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Everything posted by Silo

  1. What did Vanessa say to convince the Austwins to put up Julia instead of Steve or JMac?
  2. I 100% agree with you and made a WTF post about this very thing a few days ago. The rest of the HG's inability to think for themselves and not be such sheep is how Vanessa will win or come very close. It's mind-boggling!
  3. I get placating her until they backdoor her. But even that only happened once. Everyone's afraid to put her up because THEY keep letting her change their minds. If they would stop letting her words influence them, and just look at her behavior alone - that she will do and say whatever it takes to win - they could put her up and make it very difficult for her to get through. But instead they fall for her wordsmith-ness every time. I've never seen such spinelessness in a competition before. Yep. And this is why it's very likely Austin's Angels will be F4.What's best for everyone's game is for the whole house to be in an alliance against Vanessa. But they either don't see that or refuse to act on it. If there were another player like Vanessa in the house, you can be sure that THIS Vanessa would have united the whole house against them by now. The same way she told Meg to stop crying so much. Vanessa won't put up with anyone who uses the same tricks that she does. She's smart to manipulate in that way bc her tricks work.
  4. Here's what needs to happen for Austwin and Vanessa to not win: someone needs to win veto and take down whomever and put up Steve. Steve is useless now anyway. Steve gets voted out. Then, someone who is NOT an Austwin needs to win HOH and put Austin and Julia on the block. If no one wins veto, Austin goes home. If someone wins veto, put up Liz and backdoor her. Other than this scenario, Austin's Angels are the F4.
  5. I don't know why the houseguests continue to listen to Vanessa cry, moan and browbeat them. I mean seriously, what the fuck? They're strangers competing for half a million dollars, this isn't the same as listening to your roommate because she's on her period or being there for your sister after she just got dumped. You know what I mean? They're extending those same compassion and courtesies to her as if she had those relationships with them. But she doesn't. They are literally letting her bully and manipulate them out of half a million dollars. I just don't get it. At this point in the game, I would do what's best for me and avoid Vanessa at all costs in the house. If they would all just freeze her out, she couldn't do this to them. I get how maybe ONE of them could be a pushover, but ALL of them? Wtf is going on in there? If this were a movie none of us would watch it bc the plot would be too implausible.
  6. Is it just me or are Ramona and Vickie from OC wearing the same earrings or the same style of earring? Giant mosaic earrings.
  7. When the TPTB on reality shows demand you open up a part of your life, it's not because they want to rake you over the coals. It's because they think you're too boring otherwise, IMO. This happened with Kenya on Atlanta. She dates and does all sorts of things that they don't film because she keeps to interesting enough to not need them to support her storyline. I think TPTB have one standard for the housewives - They Must Be Interesting. I think most housewives need to incorporate some parts of their life because they're boring with just their personality alone. But Beth's personality is huge and she doesn't need additional added relationships to make her interesting (IMO). Her relationship w Jason bored me to tears and seeing how she interacts with the other housewives is where she really shines. So TPTB probably didn't feel the need to add her relationship to the mix, and I'm personally glad they didn't, because I don't find that interesting.
  8. You're right. He's not there for the paycheck, he's there for the fame-whoring. He's taken more and more of a backseat when it comes to moderating, so I think what they're aiming for now is just for Andy to wind them up and watch them go. He always protects one housewife, I think for BH last reunion it was Brandi. And when he's protecting the "housewife" that you don't like (for me it was Brandi), yeah, it's annoying. And maybe he was trying to protect Bethenny, but I'm unsure from what. It wasn't like she was trying to get away with anything. She didn't double cross any of the other housewives.
  9. B probably refused to do the show if they insisted on filming her dating life and TPTB respected that. They also didn't show anything about Kristen and her marriage, and I, for one, am grateful about that lol
  10. Dorinda was never going to concede to Heather and was indeed going to keep talking loudly over her. This was annoying. This is what I mean about going around and around. Just like Luann vs Carole, none of these women want resolution, they just want to argue and be told they're right and so they keep saying the same shit on repeat. I'm glad Beth was there to step in and shut it down. Beth was not there the night Heather and Dorinda fought, but Beth had seen Dorinda get emotional when she drinks. Beth was speaking to Beth's own experience with that, so she could legitimately speak about it. Dorinda was not mad at Beth and was more willing to agree with her than Heather.I think the ladies are deferring to Beth bc they AGREE with her, bc she's so good at shutting them down and putting them in their place. I don't think it really has to do with being afraid of being kicked off the show. Also, it's really Andy's job to moderate, but he's pretty much stopped doing that and is clearly just there to pick up his paycheck. So I'm glad Beth stepped in when Andy wouldn't.
  11. Yes, but Bethenney is better at it and is more enjoyable. Heather's constant interrupting was distracting. Bethenny was getting frustrated with all the ladies circling the drain with the same topics but not getting anywhere. So B cut through the BS, explained everybody's side as succinctly as possible, added some of her insight into the situation and occasionally a joke. I found it helpful to listen to B, she was able to explain situations better than the ladies themselves, had a better memory of what actually happened and drew conclusions, which to me was preferable to the ladies circling the drain 75 more times.
  12. Carol has a great big wall up because she was hurt so deeply by the loss of her husband. Therefore, she does know a great deal about love and loss, was emotionally injured by it, and now doesn't give a shit about her romantic relationships because she doesn't let herself get too emotionally attached. I think in her mind she's done being in love "for real". Now it's just fun, light relationships.
  13. I think Meghan is very smart but also very naive. I think she is just trying to figure life out and is frantically trying to put all the pieces together. She see herself as a perfectionist and she's mentally working very hard to understand everything that's happening around her. I think her feeling lost is a new feeling to her and it makes her feel insecure. She's scared of people mocking her or them thinking she's beneath them, so she lashes out in anger, trying to "put people in their place". In this last way, she's not so different from Vicki. I also think she has a huge ego and never thinks she's wrong about anything despite being lost. She has no idea how entitled she actually is and sees herself as a good person. But her huge ego and entitlement (and her meanness) are what rub people the wrong way.
  14. I think Meghan is very smart but also very naive. I think she is just trying to figure life out and is frantically trying to put all the pieces together. She see herself as a perfectionist and she's mentally working very hard to understand everything that's happening around her. I think her feeling lost is a new feeling to her and it makes her feel insecure. She's scared of people mocking her or them thinking she's beneath them, so she lashes out in anger, trying to "put people in their place". In this last way, she's not so different from Vicki. I also think she has a huge ego and never thinks she's wrong about anything despite being lost. She has no idea how entitled she actually is and sees herself as a good person. But her huge ego and entitlement (and her meanness) are what rub people the wrong way.
  15. I agree. I'm glad she changed her hairstyle since she's been wearing the same medium length black hair hairstyle for the past 8 years. But her face looked haggard, her eyes had bags and there were parenthesis around her mouth, to say the least.
  16. I haven't seen any other seasons of BB. When I first started watching this season, I thought it would be so interesting to see a poker player use their strategies to make it till the end. Now that it's actually happening, I'm completely annoyed and want her to be voted out every week. Lol WHY?
  17. I'm watching BBAD and I don't know how you all do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for updates. But the HGs are all so boring and annoying. I couldn't stand watching more than a few minutes.
  18. I think Chris will choose Fallon and Kerri will choose no one, ultimately.
  19. rI definitely thinks she like the prestige and his money but that she also wants a "real" marriage with him, with romantic love and quality time spent together. I think she's not opposed to working hard, or him being away for work occasionally but I think she's starting to realize he's taking advantage of her. We see how quickly she gets spiteful and angry. If she stays for another season it will be interesting (to me anyway lol) if she starts to take it out on him or on the people around her ala Tamra and her bad marriage.
  20. Meghan's husband married her because he wants a personal assistant and nanny. Period. I like Lizzie, but I'm really confused as to why she's still on this show?
  21. I don't feel sorry for Grace at all. She led with her sexuality, her looks, her giving blowjobs to Adam in the beginning. You can't lead with that image and then be upset at how you're perceived.
  22. Unless she starts acting really crazy, Chris is going to pick Fallon. They keep setting Kerri up with losers. I feel bad for her. There's no way she's not going to choose Mason at this point. This show is getting boring.
  23. I like Jeremy. I think he's a good guy. And I think Rachel IS mentally sick, which is what the writers were alluding to by her looking really worn out at the end and acting weird (giving Quinn a weird stare and saying she loves her). And I think the poster upthread hit the nail on the head when they said it was hard to tell the difference between the show "Everlasting" and "real life". I think this episode was written that way on purpose because it was showcasing how Rachel loses her mental stability and it gets blurry between what's real on the show and what's real in real life.
  24. Quinn's ultimatum is dumb. I feel like the writers of this show weren't sure they were going to be renewed for a second season and just sort of lazily tacked this on to the end. Jeremy is so in love with Rachel that all she would have to do is say, "Hey Babe. I messed up. Before you and I officially got back together, I slept with Adam. I'm so sorry, blah, blah, blah". This is RACHEL. She's the one who's supposedly so good at manipulating others that Quinn wants to make her a full partner. If anyone could "produce" a situation like this with their boyfriend, it's Rachel. So to me, this whole attempted set up is a non-issue. All she has to do is confess to Jeremy and then Quinn has no ammo. I also don't buy that these two hot guys are so in love with the unwashed, unkempt, Rachel. I'm also just going to say it. She has the body of a 12-year-old boy and her bags under her eyes have their own bags. I'm just not buying it. IRL men who look like Adam and Jeremy go for girls as hot as they are. I feel like this is just a ploy to make women want to watch the show, because all average women want to think they can score good-looking studs. Average-looking-woman scores hot guy is a major formula in most chick flicks. I don't think the reasoning of why Rachel has these two idiots fighting over her is more complicated than that.
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