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Everything posted by Steph619

  1. Johnny was so proud of himself for his little pink notes. He really hasn't caused any disturbance other than annoying the girls in that room. Speaking of Johnny, I wouldn't be surprised if he wins the whole thing with the way that most people are letting him run the show yet again. I actually like Devin and I agree that he and Wes would be great together. Devin is one of the few people who doesn't kiss up to Johnny and I liked that he called Natali out. Since when did Tori become Challenge royalty? She's only participated in one season along with that crappy Champs vs Stars show and she didn't win either one anyways.
  2. Tony is an idiot who idolizes Johnny, but I agree that he is good looking and he's been performing better this season of the Challenge than the previous ones he's been on. I did find his basketball analogy funny especially when Kyle said he had no idea who Dennis Rodman was. I hadn't suspected Johnny as the one writing the notes, but it wouldn't suprise me if it was him after all. My bet was on Marie. Victor actually does seem genuinely nice to me, but since the troika seems to believe it's an act, I think he's going into elimination against Brad.
  3. This episode scared me. Seeing how much of a psychopath Andrew Cunanan was and the type of control that he had over people is chilling. I think Darren Criss is doing an excellent job with this role. I too was afraid of the dog being killed. I can't say I'm a big fan of the order the show Is going, backwards rather than forward, because I get kind of confused by the sequence of events. However, it's interesting that although they're going in reverse, Andrew Cunanan seems to get worse and scarier with each episode.
  4. The death of the guy who was killed towards the end for his truck was really sad to me. The way he pleaded to not be killed by talking about wanting to see his family again was the worst because you already know a monster like Andrew Cunanan wouldn't have mercy on him either way. At that point, he was just killing people because he felt like it.
  5. I had no idea that Cory and Cheyenne had a baby together. I thought nothing happened between them after the show. Of course I had to Google them and their baby girl is beautiful!
  6. I initially thought Natalie was a nice girl, but she rubbed me the wrong way this episode. I agree with Devin in that she doesn't seem genuine and by aligning herself with Johnny Bananas, that alone makes her have a target on her back. The challenge itself wasn't too interesting. I don't think I even paid attention to what the goal was. Corey needs to take a break from the Challenge. I had high expectations for him on his very first Challenge season, but he hasn't done anything impressive since. I commend him though for not sucking up to Bananas like most people do.
  7. Champs vs Pros was a lot better than Champs vs Stars. The Stars really had no chance from the beginning as the Champs were always better than them strategically and athletically. I always love seeing CT win so I was glad he won for his charity as well as Emily and Johnny. I still don't like Johnny, but at least his winnings went to a good cause. Zach is delusional if he thinks he's a better athlete than CT. He might be in better shape than CT, but CT is a beast.
  8. I had to laugh when Kailah made fun of Cara's hair. Has she looked in a mirror lately? Britni and Brad hooking up on the first night at the house is just...wow. He's a dad already and shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff on tv especially since it seems he's just doing it so his ex, Tori, can see. Did Derrick really hook up with Britni too? That's actually disappointing to me. Marie looked really sloppy and yeah, I don't understand her or Cara's attraction to Kyle. Good job to the other Brit, Ross, who won the first challenge along with the money. That guy is fit.
  9. I absolutely loved Coco! Pixar did it again in delivering a wonderful story that was entertaining and heartwarming. I thought the plot twists were unexpected and the animation itself was beautiful. The scene towards the end between Miguel and Coco was so touching and reminded me of my own loved ones who have already passed on. I hope this movie wins best animated film at the Oscars!
  10. This season has been crap and on top of it, Camila was crowned the winner who didn't even bother coming to the reunion in order to avoid being confronted about her racist remarks towards Leroy. I'm glad that they still addressed it. I really wish Cara and CT would've won. They were both awesome this season.
  11. I was surprised that Tori ended up being in third place, but I'm not surprised she hooked up with Jordan. It was obvious she had a thing for him. Aww, CT in third place was disappointing for me because I wanted him to win. I hope Derrick and Cara win, but I don't understand why we have to wait yet again to know who won. Come on already!
  12. I'll be honest, I haven't watched one full episode of DWTS this season, but I did catch that they would have trios this week with past winners and contestants so I decided to just watch it for that. Many people complain about Alfonso always being on this show, but I don't care! I love that guy and it's such a joy to watch him dance. He was so good in the trio with Witney and Frankie. If they ever do an All-Stars season again, I hope he joins. I love Laurie too, but I didn't like her trio with Val and Victoria. I felt like it was centered around her when it really should've showcased Victoria. I also didn't think it was performed well.
  13. Unfortunately for me, I think Jordan won, but I'm hoping CT somehow pulled out the win because I really don't want to hear Jordan talking about this win for years to come. I would love Cara to win, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tori won instead. Their times seem like they will be very close. Camila has to be in third after freaking out on the cliff and getting screwed over by Tori. I don't like this type of final where they have to work in pairs rather than individuals and it's timed. I prefer the type of final where they just go through different types of tasks and whoever gets to the end first, wins. What's worst is that we'll have to wait until the very end of the reunion to see who wins.
  14. I'm happy for Derrick making it to the final, but I wish Jenna had made it over Camila. However, both Jenna and Kailah performed poorly and seemed like they just gave up. For all the planning Kailah did to get to the final, she hardly performed well enough to actually earn a spot there. Jordan has become more annoying to me than Johnny Bananas, but I'm glad he was ok after the landing accident. Kudos to Cara for facing her fear and skydiving because I know I would never be able to do it. I'm hoping for a Cara/CT win!
  15. Cara gets her emotions too wrapped up in this game, but I love her because she's an awesome competitor and she deserves to be in the final. I love her friendship with CT and it would be cool if they ended up winning the whole thing. Just wish she would separate herself from Camila because Camila's not a good person. I can't stand Jordan so too bad he made it to the final. I hope Derrick and Jenna can make it to the final too out of the six that lost.
  16. His creativity and vision were incredible. I wish he would've won his season.
  17. I personally can't stand Jordan, especially the way that he talks to women. It always seems like he's talking down to them. Even though Cara acted very immature by throwing his bag in the water, I don't blame her for disliking him and not wanting to share the same room as him. To be fair to her, a lot of the other Challenge ladies have had their share of breakdowns in the finals. Hell, even Zach did. Jordan should simply admit he doesn't like Cara and that's it. I'll always root for Road Rules so I was glad that Derrick beat Johnny even though Johnny hasn't annoyed me as much as on other seasons. Jemmye's Real World: Cartagena was pretty accurate. Dario's description was the funniest. I'm hoping that Cara and CT come back next week from the Redemption house and go on to win the final.
  18. So sad to read about Mychael's passing. He is one of my all-time favorite designers from Project Runway because of his talent and personality. He seemed like such a nice guy and will surely be missed.
  19. A cheating scandal and a double elimination?! This episode was jam packed with the drama. I wasn't expecting Margarita and Michael's protests to lead to Claire's elimination, but then the tape measure came up so it was only fair that she was eliminated. I didn't feel that Claire's apology for cheating was sincere though like most of her and her sister's behavior throughout the season. I actually did feel bad for Margarita and Michael because I don't think they intended for it to blow up the way it did at the judging panel, but it seemed that it was something that they wanted to speak up about for a while now. For the Shopkins challenge, my favorite looks were Michael, Margarita, and Kenya's, but I thought that Ayana's look was going to win. Batani's design looked unfinished and like a bunch of scraps thrown together so I agree with her elimination. I didn't think Amy would get eliminated too, but her design was very plain.
  20. Kailah needs to take it down a notch with her sense of superiority. I consider her to be one of the strongest girls in the house, but I wouldn't say she's the strongest or unbeatable by any means. I couldn't stand her this episode. I predicted last week that Cara Maria and CT or Johnny would get thrown into the Redemption house so I'm not surprised that Cara and CT actually did. I think it's been a long time coming that someone would actually try to take them out of the game, but it's probably not the smartest move in the long run. They will most likely come back and I hope they do.
  21. Ugh, the Redemption house still exists?! This season is going on longer than it should. My thought is that Cara and Johnny or CT will get thrown into the Redemption house and if so, I fully expect them to come back. I still wish Darrell could come back too!
  22. I'm sorry, but there's no amount of money that would motivate me to eat any of that gross stuff especially that water rat! That and the pig's nose made me nauseous just looking at it. I would rather eat CT's attempt of a cake. I was rooting for Nicole to come back to the house. She really tried her best and Aneesa annoys me. She's good at eliminations, but in general, she's not a strong competitor for all the talk that she does. At least Johnny finally owned up to the fact that he's an instigator. I admit I laughed at Tony's face full of feathers and him losing a part of his eyebrow in the process, but still. Speaking of Tony, I feel bad for his girlfriend back at home being lied to about the cheating and having to find out about it on social media.
  23. Camila got off way too easy. I was hoping that TJ would tell her to pack her bags and go home. Her behavior and remarks were disgusting and she needs some serious help. Leroy is a gentleman in the way he handled the situation. Tony is also another one that walked away without any repercussions. People were super hard on Cara Maria for fooling around with Thomas when she was with Abram, but Tony actually has kids and I didn't feel that people were that hard on him. I guess they forgot considering what happened with Camila.
  24. I liked Rachel and Veronica when they were on the Challenges together and even I had no clue they actually were a couple for three years. I never thought of it more than just a hook-up with Abram thrown in the mix. Cara Maria and CT are definitely dominating this game and for my sake, I hope no one tries to split them up because I love those two, but I wouldn't surprised if someone is already thinking about doing so. I would have been of zero help to my team if I were doing that season history challenge. I've probably watched all of them, but I hardly remember what their names were or where they took place. Why is the Redemption House still open? I thought that was over with.
  25. Ugh...I can't believe Tony made it into the house over Darrell. Can next season just start already so we can see Darrell finally get back at Cory? Why is MTV trying to convince us that Tony is this awesome guy who deserves to win because he's a dad? He's an idiot who lacks self-control when he drinks and has zero respect for women. I don't care for him at all. I'm happy that Jenna came back at least because as nice as it would've been to see Camila miserable over Amanda winning, she got played dirty and I look forward to her getting back at Jemmye. Now that I think about it, for all the questions about who are you gunning for, etc., it would've been cool if each person from the Redemption house got to choose someone from the actual Challenge house to go up against above the water. Granted, Darrell and Devin both wanted to take out Cory and LaToya admitted it would've been Jenna who was already in the redemption house, but it still would've been interesting. The same number of people would've remained in the Challenge house, but I'm sure some more people from the Redemption house would've won their spot back.
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