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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Personally I think she'll be pregnant before her first anniversary. But if she experiences a more difficult recuperation from Izzy than she admits to, it may take until Jessa has her baby before Jilly has another bun in the oven.
  2. Completely agree. Even with more courtships, marriages and babies in the pipeline, it's very clear TLC's rapidly running out of ways to "present" this family. Other than having babies, and experiencing, to some extent at least, the courtship-engagement-wedding formalities that traditionally lead up to babies, that's it. That's all they do. They had 30 minutes of content here and flattened it out into 2 really boring hours. It didn't help that we've all known the outcome of the story for a month either. They don't do anything else - positive or negative - that's interesting and filmable. Well, there is Josh's work for FRC, and the appearances the family makes. But neither TLC nor the Duggars want them filmed. So the well is running dry...
  3. I was thinking the same thing a few days ago, but then it occurred to me. I wonder if the word composed could - or should - be changed to medicated? Because in Me-chelle's case, that would actually be more correct...
  4. I'm not a mom - and all the nieces & nephews are teens and 20s by now. No idea whether Jill is using the sling correctly for an Iz-sized baby. But if I ever DO need to know, I think it would probably be better to consult the manufacturer or a medical professional. Google Images could have a fair number of photos showing the wrong way, and I'd never know it.
  5. Re your last question - Does this woman never lose her temper? Well, there are a fair number of us who believe she is very well-medicated to avoid that entirely [wink].
  6. Yes, this has been very clear. Unless I'm mistaken, Me-chelle did not grow up in a world where women were expected to obey their men and worship every syllable out of their mouths. Nor was she told to stifle her own opinions at all times. In this regard, she has not been the ideal Gothard woman.
  7. It's been my theory, for quite a while, that Jana and John-David appear to be the dullest and least-interesting kids solely because of the fact that they're the ones most likely to have had any semblance of interesting personality traits "trained" out of them at a very young age. I believe Josh actually escaped this since it doesn't sound like Boob and Me-chelle went "full on Gothard" until the twins came along, or shortly afterward. Josh may have had a few relatively-normal years there at the beginning, but I'm guessing the twins got the biggest dosage of blanket training the longest. I don't think the fact that both are so dull could be a coincidence, or just their natural inclination either. Both were subjected to whatever version of blanket-training was being used then and both seem to be living life in "minor key."
  8. I wonder this too - it's just amazing to me. I have to come to the conclusion that God simply said "No" when Me-chelle prayed to be given "a heart for children..."
  9. I completely agree that TLC insults the intelligence of many viewers. On a regular basis. But also agree with other posters that in this particular case, Jen's traveling back to Houston "alone" meant without the family or even Kate - without anyone from whom she could derive emotional comfort and support. I never noticed Steve Nield myself, but wouldn't have been surprised to see him. I would have thought "Oh, now he's assigned to the Kleins. Better deal for him..."
  10. We are all with you, wanderwoman. Can't wait until you can look in on Maisie in her own crib, and in her own room. Safe travels and God bless your little family :>)
  11. And yes, this could be Derick's deal too. It's frustrating not knowing, but then what would we post about?
  12. Yes, more and more it seems to make sense that Derick is part-time, although I doubt the Duggars would ever admit this. It certainly would go a long way to explain why he's been so available for nearly every Duggar/TLC occasion. I'm not sure whether vacation or FMLA time would apply in a part-time situation - I'm fairly sure it wouldn't. And I've been expecting a resignation for a while too. I hope he's full-time, and if he is, I hope he's not reckless enough to leave WalMart. But he seems to be gulping down that Kool-Aid so I won't be surprised at all if he does.
  13. Though it's obviously, and absolutely, none of my business, I wish we did know the particulars of Derick's situation too. For someone with only a bachelor's degree - and no other previous experience that we're aware of - who began an entry-level position just over a year ago, he does seem to have an extremely "fluid" work environment. As I've said previously, I'd have no problem at all being generous and flexible boss, once I knew what his competency level was, how well he worked with others and his overall value to the organization. But it takes time to learn these things. It certainly takes more than a year, IMO. My personal guess is that if Derick is getting special treatment at WalMart, it's much more likely to be due to Cathy - and not his Duggar connection.
  14. I think this dynamic is incredibly normal and common - especially in the US. Maybe most westernized countries. And if Freud was right, maybe everywhere...
  15. I feel badly stating it, but after Derick's actions over the last year, I just don't think he'll be the least bit surprised. I hope he will be, but I doubt it.
  16. I want to hear from Boob - and Josh - on this little tidbit. The backpedaling - or the condemnation - will be Olympic-calibre...
  17. I fully-expected Derick to take the whole 90 days or whatever is allowed for FMLA and was stunned to hear he's actually going back to work now. I can't imagine that Jill is at all happy about that. Would love to why he's going back so soon. Feeling any kind of pressure from WalMart - or just his co-workers? Stressed-out and over-worked at home? Bored silly at home? Financial reasons? All of the above? I think for Derick, the bloom might be off the rose right about now.
  18. Terrific news on the Maisie front! Here's hoping all goes according to plan. You guys certainly sound like you're as prepared as any parents could possibly be in this kind of situation. I was getting a very headquarters-on-the-eve-of-the-Normandy-Invasion vibe as I read this, and that's good! Maisie knows how to pick 'em, that's for sure. I think she's going to do very well with the ASL and sign language too. These days it's even becoming quite common for hearing babies to learn sign language, at the age of one or so, especially in day-care centers, so the staff can be more attuned to the kids, their needs etc. They can't say the words yet but they do really well signing - it's neat to see! I'm sure it will all make sense and become clear as you start to move through it, though now it must seem very daunting. Thanks for updating us and take care! :>)
  19. You certainly DID do well, HappyFatChick - with every right to be proud. And congrats on the upcoming grandchild! :>)
  20. This is very true. Kate Middleton, Jill Duggar - definitely apples and oranges. But the snarking is still fun. Jill, with her supreme air of superiority and perfection, does her bit to invite the snarking, IMO.
  21. My biggest take-away re the Duggars and their clothing is that the older girls wear very long [too long, IMO] skirts and inappropriate footwear. No one has ever seemed especially modest to me at all. Except for Me-chelle who needed TLC to put a big black bar over those enticing knees of hers when she went water-skiing. And of course that jacked-up monstrosity of a dress she wore to Jill's wedding. But there is no importance given to seeing that the females in this family get the appropriate shoes to wear. The boys always seem to have the proper footwear for whatever they're doing. But the girls are, for example, sent mountain-hiking in flip-flops, and they say they're fine with that. I'm sure they are, but they're kids. They're not expected to know that certain activities require proper, supportive, protective shoes. That's something parents are supposed to know - and provide. I believe all the Duggar girls are going to face serious foot and leg issues as they get older.
  22. I've never had a baby, and I've still never looked that good... :>)
  23. Me-chelle's tears-of-joy over the piano didn't ring true at all to me. It totally came off as a performance - and a very poor one. I could almost see her thinking "This is a major gift - I guess I need to hustle up some suitable reaction..." And of course, she overdid it.
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