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Snow Fairy

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Everything posted by Snow Fairy

  1. But Vuolos act like they don't even have kids, not just that they're not posting pictures. You can acknowledge that you're a parent even if you don't have a picture of your child every day. Izzie and Sam look happy
  2. One thing I didn't like is that they are making Trixie younger than she looks. I would expect some more mature reactions and conversations from her. The actress is 13, so almost puberty. And Trixie is 11. Does not look like a big difference, but I think it is
  3. Maybe John doesn't plan on making Billy's death as suicide, rather as self defense. "Billy had the gun, wanted to kill me, we wrestled, it went off"
  4. For some time I'm looking at their thread name, and I think it definitely deserves changing. Currently they are not counting nor asking for donations
  5. He has a suit and boots. She has a summer dress almost without sleeves and sandals. Like they are not in the same season. I can't help myself, I always notice that kind of things
  6. I think Christina will have another baby. Jill, I don't expect it.
  7. I had a sticker on my leg for one day and it could still hold on for sure. My daughter put at least 20 of them on my legs, hands and face and I missed that one. So those little bastards can stick for a long time
  8. So he hasn't showered in 2 days? Jeremy and ice cream are Jinger's favourites. So, her daughters, where do they fall in line?
  9. I had a feeling that Jess found someone's picture. Possibly the baby's father
  10. Janessa is actually really cute child. Too bad she will look pale and sick very soon, and soon after will be covered with tons of make up
  11. She also had instastories with this clothes and it fits her great. I actually also like some of the pieces
  12. Maybe they think sending a kiss or kissing emoji is sexting?
  13. If the Duggar kids were so sheltered, monitored, how did Josh get all this knowledge about dark web, CP and all this things? How did he even know where and how to start?
  14. Jill said she went to have some happy time and retail therapy at Amy's store I just wish she wasn't walking barefoot on that floor I would wear some pieces, like the loungewear set
  15. She is probably glad he was looking at other kids, and not doing anything to their. She is so brainwashed
  16. Yeah, because you accidentally have 200+65 images of CP on your computer, and you just stumble on that. I don't think that would be any defense for him I think most of us have on some point watched at porn, and you can't find CP on normal porn sites
  17. Do they still think Jesus can save him? Do they feel sorry for those molested kids? They did not want to be involved in something like that. Even if they said the devil made someone to that to those kids, the kids are sill innocent How can they justify it even with Gothard belief system 18month old child. How?
  18. I saw a comment asking if JB could be Josh's molester. But maybe someone from the church, early days?
  19. Could Josh have also been molested as a kid? And by who? It just does not seem it all came out of curiosity, as they said when the first scandal broke
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