so get her a love interest that brings that out of her! Even in the 20 seconds with her Tinder date, she seemed so much more tolerable than at any point with Jackson this season. Just really not enjoying Jackson this season. Honestly, I thought Jackson and April were pretty hot together, even with all the awkward emanating off of April. I still look back fondly on that bathroom scene during their boards. My memory is awful, and I don't remember much about their relationship (though I do remember shipping it hard), but that scene certainly stands out!
  6. Judging by how annoyed I was by all of these youths, I really don't think I'm the demographic they're going for with this one. I'll keep watching it because I did like most of what I saw, but I can't with the rat tails, the "I don't care so much I missed out on registration for no reason," the casual pill popping/pushing, just no. I just want them all to make good choices and live up to their potential! And to stay off my lawn, gosh dangit! Instead of having to take that class, wouldn't they all just register online anyway? I did that 10 years ago when I was in college, and it wasn't new then. Did I miss something? If it's such a large campus, as mine was, I can't imagine they would close registration like that and not allow students to just log in and choose your courses. I've just got to say, Francia Raisa is way too obviously not from Miami or Cuban. Get someone who can do the Miami/Caribbean Hispanic accent or just keep her character LA-based! Jeez. Also, it's kind of hilarious that she's 29 years old. She looks young, so I thought I must have misjudged how long ago Secret Life was, but no. Full blown adult. Other than Yara Shahidi, my favorite parts of the show were the parts with Charles. I am officially old.
  7. Wow, do they want people to hate Burgess or what? She 100% got that poor CI killed. Upton warned her about it, and was right, so maybe Upton's instincts about her own CI should be trusted? I never actively disliked Burgess, but I'm pretty much over her now now (along with Jay and pretty much everyone except Upton and Voight, whom I can't hate even after all the shit he's pulled). I really like Upton. Episode after episode, she does her job and doesn't accept too much of the rest of the team's bullshit. Maybe it's because as the new person she's done a lot of observing? Just waiting for an Upton-centric episode to see how they eff up her character.
  8. Ugh, I was so grateful they shifted the Black Hood story from boring Archie to Betty because Archie is a big ol' bag of boring and dumb, but it's like they took all of Archie's dumb and passed it on to Betty. I appreciate all the concern from other posters for the relationships between the core four and all that, but at the end of the day, I don't want Archie anywhere near Betty because he's not compelling to me. Like, at all. I really find both Archie and Veronica to be obnoxious and boring, so if they're paired together and I can easily fast forward, all the better. One of the few times Archie was interesting to me was when he was with Cheryl, but that imploded right quick and it doesn't seem like the writers will go anywhere near that anytime soon. Archie can also be a raging asshole, as his comments to Veronica make obvious. At this point, Archie would only bring Betty down, and she was a teen aged pole dancer in this episode so that's certainly saying something. No thanks! I'd really much rather have the show be about Betty and Jughead sleuthing and uncovering weird Riverdale nonsense. If FP and Alice can orbit them and snark each other, all the better. The writers seem to be trying to tie these mysteries to ever expanding circles, but the writing just isn't tight enough for that. It's all so sloppy. I think I really miss the Jughead that was so into observing and writing. Am I wrong in thinking that Jughead recognized how toxic the Serpents are? And recognized that FP wasn't a "leader of men" but rather the leader of a violent shithole of a gang? The Jughead who is in charge of the Serpents is just too clichéd for me to give a shit. I just roll my eyes at the "brotherhood of douches" bullshit. What makes it all the more annoying to me is that Jughead and FP actually have a really nice dynamic, ignoring Jughead's foray into idiocy and FP's "heartbreak." Their scene on their bikes was really nice and Jughead's expression was so vulnerable--really wasn't expecting that from Cole Sprouse. FP really does seem to inject something special into the show, except for when he's berating his teenager for doing what he needed to do while his entire family abandoned him. Really though, Betty's storyline is the most disappointing for me. Last season's Betty would have also recognized how toxic and gross the Serpents are, so this stand by your man and be his Serpent lady by pole dancing is so baffling. Are they going for another Dark Betty breakdown? The prospect is interesting, but I just don't trust these writers to pull off anything interesting. It'll probably be swept under the rug, but Jesus Christ what a destructive thing to do to yourself. The actress really shines and most of the time manages to rise above the material, but not even she could save Betty pole dancing in front of dozens of creeps. There was just so much second hand embarrassment for the character and for the show from that dumb point forward.
  9. All that over 2 minutes of screen time! Yikes, guy.
  10. To clarify, the Miami Cuban-American comment was in relation to what got me watching her SYTYCD videos despite not really being into the show that much. I did find her entertaining and charming in the SYTYCD videos, and don't think she's been on screen enough on Grey's to really have an opinion on her acting talent. I'm reserving judgement until she's had more than a minute of screentime, half of which was spent sucking face with DeLuca. I honestly think you need to look up the definition of chippy because it just doesn't make sense...
  11. Uh, is chippy really an accurate term? Besides, I don’t think we’ve even seen her for more than two minutes total in the season. Kind of seems like a bit much for the amount of time she’s spent onscreen...
  12. I feel like I have to post in defense of the dancing intern! Regarding the actress not being talented or having some sort of connection, I guess the first is subjective and the second is outside of my realm (and kind of a nasty supposition), but she won the fifth season of SYTYCD, and while I never got into that show, she's a fellow Miami Cuban-American and she appeared on my beloved Bunheads, so I had to watch her videos. She's charming! We'll see how Grey's fits her in, but I want her character to do well. Other than the scenes with DeLuca, she's been pretty amusing to me. Kind of like a more natural awkward than Maggie, whose awkwardness I find so forced sometimes. And regarding DeLuca, they seem to have at least a modicum of chemistry, they're both super pretty, and I like when pretty people get together when they have chemistry. I probably would have preferred a little more back and forth pull before they hooked up again, but we'll see how the storyline plays out. Here's to a little more nuance in the future! I do hope they slowly insert the interns into the storyline so it doesn't feel like they're being inserted without earning it. Glasses has earned his storyline so far, dancing doctor can slowly get there, and Dahlia has actually had more of a calm, natural-seeming presence so I won't mind at all if she gets more screentime. I can't really recall noticing the others. Maybe the interns (or anyone) can take the screentime they plan to devote to Maggie/Jackson? Because my god, that was awful. If they wouldn't harp on the non-familial connection, I wouldn't even think about it, but if they don't mention it like 15 times an episode, I would barely realize they are drifting toward a romantic connection. It's the polar opposite of a natural progression, like they have to convince themselves along with the audience. I was honestly so confused when April said that Jackson was into Maggie last season, and I'm still confused as to why anyone up top thinks that's a good idea. I'm a JApril shipper, so take this with a grain of salt even though I don't mind their split at the moment, but Jesus what a snore of a pairing. Even their blood soaked helicopter ride couldn't provoke more than an eyeroll from me. I have to admit I was a bit shocked at the ending. I haven't been paying attention to speculation/spoilers, so this really came out of left field. I didn't think I cared that much for Jo, but damn did I feel for her at the end there. Please let her rush off and save the kid as soon as the show starts back up in January!
  13. I was there too! I have to say, those Disson shows were usually pretty embarrassing, but the Ice Dancers really brought it. That was the only show I could watch without wanting to stab something. I loved how M/C looked so good after the work they put in on the dance floor. And Meryl/Maks did their "iconic" Argentine tango, right? What a fun show! Kind of sucks that one show couldn't continue. Eh, it made for fun television. It seems like both extremes of loving Maks and hating Maks take it way too seriously. You'll find most Meryl (especially M/C) fans don't really consider Maks to be paramount in their minds when they think of her time on the show. Meryl really did shine in that partnership, Maks helped facilitate, it was a nice TV partnership, and that's it. It's more of a hilarious subscript along the lines of "I loved this dance Meryl did, and hey, remember that business with Meryl and Maks? Also, Charlie really deserved to be in the finals, wtf" over "wow, they really did love each other, two ships passing in the night, I'm so sad they couldn't work it out, blah blah blah." Thinking it over, if Lindsey and Mark had done Meryl/Maks' foxtrot instead, they could have had Lindsey's violin playing to accompany them, which would have been a nice complement to Mark's song being used for their contemporary! I actually didn't mind Mark's song, btw.
  14. I think Meryl's fans from figure skating (of which I definitely count myself) were more bemused at the whole showmance thing. Skating fans are well versed in the whole showmance department, but never expected to see anything even remotely approaching that with Meryl. The expectation was that he would be awful to this wonderful, sensitive human being--her fans were more prepared to hunt Maks down than ship him with her! I saw more astonishment that Maks could bring that out of her than anything, when she was always known for being more technical and reserved, always with a stock answer in interviews, etc. It was definitely a different kind of chemistry than she had with Charlie! I still find M/C extremely compelling, but different. Maks may be the douchiest of all dbags, but I loved their dances. That's actually what brought me to watch this episode. Was surprised they didn't bring up the fact that Lindsey played live for their week 3 (?) foxtrot.
  15. I only heard about Robin being back on GH through Kimberly's Instragram and have been on a high for hours. J/R were my first real ship. I still remember the first scene of any soap I'd ever seen and it was them by the boxcar with Jason practicing shooting a gun. My 11 year old heart broke when she went back to college. And Montauk! My god, I remember wearing my tapes of those scenes out. I even bought the Phenomenon soundtrack to get Bryan Ferry's Dance with Life, and I still get choked up when I hear it. And that's only the tip of the iceberg wrt embarrassing shit I did shipping them. The feels! That being said, I'm waiting for GH to fuck this up somehow.
  16. Eh, I wasn’t ever squicked out by the step sibling relationship since they didn’t grow up together or anything, I’m more in the same boat as other posters where their lack of chemistry and forced interactions make me roll my eyes and want to fast forward. Her awkward schtick is cliched, and not nearly as endearing as the writers (and Jackson for some reason?) seem to think. I also still think Jackson and April have tons of chemistry and would rather they get together Ignoring them though, nice episode! Really glad I stayed with the show through all of last season’s nonsense.
  17. Yep, upon further research, that is definitely her name! Ha, not sure where I got Evie. I swear I've seen this show for at least 4 of the 5 seasons, and I actually do like the character! Sylvie's comment at the bar about getting comforted by half of Chicago, or whatever she said, was actually kind of surprising to me because I absolutely was expecting something a little more along the lines of the end of the manwhoring and the beginning of a more serious kind of guy. Still really not feeling the pairing, even with the potential character arc. The lack of chemistry gets to me, and I'm not sure exactly what their connection is. It just all seems awkward and forced to me. The show has spent 5 seasons waiting for a pairing to stick with Kelly, and this is what they might be coming up with? Not exciting at all. Boooo, show.
  18. If this were the first couple of seasons of the show, I'd be annoyed a little more by the fakeout, but now that I'm kind of over it, I think it's hilarious. They really stopped giving a shit about quality, huh? Count me in among the people really not looking forward to Kelly and Stella getting back together. I actually got invested in his storyline last year with Anna. I bought into the connection with them, and I just don't see that with Stella. So now I'm super annoyed. It didn't work the first time, so what's the point? I still really like Evie. Maybe it's because she doesn't really have that much going on, but I like the actress. Just please, show, don't force the Antonio/Evie nonsense again! That's all I've resigned myself to for her. I'll consider that a win.
  19. I love how oblivious and happy Rapunzel was at the idea of spending time with her friend, it's just too bad it has to be that friend. I actually thought it was hilarious how Rapunzel beat everyone without even giving a shit, mostly because it annoyed Cassandra. Cassandra can go kick rocks for how obnoxious she was. Perhaps she could have told Rapunzel how important this stupid competition was to her instead of all the passive aggressive nonsense? Not to mention ensuring Rapunzel's weapon of choice was left behind, potentially leaving her defenseless. So why does she dislike Eugene again? Taking off my president of the Cassandra Sucks club badge for the moment, Eugene and Pascal were adorable. I wish this show were Eugene and Rapunzel on adventures with Pascal and Maximus.
  20. I really have no time for Archie's dad stupid company or Veronica's mom's anything. Give me the crazy Blossoms and Coopers and shunt the Andrews and Lodges to the backburner! That sadly applies to the kids as well... On that note, I have to say I really don't give a shit about Veronica feeling bad about bullying another girl. No subtlety to that storyline whatsoever, and Ethel's poor me shtick certainly didn't help. They had a goal of getting Veronica to be upset with her father and went about it way too hamfistedly, which is certainly saying something for this show! I approve of the idea of Ethel being secretly evil, as that is the only thing that would make this storyline interesting until Papa Lodge arrives. Archie is only interesting when interacting with unhinged Cheryl, so I am all sorts of here for that. If they went that route instead of the triangle (leaving Bughead to be beautiful souls together and Veronica doing whatever without being more boring than I currently find her), I would be so happy. It's mostly Cheryl being interesting and Archie just being there, but at least he's not blathering too much about his music! Like others have said, they're so pretty together with their shades of red hair. And he's finally involved in the murder storyline, which is the most interesting part of the show (along with the Bughead development, which really came out of left field but has been the only palatable romance to me). I always end each episode thankful they haven't broken up Bughead or shown any inclination on Betty's end to cow eye at Archie. Please keep this trend going, show. Someone give me some show that ended up going the unexpected route so I can feel better about their chances!
  21. Can I just say that I really wish she would stay on Fire if only because the only other cross-Chicago romance I'm familiar with, Antonio and Brett, was a flaming ball of stupid? I actually really like her with Severide and want them to develop that relationship even more. Otherwise, she would probably be a welcome addition to Med to me.
  22. I find myself annoyed by almost every character on the show except Dr. Charles, Goodwin, and Reese, and even Reese was borderline in this episode. I liked Manning and Halstead so much more in their separate relationships and trend toward hating them when there's even a hint of them being together. Dr. Charles' daughter is annoying as hell, and Rhodes gets even more insufferable when they're together, so that was a most unwelcome development. Maggie's conduct toward Halstead was really unprofessional and stupid. Choi was fine, but you know he's going to go back to being a dick. Even Goodwin's husband was a fuckhead. And yet I watch and still love the Chicago franchise! If panda heart surgery didn't put me off this show, what will? Hmmm.
  23. I wish it could be another female friend. Cassandra sucks! For all her talk of not trusting Eugene, wasn't she the one who took Rapunzel to the rocks and nearly got her killed by taking her to that scientist guy? I'd take Lady Caine as a friend to Rapunzel over her!
  24. Holy shit, updated comic Betty and Veronica from the second set of pictures are really pretty. But anyway, I am totally team Betty in all things. I'm so happy with the actress they chose for this incarnation.
  25. See if you can get through the first 10 minutes without wanting to just delete and pull out a copy of the original Sullivan miniseries. I forced myself to slog through it to see if there was anything memorable, but it was all blah to me.
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