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Everything posted by Silo

  1. Ok, if she’s getting advice from people in the industry (her manager and Herman) you would think she’d eventually learn what she’s supposed to do (or not do) rather than make the exact same mistakes I’ve and over? Lol
  2. There were others but not lots. But nearly every single photo she has with him has his face obscured. And yes she weirdly posts but then deletes them. Not sure why.
  3. Was there more than just that one story about Jeremy? I’m not in any way defending his actions with his ex, but when I was much younger I had a relationship that got violent and physical. None of the rest of my relationships with different people were. So even tho the accusations leveled against him are really, really bad, and there’s no excuse for his behavior, I’m personally less likely to indict him unless it’s a repeated pattern of behavior.
  4. Wow for real? His full name is Jeremy Maddix? And were these charges in Cali or elsewhere? I want to google for myself.
  5. If it were anyone else, I would believe in potential pregnancy complications due to medical issues. But I think Camille is just a vain cunt who didn’t want to eff up get body with pregnancy. So any excuse to not have to carry the babies herself was fine with her lol
  6. Can I just say that I don’t understand why she posts photos of her and “her man” on Instagram but always hide his face? If your going to consistently post photos, why hide the face? What’s the point of showing everything but? We already know who he is and what he looks like.
  7. Teddi’s vignette about her job had me go from “What’s an accountability coach?” to “Damn, maybe I need an accountability coach” lol
  8. When Kyle mistook Erica’s Tom doing something with the Bar for an actual bar (where you sit and have drinks), I just didn’t know what to think about life anymore. Kyle is older and wealthy but still doesn’t know what the Bar is? You really, really can be a complete undeucated idiot and have mountains of wealth if you attach yourself to the right people in the right zip code.
  9. Erica: it’s not ice, it’s diamonds. Nah, I’m pretty sure you are an unintelligent, shallow, hollow person using your husband’s millions to camaflouge the emptiness inside with high quality makeup and clothes lol It’s not ice, it’s emptiness.
  10. Erica: it’s not ice, it’s diamonds. Nah, I’m pretty sure you are an unintelligent, shallow, hollow person using your husband’s millions to camaflouge the emptiness inside with high quality makeup and clothes lol It’s not ice, it’s emptiness.
  11. I would not be surprised at all bc Lisa has already said she can’t stay too mad at Dorit bc Lisa and PK share friends offset and she has a vested interest in maintaining her friendship w him.
  12. Also by Dorit being late SHE was the one who “shutdown production” by giving them nothing to shoot (because she wasn’t there).
  13. I think LisaR got some good coaching from someone. I think she was advised to lay low this season where inevitably someone else would emerge as the villain (because all the shows need to have a villain). Then, next season she can glide back in almost as if nothing happened.
  14. I honestly feel that in most cases when people haven’t updated their look in years and years it means they haven’t experienced emotional growth. Lol esp if your haircut looks 30 years old and out of touch *cough* Ken *cough*. But, you know, they’re rich. And wealth can often insulate one from personal growth. Where’s the impetus to grow if everyone kisses your butt all the time lol
  15. It’s so strange to me that he hasn’t changed his hairstyle in literally 36 years. But I guess for the record, neither had she lol
  16. I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think Carol has to everything to Bethenny nor should she be expected to be. If you and I were friends, for example, and I wanted to eat pizza, I would call you. But if I wanted something more exotic, I would call someone else. Maybe when I ate pizza I would always call you and our friendship could be based around that. That way we both get to participate in an activity we enjoy. Carol and B aren’t married so I don’t think Carol should have to come out of her comfort zone if she doesn’t want to. I don’t think she “owes” that to Bethenny.
  17. I totally get how Carol could be a drag but it seems like she’s loyal and kind and smart and a good friend to Bethenny in other ways. So maybe I wouldn’t take her to Chinatown, but I’d still hang out with her due to her other positive attributes. Kind of like “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water?”
  18. I’m almost excited for Season 10. lol. I am all in for a full scale analysis of how Bethenny manages to mess up all her close friendships.
  19. I’m almost excited for this season lol lol. I am all in for a full scale analysis of how Bethenny manages to mess up all her close friendships.
  20. Probably because the moms are deeply superficial and wealth and being famous is all they care about.
  21. I agree. I think her face is weird looking. Killer bod tho.
  22. I agree but I feel bad saying so because she seems so nice lol
  23. I think Ariana may have been acting in the beginning of her relationship with FI but maybe she was also less invested so she didn’t care as much.
  24. Lol that’s literally what she’s asking for, someone who never drinks.
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