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Everything posted by Silo

  1. Thanks. I called the 1-888 number and spoke with "Dave". He said the 12 test and the 4 test screen for Hydrocodone and that if positive it would come up under the Opiates section.
  2. If the test checks for synthetic opiates, such as Oxycodone, then it's really, really likely that it tests for Hydrocodine, too.
  3. Strawman, party of...you? I never said anything about his character or value as a human being. But in terms of bringing into his marriage being a celebrity, a title, an old-monied name, or old money itself, he did not. In the circle in which he travels, because he does not have any of those characteristics, he is considered a "nobody". Marrying Pandora might make him a somebody, but he came into the marriage with nothing, in those regards making him a nobody until marriage. So yes, he was a nobody. Just like the rest of us :)
  4. Can you elaborate on how his drug test isn't testing for the drug he uses? And yes, 1000x about Lala. Why is being called Basic more of an insult? Is it because it's been normalized for guys to use women's sexuality to disparage them, but calling someone dumb is mean if you believe it? Prob Lala's fear is to be outed as dumb, which she is, and because it's somewhat true, she found it more insulting. Not that nearly all the SUR staff isn't dumb, they are, but they have a thick layer of Narcissism which protects them from the truth about themselves.
  5. The "Nazi White" description perplexed me because it's not the name of a color. There is no Crayola crayon named "Nazi White". Now, it she had said "super white" or "bright white" or "translucent", *that* would have made since. But "Nazi White"? That's not even a color. She's either not that bright or just wants to get viewers talking about her by "shocking" them.
  6. I agree that Cynthia overreacted, but Porsha, WTH? Girl, you just got your peach back. Now you're going to be all violent again? I can see making that mistake once, but now that she's done it again an argument can be made that she has a *pattern* of violent behavior. Bravo might never hire you again.
  7. I said he was a nobody, not a loser. And he is a nobody, not famous, doesn't come from money. He got a Master's degree in business BFD.
  8. Jason Sabo used to work at Villa Blanca as a manager, has his MBA and majored in Philosophy in undergrad. He's a nobody. Also, "Pandora Vanderpump" is a stupid, tacky name but we all know Lisa's penchant for choosing tacky, corny over-the-top names.
  9. By "let them", I mean you stay with them anyway. People stay for different reasons; they're too naive to know better, they love the other person and hope they will change, they think on some level they deserve to be treated like that.
  10. I dated a guy like that once. They're super insecure and their insecurities make them angry and they lash out, esp. when they're drinking. They have so much frustrated emotion and don't how to deal with it. Once they realize they can call you derogatory names and you let them, they realize they can disrespect you as much as they want, and keep doing it. Trust me tho, my ex had the same problems with his new gf that he had with me. The problem was not with me but with his insecurities. Mark my words, James' insecurities will manifest in the same way with Lala.I'm also super happy they're putting Shay's addiction front and center. Most addicts are not homeless living under bridges. They're normal, somewhat functioning people who spend their rent money on drugs instead of paying their bills and hoping it never catches up to them. Addiction is a disease, not a moral failing and Shay had nothing to be embarrassed about. Many people beat addiction and go on to live happy, successful, drug-free lives. However, if Shay has huge issues, he's not going to be able to EVER casually drink. Schenna's going to have to pick between her lifestyle or him, at some point.
  11. First of all, I don't agree that you can slut-shame a grown adult. People only feel shame if they do something wrong, and if they feel they're doing something wrong, they should quit doing said wrong thing. Lala is in one of the best countries in the world to be a woman. She has lots of opportunities to be more than just a pretty face. To make the choice to whore herself out is disgusting to me and it's a waste of her potential. She might not be Einstein, but surely she has more to offer to the world than just her vagina. Part of me is glad she's with James, because he certainly can't monetarily afford her, so she must be with him bc she truly likes him, which imo is better than selling her body. (Even tho he's acting like a psychopath when it comes to Kristin, lying to her face and whatnot). Secondly, if we can't slut-shame, we can never talk about Jax ever again because other than being nasty to male bartenders outside of SUR, that's all he has to offer this show. He disgusts me too. It's gross to offer your body carelessly to anyone who will have sex with you. Again, my opinion. But if he felt "shamed" by that, that's his problem, not mine. I'm allowed to feel and voice my feelings, right? If either he or Lala feel shamed by their own behavior then they should stop. They're not trafficked sex workers or being exploited in any way. So any bad feelings they have towards their own sexual behavior lies squarely on them and not myself, the other posters, or anyone else but them. In my opinion.
  12. Lol she shouldn't be embarrassed about a sex tape. Who would actually watch it? If she did and he releases it, it will be the least downloaded sex tape of all time. It will be like it never happened.
  13. As far as whether Vicki knew...she said on the reunion she was at the City of Hope for four hours while Brooks was getting chemo. And described the waiting room.
  14. Shannon SO reminds me of Camille Grammer. I 500% do not care what, how often or how publicly she talks about David's mistress. Personally, I think it's terrible for her mental health and their marriage for her to bring it up every change she gets. As a viewer I'm also tired of hearing about it. But in regards for sympathy to the other woman or David? I give zero fucks. You reap what you sow. Don't be a philandering sleazebag and you won't have to worry about it.
  15. I saw on E News tonight that City of Hope said David B. Ayers / David Brooks Ayers was NEVER a patient there. E News had his documents analyzed by experts who said they were forged. During an interview, Brooks couldn't remember the month he was supposedly diagnosed. He also flat out refused to take a lie detector test. Brooks has a long history of being known as a con artist. It's not like he's been some upstanding citizen this whole time. There are a 100 pieces of evidence, both hard and circumstantial that he's lying. The guy is guilty. Period. You would have to perform some serious mental gymnastics to think otherwise. Also, I've worked at a hospital as a health care worker. (I'm now in the private sector). You can bet your sweet ass that City of Hope checked, double checked and then triple checked to make sure that Brooks was never a patient there. Why? Because if he were, going to the media and speaking about him would not only give Brooks a reason to sue them for all they're worth, they would also get investigated and perhaps shut down for so flagrantly violating his HIPPA rights. If the hospital said he wasn't a patient there, he wasn't a patient.
  16. I feel Arianna has taking A LOT of verbal abuse from Kristin both directly and indirectly, as well as having to deal with lots of very uncomfortable and tense situations because you never know what's going to set off Kristin. Kristin's treatment of her made her dissolve into tears and not eat during Schenna's bachelor/bachelorette party. I think she's been very emotionally affected by how she's been treated and has been trying to hold it back. So I am really happy Arianna is setting a boundary with Schenna and speaking her mind about Kristin. If I were Arianna, I would have exploded a long time ago. I think for all of Kristin's issues, she's careful and cautious with how she spends her money. Which is why she has a nice apartment and drives a BMW and the other apartments look like they're rented by Meth addicts. I feel Kristin is trying by to change her image, which is why she's trying to stay calm while being FILMED. Remember, they discussed to Kristin throwing a drink on someone when James was DJing. Whether the internal will change with the external is to be seen. She said she was in therapy and trying to not be so overreactive. I agree that James' was practically giddy in his interview where he admitted to cheating. And I agree it's probably bc he hates Kristin now AND he's securing his place in the show. So him and Lala are dating now? Does this mean she no longer is giving blowjobs for trips to Italy? I don't know what's grosser, dating James or being a traveling hooker. He really does prefer his women insecure and bitchy. Also not a fan of Katie's septum ring. Isn't Stassi coming back? My autocorrect keeps trying to change Kristin to Krustin. LOL
  17. What a difference a season makes. Last season I though James was a somewhat naive, lovestruck, busboy. Now I think he's an alcoholic psychopath. The way he whispered "I love you" in Kristin's ear after looking her in the eyes and telling her boldface lies was truly disturbing.
  18. I think Vicki has always been jealous, narcissistic, insecure but that these traits were more hidden before she was on TV. This show and the stressors of being semi-famous/judged, and having to create drama in your home life just for a paycheck, has amplified Vicki's worse traits and brought them to the forefront. In order for Vicki to hold onto her self-esteem all these years due to the stress of the show, she has become more delusional (irrational, judgmental, hypocritical, insecure) rather than looking inwards and becoming a deeper, more mature person. She really should leave the show for her own good, but due to her narcisstic nature and desperation for a paycheck, she never will. It's really, really crazy for her to think that she could paper over Brooks' issues by FAKING CANCER and that the nature of reality TV being what it is, that she wouldn't be found out and exposed. Even the most simple person with a simple understanding of how reality shows work could have told her that. The delusion runs so deep in her it's almost scary.
  19. Ugh, I hope they don't bring Alexis back. Not because I don't like her as a person, but because as a character on a TV show she is really, really boring. And I don't feel like listening to Tamra complain/yell at her all season.
  20. Yep. Steve wants to blindside Vanessa when he evicts her if he wins HOH. And Vanessa desperately wants to be part of the F2 so she's giving Steve whatever he wants. But he's just having this meeting with Liz to "comfort" Vanessa to make the blindside all the more sweeter.
  21. If the last part is true it makes sense that production would want him gone and they would put the bug in Vanessa's ear that she can't win so she should make a "big move" to get him evicted.
  22. If Vanessa has a hand in Austin's eviction, he may not throw his vote her way. Despite that she played a great game and that she's paired with him this whole time, he seems like he could be ...spiteful. Judas and all.
  23. I don't believe Jackie would vote for her but if Becky flipped (in my scenario) then John would be the tiebreaker :O. Do you think John will vote for Austin if Vanessa tricks John during this eviction (pushing John to vote out Austin but then Vanessa voting to save Austin)?
  24. While we wait for the feeds, do you guys wanna take a guess on who is going to get which former HG's jury votes depending on the F2 left standing? Liz, John, Steve, Julia, James, Meg, Becky, Jackie, Shelli, Austin, Vanessa are the potential jury pool. If it's between Austin / Vanessa for the F2 , my guess is: Vanessa - Steve, James, Shelli Austin - Liz, Julia, Meg, Becky, Jackie That leaves John. I know John says he hates the Austwins but if he feels Vanessa went out of her way to trick him, then he may not vote for her. I don't really think his vote matters because Vanessa won't have the majority anyway. I also think Steve, James and Shelli are going to vote for Vanessa regardless of who she's up against. I think Meg, Jackie and Becky can't stand her and won't vote for her no matter what.
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