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Everything posted by bluvelvet

  1. I didn't even realize that was a hairball.
  2. An old show called the 4400 had a storyline like that where the special baby aged to an adult in a short time. An adult Diana probably wouldn't go over too well.
  3. I was a bit excited when I read that Hank would get a love interest because I like Hank, but seeing it play out I realize that I really don't care about Hank's love life. However I do believe she is a plant based on her questions so it will tie into the bigger arc. Could have done without the bone crunching, but if the son had to feed his parents, what is he eating? Also they kept saying they were hungry but can they eat regular food or do they just sustain on bones because that would mean a lot of dead bodies even with lots of moving. I also assume the parents are going to wither away and die now that they meal ticket is dead. I assume that Adalind and Renard didn't react to Diana's age because the last time they saw her she was also rapidly aged (I don't know for sure since I didn't watch season 4), just making that assumption based on what I read. Still don't trust that kid and think she will be a potential danger to baby Kelly. Adalind and Nick must have been having some serious sexy times if she feels berefit after a week. Baby Kelly is getting big, soon he won't fit in that basinet, cute kid really enjoyed all his scenes. I do find it a bit hard to believe that a law firm would allow a baby at work, but it's a Wesen firm so maybe the rules are different. I am very happy that Adalind told Nick about Renard and vice versa, all the secret keeping is getting ridiculous. Everyone and their mother knows Adalind is a hexenbiest again, but she still thinks it's a secret. Not that I am a Juliette fan, but if I were the emerging "Juliette" I would be pretty pissed off at Nick. Considering all the damage Adalind did to Nick and Juliette's relationship over the years it didn't really take him that long to fall into bed with her, and he's still sleeping with her even though he knows she's a hexenbiest again. If I were JuliEve, yeah I would be pretty angry. Also did Eve know all this time that Diana was in that facility? Not sure how I feel about Wu's story, kind of liked him just being a plain ole human.
  4. So I am not alone in thinking that Diana won't be all rainbows and sunshine? I think she will veer towards the darker side of things?
  5. So who is the most powerful Hexenbiest that ever hexened...is it Eve or Diana? I assume Diana is a hexenbiest also with full capabilities and she is back and is also super powered ? Would be interesting if Kelly was a grimm to Diana's biest, essentially Adalinds two kids would be natural enemies. So we heard a lot of growling coming from Rachel and Renard, so is Renard part corpse when they are ....you know....
  6. Rachel wasn't suggesting Renard marry her, she meant Adalind. Remember in a prior episode she brought up Diana and mentioned that Adalind is the mother. That's why she told Renard he will have a family, she had Diana and now she needs to get Adalind. Eve essentially told Adalind that black claw will come for her and that she has a child which makes her vulnerable. My take home was that somehow black claw will use Diana or Kelly (not sure which) to make Adalind marry Renard. Actually what did surprise me was Diana being all happy "Daddy".. when she barely knows him.
  7. I enjoyed the WOW storyline and the history behind it. Felt bad that the first kid got killed but I did like how the true story played out, it really was an accident. The lawyer felt honor bound to avenge the family. Also liked the look of those wesen. "Juliette" is in Eve somewhere, if she was truly emotionless then she wouldn't care one way if Adalind hurts Nick in the long run. Btw I am saying it right now, I think Kelly is a Grimm, I think when Adalind woged she saw it..otherwise why would they make a point to focus on the baby's face when they both changed. I think it's manifesting early because he has a wesen for a mother. That's just my speculation. Have to say baby Kelly is adorable, loved the smile. However this baby seemed older that the baby who was playing with Nick two episodes ago, I assume Kelly is around 6 months by now but the baby in the "Can you say mama/dada/grimm?" scene looked younger? Not that I am good judge of baby and their ages.. Also Adalind's hexen face didn't seem as rotted...or should I say doesn't have a lot of gaping holes. Loved Rosalee's " I gotta pee" because I was totally wondering about that when they were down there. Sooo...Evenard did sleep with Rachel because I was under the assumption they didn't do the deed?....on that note I guess they answered how Renard won't find out about the awkward encounter since Rachel is all like "It didn't happen".. Also the family man Renard, what does that mean for baby Kelly? How are they going to spin that one or is Kelly an inconvenience that Black Claw will handle? So Nick is all "I don't know what I'm gonna do when Adalind is a hexenbiest again" to "Oh, she's a hexenbiest again, okay no biggie will just wait till she tells me". You also saw that he was expecting her to tell him when she said she forgot to mention something.
  8. Okay I slept on this, still pissed but if Nicole really wanted out and it's not some spin by the writers then I wish the show well for Tom and Lyndie's sake since it's a source of income. That being said, I still can't watch it without Abbie so I won't be back if it gets renewed. Have absolutely no interest in Ichabod with it Abbie...zippo zilch
  9. Forgot to say that Sasha playing Eve playing Renard showed his acting chops. He did a great job in mimicking Eve's posture and facial expressions. It was very easy to see her in him. Wu should suspect something. So the stick works miracles but is also dangerous? If that's the case then I doubt it's a part of the true cross. I'm wondering if the stick can influence those around it in a negative way and maybe the cloth is a part of Shroud of Turin and it contains the sticks powers ?
  10. Why am I even thinking about this lol, I assume she can't since she doesn't feel emotion and she is really female so the appendage probably doesn't work properly? they never answered if the internal body also shifted ?? I seriously need to un-see that....
  11. So when Rachel sees Renard again and refers to the "encounter " he's going to deny being home. Unless Eve plans on making Rachel forget.
  12. Really..well then I'm out..not here for Crane and Abbie's soul in some other chick...
  13. I just can't right now *tears* Also ..Nicole better not be off the show if it gets renewed !!
  14. Well she did bring up going back to work in one of the earlier episodes and Nick commented that it was too soon since she just had Kelly or something to that effect. Yeah she hasn't done much except take care of Kelly....up until last week she has just been a neutered version of herself...
  15. I don't think they are a couple, it's playing like the sex was a one time thing. Agree about Renard body and Eve's head..they don't need to do that again.. I think the doctor was going for campiness, that cream made him crazy. I also think he was using more than he should, the Wesen guy whose name I can't remember said "A little goes a long way"..so I assume he meant use a tiny amount. However the doctor slathered a lot of cream on that woman's face. Also all those women who got the "treatment", will it wear off? Are they going to come back needing more since the cream had addictive properties? They only had a one time treatment so I doubt they would go crazy but since the doctor kept using it, I assume it wears off eventually. Actually I was surprised he didn't change during the questioning since he must have been nervous. However I assume that was a plot point since Nick didn't know what type of Wesen he was. Also Nick said he was going to leave the Grimm in the car, however if that was the case shouldn't he have work dark glasses or something so the dude couldn't see his eyes if he did change. Funny!
  16. That baby was adorable...But what was the point of Adalind walking out in a towel? They could have done the same scene with Adalind clothed.. So Eve is impersonating Renard, I actually thought she would impersonate Rachel so this is a nice twist. But if she starts infiltrating BC someone is bound to notice that Sean doesn't seem to recall all his activities. I assume she will be approaching Rachel next episode...it's going to be interesting watching Sasha playing Bitsie/Eve playing Renard..All that being said, I will always appreciate a shirtless Renard. Also where is Meisner, is Eve all by herself at headquarters doing all the investigating..they must really trust their conditioning...
  17. That was creepy...for some reason I thought the doctor would also be wesen, he was just a human. Also was exactly was that guy sucking out of his victims ? Their essence ?
  18. Yeah, I might be done with this show. Now Brianna is pregnant also and Christy is still trying for a baby, I have no interest in watching Little Women LA: The pregnancy years..
  19. Isn't there an episode titled "The taming of Wu", I assume they get his condition under control.
  20. I need to correct something I wrote earlier about the new Diana . The new is a young actress Hannah R Lloyd, shes a pre-teen.
  21. Yeah she escaped the crazy man, saw that the air was fine to breathe only to realize get attacked by a spaceship.
  22. Why is he shirtless though in a dirty tunnel, I especially loved the camera panning to his bicep lol. That being said, David has beefed up since season 1..
  23. I assumed that they arrested that guy for both murders and that he would get an insanity defense since he was talking about "The mask told me to do it". That was my take away at least..I don't see them letting him go..
  24. Fact is, NIck shares a child with a Hexenbiest and his son may be a zauberbiest, so he was right, they will have to "deal with it". His circumstances have changed so he has to adapt with those circumstances unless he is going to be revolted by his own son whom I assume he has bonded with by now. I also don't see him taking Kelly away from Adalind so they will have to co-parent. I did chuckle at the "you may try to kill me" and "I could say the same for you" exchange. I am also very pleased that Adalind seems to be getting her spark back, the demure nature seems to be fading and looks like they are retiring the sweaters. Was the PR lady saying that Renard should run with the family of Adalind and Diana?..was she implying they get married and do the whole family bit? The episode made me look up Mexican wrestling, wasn't very familiar with it or the masks before so I learnt something.
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