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Snow Fairy

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Everything posted by Snow Fairy

  1. Can someone fill me in - I watched Sandy in season 2, and now I'm watching season 6. After season 2 people had good comments about her, there wasn't so hate. But now, everyone doesn't seem to like her here. What happened?
  2. How old is Evangeline? She looks so tiny in their picture. Wouldn't give her more than 7 months
  3. I would be nicer if Jinger was getting a job
  4. Adults enjoying sex vs molested children. And the first one is sooo evil. Those people are not normal
  5. This got me thinking. If there are people that say that, they were just looking and no one was harmed, how do they justify that the people making those pictures and videos are really harming children? How can you say that you just watched the abuse happen,but it is ok because you were just watching and not doing anything?
  6. What bothers me with her dress is the material, not so much the design
  7. Blastocyst stage is right before it attaches itself to the womb (5 days after fertilisation). But it is called and embryo since the fertilisation
  8. My first reaction to every photo they post is the same - FFS Can't help it
  9. Yes. Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last period. So it is normal to say you are x weeks and y days pregnant. I even had my first ultrasound at 5 weeks 1 day (due to it being an IVF pregnancy)
  10. In reality she had missed period, and she needed someone to clean her house and do all that? I had my miscarriage at 10 weeks, with a three year old, and except of one day in bed with strong pains I lived my life normally. Sad yes, but I did all the chores like before
  11. This is Nurie's baby in the second screenshot? It looks much bigger and older to me
  12. I'm so happy I found this forum. I found out about Below deck by accident when I saw it on my tv. Then after a few months I found out that there was a season in Croatia. Which is great because I live in Croatia. I saw a couple of days ago that that Season 2 available on Netflix. And then yesterday I found out that the new season was also filmed in Croatia this summer. In the same place I was on vacation this year. So yes, after season 2 I am looking forward to seeing season 6, and I am so happy our Adriatic See is in this show
  13. Maybe the Covid rumors are true, since we only saw Jill with the baby. I was expecting pictures with all of the kids since Nurie is at home
  14. Even if they weren't 100% sure if they wanted to have another kid, I guess Jill will want a new pregnancy now after that loss. Just a woman thing, I have a feeling. She maybe saw herself as a mom of 3, was happy, and now that's taken away. So she would want to go for it now
  15. The baby is cute. Is Nehemian (spelling?) an actual know name or? I read here that Spurgeon has unfortunate name, but even that sounds better to me than the poor N kid
  16. It depends. Mostly after 14-15 weeks My doctor told my baby was a boy in week 12, said he was 90% sure. And boy it was
  17. It seemed like possibly biochemical pregnancy or very very early loss. I got that vibe. The test line in the video wasn't that dark I don't get why they told the boys so soon. Early pregnancy loss is actually not that uncommon. Nevertheless I feel bad for them, I also had one loss
  18. And I don't think Doug is actually happy with the idea of living in RV. He just goes with it for Jamie
  19. But they still keep the Florida house and will possibly buy another house in wherever they lived now (my brain froze). As I can remember they said RV will be for a few months. Maybe they are doing it for milking the money. Youtube, that private memberthing something. I honestly do not believe that living in that small space can save a marriage
  20. I though George looked like the actor had some kind of botox or fillers... totally weird
  21. Brainwashed into sticking with her husband It also crossed my mind, that she was advised by the counsel to be there, so everyone sees how pregnant she is, sticking to her husband. In the "smile and wave" type of way
  22. I was also wondering why some of you say she looks skeletal. To me she looks normally thin
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