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Everything posted by bluvelvet

  1. She put a post up on her instagram basically saying their marriage is ending and they're gonna concentrate on being friends and parents.
  2. Okay so here is the BIG problem I have with the second half of this season. Someone declares war on the supernatural and only Scott and his pack are responding to it. I find that hard to believe with all the other supernaturals in town. Supernatural are being KILLED and yet Scott is still on "turn the other cheek". Also where are these kids parents, why didn't Melissa confront the guidance counselor (pre-shooting) for trying to kill her son. Why hasn't anyone let said counselor know that she has killed innocent werewolves (people who never killed). Why did they call the person who shot up Scott's house for almost murdering an innocent human (Melissa). For example that red headed kid that got killed a few episodes ago, the were-coyote who said his entire family were were-coyotes. Where are his parents and family, wouldn't they be pissed that their kid got killed and out of revenge. He could have taken out those two kids before they stabbed his hands since they had no weapons. Also these supernaturals are more powerful than the humans even with their guns so this whole war is pointless. I will watch to the end because I have been with this series since season 1, but this whole second half is idiotic!
  3. *whew*..now I can form some coherent thought, needed some time to process.. Loved both the Cersei/Tyrion and Tyrion/Jaime scenes. So much said with body language and facial expressions. Cersei really is the worst and is so far up her own ass that she can't see straight. Even with the wight she is still trying to betray people, YAY for Jaime leaving her behind and going South, I hope he gets a chance to send a Raven to let Jon know that the Lannister soldiers aren't coming. Also Jaime's face when Cersei had the Mountain on him, heartbreaking even though I hate his attachment to Cersei. Well is that snow I saw in Kings Landing? Cersei is now alone, she has alienated the LAST person she truly had in her corner. Still icked out by Jon/Dany sex, but then again she is the first young woman who he isn't related to (that he knows of) that he has come across in a long time...so I can see the attraction on his end. His speech to Theon about being a Greyjoy and a Stark will probably come back into play when he has to be a Targaryen and a Stark. Speaking of Theon, I guess he is getting his bravado back. The Reek persona is still strong in him but you could see some of the old Theon in there. Hmm.. I thought Bran was waiting to tell Jon about his parentage before anyone else, hence why he didn't tell Sansa/Arya, why would he randomly tell Sam...oh...right....plot point and of course Sam remembers and btw that was totally the Viserys actor playing Rhaegar.. Really enjoyed the last scene between Sansa/Arya, and really loved the three Starklings calling out Littlefinger on his crimes..I do wish he would have suffered more though lol.that slice to the throat was way too kind...So who commands the Vale now? ACK...now how long do we wait for the final season...
  4. Shallow note *nice butt Jon Snow* In other words ..**OH F*CK** I can't even right now..lol
  5. One line that I wholeheartedly agreed with between Sansa/Arya, I don't think either of them would have survived what the other had been through.
  6. Okay now my thoughts... I think Arya and Sansa had a very realistic conversation actually, Arya was there and saw Sansa standing when they killed Ned, she also knew that Sansa didn't stand up for her when she had the issue with Joffrey and Nymeria with the butchers boy. Her and Sansa were not close as children so it makes sense that she would see that letter and come to that conclusion. I thought the scenes between them were fantastic to tell the truth, I was holding my breath due to the tension. What I did not understand was why Sansa sent Brienne away, especially when Littlefinger basically said to use Brienne with the Arya situation. Okay so more traveling at the speed of light with Gendry running back to Eastwatch, getting ravens off in time for Danaerys to come to the rescue. That being said, was it me or did it seem that Dany was more concerned about Jon being alive than losing her dragon. Also I expected Dany to lose a dragon at some point, look at how many Direwolves have died and on that note, where is Ghost! Also Jon has been looking longingly Danaerys, well ...I have yet to see that, if that was the producers say is happening then so be it, I have seen Danaerys giving Jon the googly eyes but not the other way around. Actually tonight was the first time I actually saw that kind of look from Jon.
  7. While this episode did not have the gravitas as prior episode "9"s I am officially shook!!
  8. I think Sansa definitely wants power and has thought about it but she does see the bigger picture. She didn't want Jon to leave and she mentioned to Arya that she hopes he returns soon. So she is human about wanting her own power and thinking about it but I don't think she would ever act on it. She knows there is a larger danger out there. Btw, was I the only one who hoped that Jon would swing by Winterfell on his way to Castle Black. Since everyone is traveling at the speed of light this season I was hoping he would make a pit stop and get reunited with Arya before heading out beyond the wall..
  9. So *mind blown*.....Gilly basically said that Rhaegar got an annulment and I assume that means he married Lyanna which means that Jon is legitimate...which means... wow! Also...petting Drogon..he senses that Targ blood.. Davos gets the line of the night to Gendry.."I thought you would still be rowing"
  10. I had to chuckle at this description because it's so spot on, "blank meeting blank". Yeah, there was just something off with their interaction. I do think Kit is the stronger actor of the two. Can I just say how much I absolutely LOVE Davos, he is so sincere in his loyalty and admiration of Jon! I had to rewind his speech to Danaerys. Varys and the Melissandre had a very interesting conversation, no way she was sticking around with Davos coming to shore. Also she has been off with her other predictions, how is she so sure she will die in Westeros.
  11. I'm glad that Tyrion brought up his marriage to Sansa, I guess he was essentially saying that it was invalid? I wonder if he knows about Sansa's marriage to Ramsey, for some reason I thought Jon would bring it up. I knew Tyrion wouldn't believe Jon about the WW and wights but I am surprised at Danaerys since she is the mother of dragons. I would have assumed she would be a bit more open, I also think the bit about Jon taking a stab to the heart will come into play a bit later.
  12. On another note, Sansa looked beautiful tonight and why is Littlefinger still here? Looked like he was getting in her head there for a minute but he was giving good advice, snake that he is.
  13. I assume Cersei is getting some licks in now because she will lose hard later. I don't know what it is, but the scenes between Danaerys and Jon felt a bit flat for me but I thought the dialogue (at least Jon's part) was amazing. Then again Danaerys is kinda getting on my last nerve so I was very happy to see Jon stand up to her and refuse to bend knee. Hated that she was keeping him prisoner but at least he gets to mine his dragon glass Bran and Sansa meeting made me tear up, but Bran seemed so cold to me and why did he bring up Sansa's wedding day/night. He must have know she was traumatized, Sansa looked so happy to be speaking with him and he just pulled that out. He also mentioned that he needed to speak to Jon, I assume this has to do with Jon's parentage. I liked Tyrion this episode and enjoyed his scenes with Jon. Can't believe its been SIX years since they were in scenes together. Olenna, she died with dignity thanks to Jaime but I am glad she told him that SHE was responsible for Joffreys death. Now Cersei can stop blaming Tyrion. Cersei is evil, but I felt for her when she was talking about Myrcella, Ellaria didn't have to kill her to avenge Oberyn who really died because of his own pride.
  14. Just got back from seeing this today. Hmmm...it takes a lot for me not to like a movie so I'll say it's on the lower end of okay. The only good thing that's already been mentioned is the stunning visuals. I would have loved to spend more time with the people of Mul and learn about their culture. I was also curious to learn what the pearls did for them personally as the princess seemed to wash her face with it in the beginning. Also I'm not familiar with the source story but I agree that the leads had none to negative chemistry. And the constant back and forth with their "romance" was annoying and had me rolling my eyes. Agree that Valerian was miscast, roguish bad guy he wasn't and I'm not even familiar with the actor. Thought the girl was stiff as hell and their dialogue was stilted. Definitely won't be another Avatar.
  15. That makes sense, Arya and Nymeria are mirrors of each other, they both had to run and have seen surviving in the wild. Would be interesting if Arya finds or feels that she does not belong in Winterfell...
  16. I liked parts of this episode and was meh on some other parts. Way too much Sam, also as much as I love Grey Worm and Missandei, that scene also was a bit too long when we only have 7 episodes this season. I was also wondering if we were going to see him below the waist? Hate Euron, but now I know his gifts, it will be Yara and Ellaria. Ellaria killed Myrcella and once she is in Cersei's hands.....yeah I'll leave that hanging. Loved Varys's speech to Danaerys, he basically said his piece but did not apologize for his past actions or allegiances. She had not a leg to stand on, personally I felt that he took her down a peg or two. Westeros will be hers by right of conquest, the only true rule of Westeros is the one with the biggest might,. Hate Euron and hate that he has Yara, I guess Theon's conditioning is still in there. He was fighting well but his PTSD kicked in and he abandoned his sister. If she lives, she will never forgive him. Great seeing Hotpie again, that was a surprise..and NYMERIA!! On that subject, where is Ghost..did he go with Jon or stay at Winterfell? *sniff..Poor Summer, Grey Wind, Shaggydog, Lady..** I know they are on a budget but I hope we see Ghost some point during this season. Jon can barely stand Littlefinger..he was about to choke him out! Forgot to add, never count Cersei out..she always has a plan..
  17. That was a good beginning to the series, I do believe that the first half was stronger than the second half only because it had more tense moments. That being said there was a lot of information in the second half which I believe will come into play later. I will have to rewatch to catch all the little tidbits. The beginning was AWESOME..."the North Remember and winter is here" Please Jaime, you are not an idiot, please follow the conscience I know you have buried somewhere.. How was the Hound able to read into the flames? He saw the army of the dead.. Sansa should have chosen another time to gainsay Jon, that being said I saw both of their points. So there is a ton of dragon glass at Dragonstone..totally had forgotten about that fact lastly, love ...love...Lady Mormont ...
  18. You know what I also realized, Matt doesn't care about Brianna, he's literally in this for the exposure. That was very evident on his face last night. In the beginning he pretended a bit,but now that he knows she isn't going anywhere he's sitting pretty. Once this show has run its course he's leaving her and getting alimony. I think Brianna is staying because she one she doesn't want another failed marriage and two they have a child. Also she really has no support as she has alienated all of them. She threw away a long time friend over stuff her husband did. However Elena made a very good point in telling her that her kids WILL see this behavior.
  19. Just saw the reunion, so first and foremost...*drumroll* YAAAS Elena!.. the Russian in her was on fire tonight, she was spitting truths all over the place..she is just over it! Kevin Frazier is AWESOME as a host..' Finally...*shakes head*..Brianna, I can't even....just wow! Tanya is so over hearing about that toxic relationship ..
  20. I assume the reason we don't hear or see Brianna's daughter is because her father probably has put some sort of restrictions on her involvement in the show. Just speculating.
  21. bluvelvet

    Moana (2016)

    Just watched this movie and I really enjoyed it. Loved the twist with the villain at the end who wasn't really a villain just someone who lost her heart. I also loved that Moana went back and got through the carrier adder Maui left. Songs are nice also and some make great earworms.
  22. I am far from a fan of Brianna but last night I really wanted her to speak up for herself. Say SOMETHING in your own defense. I do think putting her BO on blast is a low blow on the shows end and I wonder if Brianna takes this BS because she needs a check. I also think that since Matt has entered Brianna's life, it's gone significantly downhill.
  23. I really enjoyed this movie, after BvS I was concerned about this movie but it really delivered. Absolutely loved the fight scene on the beach and her walk across no mans land. Seeing these powerful women dominate was all kinds of awesome.
  24. I did notice that when the initial BO issue was mentioned one of the ladies (maybe it was Tanya) looked a bit uncomfortable. So I do think there is truth to it. Also I heard Jasmine say that she didn't shower due to balance. As for Matt, he looks funky himself so I don't think he would care. I hope her kids are at least smelling ok
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