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Everything posted by Silo

  1. Why is it a stereotype just because you don't happen to agree? Is it so farfetched that some may love the hustle and bustle while others find it overwhelming? FWIW, I've had friends who moved there for a few years and loved it in the beginning, got sick of it, and moved back. That's them. YMMV.Ugh I just can't with Brandon and Craig. Whomever the blonde, he looks like a cross-eyed Teddy Ruxpin and I just can't. I fast-forward through all their scenes. I think Tara hasn't found herself yet. When she finally grows up, she may realize she's not in love with rigid grandpa. If that happens, he's going to be completely blindsided. I think Ro's husband has painted himself into a corner. He told Ro that "she's just a pretty face" and not credentialed enough to find the job she wants. Convinced she won't get her dream job, and convinced partially thanks to him, she probably figures she'd be better off in a place where she knows she wouldn't have to have her dream job in order to be happy. It's untrue that they can't compromise. She could give it another year or two to acclimate, take specific steps to try and achieve what she's missing (like trying to make friends, finding a job she's happy with) and if that doesn't happen, then they could move back to Tampa.
  2. I disagree about Ro not wanting to move back if she liked her job. I LOVE my job, but they're just too many people where I live, too much traffic, too much waiting in line at stores, too much rushing, and lots of red tape to get anything done. The cost of living is also really high, so no matter how much or how hard I work, I'm just barely getting by. So for those reasons, I'm moving states later this year. I'm guessing commuting to NY and working in NY is the same experience but even more so. You have to understand, when you're waiting in traffic, in lines at the store, at the gym, and then you're rushing through things to get to the next thing, and when it's hard to get by financially, you're not really *enjoying* life. There's no time to enjoy, it's just rush, rush, rush, collapse at the end of the day. I totally get why Ro (or anybody) who doesn't get off on being busy and distracted 24/7 would want to get the hell out of NY.
  3. The problem is that none of these women are interesting. Lisa V, maybe a little, but 2 middle aged actresses, the dumb housewife of a real estate agent, the constant wailer, and an aging wannabe dancechart queen? It seems to have potential but I feel like they're holding back because they're being filmed. And it makes it boring. I didn't make it through the dinner party. And I think Kyle is just boring, she had nothing going for her entertainment-wise except her pedigree, and I'm even tired of that storyline too.
  4. He's attractive and had the face and body of a man, but the affect of a 7 year old. I don't know how any adult woman could be attracted to him once they really got to know him.
  5. I thought the producers couldn't come up with something more that I could care less about after Yolamda's Lyme (I FF through all her individual scenes now). But they did! : this tired gossip from 20 years ago. I don't give a single flying fuck about Faye Resnick or this new middle aged blonde. I don't care who was best friends whom, who screwed whom, I simply don't care. That story is tired and worn out. They really are digging the bottom of the barrel here to stir up drama.
  6. I agree that these women truly aren't real friends. The genuineness is real tho, regarding their massive egos and their horror at anyone saying bad things about them. Some of them also have livelihoods at stake (like Brandi) or relationships (Kim's kids) that may be affected by what happens on the show. So their reactions/upsetness may be real; the friendships, not so much.
  7. I've said this back when Lisa was grilling Kyle about not going to the wedding, but Lisa truly gives zero fucks now. I think production wanted to remove Brandi but needed someone to pick up the slack of putting everyone on the spot and getting drama started. I think production offered that job to Lisa and held up the carrot that if she did this, they could get rid of Brandi. I think Lisa gladly took them up on their offer so she could get rid of Brandi, secure her place more firmly on the show, and get back at "bitches" who wronged her in some way. Lisa never truly lets go of a grudge.
  8. Max clearly was under the influence of something and nodded out. If he had actually "fainted", he would have been taken to the hospital to find out why he fainted and been sent home with at least a tentative diagnosis. The fact that everyone seemed relatively unconcerned with him fainting out of nowhere screams drug/alcohol use. And with this group, that's no great surprise. And he has a bathroom TV because his mummy and daddy are rich.
  9. This is so much WIN that I liked it, then unliked it just so I could like it again.
  10. Did James really say on the previews for next week that he's still in love with Kristen?
  11. Lol I like how Katie's points to Schwartz and Schwartz's points to himself.
  12. Yep, there is a specific surgery where they take fat from your stomach and put it in your butt. They ask you NOT to lose weight b4 the surgery so that there is more to put in your butt.Regarding Yo's implants, I don't fault her for having new ones put in after the others ruptured. Yeah, if you were a housewife in Wisconsin, I would see giving up, but if you're an aging model looking for a rich husband in Beverly Hills, it's totally the norm to get new boobs (again). It's just part of the culture she lives in. How many times did Tamra get a boob job? Like 3-4 times? It's just part of their subculture. FWIW, I think the producers know there's something legit wrong with Yolanda and are loving every minute of the juxtaposition between Brooks' and Yolanda being ill. I think they're wetting their panties at back-to-back seasons of one not being ill and how it was dealt with versus one actually being ill and how it's being dealt with. I think if Yo were a fraud, production would be pulling every trick in the book to expose it (ahem, calling in a psychic to get the rumors going), bc she's much more famous, hence it would be a much juicer story.
  13. RHONY.It's posted in her thread in that forum. Erika's a basic bitch, 40-year-old edition lol
  14. Bethenny is now a producer on a housewives show. No housewife in their right mind would go against her. Unless it's on her show and she wanted them to for ratings purposes.
  15. Is it just me or is Lisa honestly trying to be Brandi-esque in some of her interactions? Like asking how Erica's husband is in the sack? I don't think Lisa P of even 2 seasons ago would be acting like that? Erica will never be interesting to me. She's barely one generation away from trailer trash. No judgement, only those types are so one note and predictable, so I don't find them entertaining. Erica is Lala in 20 years if Lala gets very, VERY lucky. Erica is a basic bitch with money and a few extra years of experience.
  16. YOU GUYS! He defined polyamory as "a relationship where the woman gets to have other partners too". DID ANYONE CATCH THAT? As if it were a given that men have outside relationships. I was in such disbelief at his definition that I had to rewind it and make sure that in fact he said exactly that. And he did!
  17. Basic bitches are by nature try-hard. They try hard to fit in with everyone else. If they weren't average or run-of-the-mill, they would be independent and unique; therefore not basic.
  18. So, um, what happened to Shereé? Lol. And the Miley Cyrus housewife? Are they all done for this season?
  19. James! She's just not that into you. Arianna, everyone of these chucklefucks would punch their own mother in the face for screentime. This is like Stassi Part 2 where she realizes her "friends" getting to be on being on TV, getting wasted, and not "ruining the vibe" is 500% more important to them than your "friendship". I watched it with subtitles. He also goes, "Mmmmmm". Super creepy and awkward.
  20. I think she might actually be ill, but what if she isn't? She would be nuts. Or bananas. BananasFoster.
  21. Regarding a family having Lyme Disease: I have family in New Jersey and all of the members got Lyme Disease except for the father. They had a forest near their house and when they walked the dog, they would let him off his leash to run in the woods. They all caught Lyme from deer ticks that way over the course of 15 years. But not the dog. He was vaccinated! They caught the Lyme early enough so that it didn't cause long term issues, but they still all had it. So to me it's totally possible and not unrealistic that a family could all catch Lyme.
  22. It's 100%, like when you take a test and a teacher writes 100 in red ink on the top of the paper. I know there's no "%" next to it, but I think it's implied.
  23. Did anyone else catch Yolanda saying on the boat that the day she got married, or the day after, is when she first got sick?
  24. Kyle: Don't these women have anything better to ask me about than my flippin sister? NO, THEY DON'T. Because you're boring.
  25. I feel like Shannon Beador wishes she was Erica Jayne, that she felt that sexy, that confident, and was much less codependent on her husband.
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