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Everything posted by Silo

  1. I can't take her one lone Shirley Temple curl ponytail. Just STOP. Stop curling it like a pigs tail. Get a new hairstyle. Wear it down. Be adventurous. Or wear it in a bun or a French Twist. But for the love of all things holy, get rid of the lifeless curleyque ponytail. It's not husky, it's throaty. Scarlett Johannsen and Kathleen Turner are husky. Shakira and Kim Wexler are throaty. They both sound like a cross between a human woman and Kermit the Frog.
  2. It's "we WILL forgive you for being sneaky and backstabbing if you'll just admit to it". Regarding your last paragraph.
  3. LisaR is not a meal-ruiner. You can see that she's super uncomfortable bringing stuff up. They HAVE to fight at meals. Fighting and drama is part of the show and the ladies are all expected to bring it. It was just Lisa's turn to bring something up.
  4. It's boring me too. For me, half the cast is either boring or unlikable. I only watch Dione, the Latina and the pansexual guy. I FF thru everyone else.
  5. I believe Dr. Jenn is a good therapist who knows what she's doing. But there are too many highly dysfunctional people this season. How is she going to do therapy with him when she spends all her time trying to get them not to scream at each other and to stay in the same room?
  6. I believe Dr. Jenn is a good therapist who knows what she's doing. But there are too many highly dysfunctional people this season. How is she going to do therapy with him when she spends all her time trying to get them not to scream at each other and to stay in the same room?
  7. Jenna is SO going home. She couldn't participate in the next activity, she wasn't in the scenes in the upcoming previews, she was only on the last aftershow for 10 minutes and then disappeared, and she's not integrating well into the housemates and refuses to put herself out there because she's "in a relationship". She's going home.
  8. If that were true, LVP wouldn't be venemently denying and backpedalling. Instead, she would've just explained what you're saying.
  9. Rinna is wishy-washy. Like I said, she's a people pleaser and a follower. She hides her true feelings, however, she's honest with Eileen and complains to her. Eileen likes everything to be very straightforward in general, and is frustrated by Rinna's wishy-washiness. This has all been discussed in the last 3 episodes. Literally. Eileen has said something to the effect, " what you said on the beach was heavy. Isn't it time you share those feelings with LBP and Kyle?" and Rinna wanting to do it but having trouble finding the right time and courage. She almost did it at the Camel meal, but chickened out. Given that Rinna has been complaining for months about Kyle and LVP and has done nothing to defend herself, I think Eileen has shown extreme patience. I would be beyond annoyed if I were Eileen at this point.
  10. I don't think Eileen would be encouraging Rinna if she didn't feel that Rinna has legitimate beef with LVP and Kyle, too. Eileen feels they both have legitimate reasons to be angry, and so they should both stand up to this person.
  11. Rinna said on camera that she vents to Eileen because she trusts her. Rinna is/was very pissed off at LVP and Kyle, but up until this last episode she has only been telling Eileen. Basically Rinna has been bitching this whole time, for months, while saying nothing to LBP and Kyle. Eileen is tired of being in the middle and was encouraging Rinna to be honest with her feelings to LVP and Kyle. It's been said on the show that Rinna is a "people pleaser" and "follower". I think Eileen was frustrated with Rinna's lack of backbone and was like, "Just tell them already!!!"
  12. THIS. 1000x this. That's what I think Eileen is pissed about. That LVP attacked her for no good reason. In a real life situation, I prob would have nothing to do with LVP if I were Eileen. But since that's not possible, I might go after LVP in the same way as Eileen. "If I have to deal with you, we're going to be on equal footing. If you attack me for no reason, you going to answer for it". LVP's just used to either people rolling over, or not being very bright when they argue with her, so they get nowhere. Eileen, however, is articulate and poised and I think it will be interesting to see the outcome of this disagreement between them.
  13. Kyle went after LVP in an attempt to get her to confess to her lies and manipulation for 3 seasons. When that went nowhere, Kyle gave up. But for 3 years, she was every bit as outraged as Rinna and Eileen are now. Kyle should understand their outrage because she endured 3 years of feeling that way. We all know that LVP's been a liar and sneaky backstabber for years, but this is brand new information to Rinna and Eileen. I can see how they would be thrown off by LVP's behavior and my Kyles nonchalance to it.
  14. Lol it's funny that there's been like 17 apologies for the same thing.
  15. You know what I don't understand? People bemoaning the drama on RH. RH hasn't been drama-free in eight years. It's never going to be housewives just sitting, laughing, having fun in exotic locations. It's never going to be that. That's not what the show was about, nor has it been for 8 years! Complaining about the drama on RH would be like me watching football complaining that there's too much roughhousing.
  16. Rinna said on camera tonight that LVP and Kyle came to her with doubts about Yolanda and that's when Rinna first mentioned Munchhausen. She mentioned it first and only with LVP and Kyle. No one else.This is why Rinna and Eileen's panties are in a bunch. Because Lisa tries to manipulate people. Rinna and Eileen are not trying to manipulate anyone, just to expose LVP for what she is: a liar. Kyle is confronting LVP about her lying in next week's episode. The manipulation from LVP, which was talked about AT LENGTH tonight was LVP trying to persuade Rinna to bring Kyle's name into the M discussion on camera. Then, in the same breath, LVP tried to turn Kyle against Rinna by saying "I thought she was going to throw you under the bus" to which Kyle replied, "LVP, if I go down I'm taking you with me." Why would Kyle admit on camera to saying that to LVP if LVP and Kyle weren't involved in some shady shit (trying to manipulate Rinna to saying M on camera)?
  17. The third party WAS Kyle and LVP. They had that convo BEFORE they taped it on camera. Kyle and LVP brought their doubts to Rinna off camera, Rinna came up with M, they encouraged her to say it on camera. That's what this entire episode was about. That Rinna was outting LVP and Kyle as the elusive 3rd party and LVP and Kyle ADMITTED THAT. What they are denying is that either of them came up with the M diagnosis. Which is true. Rinna came up with it. That's not in dispute.The only thing that was denied was whether Lisa tried to throw Kyle under the bus. THAT WAS THE ONLY THING THAT WAS DENIED TONIGHT. FWIW, I believe Rinna was manipulated. She's had a hard time standing up to LVP all season. Kyle also called her "a follower" on camera. Despite that she blurts out random things, I think she's deeply nonconfrontational. And has a hard time thinking for herself. So I can see how she could be goaded in this situation. But now that she knows how LVP and Kyle operate, it's on her going forward if she lets them continue to manipulate her.
  18. Kyle never had anything against Yo to begin with. Kyle just likes being a mean girl and making fun of others, but she never had a legitimate beef with Yo. After the gala, she did feel bad for her mean girl behavior. Kyle and Rinna are on good terms.On the other hand, LVP fucking hates Yo and will never forgive her for whatever it is that she did. And LVP is going to keep trying to be manipulative and sneaky to get her off the show. LBP might feign sympathy, or whatever the socially appropriate response is, but deep down she hates her and she always will. LVP holds onto a grudge to her grave. LVP is more likely to make up with Rinna than to ever be friends with Yolanda. For me, if Kim ever comes back, I am done with the show as long as she's there.
  19. That explanation is backwards. Kyle and LVP wanted Rinna to trash Yo on TV. She did it. Kyle and LVP won't own their part in it so naturally Rinna feels betrayed because she was set up to take the fall.
  20. In a nutshell: Rinna says she was goaded into saying Yo has M. Rinna owns that she brought up M to begin with, but would have never thought along those lines if LVP in Kyle hadn't brought the exaggeration of Yolanda's illness to Rinna's attention. LVP wants Yo off the show and is trying to be manipulative and sneaky and turn the women against each other to make this happen.
  21. The way I understood it, they all talked about Yolanda exaggerating her illness prior to being on camera. Remember when Taylor was talking all that smack about Yo? My guess is EVERY SINGLE ONE of them were talking about Yo like that off camera. Taylor mentioned it on camera because she gave zero fucks and had nothing to lose. Kyle and LVP wanted Rinna to bring it up on camera once Rinna suggested Munchhausen. Rinna did, which is what the viewers saw. Later that day, after the cameras were down, that's when LVP approached Rinna about Kyle and Kyle about Rinna.
  22. "I don't want to watch these bitches fighting". Um, what? Then go watch the Travel Channel or something. This is the Real Housewives. Bitches are going to fight. I know the storyline can be hard to track, because they all talk at once and give different versions of the story, but this is what I think happened: LVP hates Yolanda, not sure why. LVP wants Yolanda off the show. I don't think Kyle cares either way about Yolanda, but she is very far up LVP's ass, so Kyle's going with whatever LVP wants. Both LVP and Kyle thought Yolanda was exaggerating her illness and were making fun of her Instagram behind her back. And talking shit about her in general. They brought up Yolanda exaggerating her illness to Lisa R who said "Maybe she has Munchhausen's." When Lisa said that LVP and Kyle heard the skies open up and angel sing because now they had a scapegoat. They had someone who would talk shit about Yolanda on TV, and they could use Rinna to throw Yolanda under the bus without getting their own hands dirty. Rinna realized that months later but was scared to confront LVP. LVP tried to throw Kyle under the bus by trying to convince Renna to bring Kyle's name into it on TV. Kyle realized this right away when LVP talked to her that same day, but Kyle decided she was automatically going to forgive LVP for trying to throw her under the bus using Renna. Renna and Eileen Think it's crazy that Kyle is willing to let LVP use her in this way. Renna and Eileen are not willing to let LBP manipulate them like this. That is what they are so pissed off about. Personally, I thought it was great TV. LVP has been lying about shit throughout almost all the seasons of BH and I'm excited to see if she's finally going to admit to something.
  23. I think Erika pays them to be her friends, since she has a very hard time trusting women and therefore has a hard time making girlfriends.
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