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Everything posted by Silo

  1. I think when it comes to the question of who tried manipulate Rinna more, LVP or Eileen, Rinna feels LVP did bc LVP went out of her way by calling Rinna and suggesting things to her. Rinna claims that LVP not only tried to plant ideas in her head but encouraged her to do things she may not have done, like saying Yo has Munch on camera. The case with Eileen is different because Rinna went to her with her issues with LVP and Eileen gave her advice. Rinna sought Eileen out vs LVP who sought out Rinna. I think Eileen may have steered her in the direction that LVP is manipulative because that's what Eileen genuinely thinks about LVP and didn't want to see Rinna get taken advantage of. The other difference is Eileen sincerely wanted to help Rinna (I know this conveniently furthered Eileen's own agenda, but I believe she really wanted to help Rinna too), while LVP was singularly minded wanting to take Yo down and not giving two fucks what happened to Rinna in the process.
  2. Thank you for being honest. I think many fans like LVP's personality and what she brings to the show, so to them she can do no wrong, even if she is calculating, a liar and sneaky. I kind of find myself in the same position as Rinna and Eileen with fans of LVP as they are with LVP herself. I just want her fans to admit she isn't perfect and has some major character defects, namely she's controlling, bossy, manipulative, incapable of sympathy in situations where she feels threatened and a liar. Lol. Fans can still like and enjoy her other positive qualities. I feel this way about Bethenny. I KNOW she has major character defects but I like what she brings to the show and her personality, so I overlook all the grating and negative parts of her. But I acknowledge them.
  3. Kyle's finally figured it out. Lisa's never getting kicked off, no matter how many women come after her. Kyle knows that if she stays close with Lisa and they close ranks, they'll never be kicked off. I have never gotten the impression was Rinna wants to pin everything on LVP. I think Rinna, like every other person who's dealt with LVP about anything, just wants LVP to own her part in it, to admit LVP wanted Yo called out on camera.Every single season, for around the past 5 seasons, LVP is accused of being manipulative and shady off camera. All by different women, some who are not friends. What conclusion makes more sense, that this is constructed 5-year attempted takedown by random women? Or that LVP is a snake in the grass who tries to pull strings behind the scenes and then acts innocent in front of the cameras?
  4. I think if LVP didn't say that then Kyle would/will jump in to defend her friend against such an outrageous lie.
  5. I'm just wondering if any hardcore LVP fans are ever going to admit to this. I guess I don't undrstand why they are as invested in protecting LVP's "perfect" image as LVP is? Robot boobs.Kyle looks like she's trying not to vomit. Speaking of the dresses, they usually have a theme they're going for...like peachy nudes on the Atlanta reunion this season. With those dresses ^ I can't tell what look they're going for.
  6. Wait. Did she actually have plastic surgery for this?
  7. I agree that Sister Patterson is most likely a narcissist, but if you know anything about personality disorders, you can't just go in on them and get combative. That will get you nowhere. Also, I'm not sure anything can be done with this relationship in only 2 weeks, but I guess we'll see.You're right that Dr. Jenn can't "fix" SP. All Dr. Jenn can do is help Tiffani advocate better for herself, which it seemed like she started to do in this episode.
  8. This is my post that I wrote yesterday at 11:42pm. Did you mean to quote me but the function didn't work?
  9. Yep! That's why the others were curious as to whether she meant it.
  10. All I'm really saying in regards to Rinna is that we don't know. Maybe she is a spoiled asshole, but maybe there are other things in play that we're not privy to, nor should we be. She agreed to be on the show, her family did not, so I can understand why she may keep some things private.
  11. I like the character she portrays and agree that it's heartening to see a female character get fully fleshed out and not only be a muse or love interest. That said, her voice and ponytail still annoy me lol.
  12. Here's my story: when I was in 5th grade my grandfather, who was dying of brain cancer was put in a nursing home. I was schlepped there every week to see him. The whole place smelled like rotting food and feces. The nursing home populace all had varying degrees of dementia and some would yell out incoherent things at random times and others looked like catatonic zombies. It was frightening and horrible and I hated going there. In addition, my grandfather withered away physically and mentally and I got to see him over time decompose from this proud, strapping man into a drooling, blank-stared invalid who couldn't sit up or brush his teeth. After about 8 months of being forced to endure this weekly nightmare, I put my foot down and refused to go. "You'll regret it" my family told me. Nope. 30 years later and my only regret is that I didn't put my foot down sooner. I've had to live with those horrible images, smells, feelings and a fear of old age for this entire time. The worst part is the sadness I feel looking back at what my grandfather endured being imprisoned in his body and having to live like that. No one can say what's right or wrong for anyone else. Not everyone is the same and not everyone's experience or interpretations of experience are the same. My family didn't seem as affected by their visiting as I was. Good for them. But I had to do what was right for me. If Rinna feels this experience would traumatize her, she has every right to not put herself through that. I think it's wrong to paint her as a spoiled brat just because it doesn't jive with your values or worldview. YMMV.
  13. Rinna told Eileen on the beach that she thought LVP was trying to manipulate her. Eileen suggested she tell LVP what was bothering Rinna. Rinna came to Eileen first. Kyle, in her TH on the last episode, also brought up the theory that LVP was trying to use other people to say Yolanda had Munchausean. Nothing about the LVP using others regarding Munch started with Eileen.
  14. Rinna brought it up because she felt LVP played her by suggesting she bring up Munch on camera. And Rinna felt LVP tried to play Kyle by suggesting that RInna "bring Kyle into it" on camera. Rinna brought it up bc she wanted LVP to know that she was aware of her attempted manipulation and to stop being put in the middle. Eileen brought it up bc she thinks LVP is manipulative and underhanded and this whole Munch Rinna/Kyle/LVP is proof of her theory that LVP can't be trusted. Nowhere on the show did anyone say they wanted to be a peacemaker.
  15. Neither Eileen nor Rinna ever said they wanted to mediate peace between LVP and Yo on the show. Did they say that on their blogs?
  16. People complaining about not seeing enough of Dubai...THIS IS NOT THE TRAVEL CHANNEL. You're barking up the wrong tree. This is the RH franchise so you're going to be seeing them do housewifey things such as shop, argue on a Yacht, turn their nose up at local culture, etc. If you want a comprehensive tour of Dubai, Google and YouTube are your friends. P.S. These women get paid to fight. Fighting paid for this trip to Dubai. You will NEVER see them completely get along on these vacations. NEVER. Maybe set your expectations accordingly.
  17. What smack did Eileen say at the picnic?And Rinna said Yolsnda may have Munchausean. I'm not sure how Eileen is "twisting" that?
  18. Eileen got nowhere with LVP so she tried to suck it up and move on, but she couldn't. And Eileen was honest to LVP's face about Eileen's inability to move on, which is why LVP had to apologize like 17 times. I don't see any talking behind LVP's back about that at all.
  19. LVP is this show's anchor, just like Bethany is New York's anchor and Nene is Atlanta's anchor and Teresa is New Jersey's anchor. All of those ladies are never going anywhere, unless they quit of their own volition. No other member is going to be able to get them kicked off the show.
  20. When I say Eileen doesn't talk behind her back, what I mean is that everything she says behind LVP's back she also says to her face. Eileen's not fake.
  21. Remember that actresses are not only hired for their acting ability, but also for their likability and their ability to draw an audience. They are angry at LVP because her manipulations can make them look bad. They are celebrities. When they look bad, that could cause them to lose jobs in some circumstances, and lose favor with the public...leading to more job loss. Erica and Kathryn don't give two fucks because they're financially set and not really trying to garner favor with the public in the same way that Eileen and Rinna are. So they don't get why Eileen and Rinna are flipping out so much.
  22. I lost my mother over 30 years ago and situations like this sometimes make me upset. It sucks. You know it's irrational and you don't want to feel that way, but you can't help it. It may not be like that for everyone who's lost their mother, but it's like that for me. I also understand why Lisa doesn't go to see her mother in the nursing home. It's super depressing to see them in that condition, and on top of that, they don't even know who you are sometimes. So you put yourself out there to visit them, knowing it's gonna make you depressed and upset, and The person you're visiting doesn't even get the benefit of your visit because they don't know who you are.
  23. Rinna came around to that way of thinking when she caught LVP trying to get her to throw Kyle under the bus. Rinna didn't agree with Eileen until she saw evidence of it herself. Rinna even said "No one has ever lied to my face like that before" about LVP.
  24. Eileen is not playing a villain, she has done nothing to harm anybody. She doesn't talk behind people's backs. She was trying to help LisaR as she stumbled through trying to standup for herself as she is on Rinna's side because Eileen also believes LVP is manipulative. I think LVP won the WWHL poll because the viewers are confused about what's going on and they're tired of watching fighting over arguments they can't follow. And it would be really easy to take LVP down. All the women would have to do is not speak to her while they were filming scenes with her in them.
  25. I think that would be a great name for her ponytail.
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