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Everything posted by Steph619

  1. I'm ashamed to say that I tuned in to watch both episodes of this show. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I don't feel bad for Kylie when she talks about her struggles with being famous. If she didn't like it, she wouldn't constantly be seeking attention on social media or doing this reality show in the first place. She was a cute girl with personality prior to all of the plastic surgery. She's had a lot of work done already for someone so young.
  2. Cory is going about it the wrong way. In staying with the theme of the game that everyone likes to remind us about how dirty it is, he should've acted like he was on Johnny's side and backstabbed him at the right moment. He's so blatant about it and he doesn't have the smartest allies like Nelson or Hunter for that matter. Tony is a dummy and I really hope he doesn't come back from the redemption house. He has zero respect for women and is crap at these challenges. I would much rather see Darrell come back as well as Jenna.
  3. I'm mad at Corey for "eliminating" Darrell from the game so I hope Darrell comes back and gets his revenge. I love CT and Cara Maria so I'm rooting for both of them. I actually don't mind Tori and Derrick K. They do seem like a cute couple and although I don't think Derrick K. will make it far, I think Tori might. She seems like she'll be a good competitor. I don't really know why Camila feels like she has to look out for Corey. I understand they hooked up, but he has no loyalty to any of the girls including her. How did MTV manage to not film the fight between Simone and Shane?
  4. Aww, I loved that Cara Maria and Darrell won together as a team after being eliminated first back on Fresh Meat 2. I was rooting for them to win so I'm happy they did. It was really full circle and I too love the friendships Cara has made with both Darrell and CT. I think second and third place should've received money too for having finished the final. It's not an easy thing to do and they worked hard for their charities. Overall, it was a great season/special of the Challenge. There was drama here and there, but nothing too bad. The main focus was on the Challenge and not on miscellaneous stuff happening at the house. I also really liked Victor Cruz as host so I hope he comes back to host again someday.
  5. Lol, I forgot that Cuz and Ashley hooked up on a previous Challenge. Ashley has a lot of growing up to do. She's in her 20's and still throwing tantrums? Nobody likes to go into eliminations, but two out of the three times that she went in were because she volunteered to be team captain and unfortunately, the Champs lost both of those times. i honestly didn't think that the Champs would be able to beat the Pros in the Challenge, but man, CT was a beast and proved me wrong. How dare Ashley and the producer interrupt his nap in the van?!
  6. I've always thought that Johnny is attracted to Cara Maria. Not only is she beautiful, but he probably secretly likes that she's never thrown herself at him or tried to form an alliance with him in order to get far in a Challenge. She plays her own game and is a strong competitor so she doesn't need to do that type of stuff. Plus, I don't think she finds Johnny attractive at all.
  7. I agree that this first episode of Champs vs Pros was much better and exciting than all of last season of the Challenge. It reminded me of the old school Challenge seasons a.k.a. Real World vs Road Rules challenges, that were actually really good and fun to watch. I liked Victor Cruz as the host and I also liked that the cast is competing for charities. Even if they lose, they walk away with something which is nice. I actually love Veronica because she was on one of my favorite Road Rules seasons, "Semester at Sea" and she was a good competitor back in the day. It sucks that she was eliminated first, but it was kind of obvious that she would get voted in. I've always found Lolo Jones annoying, but athletically, she's a force to be reckoned with. I honestly don't think any of the Champs girls would stand a chance against her one on one. Louise was shady when she pulled out that lime and said Lolo's name. I highly doubt it was Lolo's name on the lime and her talking about it to the camera later made me like her lol.
  8. What I understood from that Cara Maria and Laurel argument is that Laurel doesn't trust Cara Maria because she feels like Cara flirted with Nicole during the show despite how Laurel felt and after the show, has tried to contact Nicole. Basically, Laurel is afraid Nicole will cheat on her with Cara hence blocking her number. In my opinion, it's not worth fighting over Nicole. I think Nicole wants to act all innocent now like she was never interested in Cara in the first place when it was clear that she liked her more than Laurel. Had Cara won that elimination, Nicole would've continued to pursue her and Laurel wouldn't have even mattered. The difference is that I don't think Cara would've accepted Nicole's advances. I don't see Laurel and Nicole lasting. Ashley seemed drunk and Camila was crazy as always. I did feel bad for Kailah though because it seems she really did have feelings for Cory, but she never meant anything to him. It was nice to see the Miz hosting!
  9. I'm not surprised that Simone was eliminated. After the judges nitpicking, I don't know why they acted surprised since they contributed to that outcome.
  10. Congrats to CT for winning! I was rooting for him as well as Darrell so I'm glad that at least one of my favorite guys from the champs ended up with the win. I don't hate Ashley nor do I like her all that much, but I do have to give her props for doing so well in the final and winning. I thought it was a sweet moment when she called her mom. My favorite part of last night's episode was when TJ caught them eating and chilling instead of stringing the beads and they all just ran back to their spots. CT was the funniest because he went back even before TJ was finished telling them off. Now on to Champs vs Pros! It looks really good, but I hope MTV didn't mess up that format too.
  11. I've been very uninterested in this season of DWTS in contrast to last season where I watched every single show, but I did catch last night in its entirety. What happened with Simone last night is just the typical nitpicking that the judges like to impose on the front runner every season. I'm sure Simone's response to the judges turned a lot of people off, but I don't blame her. From what I've seen from Simone in gymnastics, she seems like a genuinely nice and charismatic person so it's not a matter of her not taking criticism well, but rather just being frustrated because the judges kept saying she wasn't being real. Bonner was the weakest dancer and that guy has just been creepy to me since that incident with Sharna in the first week. I'm glad he was finally eliminated.
  12. MTV, why the hell are the underdogs and Champs forced to work with each other on the final when the whole point of this season was supposed to be underdogs going against Champs? MTV sure screwed up the format of what could've been an awesome season. I'm rooting for both CT and Camila to win. I felt bad seeing Darrell eliminated, but I can never be mad at CT winning. He'll always be one of my favorite people on the Challenge. Speaking of CT, I'm happy to see that he's in a better place now than where he described being after Diem's passing. I personally thought the ceremony was a nice departure from the partying that we usually see the people on the Challenge doing.
  13. As a Real Madrid fan, I'm happy they made it through to the semifinals, but I can't help wondering if things would've been different if Bayern hadn't had a player sent off in each leg. Real Madrid gets the job done, but they suffer in every game and concede silly goals like today with Sergio Ramos. Real Madrid can play better and that usually happens when the BBC aren't all playing at the same time. I really hope Real Madrid don't face off against Atlético Madrid yet again. I'm kind of tired of them, lol.
  14. My favorite girl from the Champs was Cara Maria so once she was eliminated, I didn't really mind either way if Laurel or Camila made it to the final. I was surprised Laurel lost, but it was clear that she wasn't focused and gave up along the way. My main dilemma will come next week because I love both CT and Darrell. I wish they could both make it to the final. I laughed at TJ's "I don't give hugs" when Camila hugged him.
  15. Aww, I was rooting for Jenna to make it to the final so too bad she got eliminated. I can't stand Amanda so I'm glad to see her go. She talks ways too much crap, but I do feel for her dad. I hope he's ok. CT was hiliarious during the underdogs puzzle challenge and I too loved Darrell's "Se-doo-doo" puzzle. Shane is such an instigator, but I love him. I wonder if Corey will go home now because he pushed Nelson first.
  16. Pro: Johnny went home! Darrell is just awesome so I'm glad he won especially after being gone for so long. It's hard for me to pick between him and CT for the win, but I can't help rooting for Darrell. Con: Cara Maria went home too. I would've loved to have seen her get to the final and win, but I knew that it wouldn't be easy for her to beat Laurel. I like Laurel, but she really is an annoying drunk! I could care less about her romance with Nicole. It's about time that some underdogs get cut. This whole format could've been so much better had it really been Champs vs underdogs in the eliminations. The Champs have always been at a disadvantage during these challenges as they're always outnumbered so not surprising that they've currently got more money in the bank. I love Jenna! She made me laugh out loud with her "Nobody listens to me!" at the club when she was advising Nicole to go talk to Laurel and instead, Nicole went to dance. I find Jenna very endearing which is why I hope she finds someone a hell of a lot better than Zach. Plus, she's a great competitor.
  17. The thing about the love triangle is that Cara Maria's not into Nicole at all. Nicole has been very pushy towards hooking up with Cara and she hasn't reciprocated, at least not according to what we've seen. Cara's response to Nicole's "I want you" did end up being "That's nice, thank you" lol.
  18. Damn you MTV for making me wait until next week to see who wins! I really want Darrell to beat Johnny, not just because I dislike Johnny, but also because Darrell has been gone for so long and I love how hungry he is to win. He's just awesome and it's nice to see how much he loves his kids. I wish it wasn't Laurel vs Cara. They're both my favorites, but I would love to see Cara win. However, I think Laurel will have the upper hand based on the height difference. Cara is pretty strong so I don't underestimate her, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. This episode was probably the first time I actually enjoyed the "Camilanator." Camila and Amanda's whole fight was funny and entertaining because of the cheap shots. Shane's actually a smart guy. He did what he needed to do to help his team win and brought down all of the Champs guys. I could care less about the love triangle honestly.
  19. I usually have love for Shane, but I did find him kind of annoying on this episode too. I'm sure he wishes he was part of the Champs team, rather than the Underdogs and I can't blame him for that when he's stuck with people like Ashley and Amanda. Amanda is very delusional and Ashley is too dramatic. I understand Ashley was sick, but why give Johnny the satisfaction of seeing that you're pissed especially the second time around when she was fine. Prank him back or just ignore it. I love CT! He may be getting older, but he'll always be cool to me. He had me cracking up with his comments about Corey and Camila hooking up. Poor Kailah left thinking that Corey and her were the real deal, meanwhile, he wasted no time moving on to someone else.
  20. I was rooting for both Cara Maria and Darrell so I'm glad they both won their respective eliminations. Ashley K seems nice, but Cara is my favorite and there is no way I was going to root for Zach over Darrell. Darrell's still got it after all this time. At least Zach showed some remorse over what he did to Jenna, but meh. I love that Cara Maria has never bowed down to Johnny like a lot of other people have. I guess that's one of the many reasons why he throws her into eliminations every chance he gets and vice versa. The preview for the rest of the season looks pretty good. Have they mentioned how many people will be on each team at the end?
  21. Yay, India! I'm not used to having my favorites win reality shows and I'm really happy that she won. Such a great model and seems like a really nice down to earth person too. I wish her all the best! I'm hoping that the final judging panel was fake with Law and Ashley supporting Tatiana over India. If not, Ashley sure is a fake coming out to hug India and congratulating her on her win, lol. Drew was absolutely the best judge for me this whole season because he actually gave constructive criticism and was never snarky just for the hell of it. "You go sell lotion and I'll sell a brand" was the best line of the season. Poor Rita! She could hardly keep her eyes open with all that heavy eye makeup.
  22. I think Corey is good-looking, but he's definitely a man whore. He makes it his mission to hook up with at least one girl on every season of the Challenge he's on. I don't think he made it very far with Cheyenne, but he did with Aneesa and Kailah. I love Shane so I wanted him to beat Tony and I'm glad he did. Bleh, Nelson! Some guys just can't take no for an answer. Just because you tell a girl you like her, it doesn't mean she has to correspond. Oh Jenna! I wish she would realize what a jerk Zach is. She shouldn't care about the rumors getting back to him, but I'd be annoyed at a bunch of girls talking about me. Of course Johnny was in the midst of it all and stirring the pot with his usual "Who me? What did I do?" when confronted about it.
  23. I would love this! It would be awesome if Will Ferrell joined him, but I know that won't happen. The front-runners for me at this point are Simone and Heather. I'm looking forward to seeing Simone dancing with Sasha because that's who I originally wanted to see Laurie paired up with last season. However, I think that Simone will constantly be compared to Laurie.
  24. I agree, MTV messed up the format. The only time the champs and underdogs go head to head is during the team challenges to bank money, but it would've been great if they faced off against each other in eliminations as well. Also, it doesn't make sense to me that a team wins a challenge and still has to go through an elimination round. Zach swears he's the best male physical competitor on the Challenge or whatever bs he said, but hello, CT is there. If I were a guy, I'd be more afraid to go up against CT than Zach who gets tired immediately and lies down like he's about to die. He's already done that on more than one occasion including a final.
  25. India for the win! Her Rimmel video was by far the best. Her eyes are her best feature so they were perfect for selling the eye makeup. I disagree with Courtney being eliminated. I didn't like her all that much at the beginning, but she grew on me. She probably had the best confessionals with the comments she would make. Putting that aside, she definitely should've made it to the top three over Coryanne or Tatiana based on modeling alone.
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