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Snow Fairy

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Everything posted by Snow Fairy

  1. Are the jurors allowed to know about Duggars via TLC show? Or can they google those information about Josh now that the trial is taking place? Wouldn't some of them be courious?
  2. Josh Duggar was then seen talking to his wife, Anna Duggar, for about 20 seconds and she was seen holding his hand the whole time by the Sun reporter. Stupid brainwashed Anna Or this is the order from the defense
  3. Isn't it weired that Joy and Austin didn't come together?
  4. So far Joy, Austin and Derrick were seen to arrive
  5. And I don't know how they can say they are all godly and have their faith. God and Jesus always want to protect children. Always. Whatever Gothard or anyone else says
  6. I was thinking, I feel so sorry for M7. Those kids, if they ever find out what their dad did, what he watched, that will be a huge shock. And I know they are sheltered now, but I truly hope that at least one says goodbye to this extra fundy lifestyle, somewhere in the future.
  7. It is said that Joy and Austin heard the description of the images and videos on Josh's trial. I wonder if they will now think before posting almost naked pictures of their kids on SM
  8. Justin looks like an idiot,but Joy looked distressed. There was a picture, she also wore black dress
  9. When does the trial start today? I have to look for the time difference, it's 4pm here where I live... I think the Smuggars will be less smug today, I hope
  10. Do you think any of Duggars and in-laws went to read all the reports? Would they be courious or just ignore it all?
  11. Notably, Anna Duggar, who is Josh Duggar's wife, was not present when the aforementioned video and images were shown to the jury, according to a Sun reporter present at the trial. She should have been there, to see what kind of monster he is
  12. Regarding Jill, lots of older children now have they own families. Their own children they would want to protect. I see why Jessa would listen to JB regarding Jill, but why should Josiah, JD, Justin Jinger just cut Jill out of their lives? Come on kids, grow a pair and man up, your dad shouldn't own you
  13. Maybe they would try to question what happened, because if she was sleeping how does she know he did anything Just guessing based by my tv knowledge
  14. I read speculations of whose father was on a jury list, and majority thinks (by elimination) that it was Kendra's dad. Can you explain me, being a foreigner, what happened yesterday? Only jury selection? What will happen today?
  15. How long do trials like this last? Will it last days or weeks? I am so afraid that he will walk free
  16. Pickles says in the comments, he and David Waller's apparently witnesses something Josh did in the car lot. And they are being called as a witness by prosecution
  17. I just saw on Pickles that it was said Lauren's dad will be called as a witness. Maybe that is the reason of the Instagram clean up
  18. In this photo she reminds me of Jill, but usually I see Joy in her
  19. I also liked that the brought back young Hope and the same actress.
  20. So late, but I'm just watching. As far as I remember, the night clubs weren't working as intended last summer in Croatia (no dance floors), and the restaurants could work only until midnight. So that's why they had to party on a boat
  21. Maybe some of the girls enjoy sex and want it even in pregnancy? I remember those hormones, I was horny (sorry for TMI) a lot. And I was on bed rest so no sex for me And my friends all enjoy it even when pregnant
  22. If Hope kills Alaric, that's exactly when they wouldn't leave her alone. Then they would go after her. And obviously I didn't pay enough attention. Who came to Ted, Malivore or Landon?
  23. I would also say it could have something to do with Josh and realizing that having lots of pictures online can be dangerous
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