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Everything posted by mccartygirl

  1. Derrick has always been one of my favs - CT is #1, but he has always been a close 2nd. Yep - I'm old and have watched since their seasons. And yes I squeed a little when I saw he was on this season. I felt so bad for him to be stuck with her. "He wouldn't let me leave...." waaa, I didn't see a chain stuck to her. Fingers crossed for Derrick in the final. Could care less about the girls.
  2. I thought this was a pretty good episode. I like this show a lot. Tried to get into Seal Team show and just couldn't. Can someone tell me why Preach always has a bandaid on his eyebrow?
  3. She has for years now. She looks so different than the first Fast and Furious! Was I the only one that was disappointed that Rigg didn't take those wet things off and dry off on the boat? Stupid commercials.
  4. Is it wrong that I squee everytime he comes on! He has to be 1 of my favorites on this show. Him and Penguin
  5. I love Derrick! He has been one of my favs for as far back as I can remember (yes I'm old). I was so excited when I saw him and CT were going to be on this season. I wish they would have CT host 1/2 of the challenges. That would be awesome. Why did Jemmye punch Derrick in the face, did her hand just slip?
  6. I squeed a little when I saw this in my DVR lineup last night. So glad this is back, I love this show! Now to find time to watch it. Maybe I can skip work .... I think I am odd woman out - I don't mind Riggs' hair, I kind of like it.
  7. I used to like her but I am finding her really annoying so far this season. I get the baby stuff, we had a really hard time too and that client was right - you need to choose a date to stop. We did that and it was like a weight was lifted. We had 1 at the time and after 4 years of trying for #2 we said that it was time to stop stressing and be happy with the child we had (which took 5 years to have). Why not a surrogate or adoption if she wants another one? Plus age is a huge factor. I like show and wish I had kept up watching it the last few years.
  8. I haven't watched this show in a few years. Not since the team grew. Anyways, can someone tell me what Jenni does? "Exec Assistant" I know but what does she do? I see everyone else running around working hard and she is stapling or playing on the phone.
  9. I am so tired of Benson and Rollins being show in the gallery. Can't we always just pan to Carisi and Fin? I had to laugh at your last comment because I love it when Klaus talks to his daughter, we have the same name :) Makes me smile every Saturday morning when I watch the Originals.
  10. Didn't Carol kind of get Jerry at the bar being a b*tch to Sandra to begin with a few episodes back? He was so obviously interested in her. I loved her closing the door. I almost yelled, "Close the door!" Good episode. I always forget that summer is coming and shows are having their season finales :(
  11. NO! Not Kellerman!!!! Can we trade Sarah for Kellerman??? Please!!!! I'm okay with her not being here. :(
  12. I completely forgot the Magnificent Bastard name. Love it. And didn't Carl kill Sara...after she had the baby in the zombie prison
  13. Looks like Rick Yune from the Fast and Furious movie, the first one. So glad Kellerman is back! He is the only reason I watched Private Practice and Girlfriends Guide to Divorce. I might have squee'd when he came on screen.
  14. I am so over Jasper and his emo whiny sh*t. I really wish they would just do something with the character. Can we send him in the tube?
  15. Please....someone take that girl's car keys away from her! Chase used to annoy me, but I have to admit that I really have liked him this season and last season. I almost feel bad for him. That sucks about the tax evasion. I still like this show, it makes me laugh.
  16. I thought it was okay, good background noise while I'm doing stuff around the house. Can someone tell me why it looks like Rollo is wearing a wig in this? I couldn't get past his hair.
  17. I thought I was the only one who thought that as well....
  18. I love this show and for some reason look forward to seeing Riggs every week. Developed a strange crush on him. But I will hate it if Riggs and Cahill get together. They don't always need to push people together in shows. I'd rather have Riggs and Murtaugh get together. F&F is my jam - I see everyone one of those movies the second they come out. I liked JB in that but for some reason, I haven't liked her in anything else. Her acting is terrible and has she had surgery to her face, she looks way different now than F&F 1? I expect bad acting in F&F, except from Luke Evans (YUM!), so her acting doesn't bother me in that. In small doses JB is okay in this show, but this was way too much for me in this episode.
  19. Sorry for my mistake. I had seen the DEA Agent in other shows and movies.
  20. I'm pretty sure most of the "Mexican" actors were Hawaiian. My dad is Hawaiian and is often mistaken for Mexican. He looks an awful lot like Cheech. But I did chuckle when I saw the adopted mom. I must have missed the episode that Gabriel was dead. I know this show is cheesy but I still love it!
  21. Fan number 2 who hated Catelyn!!! She was evil and if it wasn't for her Rob would be alive!!
  22. I am so glad this show is back. I forgot how much I disliked Asslog. Can someone tell me why the 2 other boys didn't go with Bjorn?
  23. This is my fall show too! An seriously, Riggs can keep wearing that denim buttoned up and unbuttoned!!! I thought the interactions between him and the kid were great. I am hoping him and the kid remain pals but they don't try to have him date the mom or Jordan Brewster.
  24. I'm so glad Elena is gone, I found that character so boring and obnoxious! I loved that most of this episode was Bonnie and Enzo. I would have no problem hanging with Enzo in a cabin in the woods.... I know he's not a fav but I've liked that character since he first came on the show. So over the sirens! I'm hoping that we somehow get Georgina (the girl from Warehouse..) back. I know there is a huge age gap but I was really hoping that her and Alaric hooked up.
  25. Okay, so I know he's not a favorite here but I've always liked Enzo...he can read anything to me anytime he wants! Finally getting caught up on VD. I liked this episode. Could care less about Caroline and Stefan. I still want her and Klaus together for ever. But I really liked this episode. Sick of the Dear Elena BS.
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