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Everything posted by Silo

  1. I think Lisa realizes she can’t really “control” Dorit’s obnoxious behavior so she’s going to shame her in front of PK so that he’ll try to control it more in the future.
  2. Luann’s not controlling anyone. It’s not like she hired a person who drinks and threatened to fire them if they keep drinking. She’s just saying, “Hey, if you drink ever, don’t bother applying”. She’s being discerning, not controlling.
  3. Basically Rob’s explanation was, “I care about Scheana’s feelings. And I would still like to bang her. However, I would also like to bang other women. So I’m going to stick up for Scheana because I feel bad for her but I don’t want to date her exclusively or have other women think I’m in a committed relationship”.
  4. Rob sorta kinda speaks in defense of Scheana: https://realityblurb.com/2018/02/28/is-scheana-marie-delusional-about-her-relationship-with-robert-parks-valletta-he-speaks-on-instagram-twitter-reacts/amp/
  5. The more progressive substance abuse facilities advocate quitting smoking along with one’s drug of choice because more addicts die from cigarette smoking than their drug of choice. That’s because they quit their drug and not smoking, which eventually kills them. It’s also easier to quit when you apply relapse prevention concepts to both your drug of choice and cigarettes at the same time. What she’s trying to apply would be the best thing for her recovery. Drinking in our culture has become so normalized that it sounds super rigid to be otherwise...but it’s not. For people who don’t rely on alcohol as a social lubricant, it’s easy to not drink and not a big deal.
  6. If she can make it work, it will be the best thing for her. It will cause her to grow in ways she can’t imagine. But if she can’t, she can always come home.
  7. Haha don’t worry, that feeling will probably vanish when she opens her mouth in the next episode lol
  8. I’m over Dorit. I think her machinations are obvious and boring. I would love for them to get rid of her or to bring another HW in who can bring her down.
  9. Lisa said on the next episode that Dorit and PK have friends outside the show and Lisa doesn’t want to be excluded from that group due to a falling out with Dorit. So Lisa’s more beholden to kiss Dorit’s butt due to external pressures outside the show.
  10. The children of those in Beverly Hills are far more spoiled and privileged than most of the children in the rest of the country. They are the ultra wealthy. It sounds as though Rinna’s kids are being forced to take care of themselves and live a more middle class lifestyle. It is harder to go from ultra wealthy to middle class than from a middle class (live with your parents) to middle class (live on your own) lifestyle where the only difference is now you have to do your own laundry.
  11. Brian Moylan’s recap said he thinks Schenna bases all her self-worth on how much her boyfriend values her.
  12. It’s a nice way of saying his girls are spoiled and privileged AF but they don’t realize it until they’re out of the nest and living on their own.
  13. I forget who said it but someone in this thread basically said that Kyle and Lisa are too shallow to navigate the deep emotions they feel and that’s why they keep running into problems with each other. Personally, just watching their friendship exhausts me, I don’t know why they even bother with each other anymore.
  14. “It’s called Big Brother, not Big Homie” was the best line of the season.
  15. I would like to see Erica remodel her voice next. Since she’s had plastic surgery, wardrobe people, a glam squad for every occasion, the next she should focus on is her voice. She sounds like a truck stop waitress and it doesn’t match the rest of her persona.
  16. I have been wondering that myself. She wore a long wig to WWHL and I thought she looked good. ...but I’ve been wondering about her normal hair.
  17. I def think she looks the least aged of the whole cast. Maybe *she* thinks she looked better 20 years ago before all the kids, etc. Maybe she’s trying to offset that giant Richards’ nose that she, Paris’ mom, Paris and Nicky were unfortunate enough to inherit. Through plastic surgery, Paris’ mom has whittled hers away down to almost nothing. Maybe she wants to hold onto her hair because it’s the only truly beautiful body part she has. Her face and body are average. But her hair is long, thick, shiny, amazing. Appearance-wise, it’s truly her crown of glory. Maybe that why she’s reluctant to give it up, altho I think a shorter cut would do wonders for her.
  18. So basically they’re just like their mothers on the show lol Celebrity teens should get judged so they can have a taste what’s it like to have the whole world judging you and use that to help them decide if this career is right for them. Also, this is a brand new generation. These teens have grown up seeing and using social media. Being judged and seeing others judged is a way of life for them.
  19. I think it was both the shorter hair and contouring that made Kyle look so much better. She should try both together.
  20. I think Kyle’s hair and Teddy’s dress are an example of women wanting to hold onto looks they had when they were the most attractive (ie 20 years ago). I think Erica’s wall is reflective in the costumes she wears. She’s so guarded that she won’t even show us what her true style is. You can usually read someone based on their clothing choices. Not Erica! Because she’s going to dress like an evil Disney queen, or a sci Fi geisha, or a member of St. Pepper’s Band lol
  21. Lol if you say so Celebrities are held to a higher standard. They make their living off being judged by the public. It’s literally my job as part of the public to do so. So no, I don’t care and no attempts to shame people into not judging those who purposely put themselves into the spotlight for scrutiny fall flat.
  22. Ivanka has had a ton of plastic surgery and I don’t think Kesley’s face “translated” well at all. Mason is not attractive.
  23. Shannon’s issue was not that she’s smarter than the other contestants. The issue was that they felt she lorded it over them. They were intimidated and it made them want to get rid of her. If she had higher social IQ, she would have realized she needed to downplay her intellectual ability.
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