105 -
Serena has some nerve. Dodged Cordell foreveeeeeer than acts the most hurt when someone else shows actual interest. Personally - I would not even want to pursue her any further after the breakfast thing. Imagine how she would handle real issues within the relationship. No thanks.
Leah will take anyone's sloppy seconds... or thirds... or fourths... Hell... come get mine.
WTF am I watching!? If I wanted to see a bunch of babies crying in every episode I would stay home all day with my kids. This show is clinging to life.
Was looking for the Gabby comment before posting my own. IDK why she is on the show?? She brings NOTHING to the show and is as boring as a paperclip. Is she even really friends with anyone here?
S04.E04: Don't Be a Drag
tumamita replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City
The way that Lisa cried over glam... LOOOOOOOOL. Two words: get help -
S04.E02: Vacation Crashers
tumamita replied to TexasGal's topic in The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City
Bravo casting Real Housewives who aren't housewives and are broke is getting really old. How did Monica even make it? Her connection to clink clink? Bravo - we don't want to see women who basically our friends on tv... we are really losing momentum here. The pool for good castmates must be sparse. -
S14.E14: Connecticut-ing the Dots
tumamita replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
I cannot stand Sai. There is nothing about her I like. It's clear she thinks she's bringing it for TV. It is extremely annoying and not entertaining at all. -
HOLY walking red flag JP. There should have been a trigger warning on this episode. It was hard to watch. Telling your partner that they're beautiful and don't need all this extra stuff is one thing. Telling your partner to continue wearing makeup (while clearly you don't even mean that) and then following up by being highly immature and passive aggressive... what is wrong with this man? My body, my choice - think he missed that memo. This was literally how my last relationship (that was horrible with control, jealousy and insecurity from the guy) started. It seems fine when it starts. If a man (or anyone) is speaking to you in this manner THIS EARLY, it will only go to hell from here. Quite literally.
Jibri has to know how much his mom disapproves of Miona. If she was able to take care of two adults, she surely can afford to fly somewhere for 2 days and see her ONLY son get married. That is time you cannot get back. She’s willing to miss that because she cannot stand Miona that much. Sad, really. The codependency between Thais and her father is really intense. Pats mom isn’t wrong - when you marry, you do have to prioritize your current immediate situation but then also hypocritical as she demands “my grandchild will live in America.” Every scene lately she looks absolutely miserable. I don’t blame her. But it’s possible he sold her a dream. Life is like a vacation to these gals until it’s not. She didn’t help herself by not being honest with her father from the start.
I guess some people just really don't understand how the fiancé visa works. But it's ultimately the consequences of attaching yourself to a foreigner. Many moons ago, I married an American. The thing was - I'm a Canada on a border city. So not only was I just moving 45 minutes away, I also dated this American for years and we decided to marry because it was the only legal way live together. I got my green card, we did eventually split and I hopped right back to my hometown. The pressure to marry someone you really don't know must be overwhelming on top of seeing if your relationship is even in person what you think it is in your head. Then put two people together who aren't even functioning adults - it all looks disastrous.
Love how Shaeeda tells Bilal's ex wife to "google" her... LMAO!!
More than half of these couples aren't even ready for the work of a relationship, at best. It's clear the common denominator of the couples that aren't working out is the lack of attraction. Stacey's behavior is alarming. She's more concerned about Haley than she is the person that's "committed" to her. And Michael knows it - every time he has that stupid smug look on his face when Stacey defends him I go crazy!! They are truly meant for one another - good luck with that future. Why are the pretty ones always so jealous & stupid?
Who brings a 2yr old to wine country!? When she mentioned it I thought - oh boy! If your toddler is that busy - you don't go out to restaurants - how unfair to other patrons who are trying to enjoy their stay as well. I have kids - that gave me anxiety.
The 30 yr old Kayla is really going to regret a lot of poor decisions she's making with an immature mind. Her ex beat her up because he stole HER debit card and she's worried about making sure he knows she's not going to take the baby away from him??? OMG WAKE UP AND OPEN THOSE BIG EYES. This is the kind of man you want raising a FUTURE MAN!!? Kayla, sometimes the best thing we can do as mothers is keeping certain people out of our children's lives, even if its their father. This hits close to home because I also have sole custody of my children due to terrible choices of violence their father has made. It's sad and I know its hard. Briana's mom is pretty much the worst mother I've saw on tv for awhile and I'm sure when her daughter got on tv, she wouldn't think she was viewed as a bad parenting. Wow - unstable and just plain awful. You said you want to punch your daughter in the face because she's worried about real life situations you put them in!? Whatever age she is - you are still the parent. Yikes.
And just like that, Darcy AGAIN got a little hope that Jesse will be what she needs from a hug at the end... that is truly 2 people that cannot leave each other alone until 1 of them goes too far to come back. Is the process for Rachel "so expensive" like she says because John is a criminal? Because I'm Canadian and when I got my green card, the whole process was under 5k w/ a lawyer which is optional. How is it so expensive but you're managing to go to the UK? I don't get it.