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  1. I don't think Jeremy was a slacker. He admitted he loved working at the lamp company; he just didn't feel qualified taking it over. Maybe he's a great salesman but not a good manager and he's afraid of the Peter Principle. As for scamming Sam and Jay, that is something Trevor would have done during his lifetime when he was a d-bag financier. I love Hetty's robber baron stories. It's fun to exploit the poor. I noticed Jay was in a bulky sweater too. Is he working out or just gaining sympathy weight for Sam? πŸ˜„ Regarding their lack of guests for the B&B: I think I'm invested in their business as I was in Bob's Burgers lack of business for his restaurant.
  2. I thought last season set up Jay and Pete as friends, with their shared love of Dungeons and Dragons and basketball, but Pete seemed sidelined to the out-of-the-blue Jay/Sass friendship. I can't stand the cholera ghost, neither the character nor the actress. Why do shows always pick the most annoying, most abrasive characters to start giving bigger roles to?
  3. The Klingon bat'leth has entered the chat. πŸ˜‰ It may be a way of identifying the person wearing the suit. In Ben Bova's "Mars," the first astronauts to Mars all have their own EVA suits so others can tell who they are.
  4. SmithW6079


    The goal is to make the consumer pay for everything. After all, corporations shouldn't have to pay for anything that might stand in the way of profits.
  5. Well, one does need to bear in mind the context of the times, when our understanding of mental health was not as advanced as today, so I don't dismiss the show for that. Besides, I watch it primarily for Linus's recitation of Luke 2:8-14.
  6. I just discovered SF Debris, who has been reviewing Voyager and other Trek series for years, and I've been binging his videos. He's particularly tough on Voyager and Janeway, and even does voiceovers as "Psycho Janeway," which are hilarious, as he highlights how inconsistent the character is (as noted by @Prevailing Wind above). https://sfdebris.com/videos/startrek/v801.php (Some of his videos are available on YouTube, others only on his website.) I almost enjoy these snarky reviews more than the shows themselves, and it saves me from having to rewatch the episodes.
  7. So David is straight? Thirty years after gay coding Niles and Frasier, they couldn't create a out gay main character?
  8. Oh, please. πŸ™„πŸ™„
  9. That's a shame. That's going to be a pass for me, then.
  10. I thought Samantha and the ghosts were dicks to Todd. Yes, he's obsessed with a long-dead blues singer, but their actions went beyond "warning" Alicia not to get involved with him. And if Samantha did it in such a way that she could insult him and still have him involved in her podcast, then she's a terrible person. I wonder if Todd had been 6'2" and handsome and muscular, not short and chubby, if they would have been warning her to stay away. It actually might have been nice to have the niece see beyond Todd's quirks and discover that he's not really a bad person (even if all the ghosts think he is). As someone pointed out, Todd appears to own all his eccentricities. The ghosts' and Samantha's actions had me feeling sorry for Todd and thinking less of them. It seems that Hetty and Trevor would be a natural match, given they were both members of the 1-percent (Hetty as the daughter and wife of a robber baron and Trevor as a "master of the universe" [h/t "Bonfire of the Vanities"]). While her prejudice against the Irish is played for laughs, chances are, Hetty would have probably been anti-Semitic too. In life, there's no way she would have been involved with a Jew.
  11. Is he the leader of the therapy group? I could not figure out where I knew him from. The voice was familiar, but the modern clothing threw me off.
  12. I believe in the commercial, they stated they were only dating, not even engaged, so a different level of commitment. ** I hate the T-Mobile commercial with the "Scrubs" actors and John Travolta singing a bastardized version of "Summer Nights" from "Grease." Maybe it's just me, but it seems disrespectful to Olivia Newton-John.
  13. I reread it not too long ago, so it's still fresh in my head. Gerald fell in love with Ellen for many reasons, and while Ellen probably was fond of him in a way (as much as she could be, since it appears she no longer felt passion for anything after Philippe's death).
  14. Ellen wasn't forced to marry Gerald. He made an offer for her hand, but she was in love with Phillipe Robillard, who was her cousin. He was considered unsuitable for her, probably because he was a "bad boy" (he dies in a barroom brawl after all). When she learns of his death, she declares she will marry Gerald or join a convent. Apparently, to the Robillards, a daughter who was a nun was worse than one who married an upstart Irishman almost 30 years older than she was. It just occurred to me -- in some ways, Ellen was arrested in her love for Phillipe just as Scarlett was arrested in her love for Ashley. Maybe Scarlett was more like her mother than she knew.
  15. Just found this on YouTube. Don't know if it's the same clip as above of Gina Yashere doing her stand-up since the clip won't play for me.
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