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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Make that... From People: Robert and Kym (Johnson) Herjavec expecting TWINS together! Kym apparently announced it on her Instagram Tuesday. I didn't see if they know/don't know the gender(s) yet.
  2. Mario may have still been all over the show's FB page this morning, but there was a "disclaimer" (I think that's the word I want) type of thing, involving Clinton, Carla, & Michael, & talking about how there are now sexual misconduct accusations against Mario & he's had to step down from both his restaurant group & the show until the current investigation into what may/may not have happened is finished. I think they were trying to sound like they were supporting him. Unfortunately I can't find it posted to, like, YouTube in case somebody missed it. I also heard they're either not showing repeats for now, or else the ones they show won't include Mario (& I don't see how they can edit him out of existing eps without losing enough show content that they have to fill the missing time with more commercials, or something); so I hope they have enough older, but still reasonably current, eps where he wasn't on the show at all that they can air. They were probably gonna go on their Christmas/New Year's hiatus soon, I would think. And the other thing I heard was PBS is now apparently holding off on the Molto Mario reboot (airing it?) until everything's been investigated.
  3. From CNN: San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, the City's First Asian-American Mayor, Dead at 65 of a Heart Attack
  4. From ET Online: Robert and Kym (Johnson) Herjavec Expecting First Child Together
  5. Way back in October, I posted the above. The awards gala, with DDK & Grace Park among the honorees, was held over the weekend. DDK & Grace spoke to ET Canada (which seems to be the only ET version still interested in covering the show), about their departures from the show. Looks like the 1 who said he wanted to stay maybe didn't want to, as much as he said he did. DDK and Grace Park Speak to ET Canada About Leaving H50 I think I'm disappointed; but I support their rights to leave the show if they thought it was best.
  6. Bradley posted this to his Twitter. It's a Public Service Announcement with him & Martin Sheen reminding everyone that the deadline to sign up for the Affordable Care Act is December 15th. That's this Friday. Bradley refers to himself as "Josh Lyman" in the video (I don't think he said the more formal "Joshua"); so I guess we can assume he was supposed to have been in character in the video. It's a bit harder with Martin, to tell if he's in or out of character; he isn't referred to as either "(Former) President Bartlet" or "Martin Sheen" in the video.
  7. I'm a year younger than him; 55 is way too young. Agreed.
  8. This Tweet says you can watch the movie online without having to use 1 of those dumb cable log-ins (which I never seem to know or know how to find).
  9. From USA Today: Actor Steve Reevis, From "Fargo" & "Dances with Wolves", Dead at Age 55 By the way, I meant to add above that the bankruptcy plan involving David Cassidy that's mentioned in the previous post wasn't agreed to by 1 of his creditors.
  10. Scott's time off isn't (at least technically) a certain number of weeks. It's for a certain number of episodes in a season: For every 5 episodes Alex appears in per season, Scott gets to miss 1 episode. That takes into account, in my opinion, both that Alex appears in every episode per season, & that he doesn't/might not (& we know he missed 2 H50 eps--220 & 221--plus the NCIS LA half of the crossover from H50 S2, when he needed the time off to get off the pain meds he'd been taking after racking up a bunch of injuries doing stunts he probably should've let his stunt double do instead; not to mention his being so dedicated to the show, he hasn't wanted to take the necessary time off from shooting to get his injuries treated properly--at least if it meant being sidelined for weeks or months due to surgery). I'm pretty sure that Alex's absence was before Scott had his contract renegotiated to the deal where Scott gets to miss 1 episode for every 5 Alex does. Scott started missing eps in either S3 or S4, as I remember. But I think it was S3, 'cause his daughter was born at the beginning of S4 & I'm pretty sure Scott was already missing eps by the time she was born. Also, I think (I would hope, at least) that Scott's contractually missed episodes aren't counted as sick days if they're not supposed to be--& I would think the negotiated time off is meant for him to be with his loved ones &, where applicable, have time to pursue any or all of his other creative passions. I would hope if he gets an injury bad enough to have him miss an episode or more, that gets counted separately from his "1 ep off for every 5 of Alex's" deal. Otherwise, I don't think it's fair to Scott.
  11. If you're on a yacht & everyone suddenly feels queasy I'd blame it on seasickness or norovirus, before salmonella, I think. No, it's not likely everyone in a small group on a boat/ship would get sick. But if you just happened to get the right group of people together, it could conceivably happen. (Shrugs)
  12. Nope. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. I've (among others, I'm sure) been looking for it to hit the media, like when he hurt his knee during early S1 filming & that had to be written in for Danny to be hurt too, while Scott was still recovering from his surgery for it. I guess this time it's nobody's business, or he really hurt the arm like Danny did, falling off a ladder, but doesn't wanna admit it. About a week ago (I think), I posted in the Spoilers and Speculation thread that 1 of my best friends, who also likes the show, & I were talking about Scott's arm & (mostly) she threw out some ways Scott might've gotten hurt. She was the 1 who said maybe he really did fall off a ladder in real life too.
  13. Perhaps because the rule says I before E, except after C, & the word sounds like C at the beginning (shrugs)?
  14. They--at least the people with Psych--really didn't publicize it that much, until time came to start talking about the movie. Tim didn't even Tweet about it until 4 weeks later--if you can see the article I'm linking to, his Tweet is on that page. Oops! I forgot to link the article Timothy Omundson Has Stroke Before Psych: The Movie Begins Filming Anyway, he Tweeted on May 28th & said "4 weeks ago the day before" (May 27th, so, like, the end of April), he'd had "a wee touch of the stroke". Unless there are some Psych fans with really good info sources who knew before that, Tim's Tweet was probably the first place fans/the general public knew. According to the linked article, he got sick while traveling through Tampa Airport & was immediately hospitalized & had surgery. And he was in rehab (the kind you don't go to for addictions) & recovering since then. And, unless you follow Tim on social media you probably still didn't know about the stroke unless you were talking with someone who knows you like Psych & knew about it & told you. Because, again, the only people who were talking about it were the fans & the people working on the movie. At least until it was time to publicize the movie; then the world started to learn about it because the producers & other cast felt they had to explain why Lassie was pretty much MIA in the movie.
  15. Nope. I made a mistake & didn't catch it (& I managed to get it fixed) until I read your post. So, thanks. Anyway... His TV wife (at least on Full House & Fuller House) & wife #1 were both Rebeccas (but I'm not sure if there's a connection or not). His current fiancée, & expected wife #2 is a Caitlin... & I think about 23 years younger than John; 31 to his 54. I think I had Rebecca on the brain too much writing this post. Sorry!
  16. David was still doing concerts through earlier this year, when he announced his dementia diagnosis & that he was also retiring from performing, apparently because of the diagnosis. If the linked article above has the same info as 1 I read somewhere else & lost track of now, it was quoted as saying (from a plan he filed in 2016 with the court & whomever else is involved in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing) that/something like he was performing into 2016 & expected to be able to do so for the next three years (apparently meaning into 2019... & then the dementia was diagnosed & David retired from the stage, partially due to the dementia & partially to focus on himself).
  17. He filed Chapter 11 in 2015, & he also went to rehab for drinking & got his third divorce the same year. He apparently didn't learn about his dementia until earlier this year, 2017, right before he announced it. He was still expecting a legal payment of around $94,000, which he won after suing Sony (I think) in regards to something involving his PF royalties. MSN.com reprinted this article which discusses David's at least alleged net worth at the time of his death.
  18. I thought it sounded like they used 1 of those machines like Stephen Hawking does because of his illness, where you type into it & it speaks for you, either in your own voice or in a Siri/CortanaAlexa/Other type voice, either male or female based on your gender. If his scene wasn't done that way, I just remembered another way they could've done it: by using (at least mostly) phrases Tim had said in other episodes, that they could cut & paste together & maybe add just a little new stuff to, to make a brief, but complete, conversation with Juliet. If they needed some technological help to put Tim in the movie at all, & I know how badly he wanted to be involved, so be it. I'm not knocking it--my dad was a neurosurgeon & I have some neurological issues myself, though mine are more spinal than cerebral--I'm just pointing out that I thought parts of the conversation, on Tim's side, didn't necessarily sound "natural" to me (which I figured may have had something to do with the state of his verbal abilities, & the length of rehab time he'd had, post-stroke, by the time they put Tim & Maggie's scene together).
  19. The Twitter for The West Wing Weekly announced Dulé Hill will be appearing with The West Wing Weekly hosts at SF Sketchfest . The format of their show will be a Big Block of Cheese Day, with real cheese for the audience--at least for those who get to ask questions.
  20. I liked the movie &, of course, I'm really sorry Omundson couldn't be in it more (hopefully there'll be another movie, which will have more of him like they said). But, did anyone else think Omundson's voice sounded a little like it was computerized in places--or am I the only 1? Maybe the computer voice sounding thing was because they were supposed to have been FaceTiming (shrugs).
  21. I would assume there will be 1; they did an individual 1 for Psych: The Musical, besides the Musical eps being in the season DVD, & presumably, the Complete Series DVDs. They just haven't announced a release date yet.
  22. The Twitter account for TWW Weekly Announced that Dulé Hill Is Their Special Guest at SF Sketchfest
  23. He wasn't. Katie was raised by her mom & stepdad. I think David's always taken the attitude that he's just the sperm donor (or something similar), as far as Katie's concerned, since they always had an "up & down" relationship. But I noticed while reading about the will that Katie's middle name is Evelyn (I think pronounced as Eve-lyn, not Ev-ah-lynn; at least that's the way I heard it once), which was David's mom's name. She's Katherine Evelyn Cassidy; so I'm trying to figure out if that was David's only other contribution to her existence, or if Katie's Mom knew that was David's mom's name & she gave it to Katie so she'd have another part of David's side of the family since he was so uninvolved. David was, however, married to his son Beau's mom, Sue Shifrin. They got married in 1991, but I don't know if she was already pregnant when they married. They divorced in the last couple of years; presumably due to his drinking.
  24. The latest H50 merchandise items from the CBS Store: http://www.cbsstore.com/detail.php?p=1508929 http://www.cbsstore.com/detail.php?p=1508934
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