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Snow Fairy

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Everything posted by Snow Fairy

  1. In both of my pregnancies my belly was high and never dropped. Both children came out in just a few hours Did they say her due date?
  2. I like this lighter shade of her hair, looks better than before
  3. I don't think the wedding dress is badly tailored. As Meghan Markle's, it's possibly the material, it had to be a bit loose so the bride could move/sit
  4. Can someone put some pictures here? The page does not open in my country...
  5. I was just thinking, do you think they would have 19 kids without reality tv? Would they stop earlier or fame and trying to reach 20 had something to do with more and more children?
  6. Just found this https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/josiah-duggar-lauren-swanson-date-unchaperoned-162595
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/BkYLd-2hWPT/?taken-by=jeremy_vuolo Top comments for this picture - are people serious? In the semen that my Pasture gave today he spoke of the devil that resides in them there iWatches. Just to easy to sin with those things on amen! People getting send pornography on them. Using Siri to satisfy burgers and also losing sight of the lord and focusing too much on time.
  8. The dress is nice. But I think the shoes don't fit. But this is progress, right
  9. Why does the Hollow act differently now than it did 7 years ago? Now it seems it makes Hope angry and violent. And that's it? Before she wanted to be resurrected, rule, but now she waits?
  10. Well, after 36 weeks baby can come anytime. So, it's close But as I remember, Duggar girls do not go to labor far from due date right?
  11. I have 2 kids, and for some time planning to go to the movies. But the youngest is still a baby (5 months old),so still nothing for me I don't find it unusual. Movies is something we can't do with kids, but I miss it a lot. Yes, we go separately (he does, for now, I do not), but we also like going together. Dinner and a move, cliche right
  12. Never saw Marjorie, so I googled her https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/marjorie-jackson-now-156096 Better this than already being a mom , right?
  13. Do fundies get divorced? They marry so young. If it doesn't work, do they stay together no matter what?
  14. Well, if her cycles are not regular, who knows, right?
  15. Wow-they have a TV? They watch someting? I am pleasantly surprised. I had a feeling no Duggar owns or watches TV, I don't know why.
  16. Mine is on the 14th ;) So, no bump pictures from Kendra?
  17. So why did all the people scream when they saw Devilface before? Chloe took it calm I liked the episode, hope the show gets picked up again
  18. Sorry,just read the first post here. Maternity leave brain not working properly...
  19. I'm surprised no one wrote it here Lucifer is canceled https://www.google.hr/amp/variety.com/2018/tv/news/lucifer-canceled-fox-1202800382/amp/
  20. Well, April did plan the whole wedding. So she might as well get married there
  21. I just watched the finale promo. I think Jo and Alex get married on a boat. And the original wedding will end up being April and Matthew's. So it won?t get "wasted" when they don't show up
  22. They did point out at the beginnig of the episode that it's May (or March?, I think it's May). That was so we would know lot of time has passed. But I don't remeber what time of the year it was an episode ago
  23. Didn't watch carefully, why didn't Klaus succeed in compelling Antoinette? OK, asked to soon, saw it Don't know what to think about the episode. It dragged too much for me
  24. I hope Harriet is safe. April and Jackson don't deserve to have 2 dead children.
  25. Oh I hope Teddy won't be coming back. After that speech, I don't want her to come to Owen. And I don't want her to be pregnant.
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